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Posts posted by MoR137

  1. Hi all,


    The votes have been reset on our rFactor central page FOUND HERE, as the last ones were from the beta mod as well, which obviously didn't reflect the full quality, diversity of chassis and other improvements that came with V1.0 of the mod.


    It would be great if we could make the rFc Hall of Fame - all we need to do is be at a score of 450/500 at the time of the 2000th vote. At the moment we're sitting at 420, but there's still around 1400 votes until we reach 2000, so it's more than possible to climb to that mark!


    So if you could take the time vote for us, that would be awesome :thumbup:




    Shameless rFactor plugger.

  2. Well what a night....


    Heat 5 was my own personal highlight, lots of hits between a big gaggle of cars, I nearly took off over the Birmingham sign (see early flight below), and then was nearly 'pitted' by Kruiz last bend!




    A quick picture that sums up Johno's night perfectly....




    Drumbstick and Hutch were battling for the lead all the way through the night, and went into the final with Hutch on 133 and Drumbstick on 132! It all ended in disaster for Hutch though, and Drumbstick claimed a respectable 3rd after an early spin. Hutch came home 6th, which wasn't bad considering the carnage! Bad luck to Matthew, who had a terrible night whilst trying to keep up with this pair, but looks set to be a contender for silver in the upcoming UKDirt rFactor F1 2008 season!




    Well done to Kruiz for winning the final and joint top scoring, and a big well done to Drumbstick 41, who continues his clean sweep of off-season UKDirt rFactorF1 titles so far, becoming Sunday Night Thunder Champion 2008!


    Thanks all for racing what has turned out to be an excellent series, I hope you've all enjoyed the using the mod with the real life skins, I certainly did! I know we had some teething-troubles along the way, but thanks for sticking with me, and thankfully the finale went smoothly!


    So I hope to see you all racing in March along with some new names, so get those skins painted up (keep an eye out for a skinpack thread soon!) and get practicing! Thanks for all your support over these crucial testing stages since September, it's very much appreciated, and it's been great seeing the mod being used!




    Heat 1: 298 8 331 41 137 288 146 233 2 123

    Heat 2: 8 137 188 123 212 41 413 684 136 298

    Heat 3: 684 39 63 188 212 146 288 233 300 331


    Heat 4: 298 331 233 286 8 41 188 137 288 426

    Heat 5: 188 684 331 137 136 2 288 123 212 413

    Heat 6: 136 112 413 2 298 41 8 123 39 286


    Final: 136 2 41 3 123 331 8 288 684 137



    38 pts 41 Drumbstick

    38 pts 136 Kruiz

    37 pts 8 Tosh

    36 pts 331 Hutch

    32 pts 2 Mike

    29 pts 188 Aub

    27 pts 137 MoR

    27 pts 298 TGG

    26 pts 684 Dazza

    26 pts 123 Dubstar

    21 pts 288 Ironmac

    14 pts 212 Pedz

    14 pts 233 Grasser

    14 pts 3 Johno

    13 pts 413 Matthew

    11 pts 39 LeeK

    9 pts 146 PaulP

    9 pts 112 TomD

    8 pts 286 MrBeef

    8 pts 63 samson

    2 pts 300 Matty

    1 pts 426 Dav

    0 pts 272 chriseaves

    0 pts 20 Splinter




  3. Grade


    Whites: 298, 272, 300, 63

    Yellows: 426, 112, 212, 3, 20

    Blues: 8, 137, 288, 136, 39

    Reds: 146, 286, 684, 2, 123

    Superstars: 41, 331, 413, 233


    All race winners will be automatically upgraded 1 grade after each win for the remainder of the evening, so this should start to sort things out eventually. Besides, the real reason for the grades is to split the grid up anyway.



    The following drivers do not have skins reserved for SNT should race the following skins:

    Johno: Tarmac 59 and Shale 2

    Chris: Tarmac 321 and Shale 335

    Dubstar: Tarmac 244 and Shale 84

    LeeK: Tarmac 434 and Shale 290





    Bradford Shale Heats:

    Heat1: 298 63 426 3 112 20 8 137 288 146 2 286 123 41 331 233

    Heat2: 272 300 298 112 426 212 137 39 136 8 286 123 684 413 41

    Heat3: 300 63 272 212 20 3 288 136 39 684 146 2 331 233 413




    Birmingham Heats:

    Heat4: 298 272 426 3 212 20 8 137 288 146 286 684 41 331 233

    Heat5: 300 272 63 212 112 3 288 136 137 684 123 2 146 413 331

    Heat6: 63 300 298 20 112 426 39 8 136 39 123 2 286 413 41 233





    Starting Proceedure




    We'll be running an all-in final tonight, on the track chosen by the Lucky #7, which will be closed grid in points order, with the top point scorer starting at the back. The front row will line up on the exit of turn 2, I will call 'ANYBODY NOT READY?' and then 'ROLL AT 30'. The roller will commence, and the race begins as the front row exits turn 4.

