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Posts posted by MoR137

  1. Aye Hutch, tis the reason there probably will be a pack three, as i don't like to see anybody miss out lol....... I won't be this kind for any other skinpacks though, I just want as many people racing as possible.



    I need you to sort your skins by midnight tonight please, else they won't be included.

  2. strange.....working now i deleted sim stox folder :o


    Yep, thats the craziness of this whole issue lol, we had a similar problem with the real life skins when doing the mod which kept me scratching my head for days. Just out of interest, was any of the dds files for your simstox skins the same name exactly as any in your ukdirt skins?


    PS - keep checking back guys as there may be a part 3 to this skinpack.

  3. Hi all,


    Thanks to everybody who uploaded skins, we got around 40 sets, which is excellent for a mod which is so new to UKDirt. You can download the skinpacks by going to the UKDirt website or by clicking the links below.




    Before installing this skinpack, please be sure you have removed YOUR SKINS (and anybody elses who you may have painted and will feature in this skinpack) from your game, including VEH files. Also go to C:/Program Files>rFactor>UserData>'Your Name' and delete the file F1StockCars_League.cch from here if there is one.




  4. Can you use mine from the winter series please?


    Sure, though I do notice that you have got two other painted on different chassis, so are you sure you want to restrict yourself to the elite chassis (you can only change one through the season). If your skins are not 100% ready, upload them now and i'll let you update them in a future skinpack as long as they are just that, updated versions and not brand new skins.


    Let me know.

  5. List Updated :thumbup:


    hi m8,

    having a nightmare atm with me own skins, keep getting a wheel error on the wainT chassis when i try to check mine out :( - got skins for spike tar & shale but i might be struggling to put mine up for midnight......


    Hi Wrighty


    Not sure why you could be getting a wheel error, i presume its either a problem with the veh, or the upgrades file. I can sort the veh out, and I don't need an upgrades file (we'll just be using the default upgrades file, and then you just buy your stuff in game), so if the skin looks ok on the template i'm sure they will be fine.


    I'm at college until 2pm tomorrow then i'll be looking at creating the skinpacks then, unless I have a big backlog of skins to check which is unlikely, so it'll have to be before then if possible.





  6. Great battles with a lot of people last night, but one more than most, MoR (again lol) seemed to be either in front or behind me in every race (just look at the results, 137 directly behind me in every result I'm in, and it certainly didn't go unnoticed :rofl: ), and I certianly had some top quality racing with him :appl: thanks for running the meeting too :thumbup:


    Lol yeah was excellent. It was rather peculiar how we kept ending up so close in every race, and it's not the first time its happened to....... not to mention the fact we share the same surname and our numbers are so close :shrug:


    TomD was another one I came across in most races on Thursday and had some cracking bumper battles with him. The first heat was the highlight of the night for me, with 4 cars in contention for the lead going into the last lap, Marten in 1st, TomD 2nd, Me 3rd and Kruiz in 4th, all within half a straight. I put in a big last bend hit on TomD, which sent him into Marten, who held it really well and went on to take the win, whilst Kruiz whizzed passed me and TomD as we tangled on the exit to the bend. Cracking stuff!


    Really looking forward to the season :thumbup:


  7. Hi


    Thanks all for a superb meeting, I really enjoyed it, the racing was full of carnage which lead to much excitement, quick reflex, and some frustration thrown in, but (in my best Silsden accent) 'That's racin''.


    Thanks to DanSkin and Johno for being Server-Tinkerer and Meeting Steward for the meeting, great work and I think this new approach of sharing the tasks out works well, as I certainly went through the meeting unstressed and happy. Heat was done and dusted by 8.45, which was great, and rFactor ran just over and hour and half, which was pleasing as well. We tried to run as close as possible to a season format tonight, and we had roughly the same amount of blocks of races as we would in a full meeting (remember we'll be running two servers in the season too) so all is good.


    Well done to Tosh for taking the final, and Kruiz for top scoring.




    See you all in two weeks time for the opening meeting of the season at Belle Vue.



    Heat 1: 291 136 137 112 413 188 286 318 599 39

    Heat 2: 288 136 137 112 8 236 413 123 202 291

    Heat 3: 318 123 331 236 188 8 18 286 288 300


    Consolation 1: 3 39 300 202 599 320


    A-Final: 8 136 318 137 331 123 288 39 236 112


    GN 1: 236 318 123 39 136 137 112 3 8* 413


    *from lap handicap



    41 pts 136 Kruiz

    38 pts 8 Tosh

    37 pts 318 db

    34 pts 137 MoR

    29 pts 123 dubstar

    26 pts 236 DanSkin

    20 pts 331 Hutch

    19 pts 112 TomD

    19 pts 288 Ironmac

    17 pts 39 Leek

    9 pts 291 Marten

    8 pts 413 matthew

    7 pts 188 Aub

    4 pts 3 Johno

    3 pts 286 MrBeef

    2 pts 18 Marky

    1 pts 202 Vegas

    1 pts 599 Harold

    1 pts 300 Matty

    0 pts 272 chriseaves

    0 pts 47 crazyfool

    0 pts 320 LSF

  8. Good Evening Guys,


    Welcome to the second rfactor test meeting of 2008 here at brand spanking new Hednesford Hills Raceway. Thanks to UKSOM's FreeW for working hard to have this ready for the test. 25 cars have a booked in, which is awesome for this mod, so thanks for your support and hopefully we have a good one!


