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Posts posted by MoR137

  1. Hi all,


    Well here it is, my attempt at a video for this years excellent world final race. I've purposely gone for a distinct hand-held camera feel, as I think it takes some of the mechanical, game-y edge off of the game, I'm not just crap at taking videos in rfactor lol! Hopefully you get what i was trying to do with it....


    Note: Change YouTube to 720p for best quality, especially when using full screen!



    I hope you like anyway :)




  2. Thanks to admin for a slick night, with some excellent racing. Well done to Tom on the gold, and well done to Spike on the final win - i watched the second half of the race and you certainly didnt have it easy.


    What a world final!!!! Surely this one has to go down as one of the best - if not the best - world final that UKDirtF1s has seen. Free from lap-down-take-out controversy that has plagued previous years, this year was all about the racing and it certainly delivered. The race started with a huge fight for the lead, which lasted 4 or 5 laps before anybody got a break. I think anybody in the top 15 could've had a sniff at the lead! The inevitable happened though, and with a few massive hits resulting in a few spinners, and suddenly, those who were at the forefront of that initial battle were soon dropping well down the places. I didn't get spun personally, but after having to avoid a few crashes and getting stuck on the outside line, I dropped from about 4th to 16th with a lap or two! It was especially surprising to see the two race favourites, Dazza and Murf, fighting it out for about 10th! The race did start to settle down then - I kept looking at the standings at the bottom and could see the 1st place dot was about half a lap ahead, but I had no idea who was leading. The rest of my race was spent battling with the likes of Harmen and Skeet, which was good stuff, although i was disappointed to fall short of the top 10. I was especially surprised when watching the replay just how close the battle up front was. The race was decided on the last bend, after a few laps of big hits between Leek, Tom and Mike, and the top 5 must have all finished within a second of each other! Fantastic stuff.


    I started taking some clips for a video last night, so hopefully I get around to making one sometime! (No promises though!!!).


    Points wise, I think last night was my worst all season - everytime I tried to get through the pack with a bit of aggression I got spun out - what is strange though, is that I still thought it was a great nights racing! Really fast and action packed.


    Will try and get myself out next week if I can!


  3. Thanks Kev for the meeting, well done jarry for the final and Drumb for top scoring.


    I thought it was excellent all night, with some of the closest racing I've seen - the top 6 were all gunning for the win last bend of heat 2! I think this is reflected in the points too - 34 is quite low for top point scorer, so looks like there was a good spread over the races.


    I thought the TNT races were very novel; the meeting felt the right length, and there was definately a more relaxed vibe to them. Looking forward to seeing how they develop in the coming weeks!

  4. Just thought I'd add my views whilst they were fresh in my mind:


    1/ I would opt for a shorter season length. This season started incredibly early (February?) with record numbers that have dwindled since. Where the real life season is flying by, it seems like an age since this online one started. There were a only a few weeks off at the end of the last season before the winter series started, and then only a handful of weeks after that ended before the new season started. The mod, and it's more dedicated drivers never really got a break from it. I'd rather revert back to a late-March to early-November season, with less 'filler meetings', with around 4 week gaps before and after any winter series. And maybe the winter series could use a different mod? Perhaps the popular NZ mod could take this slot, with the resulting champ being allowed to wear the gold stripes in the F1s? Whilst I appreciate the need to provide racing all year round for paying members, I think the mod and it's members would benefit from a yearly break - less is more, as they say......


    2/ I'd like to see more track variety. Whilst I think it's good to keep championship fixtures reasonably close to real life, I'd like to try the F1s around some of the other tracks they don't visit in real-life (from memory, how about Crimond, Nutts Corner, Taunton, Mildenhall, etc?). I'd much rather have a nice variety of tracks to race at rather than the usual 3 or 4 meetings at some of fixture staples like cov/kl/scunthorpe. (Note: I haven't actually counted fixtures here as I'm typing in a rush on my lunch break so sorry if the cov/kl/scunthorpe assumption is just my imagination!!!). For me, that will help the season feel a little less stale. We're getting to the point where they are tons of tracks available, just like there was on heat, yet the F1s don't fully take advantage of that.


    3/ Keep up the effort with the meeting posters, dirters and championship previews. Whilst a massive chore, these are still effective - I've lost count of the number of times I've been reminded it's nearly Thursday by a poster! The dirters are great, much more digestable than the old monthly mags and do the job nicely - please don't let these slip.


    It's a shame the numbers are low at the moment but hopefully seeing that doesn't make everybody not bother, else it will become hard to build it back up. From a personal point of view, my racing has been drastically reduced this year due to a new job and new commitments, and partly due to the fact I was extremely worn out with the mod after a big season last year, with a stressful shootout at the end. I hope to get racing regulary again next season.



  5. I personally would like to thank Johno for his work over the past few years - head admin of any league is never a desirable job because you will become the face of all decisions, and the league itself, and often take the brunt of any criticism. Despite this, Johno has remained enthusiastic, committed and balanced through one of the leagues toughest periods (the rfactor changeover); definitely something which deserves a pat on the back.


    It's good to see the rest of the team moving forward as a team, rather than singling one particular individual, as I think it will lead to a much more desirable admin role. Hopefully someone puts in an application - there's a few that race each week which I personally think are great candidates!


