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Posts posted by MoR137

  1. Hi all,


    First of all, well done to Leek for winning tonights final, becoming the first person this season to take 3 finals! Also well done Hutch for top scoring.




    Sorry for the big hold ups in the GN - I know we said we'd stick to one restart, but I considered the case of Big Al a special circumstance, as it was more of an experiement to see what could cause/was causing the problems he was having. We didn't establish it entirely, but I'm sure you'll agree, it's better to try and understand the game now rather than later when the stakes could be higher. At least we know the night race wasn't the problem. Al is one of the racers on a lower spec pc, so its also important to understand what problems someone like him could be having, so we have a better understanding for those who join who don't have the fancy kit (sorry to single you out Al, just a fine example, and hope you continue to race). So again, sorry for the delay, and sorry if you felt it was a bit unfair (because you have been locked out in the past) but there was logic behind my madness, I promise.



    Heat 1: 291 288 137 123 8 136 18 259 315 112 515 300

    Heat 2: 290 39 331 137 288 259 3 123 202 286 315 515 525

    Heat 3: 136 290 202 331 39 8 112 18 3 286 291 525



    A-Final: 39 331 136 8 112 137 290 259 291 286 123 288 315 18 3 202 515 525 300


    GN 1: 331 259 290 123 202 112 136 137 315 286 291 39* 288 18 8 3 525

    *LeeK took the lap handicap



    43 pts 331 HUTCH

    36 pts 39 LeeK

    34 pts 136 Kruiz

    34 pts 290 Dazza

    27 pts 137 MoR

    23 pts 112 Tom D

    23 pts 8 tosh874

    22 pts 259 jimmymuk

    14 pts 202 Vegas

    14 pts 291 Marten

    14 pts 123 dubstar

    11 pts 288 Ironmac

    8 pts 286 Mr Beef

    4 pts 315 Sybe Racing

    3 pts 3 Johno

    3 pts 18 marky

    0 pts 515 Big Al

    0 pts 525 Maverick

    0 pts 300 Mattyaspin



    From a personal point of view, I had a cracking night with a mixed bag of results. Finally solved my PC problem woohoo! Had a a good set of heats, with a cracking tuddle with Hutch/Ironmac in heat 2. Got a good start in the final, only to mess it up by spinning Al (wasn't intentional, should've been more patient, but I did a slightly angry Kruiz on my tail lol!). GN was a cracker, found myself battling with Hutch for the lead with only a few to go, decided I'd follow him round and try for the last bender, but messed up my last two laps so was too far away. Unfortunatly hit the dead car of Tosh on the last bend and went flying over the tyres, and as sods law would have it, I landed facing the armco. If World qualifier points were being handed out on acrobatic ability, I'd be pole and choosing my venue.


    Probably my favourite meeting this season (wait, don't I say that ever meeting? hehe).





  2. Good Evening guys,


    Welcome to tonights meeting at Ipswich, which is the 4th WCQR of the season! If you havent seen them already, you can view the World Championship Qualifying points table by CLICKING HERE!!!


    Tonight see's a rather fresh roster of cars with a few regulars missing a few non-regulars joining us for a race. Hope you guys enjoy it tonight and come back for more next week!


    People in charge tonight are as follows:

    Race Manager: MoR

    Meeting Steward: Johno

    Server Manager: DanSkin


    Here are the heat grids for tonight:

    Heat 1: 475, 515, 300, 291, 18, 112, 259, 288, 8, 123, 136, 315, 137 (Steward 39) 13 CARS

    Heat 2: 515, 3, 202, 300, 525, 39, 259, 288, 123, 286, 290, 315, 137, 331 (Steward 136) 14 CARS

    Heat 3: 475, 291, 3, 202, 525, 18, 39, 112, 8, 136, 286, 290, 331 (Steward 137) 13 CARS





    Please make sure you have two heats, and are not racing at the same time.


    Also make sure that you have turned everything off. Run End it all and try to make sure that we suffer no warp.


    The meeting will kick off at 9pm, therefore please be in chat at 8.50.


    All that is left for me to say is for you to have a good evening.





  3. Hate to put it this way tom but that was well un-nescessary (strained my brain too much in sat's) well not the hit just how hard you did it.


    Believe me Lee, when your behind that 136 car you've just got to bury it! Lol, in TomDs defence, it looks like Kruiz took defensive action on the bend (going hotter into the bend) which threw Tom off a little. I don't mind anyway, got me a nice 3rd place instead of 5th! lol. Well done for catching my missed hit on hutch in the background Kruiz, that was number 2 of the evening after heat 3s mess up!


    Thanks for spotting that mistake, 123's points added!

