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Posts posted by MoR137

  1. Grade notes


    Out of 21 Bookings, 18 drivers booked in this week who raced last week. 18 split 5 ways is 3.6, so the s/s and reds have 3 drivers each, and the blues, yellows and whites have 4 drivers each. The other three bookings, 236, 212 and 188 did not race last week, so were graded with grader's discretion at red, blue and red.

    Grades for tonight:

    White: 156, 286, 63, 146

    Yellow: 426, 20, 300, 233

    Blue: 136, 8, 684, 137, 212

    Red: 288, 331, 322, 236, 188

    Superstar: 41, 112, 413


    You may be surprised to see some drivers at various grades, but please remember the grades are based off of last weeks points totals. All race winners will be automatically upgraded 1 grade after each win for the remainder of the evening, so this should start to sort things out eventually. Besides, the real reason for the grades is to split the grid up anyway. Hopefully it should work!




    Belle Vue Heats

    Heat 1: 156 146 63 426 233 136 137 8 212 288 236 331 41 112

    Heat 2: 286 156 146 20 426 300 8 212 684 236 188 322 112 413

    Heat 3: 63 286 300 20 233 684 136 137 322 288 331 188 413 41



    Bradford Heats

    Heat 4: 156 286 63 426 233 300 136 8 684 288 236 331 41 112

    Heat 5: 63 146 20 426 233 684 212 137 322 331 288 188 112 413

    Heat 6: 286 156 146 300 20 212 137 8 136 188 236 322 413 41




    Starting Procedure




    We'll be running an all-in final tonight, on the track chosen by the Lucky #7, which will be closed grid in points order, with the top point scorer starting at the back. The front row will line up on the exit of turn 2, I will call 'ANYBODY NOT READY?' and then 'ROLL AT 30'. The roller will commence, and the race begins as the front ow exits turn 4.



    I Hope this turns out to be an improvement on last week, and hope you all have a good laugh! Please meet in mIRC chat at 8.50pm for a 9pm start.




  2. Sorry it's late chaps - I've had no Internet for a few days! Because of that, and lots of college work, I've had no time to sort out changed fixtures/changed start proceedures/grades, but thats on the agenda tomorrow morning - sorry about that.


    As the name suggests, we will be racing two Shale tracks during the meeting, one of which will be Belle Vue. I'll confirm the other one later on.


    You will need to have reserved a skin to race. Reserve one HERE. If all skins are taken, then please state in your booking below that u do not have a skin and I will assign you one on the night out of people who are not racing!


    Remember, the meeting starts at 9pm!


    To book in, please leave your name and UKDIRTF1 NUMBER (NOT your real-life skin number) before 7pm on Sunday!


    MoR137 booking in

  3. Hi all,


    First of all, sorry it wasn't as good as I'd hoped, format just didn't work amazingly well and the starts were, well, rubbish. Thanks for sticking with it and I hope you all do next week. Teething troubles I think they call it! lol. Well done to Indecisivemac for being the first 'Lucky #7', Drumbstick for top scoring and Matthew for winning the final!




    Heat 1: 136 288 41 331 322 413 298 8 53 112

    Heat 2: 137 41 684 136 331 8 156 322 112 413

    Heat 3: 41 20 112 300 331 684 298 286 329 8


    Final: 413 112 288 41 322 426 8 233 684 331




    41 pts 41 Drumbstick

    29 pts 112 TomD

    26 pts 413 Matthew

    25 pts 288 Ironmac

    21 pts 331 Hutch

    21 pts 322 Murph

    17 pts 136 Kruiz

    17 pts 8 Tosh

    17 pts 684 Dazza

    10 pts 137 MoR

    10 pts 426 Dav

    9 pts 20 Splinter

    8 pts 298 TGG

    7 pts 300 Matty

    6 pts 233 Garsser

    4 pts 156 Fourwinds

    3 pts 286 MrBeef

    2 pts 53 Scrapman

    2 pts 329 DaveW

    0 pts 146 PaulP

    0 pts 515 Big Al

    0 pts 63 Samson

    0 pts 7 Gary



    PS - For next week I'll probably run 2 heats at 2 tracks (totaling 4 heats each) with the final being on one of them picked y the Lucky #7. I will run rough grades from tonights points. All race winners will be instantly upgraded (unless s/s) to keep things even. Any other suggestions are welcomed :thumbup:


    PPS - my rational for not running a GN was that if we had to split into two heats, we'd have taken double the time to run the heats..... obviously that wasn't the case this week.

