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Posts posted by MoR137

  1. Well, what a surprise night for me lol! Finally getting used to using a wheel now - lets not forget this was a 10 quid sidewinder from ebay, so old it doesn't even have FFB! I'm well chuffed, and shows you don't have to spend big bucks on a g25.


    My night started perfectly with a win, and then my other two heats saw my spinning around and causing pile ups lol! The final was a good race - I took my time getting past the white tops which paid off, and then I just wrestled the car every lap, unfortunately getting held up by backmarkers with two to go allowing LeeK to catch up, and he was just a little too far ahead last bend to take a dive at! Then the GN topped it off for me, a reasonably quiet race, and topped off the night with some donuts - a definite plus-side of having the time after you've crossed the line to mess about!


    Regarding the contact, seems it come up again tonight, i set off tonight with a target in mind, and that was to race with 'daddy-Kruiz's words in mind. I was patient all night with hits (i.e. not until they were nice and straight and close enough so that I didn't have to dive with the momentum carrying me to the fence also) and passes (only going up the inside when I knew I could out-dragrace them down the straight), and it seemed to pay off, i certainly got a few hits in I was proud of - not from miles back but nice and close and hard enough so they couldn't come back from it!


    I really recommend everybody just thinking about their bumper/passing tactics as its incredibly rewarding and it might change your views on the contact as it stands (especially at BV, its worth thinking about things to avoid the dreaded spins). Could it just be driver error after all?


    However, we are not as cloth-eared as that and we do want to make the game as enjoyable as possible whilst retaining its sim attributes, and I know Grasser has another idea to improve the contact slightly (which may or may not work) which is a progression from that which 'solidified' things in v0.2, so that may help a little bit.


    Thanks to everyone one who's raced the series so far and lets keep the attendances as high as they have been! Practice seems to be the key - one point that could be made is that a lot of the successful racers also race drumbsticks league on Tuesday nights, so that extra bit of experience seems to pay off!


    Looking forward to next week if the last Belle Vue meeting is anything to go by.




  2. thanks for comments i did have a go of ur tutorial a wile back nick but i want to make an f1 rather than a banger and so i suppose i need some picks lol that would be very helpful.


    If your looking to make an F1, the best advice I can give you is that you need to get some basics down (which i guess you already have judging by your first post!), these include:

    - General modeling from primitives (ie, starting with a box, moving verts, extruding, beveling, subdivision of polys)

    - Lofting (a much easier technique to making tricky cylindrical parts like a rollcage than using a cylinder primitive - essential technique)

    - 3D Snap (another useful tool to get the hang of for when you panel the car)

    - UVW Mapping and Unwrap UVW (the only mapping techniques you'll really need for an F1)


    So really - just make sure you've a grasp of those before you set off on your project, then have fun and you'll learn so much more when your building something you want to build, rather than the same old crappy tutorials modeling coke cans and magic swords :rofl:

  3. I'm not 100% sure on some of the jimbob/andyG ones, and definitely not sure on the elwell and falding chassis, but here's the list as I think it is......


    asmith - Dragon

    bri212 - AndyG

    brisca - AndyG

    brisca Elite - AndyG

    brisca Elite Shale - AndyG

    Brisca N - Dragon

    Brisca N Shale - Dragon

    Brisca Shale - Dragon

    Burn - Jimbob

    Challener - Big Ben

    Charger - Big Ben

    Davidson - RickyB

    DB515 - MoR

    DB515T - MoR

    DB Lundy - Jimbob


    Elwell T

    Faldin S

    Faldin T

    Finn33 - MoR

    Finn - MoR

    Fwj98 - RickyB

    Fwj98 Shale - RickyB (never released, just accidentally included in the ukdirtf1 F1 v2 installer :banghead2: )

