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Posts posted by MoR137

  1. Yep, thanks admin for a great season. The 7.30-9pm arrangement may not have been to everybody's taste but I think its a job well done considering the circumstances and we've seen a nice steady growth of interest in the mod. Thanks to all that have supported the mod and made the work all worthwhile for everybody on UKSOM. I for one am looking forward to the 2009 season (hopefully I get to race all of it!), all the new paintjobs, the new faces and of course, a very healthy looking fixture list after this barrage of tracks that madcowie is churning out like a machine!


    Its looking good!

  2. Great video Kruiz - certainly was a great race (I should know, i got to sit and watch all of it from turn 2 after my incident with the home straight post lol!). Watched Matty 300 and Tosh have a great race for the lead, before Matthew 413 came in and took the lead and then after those two held themselves up, you pair came in to fight it out. Great last bender, would've been better if Hutch ate some post though lol!

  3. ahh i see MoR, sorry about that :banghead2: . honestly cant remember where i got them , they were part of a bundle inside a zip file i recieved a while back and was tidying through the junk in photoshop and noticed them.

    then decided to try something different. i remember you having the paint on your red rfactor f1, but had a feeling they werent the same, so thats why i decided to stick these on.


    No problem at all mate, its not your fault (plus unfortunately I've no patent on stock car paint splats I'm afraid! I got the idea from an old Ray Witts car anyway!) I just recognised the shapes and stuff! Whoever traced them did a a clearer job of them, I looked back at the old briscan paintjob and they were a little blurry! :rofl:


  4. I recognise those paint splodges.........


    Looks great!




    aye i knew you had them mor, not sure they are the exact same ones though.


    They are from my 2007 heat briscan skin - whoever gave them you has traced them off the TGA by the looks of it cause the shape/position of the various straying drops are the same. Not your fault though and no problem here, its great to see them utilised on such an awesome skin!


  5. Well done to Hutch for taking yet another championship and Kruiz for taking the final win with an excellent last bender.


    As is usual for me, I thoroughly enjoyed the meeting, even with a pretty mixed bag of results. I thought the track was a unique experience and offered up some the fastest and most frantic racing we get on the mod. Had a pretty bad first heat (not as bad as Aub though; sorry again! lol) so wasn't really expecting much for the big race. However, I got quite a good start and had a great race long battle for 3rd with Matthew and Dazza. Was really tough dodging all the cars in that one - with one particularly frantic lap which really made us lose touch with the top two. The final was my most disastrous race, bending a wheel on a post very early on meaning I had to sit out for the majority of it. The GN i got a few lucky breaks and came home with a nice 4th.


    Overall a great night!


    Cya all next week at Northampton (how nice of work to die down so close to the end of the season! :banghead2: ). Keep an eye out on the forum over the next week as I'm looking to do a full rFc v1.0 release of Kings Lynn soon so I'd like to try and get a few together in afters after next weeks meeting to check its not crashing or behaving badly etc. After that (and the construction of my portfolio website, yawn) i'll be starting my winter project of Coventry, so don't be alarmed if you see me running around cov on Saturday taking pictures of bins, walls and the ground. :rofl:

  6. ..... and drive like his hero, FWJ.




    What's that then? Nudging SSJ slightly wide and then get piled into a pile of cars next bend? :rofl:


    Work has calmed down now (hooray) so I might be able to make this one and the remaining meetings of the season if I can! Been wanting to race Sheffield in a meeting ever since we first tested it a couple of years ago when we were testing the mod, so, I should be able to take up my place at the back of the grid!


    Great preview mav.

  7. Have you tired flattening all the players before you save as a DDS? (remember to back up your psd though just incase you accidentally save it flattened!)


    It does seem totally random this problem - I originally linked it with a newer version of the dds plugin which is why I uploaded an older version to the ukdirt website at the start of the year. Are you using that one?


  8. Thanks to Kev for the meeting and Dan for the servers.


    Thoroughly enjoyed the night - had an average set of heats really, finding a lot of the carnage and struggling to get back into the swing of things after a couple of months off the shale (and the game in general really). Highlight of the heats was Grassers three car dump into the turn 1 fence on me, Kruiz and Matty - especially felt sorry for Matty lol! The average heats resulted in me starting two rows from the back on the grid so didn't really expect much. However, it also seemed to click into place for the British, car felt on rails, got a clean start, managed to get through a few cars, dispatch Sybe into a parked car for 3rd and finish there. Really pleased with another podium finish, and a big well done to Aub for taking the championship! Well deserved after a solid night.


    See you all soon hopefully!

  9. I've considered it - no promises - note the main wing is very different to a normal one as well, so if I do one, the other needs to be done too ;)


    You are very right btw - the main problem with updating any old chassis is getting the updated template out to everybody.... I can see the endless threads already :rofl:


    Like i say, no promises, and don't be too disappointed if it doesn't make the update, it might look rubbish after all. There will be a nice slab of new content in the update, so be patient with us and I'm sure you won't be disappointed :thumbup:

  10. Thanks Kev for a great meeting, thoroughly enjoyed it!


    Well done to Hutch, did everything he needed to do to take the gold, although I can't help but feel he might have had more of a battle on his hands had Dazza not got held up - he had closed the gap and was right on his tail at one point! Still, like I say, you drove a calm and consistent race and took the gold that everyone expected you to take.


    Thought the world final was a pretty decent race - the field did become a bit spread out but I believe a good number of drivers finished on the lead lap. Had a pretty decent race myself, had a slightly hectic first lap with many pushers from behind, then broke away a little to try and catch the lead two. When Dazza dropped back, 4th place Iron closed up. With Dazza looking a bit out of his groove after the earlier problems, I decided to make a move for 2nd, only to drop to 4th when I overcooked it on the next bend overanticipating a return hit. What followed was a great bumper battle with Iron which allowed Dazza to get away a little and take 2nd place. Certainly a good race and definately pleased with 3rd.


