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Posts posted by MoR137

  1. Thanks Allstar, good find, and it should be fixed in the next release of it.


    I've just spent the last couple of hours on NIR and have sent it out to a few of you who had problems with the last one (please don't be offended if I haven't sent it to you, its just much easier to keep it to an isolated group just in case there is problems) so if all comes back positive there will be a new version up tomorrow evening when I'm home, so keep an eye out!


    Thanks again for your help everybody, you've all been great!



  2. Thanks guys, glad it seems Drumbsticks fix is starting to work and that helps confirm what the problem is. I've also spoken to the guy who made the problematic textures and he also thinks it is the ATI issue, so all is looking good for a fix tonight when I'm home. I will send it out to one or two of you to check it works, so if anybody hasn't fixed it on their game yet..... DON'T! Lol.


    Thanks all for your help and great feedback on the track itself.




  3. Hi guys,


    Thanks for all the replies and suggestions. I've only had chance to skim through the thread (on lunch break atm) but like looks like the ATI theory is looking good. How to fix it on the other hand is another question.


    Allstar - you won't be able to find the file in question in the track folder because it is well packed into another one, so that would explain why you can't find it, but thanks for looking/reporting back anyway.


    If I don't get 5 minutes to look at it tonight (likely) then i'll definately have a look late tomorrow evening and will get a PM out to you guys with problems with a download link to V0.6 for you to test for me if that is ok?


    NIRPLVAR03 is texture varient for the silver plating/fence that I'll be piling Johno into on Thursday night, and it was made by one of my computer geek friends who is a genius with making textures and normal maps (must remember to credit him in the next installer..... ahem). The problem here is that he might have created them on something which lacks support for ATI cards. I have three ideas on how this can be fixed.


    If none of them work then I will simply replace the texture on the plating to a super simple, solid, flat silver one for the time being, (hopefully) ensuring that everybody who wishes to race on Wednesday and Thursday can do (that is of course, presuming this texture is the only problematic one). So please please please don't let this affect your decision to book in and race for Wed/Thurs.


    I'll try my best!



  4. Thanks all for the great comments, much appreciated.


    Also, thanks to everybody whos posted to say its working/not working with some PC specs as well. Please keep them coming, and if anybody has any ideas as to what it could be (cheers Splinter/Hutch for trying already) then please add those to this thread. The fact it works on the majority and not others suggests its not liking certain PCs/configurations, which has me stumped as to quite how I fix it. I'm not able to look into it now until monday evening due to work and other commitments, so please keep the ideas and suggestions coming until then.


    I'll keep scratching my head for now.



    EDIT - One more thing to ask..... is anybody running rFactor Lite and NOT having problems with the track? I know Sparky is on a full install so the rFactor Lite theory is starting to go out the window..... but you never know.

  5. Could everybody with the problem be a bit more specific as to what DX setting and graphics settings that are using please (Track detail specifically)?


    I don't understand what the problem is - I went through and checked all DX settings worked, and neither me or the testers had any problems. Does everybody have rFactor v1250? Anybody use rFactor Lite? And also, as a long shot, anybody on Vista? I've just checked the material/texture in question and can't see any problems there, so I'm stumped.


    If anybody has any ideas then please post them up - I've got very limited time at home atm.

  6. Hello all,


    Sorry its only out at the last minute again, it didn't really come at the right time with the last month of college and a month of a new job right in the way, but I managed to get it done somehow! I did try and get it out on Tuesday evening but some teething troubles stopped that from happening. Still, those seem to be fixed now, so it's time to release!!!


    As usual, this is a V0.5 release, so it has bits missing, some things don't work, and it's probably got a few teething troubles I haven't spotted quite yet. If you do spot anything wrong, don't hesitate to let me know and I'll evaluate if its worth fixing before Wednesday or whether it can wait until the full release.


    You've probably just skipped to the link by now, but if you are still reading this I'd like to express thanks to following people:

    - Drumbstick for the cracking AIW as per usual

    - DanSkin, Grasser and LeeK for testing

    - Demonstone for the use of his super recreation of the NIR logo.






    Hope you enjoy it!