    FWJ2000S - Dragon

    FWJ2000T - Dragon

    FWJ Shale - AndyG

    FWJ Tarmac - AndyG

    Houhton - Dragon

    Lundy - Jimbob

    Lundy Shale - Jimbob

    Moz - AndyG

    Moz Shale - AndyG

    Moz Wing - AndyG

    Murray - AndyG

    Murray Shale - Dragon

    Ogden - MoR

    Smith94 - MoR

    SpeakT - Dragon

    Whorton - Jimbob

    Witts - MoR

    Witts Tarmac - MoR

    Wobbes - Dragon

    Yarrow - MoR


    The only one you got wrong was the Murray tarmac - that was made by AndyG, not Dragon. Not sure what the 'smithy' chassis is either, i've never heard of it. The jimbob ones are a guess - it's always been my assumption that the slightly squashed up and flattened templates (like seen on some of the F2s) were jimbobs, but maybe someone who was around in the first year of heat can correct me on that if I'm wrong.





  4. Hutch was saying the MS Sidewinder is good and they seem to come up on ebay often.


    Best tenner i ever spent :thumbup:


    Looks like I'm ordering mine tonight then :thumbup:


    Just make sure you get the USB version and not the gameport version. I can't see mine lasting forever like, but its a great first wheel - saves making the gamble of paying 50 quid brand new and not liking it..... :thumbs_up:

  5. Thanks for the article Michael - makes a very interesting read!


    Just to note, have people tried running a really high wheel lock in their setups (this is more for people using wheels)? I usually use around 25 degrees, and did last night. Having heard a lot of talk about running full wheel lock (39.5 degrees) i decided to give it another go this afternoon (having previously found it way too twitchy) and I've got to admit, it's made a massive difference, and I think if I ran 39.5 degrees last night I would've spun a lot less, even on these hits which seem to be spinning everybody out and causing frustration. If you haven't already, I really recommend cranking your lock right up and throwing it around sexbierium, and see if you notice the difference?




  6. Thanks for your 'real life' inputs GG and Kruiz's Dad. To me the fact that you can't hit whilst in a slide makes a lot of sense.


    Should also add that I don't have a FF wheel. I spent £20 on a decent set of headphones a few weeks back and found them a big help in being more consistent.


    I also don't have a FF wheel - I have a 10 quid sidewinder from ebay, have used it for two weeks. My results haven't really been up to much but fun wise, its been excellent, a lot more immersing that being on pad, and a lot easier to save spins. And this is all only with practice on the same day of the meeting, and nothing more. If i spent a little more time i'd probably be a bit better. I'd probably also have more points if Mart didn't keep picking on me...... :rofl:


    The headphones idea sounds very interesting Matthew - i'll try it next week with mine and see how it goes, that also makes a lot of sense!


    Keep the feedback coming - thanks to everybody who has contributed with sensible responses from both sides of the 'argument'.




  7. Hi all,


    There seems significant demand now, so could all drivers without skins in the Autumn Series pack please post them before the deadline shown - I may not do another skinpack after this, so be warned!!!!


    I require a white, yellow, blue and red skins from everybody, 1 set for tar, one set for shale. Don't worry about naming - i'll sort that. You must be a registered ukdirtf1 member to race, and you must use your ukdirtF1 number!!!!


    Please zip the four dds files up and upload them to this thread.


    Deadline Midnight Fri 26th Oct 2007




  8. Hi


    The purpose of this thread is to collect some constructive points of view about issues arising from tonights meeting at Sexbierium, and the contact.


    Please keep things as constructive as possible, things like 'its rubbish' are of no help at all, just say whats wrong, what u think it should be like, and how it could be improved, if it needs to be improved at all.


    I don't want this thread to turn into a slanging match - we all what this game to be as good as it can be, and the only way to accomplish that is to look at it as constructively as possible.


    One thing to note - was it the track? Did you have these same feelings when racing Belle Vue and Ipswich Shale?




  9. Dav 426 booking in


    Any news on the new skin pack? Would be nice to keep the novice skins to the minimum. Let me know if it would be possible to get one released prior to sunday, my skins are here ready and waiting :2:


    cheers boys


    MoR 137 Booking in....


    Regarding the skinpack, i thought i'd give it another week, for two reasons really.....

