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Posts posted by MoR137

  1. use the default setups on v1.2 as they are pretty much on the pace.



    iahve a good setup that was given to me for 1.1 was wondering if its still good.


    Yep they will be, there were no physics changes between 1.1 and 1.2, but as mentioned by Lee, the default setups were overhauled for 1.2 so it worth giving those a go too!


  2. Some excellent skins on this thread guys!


    Just finished my tarmac one for 09, reasonably similar to last years but I've got a darker/more purplely body colour (well, in rfactor light it hints at purple), all the signs are brand new, and I've tried to ditch the crayola colours from last years effort. I think it's an improvement anyway :rolleyes:




  3. Well, what a great meeting!


    I wasn't really keen on the track before the meeting, it didn't really suit my driving style and didn't seem particularly fluent. I wasn't feeling particularly confident either after my traffic disaster at the NEC two weeks ago, but I decided to come along just to get some practice with FFB in traffic. However, it was much more than getting used to the wheel tonight! Me, Tosh and TomD all had the Wainman vs Smith banter going on tonight, so after three fairly standard heats, the final turned out to be one of the closest and most exciting races I've ever done in rFactor F1s. The track was extremely hard to pass on, but with respect, the racing it could produce was second to none. The final started with me, tosh and tom all close as we tried to battle through the pack. As the laps passed, it all got a bit rougher, then we'd separate a bit, then one of the many track blockages would slow us down and close us right back up for some more action. Eventually, Tosh remembered he was wearing the gold roof and took of into the distance whilst me and Tom battled it out. We were together for 18 laps of the 21 lap race until he endured a crash spookily close to 390's famous NIR Euro 08 crash. I've never had a race so close, but so fair and for such a long duration, it was excellent! And to top it off I had to land a last bender on Grant (which didn't quite pay off) which added to the excitement. Really really good stuff.


    It was good to see a few new guys out getting some good positions and wins, as well as Nezza who looked very much in control and no doubt will be the 09 seasons first 'annoyingly undergraded white top' if he carries on like this. Tosh drove very fast all night, so early indications suggest he could be a possible points challenger in 09, or that he will at least have a better year than last years grade jumping up and down.


    Well done to Lee on the final win and Tosh for top scoring. Thanks for the meeting Johno.


    See you all in two weeks!

  4. grasser, how do i go about installing real-feel? and is it really worth it???


    You can download real feel from HERE.


    I noticed a difference, but its dead easy to install and uninstall, you don't need to adjust any settings, so you've got nothing to lose by giving it a go




    Due to a recent upgrade, my wheel and pedals set which I used throughout the 2007 Autumn Series and 2008 season is now up for sale. I brought them for a tenner off eBay (+ a tenner postage) about a year and a half ago, and I've had no problems with them at all. I believe it is quite old because it doesn't have Force Feedback, so your never going to get the full rFactor experience on these, but this is perfect first wheel for anybody at a bargain 'what have you got to lose' price.


    Don't let the age and lack of force feedback put you off, I've had a good number of wins using this wheel, 2 of which were final wins and have managed to maintain a consistent red grade with a spell at superstar too (not blowing my own trumpet here, I just want to make it clear that even though wheel lacks some modern features, its not necessarily going to hamper your progress).


    It is in decent condition with a few scratches/marks here and there (as it was when I brought it) and the clip from the pedals plug has also been snapped off, but this sits in nice and snug without the clip, as long as your not planning on running around the room with it (I've been known to accidentally pull the wheel off my desk during more hectic races and the plug has still stayed in). Its never bothered me, but I just want to be honest as to the condition.


    Ideally, I'd like to wheel to go to somebody who wants to give rFactor a go but doesn't want to spend big money just incase it's not for them. The wheel is yours for the bargain price of £5 plus the cost of postage (around a tenner, according to royal mail website). I'm a regular at most Coventry, Birmingham and NIR F1 meetings so I can pass it over there if you'd rather not pay any postage (if you can wait that long), or you can pick it up from sunny Nuneaton, Warwickshire if you don't live too far away. I also stay in Birmingham on a regular basis, so I can arrange to meet you somewhere around there if that's convenient.


    Anyway, this is one hell of an essay for my wheel, so get in touch if your interested!



    PS - I know posts like this usually go in non league related, but because I'm being fussy about who I'd like it to go to, I figured i might get closer to my target in here - I double checked with Johno first!


  6. I use a company called Wesh - I'm not sure whether they are the cheapest but I went with them after lots of good recommendations about quality of the service and the reliability. I've been with them a few months now, excellent service, quick setup and I haven't had any downtime so far.

  7. I'm not really a computer whizz, I only know the odd bit or two, but I seem to remember a problem like this before (can't remember under what circumstances, it was a few years back, maybe my first reformat) but it was cured by downloading the latest drivers for my graphics card.... nVidia website will be the place to go if it is an nVidia card.


    Hope this helps, I'm probably wrong but like I say, I do remember having this problem.

  8. Well, it was an interesting meeting that's for sure!


    I had one of those meetings where everything just seemed to happen in front of me; everytime i went around a corner, someone had spun in front of me, if i was in a gaggle of cars, they would suddenly part and i'd be left t-boning a spun car, if i saw someone spun on the racing line, i'd try to go around them just as they reversed off the racing line into my path. Everything really seemed unavoidable to me last night! One thing was that was no different about last night was me and Ironmac getting in each others way, like we have for about the past three seasons!