  7. Well done to Genie on a fine win and an excellent performance from the lap handicap in the Grand National.


    Tonight was a strange night, the track especially was quite interesting. There's no doubt that this is one of the toughest tracks for the mod, as the cars bumped and scraped their way around the bumpy turn and were thrown around the hairpin. I certainly didn't see as much carnage as I anticipated, and all the racing seemed as good as usual. A good challenge.


    From a personal point of view, I had my usual set of rough heats, not able to make any decent breaks or avoid many of the crashes, then the Scottish Championship race just came from nowhere, which earned by my biggest points of the night. The Grand National was a bit more like the heats were for me, but managed to scrape some points there too. Thoroughly enjoyed it though as I usually do, and will be back for some more next week at Bradford Tarmac.


    See you all there.

  8. I fancy MoR for the title as well actually.... As much as it pains me to admit he may win.... just kidding :rofl:






    Hehe, I think i've been jinxed enough now thanks :rofl: Can't see me doing much tonight, another hectic week, and here I sit with 2 hours until the meeting with a skinpack to make and no setup whatsoever! We'll see anyway.


    Personally, I reckon we could see another victory from Dazza, or maybe even marten after his fine performance last week. It all depends what happens down at the gravel trap really!


  9. Well, what a night....


    I had a pretty poor set of heats, seemed almost impossible from the red grade (I'm sure LeeK would agree lol) as we were always first to collect the spinners. Highlight of my heats was probably being stuffed by Dazza in heat 3...... managed to catch him whilst he was battling with Marky, squeezed up the inside, only to be met with a corker of a hit which pushed me into Marky, spinning him, leaving us tangled in the fence. Don't think that could've worked any better could it? Lol. Over the course of the night I had a few battles with db too, which was some good hard racing.


    The UK Open was a really peculiar race, and I think it really depends on which perspective you looked at it from. First of all, how good did the grid look? I think after a night of carnage, we could only expect there to be a bit, but not this much! It was all triggered with the inevitable turn 1 pile up, and from there, things just got even more hectic. I've never seen so many dead cars, it was literally every bend you had to pick through another one. There was even one or two track blockages, which I thought was an awesome and unique (in comparison to heat) obstacle to come up against. From a personal point of view, I had a pretty rough start and found myself a good 3/4 of a lap behind the leaders straight away. After much messing about, I found myself some clear track and worked my way up to 3rd place. Obviously, having kept out of trouble for so long, it was inevitable i'd be caught by the carnage, and rather disappointingly, that happened when I was only a few cars lengths behind battling lead duo Marten and Dazza, but come to think about it, I only caught up because they were struggling in the traffic when I wasn't, so like I say, it was inevitable. I definitely recommend watching the battle for the title between them two, goes right to the end, with the last but one lap having the deciding factor. So well done Dazza, and well done to anybody that finished in the points, it truly was a tough race. LeeK even gets the award for first wheel off in an rFactor championship race!


    So, I thought the race was great, but like I say, it depends from what perspective you saw it from.


    Top stuff, and hope to see you all back for more next week at Knockhill (I'll sort out links etc over the weekend), and good to see a couple of new and returning faces last night.

  10. Sorry guys, its crunch time at college atm so got so much going on I forgot I'm due a skinpack/patch this week. Does anybody wish to upload anything, whether it be new drivers or chassis changes for existing drivers?


    Just let me know below and/or PM me your skins zipped up and I'll get one sorted before Thursday.





    PS - sorry about the short and brief post, off to work in 5 minutes, If your new to this and want to know what is required skins wise, please read the below, quoted from a previous post. If you have any questions just ask :thumbs_up:




    Grades for the rFactor half of the league will be announced soon. However, this doesn't mean you have to wait until then to upload your skins, as I require you to upload skins for ALL GRADES. So i will need white, yellow, blue and red from everybody.




    What do I need to upload?


    You need to upload one ZIP file containing all your skins, tarmac and shale, and the corresponding VEH files.


    Regarding VEH files; it makes my life much easier if you write one out correctly, but if your not sure what your doing then I will do it no problem. I've included some example veh files below, which are setup correctly (team names and correct file naming for each chassis) which you can just edit for your details (numbers, names etc).







    Where do I upload my skins?

    To the UKDirt website upload tool. If you have problems uploading, please upload them to this thread.