  4. Hi all,


    Well done to Leek for taking tonights final, and db for top scoring (by a massive margin..... i think it goes to show how even everybody was tonight with the fact that a good chuck of people scored in the 20s).


    Thanks for racing tonight chaps, the racing was excellent all around I thought, enjoyed all my races. Didn't have an amazing night really (picked up most of my points in GN), was more of experiment with my current pc problems, but getting there now, all i need is some more speed. Can't see me retaining superstar this grading lol! Highlights of my night include: mucking up last bend of heat 3 hitting hutch, hitting the brakes with eyes closed as Dazza tries to put me into Kruiz's dead car in the final, tyres going off last lap of the final (doh, spin with one bend to go lol) and finally, TomD's last bend gift in the GN, think db was grateful! lol!



    Heat 1: 236 318 259 291 288 290 137 39 164 315 123 233

    Heat 2: 136 112 318 331 18 413 123 315 291 39 233

    Heat 3: 236 112 290 259 331 136 137 413 164 18 288


    A-Final: 39 413 318 123 291 290 331 259 137 300 18 315 112 236 164 136


    GN 1: 318 331 137 136 112 259 413 18 288 39* 291 123 315 290

    *Leek took the lap handicap



    43 pts 318 db

    31 pts 39 LeeK

    29 pts 413 matthewb

    29 pts 331 HUTCH

    25 pts 259 jimmymuk

    21 pts 112 Tom D

    21 pts 290 Dazza

    20 pts 291 Marten

    19 pts 136 Kruiz

    19 pts 137 MoR

    18 pts 123 Dubstar

    16 pts 236 DanSkin

    9 pts 18 marky

    7 pts 288 Ironmac

    4 pts 300 Mattyaspin

    2 pts 164 Jarry

    2 pts 315 Sybe Racing

    0 pts 3 Johno

    0 pts 233 Grasser

  5. Good Evening guys,


    Welcome to the 8TH meeting of the season which tonight takes place at Hednesford! This track proved to be great in the test meeting held just before the season, so no doubt it's gonna be a good night!


    There are 18 cars booked in tonight, meaning there will be 2 heats for everybody, with no consolations and an all-in final and GN!


    People in charge tonight are as follows:

    Race Manager: MoR

    Meeting Steward: Johno

    Server Manager: DanSkin


    Here are the heat grids for tonight:

    Heat 1: 300, 164, 236, 291, 39, 259, 288, 318, 233, 290, 315, 137 (STEWARD 136)

    Heat 2: 300, 3, 291, 18, 39, 112, 318, 136, 233, 315, 413, 331 (STEWARD 236)

    Heat 3: 3, 164, 236, 18, 112, 259, 288, 136, 290, 413, 137, 331 (STEWARD 233)





    Please make sure you have two heats, and are not racing at the same time.


    Also make sure that you have turned everything off. Run End it all and try to make sure that we suffer no warp.


    The meeting will kick off at 9pm, therefore please be in chat at 8.50.


    All that is left for me to say is for you to have a good evening.





  6. Hi all,


    Well, the first grading period has passed, and it now time to start collection for skins once again! Whilst I understand that we don't need to collect the new grades (with rFactor having everybody's grade already) this is your opportunity to take your chassis change or for new drivers to get involved!


    However, this skin collection will be more interesting to some, because I will now be collecting High Res skins! Hooray I hear you shout! There are a few reasons for this; generally our driver base has been quite unhappy with the inclusion of low res skins, and it has since been proven that High Res skins aren't that much of a problem, as the Simstox guys haven't had any problems! Also, Grasser has found a nice little graphics trick which should help anybody on a low spec machine. It's a great little trick and allows the game to run full detail skins, with low detail car models, so you can turn your graphics down in game without loosing skin quality. CLICK HERE TO GO TO 'GRASSERS GRAPHICS TRICK!!!!'


    So anyway, you can upload your high res skins exactly as before, and they will be included in this skinpack. Not everybody will, but those who want to, can. Please make sure you name your high res skins exactly as they are in the skinpacks at the moment. You will not need to include a VEH file if you are overwriting low res skins.


    For anybody else, here's the usual skinpack instructions:


    rFactor Skin Submission Instructions




    Grades for the rFactor half of the league will be announced soon. However, this doesn't mean you have to wait until then to upload your skins, as I require you to upload skins for ALL GRADES. So i will need white, yellow, blue and red from everybody.




    What do I need to upload?


    You need to upload one ZIP file containing all your skins, tarmac and shale, and the corresponding VEH files.


    Regarding VEH files; it makes my life much easier if you write one out correctly, but if your not sure what your doing then I will do it no problem. I've included some example veh files below, which are setup correctly (team names and correct file naming for each chassis) which you can just edit for your details (numbers, names etc).







    Where do I upload my skins?