  4. Hi all,


    There's not much to mention tonight. With 23 bookings we will be running the meeting all-in, unless we have massive problems, but I doubt it. It's either that or 11 cars per heat!


    We'll be racing the first heat at Ipswich, the second at Birmingham and the third at KR3W Raceway. Please familiarize yourself with the format in the sticky thread at the top of the forum.




    Meeting starts at 9pm, so please be in chat by 8.50pm.


    Hope you enjoy it tonight, should be great fun as it usually is.


  5. Dav booking in




    Just made it.... lol.


    That's it I;m afraid, no more bookings - We ave 23 booked in, one or two might not turn up so I'll probably run all in, which is the reason I'll ave to eb strict cause I've gotta sort all my bits and bobs to suit the format.


    It's either all-in or 11 cars in a heat, I think I know which will be more fun.... lol.

  6. :042:


    hi lads just wanting a better idea of when the our skins need to be done for. any official date or roundabout when they have to be in for.




    Aim for mid-march deadline, I can't be any more specific at this point in time.


  7. 13/01/08 - Tarmac Special

    Tracks: Birmingham Wheels, Ipswich, KR3w Raceway (tarmac)


    You will need to have reserved a skin to race. Reserve one HERE. If all skins are taken, then please state in your booking below that u do not have a skin and I will assign you one on the night out of people who are not racing!


    Remember, the meeting starts at 9pm!


    To book in, please leave your name and UKDIRTF1 NUMBER (NOT your real-life skin number) before 7pm on Sunday!


    MoR137 booking in

  8. I'll take 73 Rob Cowley for both :thumbup:


    Just on a side note, incase anybody was wondering, you may have noticed that both Rob and Chris Cowley have tarmac wings on their flcs cars for shale.......... these cars are 'one-off's and have shale physics so don't be concerned that somebody might be racing the wrong chassis on the wrong surface. The same goes for the Dan Squire and Peter Rees skins, as they have shale wings on both surfaces.


  9. The series will be run over 4 weeks (sorry, I can't commit anymore time to a longer series, but hopefully it should be good fun, something a little bit different then you can spend all february painting personal cars lol!). Thanks to Spike for letting me use the Sunday Night Thunder name.


    I reserve the right to change these at last minute, you never know, we might end up with new tracks being added.


    13/01/08 - Tarmac Special

    Tracks: Birmingham Wheels, Ipswich, KR3w Raceway (tarmac)


    20/01/08 - Shale Special

    Tracks: Belle Vue, Bradford Shale


    27/01/08 - GRC Racepark Special

    Tracks: TBC SEE HERE!


    03/02/08 - The Finale

    Tracks: TBC



    For more details on the format please see the rules/downloads thread.

  10. Please remember that UK Dirt General Rules apply at all times.

    • Not being aware of these rules is no excuse, I do this because I enjoy it. I don't enjoy reminding people you should not be swearing or driving around like numpties. So wether you've been a member for a few days, or a few years can I advise you take a moment to re-familiarise yourself with them here.
    • Any driver wishing to compete in this series must be a registered and fully paid up member of UK Dirt.
    • Any driver wishing to compete in this series must register as a member of UK Dirt F1s (this is to avoid number clashing and to ensure preference is given to existing members). PLEASE READ ON TO BE SURE YOU KNOW WHICH NUMBER TO DISPLAY!
    • This series will use the real-life F1 stock car skins included in the f1 stockcars mod. Please choose your skins
    • I am aware its tricky to change your screen-name in rFactor, therefore, pleas display your UKDirt F1 number and
    NOT the number of your real life skin. For example, if I choose the FWJ skins, my in game name will still be MoR137 NOT MoR515.Downloads Meetings
    • Meetings will take place on Sunday evenings at 9pm (please be in chat by 8:50pm: note we are starting later as the UKDirtF2s will be running some weeks until 9pm).
    • A bookings thread will be made available after each preceding meeting. Please book in stating your name and UKDirtF1 number NOT your real life skin number. You should ensure you enter chat, and race in game using both of these in your name.
    • Format:

      - There will be 4 heats of 16 laps for each driver. 2 Heats will take place on one of track, and 2 will take place on the other.