    CHANGES IN 2008


    Race Manager: MoR #137

    I will be the race manager for the night. I would rather not be bothered by anyone. If you have a problem (eg you are leaving early) then please contact the........


    Meeting Steward: Johno #3

    Johno will deal with any of your problems to allow me to me to concentrate on running the meeting.


    Server Manager: DanSkin #236

    Dan will be responsible for changing the laps and checking that the track is set properly.





    Tonight we will be using Server 1 (IP ending .72). Server 2 (IP ending .180) will also be available if the non-final qualifiers wish to have an 'unofficial b-final'.


    Lining up:

    Hednesford is a big track, so this is what I will say for lining up. Please start by lining up in the usual positions for grades, then when everybody has lined up, move forward until you are around 4/5 cars lengths from the grade in front. Stewards will be there to check that the grid is ok and good to go. Just mentioning this so that it doesn't turn into a game of 'follow the leader'.




    Below are the grades for tonight. These are based on past performance, graders discretion, heat grades and averages.


    Superstar: 331, 41, 188

    Red: 413, 137, 684, 123, 236

    Blue: 136, 286, 288, 291, 39, 8

    Yellow: 318, 112, 300, 3, 68

    White: 272, 47, 202, 599, 320, 18


    Heat Grids:

    Heat1: 272 599 18 320 318 3 112 68 136 291 286 39 413 684 137 188 STEWARD 236 SERVER 1


    Heat2: 47 320 202 599 112 68 300 288 8 291 136 137 123 413 236 331 STEWARD 188 SERVER 1


    Heat3: 202 47 272 18 300 318 3 286 39 8 288 684 236 123 331 188 STEWARD 136 SERVER 1



    Top 14 points scorers will make it to the final, with the remaining 11 cars going into a consolation to race for the final 6 places. Should we lose 4/5 people after the heats, then I may reconsider this, but I would like people to sTay so that we have run a full format, and thus I want to run a consolation.


    The above will give us a 20 car final.


    There will then be two grand nationals (although again this may change with numbers).




    - After winning a race, the driver must start the rest of the meeting from the back of their grade, just like the F2's do.

    - There will only ever be ONE RESTART as we don't have time to keep doing multiple restarts.


    PLEASE BE IN CHAT BY 8:50PM, AS HEAT 1 WILL GO BANG ON 9:00PM. (the heat meeting may overrun slightly, though we hope it does not, thanks for your patience!).


    Overall, please make sure that you have a good night of racing.







    The track is now available to practice with on Jolt (ending 165). We have decided to have only Hednesford in the track list, so you will not be able to use any other tracks in jolt until after the meeting tomorrow. Should give you no excuse not to practice, it gives us peace of mind that your testing the socks of it, and it also means that we don't have any problems such as 'I don't know how to change track' etc.



    As you know, Hednesford hills is the latest track from UKSOM which has been in production for a couple of months. We're please to announce that the track will be used for Thursdays meeting.


    At FreeW's request, we will be treating this as a big test for the track before its official release to the rFactor community, to make sure there are no problems. Therefore, the track will only be available to those who have booked in to this meeting. The download link will be distributed via PM sometime tomorrow. Then, all being well, there will be no problems, and the track will be officially released on rFactorCentral a little while later.




    Johno will be updating the thread with real life skins tomorrow, hopefully. They will most likely be the same as ones you used in the last meeting and/or SNT. If you ddin't race either, you'll have to wait and see what gets assigned.


    Also, if you've booked in for this meeting, please make sure your UKDirt membership is all paid up. Counter is your man to contact for money issues :thumbs_up:

  11. As a compromise, in response to suggestions of a high res skinpack, I certainly don't have the time to be doing two sets of skinpacks, I will post a thread after the skinpacks have been released, where you can post your high res skins if you like, which people can download. I can't stress enough how important correct file naming will be in this case, and it should only be done if you know what your doing......

  12. theres a million setings to lower the graphic setings for low end pc's, if low end pc's can run the f1 stockcar real life skins then whats the difference


    the cars looking so real life is part of the parcel for me, and i suppose anybody else who's just shelled out on a new pc for rfactor wants to see the game looking as good as it can..............


    its like the people who have a decent pc are getting punished becasue people don't/won't buy an upto date pc, which in that case it should work the other way around


    I see your point Hutch I really do, but part of the parcel for me is racing as many different people as possible, and ensuring that we open up the opportunity to do so for as many different people as we can is a priority. This will help ensure a future for rfactor F1s on UKDirt.


    That and my previous post is the rationale behind it all, I'm not blind, I can see the reduction in quality in my own skins, but I know it'll be barely noticeable under racing conditions.


    And remember, its not always a case of don't or won't, it's sometimes can't.......

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