    To the UKDirt website upload tool. If you have problems uploading, please upload them to this thread.





    Check them out on the UKDirt website!




    The deadline for skin uploads is MIDNIGHT TUESDAY 6TH MAY 2008!!!!





    Skins received:

    Johno 3

    LeeK 39

    TomD 112

    Kruiz 136

    MoR 137

    Kendo 192

    DanSkin 236

    Dazza 290

    Matty 300

    Sybe 315

    Hutch 331

    Dave 488

  7. Sorry its a bit later than planned guys, busy week.


    Anyway, this adds Lee's skins, and adds a tarmac chassis change for Kruiz. Note Kruiz's name now appears twice in the tarmac drivers list, I didn't quite anticipate this and will look at ways of fixing it for the next skinpack, I've got one idea anyway! Lol!


    You'll also notice that lee's skins are high-res....... he sent them this way, and I decided to keep them that way, due to the fact that we will be allowing uploads of high res skins for the next skinpack (it's the end of the grading period tonight, so grades should be out by this time next week).



  8. i have both skins done. only the shale one is converted and has a veh file as it was converted by another driver. Is it possible for somebody to convert the tarmac ones for me and write me a veh file?




    I can sort that for you m8, upload all the relevant bits in a zip :thumbup:

  9. Other Information

    NEW TO RFACTOR F1? THERE WILL BE A SKINPACK RELEASED BEFORE THURSDAYS MEETING – CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you wish to race a meeting but have no skin – whilst I’d rather you kept to planned skinpacks, I’ll consider all requests and do a skinPATCH wherever necessary.


    The WCQR’s take place on the following dates:

    24/04/08 – Bradford Shale (9PM)

    01/05/08 – Kings Lynn (7.30PM)

    15/05/08 – Belle Vue (7.30PM)

    05/06/08 – Ipswich (9PM)

    12/05/08 – Knockhill (7.30PM) (w/ Scottish Championship)

    18/05/08 – Buxton (9PM)

    03/07/08 – Birmingham (9PM)

    10/07/08 – Skegness (7.30PM)

    23/07/08 – Northampton (8.30PM) (Euro Qualifier, Wed Night)


  10. The Road to the World Final starts with WCQR1 at Bradford (Shale) on 24/04/08 at 9PM.




    After 5 successful meetings with the new rFactor F1 Stockcars mod, it’s that time of year where things start getting a little more serious. As we have seen since the release of the mod, nothing is certain in this great new challenge, with 5 different final winners and 4 different top point scorers (with points leader Hutch the only one to clock up 2). We’ve seen massive pile ups, 4-a-breast racing, last bend final battles….. the list goes on.


    Now, the time has come to start looking towards September’s Championship of the World at Ipswich, where we will crown the first UKDirt rFactorF1 World Champion!


    This battle for the gold roof will also be interesting because of the number of drivers that will be involved. Bookings have been great so far for such a brand new mod, but much lower than we’ve seen in the past with the more established Heat mods. That means that this year, there’s even more chance for everybody to take part in a World Championship Semi Final, with your WCQR points determining your all important grid slot. Once battle has taken place at Kings Lynn and Skegness, we’ll have the elite of UKDirt rFactorF1 racing making up the World Final race, where only one person will win the prestigious gold roof.


    Obviously, we’ll also have a bigger spread of grades on the World/Semi Final grids this year, so let’s take a look at some of the names who I think will be ones to watch.




    Hutch 331 – starting with the most obvious first, current National Points leader Hutch will be most peoples bet to take the gold. Demonstrating precision consistency and a cool racing head, he has proved he’s got what it takes to win the big races by taking the KR3W league Gold earlier this year.




    Kruiz 136 – showed some promise in Heat by winning the Dutch Championship last year, Kruiz’s rFactor exploits have far surpassed his Heat ones. One of the drivers who has benefited more from the changeover, he now sits a strong 3rd in the points after Ipswich 17/04/08, and proved at the very first meeting that he has what it takes to battle Hutch, by holding him off and taking the first Grand Final of the year.




    Dazza 290 – easily one of the quickest rFactorF1 racers there is, Dazza has had a relatively quiet start to the season, with a few steering wheel problems seemingly hampering his progress a bit. On his day, Dazza can easily keep up with the fastest in the league, so if his hardware starts to behave again, don’t be surprised to see him up at the top, and would by my tip to take one of the Semi Final wins!




    db 318 – like Kruiz, db is one of the drivers who has taken more to rFactor than he ever seemed to in Heat. His early season form has been impressive, taking a race win at each of the first four meetings of the season, before securing a red grade for Ipswich. Always has impressive lap-times but a distinct lack of luck, db is one to watch!




