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Posts posted by MoR137

  1. Well, points wise it was worst meeting of the season (but 16 aint bad at all!) but enjoyment wise, it was superb, I thought it deserved some pics, and if anybody else has some too, get um posted!


    So anyway, had some pretty standard heats, and felt I could do ok in the final. Got a pretty good start on the reds, only to be greeted after a lap by a couple of cars broadside along the track. Luckily, it ended ok, and I carried on with the rest of the reds. However, a lap later, it was obvious that such a big gaggle of cars was going to end in tears....




    ...which it did for Kruiz, as he embarked on a spectacular rollover off the car of Aub...





    ... leaving him stranded upside down whilst the field rushed passed. Unlucky Kruiz, but made for good viewing from my cockpit.




    LSF was another early casualty, with a turn one tyre claiming his left front wheel.




    I spent most of the race trying to catch up after the bad start, and found myself in a battle for 9th place with db in the final stages of the race. Going into the last lap I was quite a way behind, but thought 'every point counts' and gave it a shot. Just managed to clip the outside of his bumper, which was enough to spin him out and for me to take the place..... little did I know that I was going to pay in the GN...... :rofl:


    So, in the GN, db kindly reminded me of his presence (and my presence on his dashboard) with a hefty shunt first bend. Luckily, it didn't do much damage to me, so I carried on. About way through the race, we were both making progress. That's when db struck again, this time with a bigger which was hard to hold, but I about managed it.....




    With the score of 2-1 in my head, I wasn't to be outdone, so gave him a hefty shunt a few laps later....




    However, db wasn't about to settle with that, and a couple of laps later, db put in a massive hit, which lead to my biggest crash so far this year. I clattered the armco, climbed the armco and was then met by a fence post which about turned me inside out..... ouch! Was an excellent hit though! Great battle mate, topped off a great night! Here's a sequence of the hit.









    Anyway chaps, see you next week.


  2. Hi all,


    Well done to Jimmy for taking the final tonight and no doubt earning himself an upgrade. MrBeef was tonights top scorer, certainly a surprise to me as didn't see him much all night, but looking at his results confirms he had a stunning night, with consistently high places throughout, well done mate!


    Thanks to everybody for racing, and I'll see you all next week, for the first World Championship Qualifying Round! We're back on shale at Bradford!


    I'll post my thoughts on the meeting a little bit later :thumbup:



    Heat 1: 288 331 286 136 290 137 291 18 318 39 488 202 3 300

    Heat 2: 259 137 188 286 320 300 318 39 3 488 413 112 236

    Heat 3: 331 290 112 18 136 413 188 202 259 291 288 320 236


    A-Final: 259 286 18 413 202 331 291 112 137 318 488 288 188 3 300 DNF: 236 290 39 320 136


    GN 1: 286 413 188 202 331 112 488 290 288 136 291 259* 18 137 318 300 236 320 3 DNF: 39



    43 pts 286 Mr Beef

    34 pts 259 jimmymuk

    34 pts 331 HUTCH

    29 pts 413 matthewb

    24 pts 18 marky

    23 pts 202 Vegas

    20 pts 112 Tom D

    17 pts 188 Aub

    16 pts 137 MoR

    15 pts 290 Dazza

    13 pts 291 Marten

    11 pts 288 Ironmac

    11 pts 136 Kruiz

    7 pts 318 db

    6 pts 488 fatdave

    4 pts 320 LSF

    3 pts 300 Mattyaspin

    2 pts 39 LeeK

    1 pts 3 Johno

    0 pts 236 DanSkin

  3. Good Evening guys,


    Welcome to the 5TH meeting of the season which tonight takes place at iPSWICH, our first tarmac fixture for the season.


    There are 20 cars booked in tonight, meaning there will be 2 heats for everybody, with no consolations and an all-in final and GN! Still a good number for the new mod, and rF racing never disapoints!


    People in charge tonight are as follows:

    Race Manager: MoR

    Meeting Steward: Johno

    Server Manager: DanSkin


    Here are the heat grids for tonight:

    Heat 1: 202, 300, 3, 18, 286, 288, 291, 488, 39, 136, 137, 290, 318, 331, , , , (STEWARD 236) 14 CARS

    Heat 2: 300, 320, 3, 259, 112, 236, 286, 488, 39, 137, 188, 318, 413, , , , , (STEWARD 136) 13 CARS

    Heat 3: 202, 320, 18, 259, 112, 236, 288, 291, 136, 188, 290, 413, 331, , , , , (STEWARD 3) 13 CARS





    Please make sure you have two heats, and are not racing at the same time.


    Also make sure that you have turned everything off. Run End it all and try to make sure that we suffer no warp.


    The meeting will kick off at 7.30pm, therefore please be in chat at 7.20.


    All that is left for me to say is for you to have a good evening.