    Heat 2 was another good race, plenty of action. The final was a corker in my opinion, most the reds were well up there battling away. Good to see Grasser finally taking a big rFactor win after months and months of bad luck - really deserved after all the work he put in/is still putting in on the mod.


    Well, the bug is still there for me anyway and I hope I can have some Thursday evenings off nearer the end of the season to join you all again - I can't wait.


    I think last nights meeting was a great climax to a successful first season on the mod and I hope you continue to enjoy the rest of the season, with the British Championship and Grand National Championship still to come. Theres some great new tracks out from Madcowie and you've still got F1 Stockcars V1.2 to look forward to later in the year (anybody checked rFactor Central recently?). The future for rFactor on UKDirt looks very good indeed :thumbup:

  11. Excellent preview guys, was a superb read, very interesting.


    Really looking forward to tomorrow evening now. Could be anyones really, I could even see Kruiz getting well up from the back if he has a good start around the inevitable first bend pile up. All depends who does what really. Shame Marten isn't going to around to race it (I had him tipped to win lol), which leaves a nice gap in front of me, but I'm sure Drumbstick will cover that before I can even think about sneaking in lol!


    See you all tomorrow anyway, I better get some practice in when i get home tonight!

  12. Im having a problem opening the legend templates in psp when i try i get an = undefined error has occured - 365

    any ideas


    I'm not 100% sure, but errors like that usually occur when the templates have something photoshop specific in them (shadows, visual effects etc)...... presuming of course the legends templates are psd? If that's the case, you'll need to get someone to open them in photoshop, find out what has been added, and if possible delete the offending bits.


    Hope this helps.


  13. Well, whilst I only raced the Euro last night, I thoroughly enjoyed it! Thought when the grid had lined up, it looked really good, at least worth a screenshot!




    The start was as unpredictable as ever. Walker and Mav did well to hold their nerve on that unenviable front row and came out of the bend (and the next 10 or so laps) in 1st and 2nd, whilst Drumbstick became the race's second casualty.




    Grasser was the first casualty as he slowed for the blues, only to get forced around by the rest of the red roofs who were now up to full speed. I got a bit of air as I clipped his car, sending me wide into the bend.




    As i passed the spun car of Drumbstick, he was just executing a spot turn, which then caught my back wheel, spinning me out (no worries though lol!). That put me in last nearly being lapped by Walker, but I carried on regardless and spent the next 13 or 14 laps on my own. One thing that really struck me was just how close this race was. For those 13 laps, I had the leader in my mirror, and last but one place about half a lap ahead. Thats 19 cars within the space of half a lap for about half the race, with seemingly no carnage for all that time. Eventually heavier hits were going in, people were spinning, the leaders were changing, which gave me plenty of time to catch up. After working my way through a few cars, I found myself in 9th, battling for 6th place with three other drivers (Lee, Matthew and Tosh), which was where the fun really started. This 4 car battle just made the race for me. For a good few laps, we were all going as a 4 car train, coming out side by side, then going into the next bend as a 4 car train again, with the front of queue always having a brush of the fence from the force of the three pushing cars behind. I managed to get a bit of a lucky break with about 3 to go and come home 6th (or 7th as Dazza forgot to fit his transponder). That battle ensured I came out of that race and the evening with a smile on my face. Excellent stock car racing!




    Well done to Hutch for taking the title with Marten not far behind.




    See you all at the World Final meeting!


  14. Eus,


    Splinter and Drumbstick are completely right on this case. Please use the vehicle viewer from the link provided to view your paintjobs. It's much easier and much quicker to take a look at your paintjobs using this, i'd definately recommend it.



  15. Any news about when Kings Lynn might be released,I know that the track is being used in the league

    at the moment but i did'nt download it when it was available,I cant download it now because it has been removed.

    Has anybody got any updates on any other tracks for the F1 Stock cars?

    Imust say thanks to MOR for Northampton International Raceway what a fabulous track.

    MOR you are the top man mate, top man. Thanks guys.


    Hi mate,


    Thanks for the kind comments and I'm glad you enjoyed NIR. If I was you, i'd download Kings Lynn - its in the same situation as NIR (just a beta version) and it's not currently on my to-do list for a while to update it v1.0. I will get the link on the ukdirt website fixed when i get home - i originally took it down because somebody had posted directions to it from rFcentral but that seems to have died down now. I will get around to updating both NIR and Lynn eventually, and Skeggy will also be due an update whether me and Wrighty get around to it.


    As for other tracks, I'd expect the flow of tracks to start slowing down a bit now... I will personally be working on some stuff for the mod and also some personal stuff for my portfolio. I'm sure I will get the bug to do a track sometime in the future though, but I'd rather do it without the time constraints.


    So just keep an eye out :)




  16. Hello,


    I have sent 0.6 out to a few people and everybody has come back positive for this working, so fingers crossed, it will be the same for everybody.




    Before you install version 1.6, make sure you do the following:

    - Delete the NIR folder from C:\Program Files\rFactor\GameData\Locations

    - Delete the NIR.HAT and NIRHR.HAT files from C:\Program Files\rFactor\UserData\LOG\HAT (if they are there).


    Failure to do this could cause big problems!


    >>>>>DOWNLOAD NIR V0.6 HERE<<<<<


    The loading screens are labelled with v0.6, so you can check you have the right one on those.




    Please report back on your success (or lack of) on getting 0.6 to work ASAP please. I have an alternate version if there are still massive problems, which I can release when I'm home tonight if need be.







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