    Mr Beef 286 – having top scored at the recent Ipswich meeting, Beef is a obvious pick of a driver who could pull of a surprise victory come September. It’s been great to watch Beef’s development from ‘spinning white top driver’ to ‘consistent, Ipswich master’. Don’t be surprised to see him creeping up near the top of the WCQR points with a barrage of consistent finishes.




    Ironmac 288 – at the moment, it may not seem like the changeover has been beneficial to him, but I’m sure his decline in form is down to bad luck more than anything. We saw a flash of the real Ironmac when he took a heat win Ipswich, so don’t be surprised to see his luck start to turn around over the WCQRs!




    Marky 18 – a new racer to UKDirtF1s this year, Marky soon found his feet and achieved yellow grade almost straight away. Showing great consistency on track and a fair attitude, I think he’ll do just fine of the WCQR’s, and has potential in the big races if he can keep out of all the carnage.




    Jimmy 259 – racing both mod’s this year, Jimmy has been a surprise package this year, taking to rFactor very well, taking the Grand Final at Ipswich. Even in his first rFactor meeting at Birmingham, he showed a lot of promise, keeping up with the pack and sticking in lots of bumper wear it was needed. One to watch indeed!


    Of course, that’s only 8 drivers of the regular roster of rFactor racers, so our future gold roof might not even be featured on this page! Don’t forget the ever aggressive Matthew 413 and rising rFactor F1 star, TomD, who will both be looking for a good Semi Final slot to make their mark, both known for some heavy bumper work. There are also bad luck-stricken racers DanSkin and Aub, who will be looking to turn things around for themselves after a poor start to the season! There’s also the rumoured return of Autumn Series and SNT Champion Drumbstick, who’s been out of rFactor action for a while and will be looking to return and give Hutch a run for his money! There’s many more racers I’ve missed (sorry guys!) but that doesn’t mean they won’t be in with a chance too!


    One thing is for sure, if you want to be in with a chance of becoming the first UKDirt rFactorF1 gold roof, taking part in the first ever UKDirt rFactorF1 World Final, you need to get yourself booked in for the WCQR’s; what better place to start your campaign than at Bradford Shale on Thursday 24th April (9pm)!





  11. Just a note, my number is showing as 684 in some of the results and 290 in the others :)


    Hi dazza,


    nice spot and ill fix that when im home tomorrow. Any chance you could adjust your in game name to reflect 290 please? That's where ive gone wrong when looking down my list of results.





  12. but its nice to have the blue there just incase Hutch loses all his setups.


    Sounds like you have a plan :rofl:



    Do you want me to upload my skins again to this thread mate? Seeing as you are doing hi res & low res packs do you need them both attached here?






    Yes please.


    I'm not doing High res skins yet, that will be after next weeks meeting to coincide with the end of the grading period.


  13. Hi all,


    As it is WCQR1 next week, I figured that one of two people may wish to start up in rFactor F1s and get scoring. Therefore, I will be releasing part 2 of the April skinpacks next Wednesday (part 1 was released before the Birmingham meeting). So if u fancy a shot, just zip your skins up and attach them to this thread. This skinpack is also open if any current racers want to make a chassis change - read up on the rules regarding them if your not sure.




    Please read this thread carefully and it'll be a piece of cake :thumbup:





    Grades for the rFactor half of the league will be announced soon. However, this doesn't mean you have to wait until then to upload your skins, as I require you to upload skins for ALL GRADES. So i will need white, yellow, blue and red from everybody.


    However, what I will say on that matter is there's no point of people like Hutch and Drumbstick uploading white and yellow roof skins. Just blue and red will be fine for them. I can't see either dropping below s/s or red, but its nice to have the blue there just incase Hutch loses all his setups. So upload what you feel is correct for you. Consistent red roofs probably won't need a white skin, but have a yellow there just incase. If your really worried, upload them all. And if your a white/yellow roof now, upload all skin colours cause you never know if your gonna climb the grades quickly in the early season! I will inform you if I think you get it wrong, lol!




    What do I need to upload?

    You need to upload one ZIP file containing all your skins, tarmac and shale, and the corresponding VEH files.


    Regarding VEH files; it makes my life much easier if you write one out correctly, but if your not sure what your doing then I will do it no problem. I've included some NEW example veh files below which are setup correctly (team names and correct file naming for each chassis) which you can just edit for your details (numbers, names etc).




    (Note: these VEH files won't work in game unless you create a UKDirt (Tarmac) folder in the TarmacOL skins folder (and likewise for shale). Again, don't mess if you don't know what your doing, as it has the potential of causing you many problems..... ask somebody who knows, and/or refer to the skin guide on the ukdirt website).




    Where do I upload my skins?

    For this skinpack, please upload your skins zipped up to this thread please.





    Check them out on the UKDirt website!







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