  4. If the UK Dirt website doesn't reappear before the meeting, bookings will be open until the meeting start time (7.30pm!!!) and taken in chat if necessary...


    Anyone who see's this beforehand, can you please book in on this thread.


    Name, Number, Grade please folks...


    MoR137 Red


    Dave 488 Blue



  5. Great work Kev


    Kev said there's still a few cosmetic changes to be done, I'm sure they might include getting rid of the Invision default stuff, so that might go at the top, and the black background might return.....


    Obviously I can't say for sure, but cosmetic changes suggests that to me, he's just got it functional, and the pretty stuff comes later?

  6. I really enjoyed last night, thanks to Johno for running it (how quick? lol) and well done to Hutch for taking the final win.


    Was a mixed bag for me last night, had a disastrous 2nd heat which saw me putting in a last bender for one whole point on Dazza (sorry mate, lol). The final didn't start any better, seemed to collect everything on the first two laps before clipping the spun danskin car on the back straight which sent me spinning uncontrollably onto the infield. Once id got off the tricky logs I found myself in last being lapped by 4th place. I managed to unlap myself as the leaders dealt with the carnage, and some how came home 6th..... was quite pleased with that but quite how I did it I don't know! Then the GN came as a welcome end to the night, just seemed to get all the luck in that one. Who says you make your own luck? Oh Paul Hines.....


    Great stuff anyway, and looking forward to next week at Ipswich for some World Final practice (don't forget its Whites and Yellows round 2 next week too!) Then the week after that the WCQRs start and things start getting a bit more serious!

  7. Hi guys,

    Great to have the new patch V1.1 for the stock cars.And good to be able to use the Tarmac and Shale

    season offline.

    The only problem is we that can only use the game offline are still not able to grid the cars in graded

    order, is there a program available for us to use?Let me put it to you like this i would like to run my

    own season with myself racing against the AI cars i would like to be able to decide who i have in the race meetings and be able to put the cars in graded order plus myself on the grid.

    It would be ideal if all the cars i had could be put into a grid edit and for me to pick out the cars i want

    and put them on the grid in graded order even if it was one behind the other with no space between

    the grades that would be ok and of course to be able to put myself anywhere on the grid.

    Because at the moment all that we have is a random grid which will have reds at the front as well as

    whites yellows and blues.

    Can this be done?

    Sorry if ive gone on with this question but before F1 stock cars came on line in rfactor the promotion

    videos would end with KEEPING IT REAL.Yes for those online league users but not for us offline users

    who are not able to race in the leagues because of work commitments,

    Anyway sorry for going on and i hope somebody can give me an answer.


    Thanks guys. Paul Stephens


    As far as I'm aware, such a program isn't available. What you need to remember is that this is a mod for a game, we did not code the game from scratch, therefore, only have control over certain things. We all know how unique our sport is, so the chances of finding a mod-able game that will allow you to meet every single criteria of what should comprise of a stock car game are very slim. We made the mod with the offline user in mind as well, that is why you have tarmac/shale seasons and 70+ real life skins....

  8. Just a small point MOR, the Installation instructions within this pack still say about deleting various files before installing - I think this related just to the original season skinpack didn't it?


    It is the same for each skinpack really, if a person whose skin is included in the pack is duplicated elsewhere in the game it causes problems. The CCH deletion is a step to ensure this, but isn't necessary for anybody who's skin isn't in this skinpack, so thanks for pointing that out, I will re-word that next time.


    Still, best to be safe than sorry! Lol!.

  9. Hi all,


    First of all, well done to Sybe on top scoring after winning both his heats and the final. He didn't fair to well in the GN from the handicap, but well done anyway for having a crack at it.


    Was another excellent nights racing all round I think, and was great to be part of what I think is the best final on rF so far. Never before have I seen so many cars battling for position in one space than a few cars lengths in front of me and marten! He commented in chat aswell, so it sure did look good! Was great to get stuck in a couple of laps later too. A really challenging race I thought, without a massive amount of carnage.


    Personally, I had another solid night, so I'm waiting for my first duff one of the season now...... it's gonna happen! Lol! So hope you all enjoyed it, if so, get yourselves booked in for next weeks Bradford Tarmac meeting. If you didn't enjoy it as much as me, then book in anyway, we all have bad ones occasionally :thumbup:



    Heat 1: 315 136 413 137 331 236 291 288 286 320 300 112 221

    Heat 2: 318 202 136 259 300 331 188 291 288 286 233 39 3 DNF: 112

    Heat 3: 315 236 413 3 39 137 259 290 233 221 188 318 320 202


    A-Final: 315 331 413 318 290 137 286 288 112 291 236 202 3 233 300 320 136 259 DNF: 188 221 39


