Tosh924 Posted September 26, 2006 Report Posted September 26, 2006 (edited) just would like to suggest an idea aimed at the administration and or what you guys think..just recently there is a bit of tension going on with the racing in the f2,s (allegidly ) down to poor quality driving(PROBABLY DUE TO SETUP) etc and NEW white roof drivers. my suggested idea would be is it not possible to load one set -up for each track so everyone is on equal par here. this bringing it down to driver quality and error, seems that there is far to much to learn in the garage for a novice white roof guy to learn and try to race amongst experianced drivers thus causing aggro in the racing and forum. i know for some that they like to set-up the car for a few hours a week to get the ultimate set-up.thus they get an advantage over others which of course is fair and understandable. i thot maybe 1 or 2 setups be loaded for each track by the world champion or any red roof driver so there is a good set-up for each driver then it is down to the driver only. i think the quality of the racing would be much better. only my 2 pence worth what do you think of my radical idea? Edited September 26, 2006 by tosh164
kendo912 Posted September 26, 2006 Report Posted September 26, 2006 There are setups in the game already as has been pointed out before. The Northampton setup is very quick and i've managed sub 12 seconds with it, so bearing in mind that the likes of Fozz, korizin, prydie etc are onlly in the 11.6's on a meeting then that should be quick enough for most to go fairly well. Please remember that lap times are something that come down substantially each year. Blackburn's lap times, as an example, have dropped about a quarter of a second since the F2 race last year with the leaders in the 9.8's in 2006 and only about 3 or 4 drivers sub 10.0's last year. My argument to what you have suggested is quite simple: Setup's are not the be all and end all of racing-i'm not the quickest red top driver but i'm knocking on the door of superstar lights mainly due to consistency-last year my fastest lap times with a higman were marginally quicker than this year in my bbatten but i changed chassis during the winter for one reason alone - i was more consistent with the bbatten. Practise is something to which i would suggest is crucial in all of the mods, not just F2's. Friday nights after legends, sunday and monday evenings before and after a meeting you'll see the same handful or drivers who are always there, but these probably represent the the majority of the top blues, reds and superstars-that's why they have these grades and battle for the titles. For me, personally i spend that time in practise playing with the setup, adjusting ONE thing at a time, then i'll see how it affects the car's handling-not every style of driving would suit every driver. Then i'll try a different racing line and different braking points with that adjustment-once again as an example Birmingham or blackburn's races are down to how close i can hug the bend and not drift 2 much then cut back in and power out of the corner.
gary_cfc Posted October 3, 2006 Report Posted October 3, 2006 tosh164 said: just would like to suggest an idea aimed at the administration and or what you guys think..just recently there is a bit of tension going on with the racing in the f2,s (allegidly ) down to poor quality driving(PROBABLY DUE TO SETUP) etc and NEW white roof drivers. my suggested idea would be is it not possible to load one set -up for each track so everyone is on equal par here. this bringing it down to driver quality and error, seems that there is far to much to learn in the garage for a novice white roof guy to learn and try to race amongst experianced drivers thus causing aggro in the racing and forum. i know for some that they like to set-up the car for a few hours a week to get the ultimate set-up.thus they get an advantage over others which of course is fair and understandable. i thot maybe 1 or 2 setups be loaded for each track by the world champion or any red roof driver so there is a good set-up for each driver then it is down to the driver only. i think the quality of the racing would be much better. only my 2 pence worth what do you think of my radical idea? i think its gr8 idea tosh im a white roof and then i can have a decint setup and it wont make white roofs that cant do good setups feel bad being beatin by laps and laps
Rikard Posted October 3, 2006 Report Posted October 3, 2006 Thing is not many fast people would surrender their set ups, and if they did they would probably water them down a bit.