    I thought the track was good, but really hard to be consistent. It was especially hard at the start of the races, cause whilst concentrating on all the cars around me, I was always forgetting how early you need to brake, meaning i'd push somebody wide, everybody would stream up the inside, then me and the other car were stuck on the outside line and then they'd bury me for spoiling their race! :rofl: That about sums it up for me lol!


    It wasn't all doom and gloom, I had some good battles, such as the one in heat 2 which Walker mentioned above, and battling with Mav for the lead in heat 3 (until I hit every dead car possible, before Johno piled me and Hutch in last bend, leaving me to reverse all the way down the straight and over the line! Lol!)


    Well done to Tosh on the final win and Hutch for top scoring.


    I can't make Buxton, so hopefully see you all in two weeks for Cowdenbeath.



  9. Hi JK,


    Looking at the error, i'd say it is a looking for a file that has, for whatever reason, corrupted, so, presuming you haven't tried it already, I would suggest a full reinstall of the F1 Stockcar mod. Remember to delete all stock car related things from your rfactor folder before reinstalling though, to ensure it is completely fresh.


    Another thing you could try, before resorting to a full reinstall is to get someone to send you the file BRI_COMMON.mas (make sure they are updated to 1.2 first!), and then drop that manually into the GameData/Vehicles/F1Stockcars folder (deleting the old one first). Might work.


    Let us know how you get on.



  10. Thanks Kruiz, excellent job with the awards, I did these a few years back so I understand just how big a job it is, and I saw you on msn late last night too, so hope you aren't too tired this morning!


    Thanks to everybody that gave me a vote, and for the joint award with Beef, much appreciated. Well done to all winners of awards. There were some excellent comments in that, had a good chuckle as I do every year at these!


    MoR (1 vote)

    'right turn int a post at sheff before the race even started pah!! lol'


    Thanks Aub, love you too :thumbup:


    So that rounds off the 08 season nicely, it has been a great season and I hope to race a full one next year, and I'm already looking forward to it! I'm already considering different paintjob ideas in my head, we'll see what happens with that, because there's some slightly more important business to attend to first! Coventry is about 40% done now, modelling wise, and looking very nice, so hopefully the final product is worth the wait! I don't intend to do my usual last minute rush with this one like the other two.


    So i'm personally looking forward to the 09 season, we now have a massive roster of tracks for admin to compile an excellent fixture list, a freshened up mod, so we will see a few more varied cars out there with new chassis and new upgrades (I see you've been playing with those Kruiz! lol) and a good driver base, so it should be a good season. Hutch is the man to beat, can it done in 09?


    Merry Christmas



  11. I've never really understood why, but theres three different ways of doing the same thing in max and each is independent so one doesn't seem to effect the other. It seems you've tried two ways already, so hopefully the third one is the one your after. As mentioned earlier, you can try pressing X, going to views>Show Transform Gizmo and making sure its ticked or, the final way (i believe this is the one you didnt try?) going to Customize>Preferences and then going to the Gizmos tab and making sure that the On checkbox is ticked.


    Hope it solves your problem.


    Merry Christmas



  12. Tbh i think this is a stupid way of doing the skins for the winter season. For those who wasnt online when the topic was posted have now got to use chassis that they dont like because the ones they want are already taken... great idea who ever thought this one up, Then again you've probably got the chassis you wanted anyway so who cares aye?


    It's the way that this has always been done, way back in Spike's SNT days over on the old rscnet forum. It's just tough luck I'm afraid, and besides, all the physics are identical, so it makes no difference at all.


    I'm sure admin will take it on board though and make sure they wait until your online next time :rolleyes:

  13. there wasn't anything like that in the folder


    They will definitely be in there, as these files save the data which remembers which cars you have previously brought and what upgrades you have brought and installed for them. We recommend deleting them as the new update has some new wheel types in. What we believe this error is is the game trying to look for the upgrade from the old upgrades in v1.1.


    Just to confirm, to get the folder you need, you need to go to your C drive (local disk), then program files, rfactor, UserData and then the folder which is named the same as your player name.

  14. ok, i heard you wasnt using some tracks thats all


    where can you get the KL track from... it seems to be a dead link on the UKD website?







    I haven't released the track officially on rfactorcentral yet - the link to get the track is: http://www.ukdirt3.co.uk/tracks/RF/KingsLynnV05.exe.


    I'm planning to release at V1.0 version soon which will fix a few problems and will include an R version too, just incase that is required in the future.

  15. Is Skegness Shale still being made?


    Probably, Wrightys busy with the F2s atm and I'm busy with Cov, but I'm sure we'll get around to it!


    I think that's a very healthy look list..... for a 35 meeting season we'll only be racing each one twice, can't ask for any better than that can you? :thumbup:

  16. I have the other problem i cant open photoshop files in psp lol. Any ideas?


    If it is giving you an 'Undefined Error -565' or something of the sort, it is because some of the layers must have some photoshop only effects on them. You can sort this by opening them in Photoshop and getting rid of the fx (you'll see a little fx on the offending layer/s) or, if you want to keep the fx, create a new layer underneath the offending layer, and then select the offending layer and press ctrl+E to merge that one down onto the new one.


    Hope this helps.


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