      - There will be a meeting final of 21 laps. Final participants will be chosen based on scores over the course of the heats - ties decided on best places. The top 21 will qualify, but I may choose to run this race 'all-in' depending on numbers for that night. THE TRACK WILL BE CHOSEN BY THE 'LUCKY NUMBER 7' (see below)

    • Points:

      - Heats: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

      - Finals: 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2

    • Drivers must complete 75% race distance to qualify for points.
    The 'Lucky Number 7'
    • When all the heat points have been added, the person currently sitting in 7th place for points on that night will be prompted to choose the track for the final. This track can be either of the two already raced that night.
    • Over the course of the series gradings will be "active".
    • Gradings will be based on the SNT points chart after each week. I will use grader discretion on any divers I feel to be massively undergraded (e.g. if Hutch is white lol) and anybody who is not in the fixture list.
    • All race winners will go up one grade for the remainder of the night. This can happen multiple times to one person, so if you start at white and win all four races, you will be Superstar for the final.
    • The grading split will be (roughly, because it will alter over the night):- SS 20%, Red 20%, Blue 20%, Yellow 20%, White 20%. The reason I've kept the split even is that the purpose of the grades is just to split the grid up, rather than 'realistic' grades.


      Start Procedures

      • On entry to race, drivers will not start racing straight away.
      • After the green light/flag drivers will be expected to drive slowly to their grid slot NOT hitting other cars in the process.
      • DO NOT race to your grade. Line up in the order given, two abreast, or in the order you appear on track in. However, due to real life skins this will be tricky so don't worry about it too much.
      • Grade positions:
        - Whites: half way down the back straight
        - Yellows: quarter of the way down the back straight
        - Blues: turn two
        - Reds: turn one
        - SS: two thirds down the home straight
      • In most cases there will be no race steward. Line up in grid slots and when everyone is ready someone will call "ANYONE NOT READY" follow by "ROLL AT 30". The race will start when the lead car exits turn four.
        Racing Etiquette
        Some people may remember that the SNT league used to be pretty much a free-for-all. I have decided to keep all UKDirt rules and racing etiquette rules in this time though, as I've notice that when rules are softened for the winter, it sometimes sets the tone for the start of a real season. So sorry chaps, but it's full rules :rolleyes:
      • Drivers should race in the correct direction at all times.
      • Drivers should not use the infield in any circumstances - if you are spun out onto the infield, return carefully to the track!
      • There should be no deliberate take outs or follow ins, especially from lap(s) down - respect other drivers and you’ll be given respect yourself.
      • No talking during the race.
      • Basically… play nicely and all get along…!!! :)
    Disciplinary Matters
    • Please, please, please remember that this is supposed to be a relaxed and fun series, run outside of the normal leagues to test the RFactor F1 Stockcar mod.
    • I do not want to have to be banning people, or dealing with complaints week after week.
    • However, if you do find yourself with cause for complaint, send a PM to me including replay and an overview of your complaint.
    • If incidents arise such that a complaints and disciplinary system has to be put into place - that will be dealt with at the time and amendments will be made here.
  11. Hi all,


    The Sunday Night Thunder mini-series will be using the real life skins found in the rFactor F1 Stockcars mod. Please reserve your skins below.


    The skins are split into Tarmac and Shale catergories. You can have whatever skin you like on each surface, so you could have FWJs tarmac car and Andy Smiths shale car if you wanted, or you could pick both surfaces for that driver. YOU CAN ONLY PICK SKINS THAT REMAIN UNRESERVED!!!






    Side notes: I have already added Ironmac and Aub's selections in, because they painted those skins of drivers that they know well, so only seems fair they should get priority on those. They can of course correct me if they don't wish to race these.


    Also, please only book skins if you intend to race regulary, don't make someone else miss out on a skin they may want.