  4. Results (incl Hutchs votes in post)


    Bradford Shale 4 + 5 = 9

    Bradford Tarmac 4 + 3 = 7

    Belle Vue 3 + 1 = 4

    Birmingham Wheels 5 + 4 = 9

    Ipswich 0 + 5 = 5

    Ipswich Dirt 1 + 1 = 2

    Sexbierum 7 + 0 + 1 = 8

    Fareham Shale 0 + 0 = 8

    KR3W Shale 0 + 1 = 1

    Wedgeway 1 + 5 + 1 = 7


    Therefore, we're doing a dual surface meeting tomorrow for the finale, using Birmingham and Bradford Shale!


    EDIT - Note I have noticed that 25 people have voted, so lets have 25 booked in :thumbup:

  5. This is the tutorial I was looking at:


    Thanks for the tutorial Fourwinds, very interesting and something I didn't know existed within rFactor - you learn something new every day :thumbup:


    I will have a chat with a few people about whether it would be ideal to let ukdirt skins have alpha channels - its a very small change that could potentially give rFactor a lot of think about.


    Also one thing that struck me was that he was using DXT5 'because DXT3 reduces the shades of grey in the alpha channel'. The fact that that option is there to reduce the shades of grey (and DTX1 turns off alphas altogether) suggests to me that it could have a negative impact on performance, but then again, nVidia didn't make the plug-in specifically for rFactor..... lol. But my gut feeling is, loading an alpha channel will impact performance in some way, however small, when compared with not loading an alpha channel.....


    Thanks for pointing it out though and I'll have a chat with a few people :thumbup:

  6. Alpha channels can be used to reduce the gloss shine on the main paintwork also and can make numbers more shiny also


    From my experience, I've only ever come across alpha channels for one use only and that is for transparency (black=transparent, white=opaque) and have never heard of it being use for gloss like you say, unless rFactor has some kind of hidden setting which I don't know about.


    However, if what your saying is correct, I think the requirement of no alpha channels will still be the same, because we want rF to be loading as little as possible, without it having to worry about alpha channels, which are already in places on the chassis models themselves and parts of tracks.


  7. The tracks we will be using are still uncertain! CLICK HERE to vote for which tracks we will be using for this meeting!


    You will need to have reserved a skin to race. Reserve one HERE. If all skins are taken, then please state in your booking below that u do not have a skin and I will assign you one on the night out of people who are not racing!


    Remember, the meeting starts at 9pm!


    To book in, please leave your name and UKDIRTF1 NUMBER (NOT your real-life skin number) before 7pm on Sunday!


    MoR137 booking in

  8. Hi all,


    As the poll says, vote above to decide which two tracks we will be running next Sunday! This poll will close at Midnight on Friday 01/02/08. You have a choice of all the tracks apart from those used 27/01/08 as I don't think it would be wise to use them two weeks in a row (variation doesn't hurt! lol). Note that I have included Bradford (Tarmac) because an update to fix the lap scoring problem is due hopefully.


    I will take the votes from both polls and add them together. The track with the most votes will be used, as will the track with the second most votes.


    Pick some good ones chaps!




  9. One thing I have to say so far with this series is my surprise at the lack of participants.What do people think? Is it better to have lower numbers as bigger grids would become farcial, or would people like to see more on the night? I just think its a shame as rFactor is the mod ive longed for since stumbling across ukdirt 2 years ago, its like the potential that old mod had finally realised.Are people aware of its existence & is it being promoted as well as it could be, e.g. on stoxnet etc., or is that the intention to keep it solely for the priveledged few with the PC specs to run it? Anyways I always enjoy the meetings & cheers to the guys behind the scenes.


    TBH, I don't think we really have a 'lack' of people at the moment. We have had 21 bookings for the last two weeks, and we had the same number most of way through the Autumn Series. A Heat F1 meeting last year would average between 35 - 45 bookings last year, so 20 - 25 a meeting in rF is only half of that, and what I would expect for a new game, thats not that easy to get to grips with, could require computer upgrades (for some people), races on a Sunday night (supposed to be relaxing lol) and pretty much has split UKDirt down the middle in terms of whether a person likes it or not. So baring that in mind, I think we're doing just fine.


    By all means though, recommend it to people, and hopefully we can continue to grow :thumbup:

  10. Well, first of all, sorry it was a long one. From an RMing POV, it turned out to be a bit of a disaster, with one problem after another, gradually stressing me out, meaning I kept forgetting to reset the track after heats etc - from where I sat it was chaos lol! Ah well, they are like that sometimes, or as far as this mini series is concerned, all the time :rofl: Here's hoping it gets better next week for the finale!


    Thanks all for racing, well done to Grasser for winning the final with a last bend hit on Drumbstick, and Hutch for top scoring.



