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Posts posted by MoR137

  1. Hi,


    Please leave your name and number as usual before 7pm on Sunday to book in for the finale of the UKDirt F1 rFactor Autumn Series at Birmingham Wheels Raceway.


    UKDirt F1 rFactor Autumn Series Points Championship

    You may or may not have noticed, but when we posted the rules thread at the beginning of the season, we specified that the finale would be worth double points! Hutch currently tops the points which a pretty comfortable 48 point lead on rival Drumbstick, but its still all to play for - don't forget that the winner of the meeting final will be eligible to score quadrupedal points in the Grand National! The man who tops the points chart after the Grand National race will be crowned UKDirt F1 rFactor Autumn Series Points Champion 2007!


    You didn't think we'd leave it at that did you? After the Grand National, we'll be running.....


    The UKDirt F1 rFactor Autumn Series Supreme

    The top 20 (available that night) in the points chart after the GN will be entered into the Autumn Series Supreme! Qualifiers will line up two-a-breast closed grid in points order, commence a half lap 30mph roller before thundering down the home straight to begin the 21 lap race which will decide the UKDirt F1 rFactor Autumn Series Supreme Champion 2007!


    The current points chart can be found HERE. As you can see, currently sitting in 20th position is Tosh, with 60 points, a total which could easily be matched/overtaken by anybody, even a newcomer, because of the double points that are on offer over the night! If any of the top 20 are not available after the GN, we will use reserves taken from 21st place onwards.



    Anyway, I hope this is enough to get you booked in for what should be a great finale to what's been a great series.


    Thanks to everybody who has come along and had a go, whether you liked it or not, and a BIG thanks to all the regulars for supporting us over the course of the series!




  2. Well, personally I quite enjoyed tonight, the usual chaotic belle vue, but thats what appeals to me here, every time you turn the bends u don't know what's waiting for you. The Heat 1 track blockage was especially chaotic (and very funny, for me anyway), and the final was very hectic, I lost count of the times I was facing the wrong way. Had some really tricky moments in the GN amongst loads of cars, all tank slapping down the straight..... excellent stuff.


    Best race of my night was Heat 4, a brilliant battle with Pedz, with Michael sitting behind. Once I got in front, I had Pedz on my bumper every bend - simply an awesome race, its so enjoyable riding hits, powering down the straight, riding another one..... ace! Michael managed to get in front after a big one from Pedz with 2 to go and was just too far away to have a pop at.


    I personally didn't fall fowl of any of the OTT hits tonight, thought I did see them going on, and wasn't pleased to see it. Its a contact sport, and that's the main appeal to me (note my favourite race of the night saw me getting pummeled every bend lol), but a little thought behind the hits wouldn't go amiss - cause lets face it, the OTT hits have really put a downer on what was a very entertaining night. Those in question are capable of much better, cause full throttling someone from half a straight back isn't hard, is boring, and ruins other peoples enjoyment. You can do much, much better.....


    Otherwise, cracking night, and I hope to see you all for the final round of what I think has been a superbly fun and productive series.


  3. Thanks all for a good meeting - well done to Allan for top scoring and Kruiz for the final win - more proof that perseverance and practice does pay off!


    Tonight was very up and down for me - I personally didn't like the track - it wasn't really a 'stock car track' and I think that led to peoples frustrations tonight. The nature of the track being so narrow, with tight bends, and the speed you can get up on the straight really 'exaggerated' peoples issues with the mod I think. Much like last week at Wedgeway. And again, there were a lot of complaints at Sexbeirium, again because of all the speed your carrying, and how sideways you have to go there. We didn't see many complaints at KR3W, Birmingham or Belle Vue, and I think thats because those tracks really are what the mod were designed for!


    I'll try and crank out Kings Lynn when I get some spare time (hopefully over Xmas, but no promises, still got a week to find out if college piles on the briefs.......).


    Anyway, don't be too put off by tonight if you had a bad one :thumbup:

  4. Hi all,


    I know this is late but we I was going to post it last night, but the forum was down! Sundays track will be Fareham tarmac - thanks to all who voted for where they wanted to race. We chose the tarmac version so that we didn't end up with 3 shale weeks in a row :thumbup:


    So, book in below please, stating your name and number. Bookings will close at 7pm on Sunday.




  5. Ever since the sexbeirium meeting and the 'contact issues' thread I've been really trying hard to establish what contact works and what doesn't. So if you think I've been a bit heavy bumpered in recent weeks, that is why :rofl:


    Drum and Kruiz have got it spot on really. Massive lunges are possible, but the bigger the hit, the harder it will be for you to control it. As for 'normal' hits, all you need to do is just pick your time well - wait until you about a cars width away from the car in front. Then its all about timing and perception. If the car in front starts getting a slide on, then don't do it, you'll only spin them and knacker yourself up. If however, you are both going in nice and straight just brake that little bit later and watch them go fencewards. If you want it harder, keep the throttle on that extra bit longer, but be prepared to have to wrestle with your own car more. Once that technique is tuned on tarmac, it becomes easy on shale as well.