    1 - Tosh

    2 - Sybe

    8 - Matthew

    10(NZ) - Fourwinds

    12 - Big Al

    19 - Pedz

    37 - Scrapman

    73 - MoR

    84 - Allan

    91 - Samson

    121 - Mr Beef

    136 - Kruiz

    172 - Spike

    189 - DaveW

    195 - Gary

    212 - Splinter

    244 - Matty

    247 - Dragon

    257 - Aub

    259 - Murph

    263 - Paulp

    276 - Sparky

    285 - Ironmac

    288 - Dav

    290 - Tinman

    291 - Danskin

    293 - Dazza

    306 - Michael

    318 - TomD

    335 - Cap

    391 - Hutch

    415 - TheGreenGenie

    490 - Grasser

    515 - Drumbstick



    1 - Tosh

    2 - Michael

    H007 - Pedz

    8 - Matthew

    10(NZ) - Fourwinds


    H44 - Scrapman

    51 - Dazza


    73 - MoR

    84 - Matty

    91 - Samson

    105 - Ruk

    121 - Mr Beef

    136 - Kruiz

    152 - Big Al

    172 - Spike


    195 - Gary

    212 - Sybe

    H217 - Dav


    257 - Aub

    259 - Murph

    263 - Paulp

    285 - Ironmac

    290 - Tinman

    291 - Danskin

    295 - Dragon

    297 - TheGreenGenie

    305 - Splinter

    318 - TomD



    347 - Sparky

    391 - Hutch

    391(2005) - Allan

    397 - Cap


    490 - Grasser

    507 - DaveW

    515 - Drumbstick


  12. Hi all,


    I'm sorry to announce, but the SNT league will be pushed back by 1 week and will commence on Sunday 13th January at 9PM. The reason for the change is because of the full mod delay - whilst we hope the mod will be out before this Sunday, it leaves us little time for people to reserve which real life skins they will be using/book in for the meeting/iron out any installation problems they may suffer (though there shouldn't be any if you read everything in the installer rather than frantically clicking through it :rofl: ).


    The SNT league will run for a total of 4 weeks (sorry I cannot run anymore than that) and will feature a mixture of tracks in each meeting, with each meeting having a specific theme. I hope it turns out to be good fun and the format should make a nice change.


    More details will be posted up when I've stopped messing about with this mod and have time to write them up :thumbup:




  13. Sorry guys for the hold up - had some technical difficulties meaning we couldn't get it out when we wanted. Not to mention with all the festivities it can be hard to get hold of one and other. Shouldn't be long though.


    As you know I'm planning to start SNT this sunday with the full mod, so that may get pushed back a week, but hopefully not.


    Sorry chaps, it should be worth the wait :thumbup:

  14. I have just installed 3d max 9 and for some reason it will not open the scenes I made when I had 3d max 2008. When i open it it comes up File open failed D:\ etc.


    Any ideas? :shrug:





    3DS Max 2008 is a newer version than 9 - the general rule of thumb is that .max (scene) files won't work in an earlier version than what they were created on. To get the scene into 9, you need to file>export in 2008 (if you still have it) to a .3ds file, then file>import this new .3ds file into max 9. That should work for you, but there are a few disadvantages to this, as it only imports the mesh, and not other things like material editor settings, and I've had problems before with the mesh deforming and reshaping itself as well. Worth a shot though.




  15. Is there a skinpack or anything i have to download for tonights meeting and what time does it start and where?


    Ta tom.


    All the info you require is in the sticky threads at the top of the forum :thumbs_up:


  16. Any chance of the photoshop layered files for us to work on alternate car chassis paint schemes MoR? Or will they be delivered with the full mod?


    I can't wait for the full version :thumbup:


    They will be available with the full mod. The Sunday Night Thunder league which I'll be running from 6th January will use the real life skins included with the mod, so you'll have a couple of months to choose your own chassis/paint the cars :thumbup:


  17. Wouldnt it be better releasing the full rfactor version before anyone votes on which 1 is better??

    seems a bit harsh to compare them when 1 doesnt have the full version out yet.


    A very valid point, and I think it's important to stress that if anybody thinks their vote could be swayed either way when they get their hands on the full version, should wait for the full version to be released before they vote..... there's plenty of time.


    And the good news is that the full version of the mod should be out sometime next week :thumbup:

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