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Posts posted by MoR137

  1. Thanks for a solid two evenings racing Johno and Kev! Well done to Jarry on the final and Spike to top scoring! Also big well done to JK for a faultless drive in the euro...... you were lucky, but so were the rest of us who got through at the start! Luck plays a part in every win.


    But are the Reds now happy?


    Didn't think there were too many rubbish hits (there was a stupid one first bend of the GN but meh, reasonably quiet for the rest of the night). As dazza says, a lack of teamwork is to blame..... too much ego maybe, we all want to be in front of each other..... one won't follow the other etc. I think there are too many reds this month, but admin have a tricky dilemma on their hands...... fast people with high averages...... you can't put them at superstar and you can't put them at blue. I'm sure they have it covered and will have noted a lot of disgruntled comments, but at the end of the day, who's fault is it that we've been racing rubbish? Certainly not theirs......


    See you all next week!

  2. Hi matty,


    As demon says, the flcsT pretty much covers that car, and any new chassis additions will be of something a bit different, which is why we put the falding and the lund in the last one (unfortunately there isn't much different out there! And the more 'different' you go, the less it's used, so the more time is wasted lol!). The great thing about the upgrades system in rfactor is it allows us lots of room for getting as many skins as possible onto one chassis and have them all look pretty much correct.


    Having said that, the car looks awesome, I love the witts chassis that he's been building since the one I modelled for heat, great shape to them, and the scoops are cool too!




  3. Hi all,


    Having recently bought a rather large desk, I have decided t would be more practical for me to have the computer and Xbox running through the same screen. However I have a problem. I have read about the Xbox VGA cable which you can use to plug the Xbox directly to the back of the monitor, which also has to connections for sound. Now, Im assuming if I conect the 2 connections to the computer I can get sound and picture through the pc speakers and the monitor.


    However, what I would ideally like to do is connect the Xbox to the monitor and have sound and picture without having the computer running. Im sure this is possible but I cannot think of the way to do it.


    Has anyone done this, or could anyone post up the various bits and pieces I would ned to do this.


    Im due a new set of speakers anyway, so if there are speakers out there for a reasonable price that I could plug the 2 connections from the Xbox VGA cable into that would work, please give me a shout as be buggers if i can find em!


    Cheers in advance,





    Hi Dazza,


    I'm not a big expert on connections and stuff, but I do have experience connecting an xbox via a VGA cable. The two audio connections are the red and white phono ones aye? You could look for a set of speakers which have an audio input that would match (unlikely i guess?), or if you find some speakers with a jack/mini-jack line-in you'd be onto a winner, because all you'd need is a phono to stereo jack cable, and then a phono coupler. Then hopefully, if you have all that going into the line-in on your speakers, you'd be able to use the speakers with the xbox, without having the PC on. If you can't find a set of speakers with a line-in, you could plug that jack into the stereo line-in on your PC/Sound card if you have one, but you'd need your PC on.


    Those links were just quick finds BTW, probably not the cheapest!


    Hope it helps anyway, like i say, I'm not an expert on these things by any means, I'm sure someone might have a better idea.




  4. Really enjoyed this meeting, my first one on shale in rFactor F1...was pleased to be able to move up through the field after early set-backs in the Heats, and come within a few laps of winning the Final, had it not been for a gaggle of backmarkers and of course Ironmac who I had a top race with.


    Does anyone have the Heat 1 replay handy please? I didn't realise there was a yellow top 'novice' skin available prior to being told in a race, so will be sure to use that if I race again without a personalised skin.




    Im yet to have seen this yellow roof novice also, my skin has been submitted now so hopfully ill be using that in a week or so...........


    When your in the car select screen, there's a 'skins' tab, that's where they are :thumbup:


  5. Hello all,


    Hooray! It's finally done! I started this project way back on the 11th December and it's been a real beast, but its done now, so I can look forward to having some life back.... until the next project!


    >>>>>DOWNLOAD IT HERE<<<<<



    1 - Download the file from the link above.

    2 - Unzip it using winrar.

    3 - You will get 2 installers. Install 'Coventry_v1.exe' first, followed by 'Coventry_v1 F1_Stockcars_AIW_Setup.exe'.

    4 - Enjoy.


    The server is set up and ready to go for those who want a blast online.


    For those you without rFactor, here's a couple of pictures and a brief video of the track in action.








    Hope you like it!





  6. Thanks for the meeting chaps, well done Tosh on the final and Mike for top scoring.


    Thought it was a great meeting even though I had a pretty rubbish meeting myself, seemed to get spun very early on in races and spent them trying to catch up. Heat 3 was my favourite race as I pushed hard and made up some good ground near the end. Highlight of the night was getting put over the fence in the final (was a little disappointed but it was quite funny) by hard pushing reds and superstars launching me over the top of somebody's bonnet.


    See you all tomorrow.


  7. Hi Walker,


    This may be a bit of a long shot, but have you checked if you have any of the driving aids turned on (they can be turned on mistakenly by hitting their assigned keys when playing offline - they will be disabled in an online server). Check in the difficulty menu - there's things like steering help and braking help which have caught me out in the past.


    Otherwise, it sounds quite strange - does it happen on all tracks? If not, i suppose it could be setup related (brake bias?).


    Hope it helps a little.


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