    1/ Only 3 people used novice skins last week i think, so there isn't that much of a demand for one atm

    2/ Its my last week before half term this week so i've a million coursework deadlines, so collecting skins wouldnt have been very clever this week lol.


    I'll do a pack next week though, no worries :thumbup:

  10. Hi all,


    Well, about 2 and half hours on and i'm still buzzing from what was an excellent meeting, so thought i'd share some of my favorite bits, link Dan above!


    Twas my first meeting using the wheel (and bonnet cam) tonight so wasn't expecting much, was one of the slowest, but i had some damn good fun! Better than being abit faster on a pad? Hell yeah!


    A very busy Grand National!



    Fourwinds brakes abit too suddenly when he see's some dead cars on the bend..... and look who's there to make a mess of it, sending us both careering into the fence!



    Fozz puts in a big hit that spins me around early in the Final! Revenge would be sweet....



    I like this one cause it looks quite realistic. Hutch pushes me into and up a spinning Green Genie, leaving us both tangle near the pit gate!



    Near the end of the final I finally got a chance at revenge, and finally landed a hit without mucking myself up lol! A nice little push into a dead car! Notice PaulP lurking....



    Next bend (which was in fact, last bend) PaulP plants a big one on me, clattering me into the fence.



    Hope you liked the pics anyway. The contact seemed much more solid today, really excellent.





    PS - someone needs to post a picture of Aub spinning.........








  11. Did you try deleting the F1 StockCar.cch file from your UserData>playername folder, as that solved the mismatch for me?


    yes but still got the mismatch...however it reset the chosen car in game..BUT did not reset cars which i 'owned' is this what happened to you?


    Yeh i had to re-buy everything. Certainly very strange. Hope someone can solve it. Good luck! :thumbs_up:


  12. Since updating to v1255f I have had problems


    My 1st heat, would not let me in the server.

    My 2nd heat, didn't lap score me

    My 3rd heat all was fine.

    Final , practised and started ok, then lap scored me until 5 laps to go then stopped registering my laps.

    GN sat on grid ready to go, then grid disappeared and I lost connection 30 secs later.


    I have no warp that I can see, but assume this is all a connection problem.


    Also got the "anyone not ready" & "roll at 30, about 10 laps" into the Final!


    I have updated to version 0.2 but had a server mismatch.


    Shall I just delete rfactor and start again :banghead2:


    Did you try deleting the F1 StockCar.cch file from your UserData>playername folder, as that solved the mismatch for me?


  13. as the title suggests, i need some help for birmingham. im new to the game and can't get my lap times below 14.5. after numerous attempts asking for help in the server tonight with no help, im asking for anyone for setup tips or even a decent setup for me to work on. with this being a new mod i would think that people who are pretty good at this early stage would be willing to help others out as a way of trying to get them into the game.


    by the way im using an xbox 360 pad, i know wheels are meant to be better but until i get one i appreciate any help.




    Hiya m8


    I've attached the setup I was using for pad around birmingham - not sure where i got it but it seemed to work ok for pad anyway (so sorry if someone downloads it and it turns out to be theirs lol!).


    My best on this was 13.7 on the ragged edge, with 13.9s consistent.


    Hope it helps, stick with it!





  14. Yes S/S lights were an extremely early addition to the game by Grasser, and haven't been touched since really. Whilst it would be ace to have them, one thing that needs to be considered is the frame rate though - would it kill some peoples computers?


    IMO its not the most urgent thing to get done, would be a nice touch, but it also needs to be considered whether it is worth including them for an online enviroment. I suppose if it did cause problems then they could just be 'banned' for online use..... (and if i was in charge of skins it would be strictly superstars online, no cheeky blues with flashing lights :rofl: )



  15. To allow the rearview mirror in the swingman view, as woka says, u need to alter one of the lines in the 'username'.plr file. I've attached a pic below, as you can see, all u need to do is scroll down until you see the line 'Allow Rearview in Swingman' and then change the value from 0 to 1. Then it should work! If it doesn't, check what key on your keyboard that the mirror is assigned to (controller settings) and try pressing that.





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