    Heat 1: 426 123 286 2 331 413 300 233 112 63

    Heat 2: 20 63 684 212 2 331 288 146 41 112

    Heat 3: 8 212 426 286 413 41 20 286 146 233

    Heat 4: 286 331 41 123 137 136 684 146 20 233

    Heat 5: 136 331 413 146 288 137 212 112 426 8

    Heat 6: 188 20 2 123 286 300 8 112 233 413


    Grand Final: 233 41 413 2 146 331 136 123 212 286



    39 pts 331 Hutch

    36 pts 413 Matthew

    35 pts 2 Mike

    33 pts 286 MrBeef

    33 pts 41 Drumbstick

    29 pts 123 dubstar

    27 pts 233 Grasser

    27 pts 146 PaulP

    25 pts 20 Splinter

    24 pts 212 Pedz

    23 pts 136 Kruiz

    20 pts 426 Dav

    15 pts 8 Tosh

    12 pts 684 Dazza

    11 pts 137 MoR

    10 pts 288 Ironmac

    10 pts 188 Aub

    10 pts 63 Samson

    9 pts 300 Matty

    9 pts 112 TomD

    0 pts 156 Fourwinds


    I will post a poll tomorrow to decide which two tracks we race on next week!



  11. The F2s are racing tonight so it might delay the start slightly, so sorry if it does.


    Grade notes


    Grades are based on the current points table. Dubstar and Mike were graded red from past experience, as they have not raced SNT yet. Some other drivers have also been moved due by my discretion. Remember, these grades are fresh this week, and last weeks grades have no effect on this weeks!


    Whites: 156, 63, 20

    Yellows: 286, 136, 426, 300, 212

    Blues: 137, 288, 8, 112, 188

    Reds: 233, 684, 146, 2, 123

    Superstars: 41, 331, 413


    All race winners will be automatically upgraded 1 grade after each win for the remainder of the evening, so this should start to sort things out eventually. Besides, the real reason for the grades is to split the grid up anyway.


    KR3W Tarmac Heats:

    Heat1: 156 63 286 300 426 136 137 188 112 233 123 2 331 413

    Heat2: 63 20 136 212 300 288 112 8 137 684 2 146 41 331

    Heat3: 20 156 426 212 286 8 188 288 146 123 684 233 413 41


    Fareham Tarmac Heats:

    Heat4: 156 20 136 286 426 288 188 137 684 233 146 123 41 331

    Heat5: 156 63 426 212 300 8 137 288 112 146 2 684 331 413

    Heat6: 63 20 300 136 212 286 112 188 8 2 123 233 413 41



    Starting Proceedure




    We'll be running an all-in final tonight, on the track chosen by the Lucky #7, which will be closed grid in points order, with the top point scorer starting at the back. The front row will line up on the exit of turn 2, I will call 'ANYBODY NOT READY?' and then 'ROLL AT 30'. The roller will commence, and the race begins as the front row exits turn 4.

  12. Sorry it's late again - busy week, completely slipped my mind - can't wait until the UKDirt site handles all bookings again!


    Anyway - the poll HERE has now ended, and we'll be racing at KR3W Tarmac and Fareham Tarmac!


    You will need to have reserved a skin to race. Reserve one HERE. If all skins are taken, then please state in your booking below that u do not have a skin and I will assign you one on the night out of people who are not racing!


    Remember, the meeting starts at 9pm!


    To book in, please leave your name and UKDIRTF1 NUMBER (NOT your real-life skin number) before 7pm on Sunday!


    MoR137 booking in

  13. Hi all,


    We'll try again, lol!


    As the poll says, vote above to decide which two GRC Racepark tracks we will be running next Sunday! This poll will close at Midnight on Friday 25/01/08.


    I will take the votes from both polls and add them together. The track with the most votes will used, as will the track with the second most votes.





    PS - I chose not to include KR3W Wet because I find it is more intensive on my PC than other tracks, so I don't want to isolate anybody who struggles to run rFactor as it is.

  14. Hi


    Overall, I think tonight went very well (maybe a bit long but the first two heats took a while for various reasons). How did u think the grades/starts worked this time around? I didn't have one bad race, really enjoyed it here. Well done to Aub for winning the final and Hutch for top scoring. Thanks to Danskin for sorting the server out tonight.


    I'll compile a cumulative points table sometime in the week, and put up a poll to see which two tracks we'll be at next week from the GRC selection.



    Heat 1: 146 137 236 233 156 331 136 8 212 41

    Heat 2: 426 236 413 684 286 322 188 146 8 300

    Heat 3: 188 331 413 233 300 286 41 288 322 63

    Heat 4: 684 331 233 41 236 286 156 8 63 136

    Heat 5: 331 146 684 63 137 233 188 413 288 112

    Heat 6: 8 286 146 137 41 413 212 188 322 236


    Final: :checkeredflag: 188 :checkeredflag: 41 413 331 146 233 212 288 137 322




    47 pts 331 Hutch

    42 pts 146 PaulP

    41 pts 188 Aub

    40 pts 413 Matthew

    37 pts 233 Grasser

    36 pts 41 Drumbstick

    26 pts 137 MoR

    25 pts 286 MrBeef

    25 pts 684 Dazza

    24 pts 236 Danskin

    18 pts 8 Tosh

    14 pts 212 Pedz

    11 pts 288 Ironmac

    11 pts 322 Murph

    10 pts 63 Samson

    10 pts 156 Fourwinds

    10 pts 426 Dav

    7 pts 300 Matty

    5 pts 136 Kruiz

    1 pts 112 Tom D

    0 pts 20 Splinter


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