    GN 1: 290 112 286 136 137 331 259 413 233 318 202 288 291 320 315* 300 3 DNF: 188

    *Sybe took the handicap




    41 pts 315 Sybe Racing

    34 pts 413 matthewb

    33 pts 331 HUTCH

    27 pts 137 MoR

    27 pts 290 Dazza

    26 pts 318 db

    21 pts 286 Mr Beef

    21 pts 136 Kruiz

    16 pts 112 Tom D

    12 pts 259 jimmymuk

    10 pts 236 DanSkin

    10 pts 288 Ironmac

    7 pts 202 Vegas

    7 pts 291 Marten

    5 pts 3 Johno

    4 pts 300 Mattyaspin

    4 pts 39 LeeK

    4 pts 233 Grasser

    2 pts 188 Aub

    1 pts 221 Spike

    1 pts 320 _LSF_

  10. Good Evening guys,


    Welcome to the third meeting of the season which tonight takes place at Birmingham, our first tarmac fixture for the season.


    There are 19 cars booked in tonight, meaning there will be 2 heats for everybody, with no consolations and an all-in final and GN! Still a good number for the new mod, and rF racing never disapoints!




    People in charge tonight are as follows:

    Race Manager: MoR

    Meeting Steward: Johno

    Server Manager: DanSkin


    Here are the heat grids for tonight:

    Heat 1: 221, 300, 112, 315, 236, 286, 288, 291, 320, 136, 137, 413, 331 STEWARD 233

    Heat 2: 202, 300, 3, 112, 259, 286, 288, 291, 318, 39, 136, 233, 331 STEWARD 236

    Heat 3: 202, 221, 3, 315, 236, 259, 318, 320, 39, 137, 233, 413 STEWARD 136





    Please make sure you have two heats, and are not racing at the same time.


    Also make sure that you have turned everything off. Run End it all and try to make sure that we suffer no warp.


    The meeting will kick off at 7.30pm, therefore please be in chat at 7.20.


    All that is left for me to say is for you to have a good evening.





  11. No late booking will be accepted for tonights rfactor meeting, therefore you must book in on the site.


    Due to a low-ish turn out tonight, and the fact my life has been made significantly easier by a new DanSkin spreadhseet, I will allow late bookings between 6 and 7 tonight, so if you can make it, get booked in and come along!


  12. Hi all,


    So, as we have a meeting on Kings Lynn on Thursday (27/03) I've managed to get it ready in time for you all to have a few days practice (just a tip: Belle Vue setups work well enough to start with!).


    Its taken a few months to do, it was a complete rebuild from the heat version, but I enjoyed doing it and have the bug for more, but we'll see! Lol!


    Anyway, I'm releasing this as V0.5, in effect using Thursday as a test before i release it on rFactorCentral.


    There are one or two issues. This is meant for online use only and you'll see one or two problems if you race offline.




    Special thanks go to Freew (massive amounts of help getting my first track in game and working, and also for doing the lights and cameras), Grasser (Loading screens), Drumbsitck (AIW) and Hooty (scoreboard)!


    Server 5 has Kings Lynn on it now, so you should be able to go in and have a practice. Thanks to DanSkin for sorting that.




    Hope you all enjoy it :thumbup:




  13. Great work RMing Johno and Server Managing Dan.


    Had a great night myself, every race was tough, not too much carnage really, just lots of gaggles of car desperately trying to make breaks on each other.


    Well done Kruiz on the final win, came under a lot of pressure from Hutch especially in the closing laps but kept your cool. I was personally hoping Hutch would plant a big one on you, but he raced the sensible race knowing he was a little too far back for a 'safe' hit. It was a superbly close finish between the three of us anyway (deserves a screenshot I think!) and a cracking start to what is sure to be an excellent season.




    I've always suffered quite bad from 'shaky hands' when racing on my gamepad in heat, when in a good position, so it was to be expected to carry on over to rF. Except its twice as bad on a wheel now. In the final, everytime i raised my foot from the brake pedal it was trembling away too! Lol! Go on, say 'its' just a game Craig'.....


    Another race to mention for me was the cracking battle I had with Beef in the GN, top stuff!


    Excellent night anyway!



  14. Looks great MoR ... Do the tyres move or are they static like all the other tracks?


    They are static im afraid, i do believe ISI haven't sorted that aspect yet, I think you can only give them traffic cone-like attributes, which whilst comical wouldn't be ideal, lol!


    Thanks for the nice comments guys.


  15. Hi chaps,


    With only 9 days until the meeting at Kings Lynn, I thought it was about time you got a little update! So I've got a WIP page set up at rFactor Central (CLICK HERE TO VIEW) so go and take a look. That screenshot is about a week old now, but you get the jist.


    The track is done now, and just needs a good test now before I release it. It will be released in V0.5 on UKDirt only for starters, and then if all goes well, I will release it as V0.9 a little while later.


    So keep an eye out anyway :thumbup:



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