    So well done Johno, and to the rest of the team; keep doing what you're doing :thumbup:

  6. Thanks Kev for the meeting - I thoroughly enjoyed it (as seems the norm these days!). The superstars were extremely aggressive all night which was a surprise, but made for some good racing, esspecially the huge bumper battle near the end of the final involving myself, Tom, Mike and Dazza (who must have won the award for the worst luck all night - seemed to get the worst of everything!).


    Well done to JK on the European win after a start which mimics his luck last year. From a personal POV, I was both pleased and disapointed with my 2nd in the race - my start was pretty average and spent a few laps working through the pack. Started to latch on to what I thought was the leading pack of Murf, Walker, JanHarm and Fasttrack with Mike nibbling away at my back bumper (didn't have time to look at the positions board and the sight of JK in the distance made me think he was a lap down!). I got a nice shot on FT to dispose of him and JanHarm before setting about trying to get past/rid of Murf before he shot off into the distance like last weeks semi. After a couple of rough laps, I got a break from Mike and Murf, thinking I was leading, only to see JK was in fact in the lead! Wish I'd followed Murf and let him catch JK up now haha! I had about 10 laps to reel JK in, and I was making small progress (although I suspect JK was cruising at this point). With about 3 to go, JK got held up and was within hit range, but I had a small hold up moving some backmarkers from the racing line. On turn 3 of the prenultimate lap I felt I was close enough to go for a BIG hit come final bend (e.g. one where I'd no doubt hit the fence too, so would have to hope it'd be enough for a spin), but unfortunately I had to let off on turn 2 of the final lap as Lars pulled out in front of me, so I definately wasn't close enough then. Like i say, it probably would've been unlikely I would've landed a clean enough hit (if at all) to get the advantage, but still have that lingering 'what if' hanging over me... fair play to JK though, held his nerve in tough couple of laps near the end.


    Well Done to walker on this 3rd consecutive final win! Impressive.


    Hopefully see you all next week!




    PS - any chance admin could upload the server replay please? Mine didn't save :(

  7. Nice pics.... What spec pc you running there then MoR... lol


    Thanks :thumbup: Lol, nothing too fancy tbh, its 4 years old now, only upgraded the gfx card(now a 9800 GT) - I just whack the anti-aliasing up in the rF config when taking pics to smooth out all the jagged lines which makes it chugg a little but that's not an issue when winding through a replay lol.

  8. Hi all,


    Had a spare hour this evening so thought I'd take some pictures from last nights semi final at sheffield. I've tried to concentrate on the lead battle at the start and some of the key events over the course of the race, all in the order they happened.


    I hope you like them :thumbup: Remember to take a look at them high res!

























  9. Thanks for the meeting - well done murf and all qualifiers from the semi, and well done Walker on the final.


    The meeting was fantastic - even the two races where I had some bad luck and didnt score points (final and GN) were awesome! The semi was really cool - lots of cars sticking the bumper in for the first couple of laps with the lead chopping and changing, once things settled down and me and LeeK set about chasing Murf, there was no chance we were going to keep up on an open track. Mike made a decent recovery getting back past me and LeeK, although I am slightly disapointed I didn't make more of a point near the end of the race were I came to lap Spike and tapped him into Mikes left rear, holding him up slightly. A bit harder may have earnt a 2nd place had it have spun him, but with LeeK and those behind not far away, it wasn't worth the risk of getting into a bumper battle! For me, that's three shale rfactor semis and three 3rd places, so maybe third time lucky from that position? Haha I wish! :rolleyes: Should be a great race; looking forward to seeing who qualifies from the Buxton semi!




  10. Hi guys,


    Over the past few months, I've been looking at bringing NIR up to the standard of my other tracks. Released 2 years ago, 0.6 was only meant to be a beta version because it was quite rushed, but I never got around to finishing it it properly until now.


    What's New

    - Most of the track has been re-textured, and some of it has been remodelled.

    - Transporters in the pits, as I previously did with Cov.

    - Night lights

    - Fixed track dip when driving close to fence on straights.

    - Marker tyres moved closer to the kerb edge to discourage corner cutting.


    Hopefully you'll think it's a worthwhile improvement :thumbup:



    1. If you had 0.6 installed, delete the NIR folder from rFactor > GameData > Locations and NIR.hat and NIRHR.hat (if they are there) from rFactor > UserData > LOG > HAT.

    2. Download, unzip and install.


    >>>>>>>>>>DOWNLOAD IT HERE<<<<<<<<<<


    Admin will let you know when it's on the server, ready to race.




  11. Hi guys,


    Over the past few months, I've been looking at bringing NIR up to the standard of my other tracks. Released 2 years ago, 0.6 was only meant to be a beta version because it was quite rushed, but I never got around to finishing it it properly until now.


    What's New

    - Most of the track has been re-textured, and some of it has been remodelled.

    - Transporters in the pits, as I previously did with Cov.

    - Night lights

    - Fixed track dip when driving close to fence on straights.

    - Marker tyres moved closer to the kerb edge to discourage corner cutting.


    Hopefully you'll think it's a worthwhile improvement :thumbup:



    1. If you had 0.6 installed, delete the NIR folder from rFactor > GameData > Locations and NIR.hat and NIRHR.hat (if they are there) from rFactor > UserData > LOG > HAT.

    2. Download, unzip and install.


    >>>>>>>>>>DOWNLOAD IT HERE<<<<<<<<<<


    Admin will let you know when it's on the server, ready to race.




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