    Check them out on the UKDirt website!



  11. Turn your shadows on for goodness sake Hutch, all this money spent on powerful graphics and you've got them turned off....... :rofl:


    Cracking track and it looks great.


    One small bug I have noticed when we tried the minis on there tonight was when you come out of the pits slowly, the cars 'catapult' and flip over.


    I guess the F1's are heavier but it might effect F2's when they get released.


    Thanks for letting us know Vegas...... does it do this at Kings Lynn as well? (Reason I ask because the way i've done the pitgate on both tracks is my initial thought on why this might happen).


  12. Thanks for running the meeting Kruiz, I really enjoyed it. Bradfords a strange track, got a real flow to it when you get a good line and nice and fast too. Good to see Big Al seemingly getting the hang of things more on shale. Novice Rev had a good first meeting, got a few moans from people, but he didn't cause that much trouble, and was even leading the final up until lap 15! Not only that, but after he spun (well, it was helped by me but he was already half way there lol) he dropped down to 5th, and then worked his way back to 2nd with a last bend hit on Dazza! Having said that Dazza was extremely unlucky, as coming out of the turn, he was squeezed by Rev up the wall (not intentional though I shouldn't think) and fell over the other side of it (thus 'dropping' off the track and having his car reset) about a cars length from the line! Ouch, certainly cost him dearly in results/points for the night :banghead2:


    For me personally, I had a really good meeting, seemed to do ok in the heats but got held up by pile ups at the start of both of them, then in the final I couldn't believe my luck as I got two lucky breaks around the majority of the reds/blues and some clear track to start working my way up the places. Pleased to get something from Superstar after a bad month riddled with PC problems.


    So anwyay, I'll see you all next week, where we'll be racing for the first rFactor championship, the UK Open, on brand spanking new track, Skegness, which will be released this weekend. Not only that, but we'll be racing on new grades (to be announced soon - these do not include last nights meeting) so there will be a skinpack out, which is a good opportunity for anybody who wishes to use their chassis change/any new drivers to upload their skins.

  13. got a question for modellers : How can i get the bit on side of cab that is still open now a bit proper (part where maus his F2 got H24). When i try it looks FILTERED


    First of all you need to add in this roll bar as marked in blue on these pictures.




    Once that one is in, you can then create the panels the same as you have for the rest of the body, though obviously it won't be quite right yet. Once that's done, take the edge where all the curves should be and extrude it out, and then add verts/edges to start forming the shape. One important rule to try and stick to is to keep all faces either 3 or 4 sided, and nothing more, so once you've added the extra verts in for the curve, use the create tool in edge mode to link your new verts up to existing ones to make triangles/quads.


    Hope this helps


    Great work so far


  14. (P.S. can anyone guess why Dub's skin is the grey temp car in my game, ive downloaded & reinstalled all skinpacks to no avail (thanks Danskin for suggestion), it says unknown instead of Tarmac OL under class? Thanks)


    Hi Matty


    Dubstars skins were in the pack March - Part 3. First of all, go to your rfactor folder, then GameData, Vehicles, F1 Stcokcars, TarmacOL, UKDirt (Tarmac) and have a look to see if you can see his skins folder, skin and veh file, and check they are all present and correct - you may also want to open the skins up in photoshop if you can, just to check all is ok. Do you race SimStox? If you do, make sure that all of those packs are taken out of game when you race UKDirt, just to be on the safe side. And finally, this is a long shot, but do you still have the Autumn Series skinpacks in there? If you do, i'd recommend taking those out as well (these were on meant for the beta, so if you installed them when you got V1.0, then they would install to the Tarmac and Shale directories, not TarmacOL and ShaleOL). As i've mentioned before, any duplicate skins in the game can cause massive problems, so thats why I have the message on the skinpack installers stating that if your skin is part of that skinpack, you should delete it from your game before installing. Thats the only things I can think of.


    Also, anybody who has mismatches, have you all got the F1 Stockcars V1.1 Patch released a couple of months ago? If everything is as it should be but you still continue to get mismatches, the only thing I can recommend is to get rid of the mod and reinstall from scratch. And finally, if you have a problem and solve it, let us know....... We're still trying to determine what causes what in the league, so your help would be much appreciated.





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