    As for the side to side contact - there's a simple solution - avoid this sort of contact, especially if you have a slide on. Do so by braking, letting off the throttle - whatever it takes. If its unavoidable either be ready to counter a spin in a millisecond, or steer out of it before your even in it! I'm not F1 driver, but I'm sure that pretty much stands in real life. It goes against physics/weight distribution to be able to hit someone in a sliding motion in that way (i.e front right to rear left). I don't have a physics qualification either, but from my understanding, that how I think it should behave.


    My solution? Stick with it, practice and experiment with someone who won't get angry :thumbup: It definitely worth it to get the most out of rF F1s.


    I throughly enjoyed the meeting by the way, a different sort of challenge with some great racing. And that massive pile up on lap 7 of the GN - ouch! I was laughing out loud as every time I came to a halt someone new piled in lol!





    PS - as mentioned earlier, using a wheel with full steering lock in the setup means you will save 90% of spins!


    EDIT - added a bit about the meeting....

  6. Provisional booking for me, only have 1 skin in the original pack and its shale, whats the deal with skins for me racing?


    Not 100% sure if i can race yet but hoping too.




    Use the original skin you did for now, with it being the Autumn League we're not amazingly fussed, its just nice to have all the correct grades there :thumbup:

  7. aye farehams good dazza, i think maybe mors faster at wedgeway like .............. :scared15:


    I don't have your setup for either, so i'm not sure where I'm faster :rofl:


    MoR 137 Booking in!


    PS - Tads, I shan't be doing another skinpack due to lack of demand really - carry on using those skins, with it being the Autumn Series we ain't too strict really!

  8. Hi all,


    After a few negative reactions about Fareham Shale, we've decided to move the meeting on Sunday to Wedgeway, which is available here! Its a unique but great track which should produce some great sliding action!


    Please state your name and number when booking in and make sure these are the same when in game.


    Bookings open until 7pm on sunday.



  9. We'll try again..... lol!


    Gradings will be announced before the meeting.


    Booking in here, until 7PM Sunday 25/11/07. Please state name, and number. Please race under this name and number in game. Please make sure you do this or else Danskin get angry..... you won't like him when he's angry......


    KR3W may be a fictional track buts its a cracker, and a nice easy one to drive too! Get booked in :thumbup:

  10. I'll be in j3 from 8.30 (or before if anyones there for some practice).


    You'll need all the usual tracks and drumsticks tracks, including the wet version of KR3W found here. Unzip and place into your rfactor>game dat>locations>GRCRacewayPark folder.


    If you dont have any of drumsticks tracks, u can download the whole set (including the wet one) here/




  11. The Usual Stuff

    Gradings will be announced before the meeting.


    Booking in here, until 7PM Sunday 18/11/07. Please state name, and number. Please race under this name and number in game. Please make sure you do this or Danskin will send the heavy boys round.


    Going Frankie Seniors testimonial?

    We understand that this meeting clashes with Frankie Seniors testimonial meeting, so here's what we're going to say:

    - If your going, but still want to race this meeting and will be late, please post here beforehand so Dan can work out your grade and stuff for when you get here and join in!

    - If we have less than 10 bookings by Saturday 7pm this meeting will be postponed until next week.


    Anyway, I hope we don't come to that cause i'm having some serious rF F1 withdrawal symptoms! Get yourselves booked in - it may be a fantasy track but it was a bloomin' good un last time we raced it for a meeting!




  12. What a great night, certainly the best of the series so far, plenty of action, big but fair hits and a good atmosphere!


    The first heat was a good one, I lead for most the race with Dubstar following, who put in a corker of a hit last bend. So hard in fact I struggled to hold it, put too much power on, spun onto the infield, spun it around again, then had to drag race hutch to the line! Classic stuff and great fun - who says you can't hit in rF F1s?! The other two heats were corkers too, notable mentions being a bumper battle I had with Kruiz and Matthews wheel off - ouch! The Final and GN were the usual hectic affair with Johno very unlucky to lose out on both, but great races nonetheless.


    I'd just like to say thanks for everyone thats supported the mod so far, given feedback and just for giving it a chance!





    PS - Thanks Hutch for wheel setup/setup help, its been much appreciated and feel like i'm getting the hang of it now!

  13. Right, from that last screenshot, have you moved the last 10 files in there yourself? (BRI_damage to elite_upgrades.gen) They shouldn't be in that folder, so u can get rid of them out of there.


    To me from your early shots it looks as if everything as installed fine. No files ever need to be moved from where they are default installed.


    Is your problem that you can't find the stock cars when u load up the game? If so here's what you need to do:

    - Load up rFactor

    - When its loaded, click the customize heading then click player.

    - Change your racing series to 'F1 Stockcars Beta V0.2


    Then when you go to vehicle section, the shale and tarmac teams should be there, and within that the skins.


    Sorry if this going back over the basics and doesn't solve your problem at all, but I'm really not 100% on what the problem is anyway :blink:

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