Nezza46 Posted October 4, 2006 Report Posted October 4, 2006 if we've all got the same setups then whats the point of grades as the whites would run away with it each week thus devaluing the need for grades or graded starts? so i disagree with giving them out. i started last year with no setups other than the standard 3 supplied ( and agree with kendo in the fact that that with a few very minor adjustments they are'nt that far off the pace anyway ) and have had to practise and practise and work my way up the grades to the blue im at now. most of you latest crop of drivers can actually put some very fast lap times in from what i see, but...and not meaning to cause any offence....cannot do them consistantly which is due to your personal driving skills imo, which will only get better with time and practise. you'll feel a much better sense of achievement when your upgraded in the long run. and to be fair why should the fast drivers share there setups that theyve probably put a lot of time and effort into making. put yourself in their shoes and ask yourself.....if you were winning major titles coz your setup was better than everyone elses, would you want to hand it out to everyone so they can then beat you in the future? especially if you had to start at the back with the superstars and the whites were going as quick as you i think your answer would be NO.
psyko75 Posted October 10, 2006 Report Posted October 10, 2006 I thing the F2 keyboard setups are a very good start (and i´m a white top). I´just changed some little things and can go around the tracks... not that fast but it most times its ok for a battle with white and yellow grades. main part to get a better pace is practice for sure. But not everybody got the time to get to the computer every evening to race against other I think what need to be done is some better ai so you can also battle with them everytime YOU got time to race and not the time when you are allowed to use the servers. For example in F1 in Buxton or Newtongrange the ai is full crap but i got really big problems to battle the ai F1s in Northhampton. If there ia a ai like there for every track i can more othen try to improve my setups. Also some ok setups have to be included in every league to give newbies that are not so improved in car physics a good start. For me it´s impossible to start a setup from scrap and as i´m from germany i even don´t know what tracks may be a bit simular to another.
Knobby Posted October 10, 2006 Report Posted October 10, 2006 Why should people spend there own time making there own setups then send them out to some one who probably has never tried making one themselves.....
Dazza290 Posted October 10, 2006 Report Posted October 10, 2006 Knobby said: Why should people spend there own time making there own setups then send them out to some one who probably has never tried making one themselves..... Spot on comment Knobby. Setups are simply not a 1 minute thing ''Oh I will change that and I'll be on the pace''. It simply doesnt happen. You really need to think of the car as in real life e.g Is it going around the bend as I would like?? Can I control it ok coming out of the bend, is it oversteering/understeering?? Is it revving to much/not enough at the end of the straight?? I have been racing Uk Dirt Bangers pretty much since it started (3+ years) and I am by no means quick, so how would someone who has been racing 3 months expect to be a championship contender?? I used to race F2's quite regular, but being a banger person I left it for a while and when I came back the bar for setting quick laps had risen to a height in which I dont think I can compete in them anymore. It's not just about fast laps either. Yes it helps but its not the be-all and end-all of racing. Consistency is the key to any racing, no matter what formula you are in. I dont beleive racing the AI will improve your driving at all. Driving online is totally different as you have to expect the un-expected, the AI take the same line into the bend and up the straight nearly every lap. The only way you will improve is online in a server. If your time is limited to how much you can practise online, then im afraid thats life! Dazza
mcrew Posted October 10, 2006 Report Posted October 10, 2006 tosh164 said: just would like to suggest an idea aimed at the administration and or what you guys think..just recently there is a bit of tension going on with the racing in the f2,s (allegidly ) down to poor quality driving I would say, without aiming to rock the boat or name a select few, that it is more down to the attitude of a couple of the more experienced drivers, than basic set ups, or lack of them. I have only done ONE solitary practise session in the F2's and I had more PMs about my alleged driving standards, than Ive had for the whole 10 months that Ive been racing ssc'c & Rods ( on and off) and bangers full time, not only with UK dirt, but with TNB, MNB and WNB Without blowing my own trumpet, I will say that when I have raced rods and tried my hand with F2s, I have adopted a different and more calmer attitude than I use when racing bangers, and have tried to drive with far more awareness for others on the track. Even though I didnt drive flat out into people and try to bury them in the fence, right turn them, or just drive like my more mentalist self, I was still accused of trying to wipe out a red top, when all I did was clip his bumper as I went wide to allow him to pass and he decided to go wide and pass me, and I was accused of oppo, when in reality some tit spun me out, and then reckoned that I tried to do him on oppo, when all I was trying to do was get myself facing in the right direction. If you have asses like this moaning at you in practise, how picky must they be in a meeting, in which the cars you use have bumpers for some small amount of contact? No wonder theres " a bit of tension". TBH I feel sorry for anyone attempting to start the mod with little or very no experiance. Im afraid to say that the one practise session was more than enough for me and I have never since tried F2s. I would probably be just as crap at them as I am at bangers, but it would have been another person getting some enjoyment from the form of sport that we allegedly all love. Ta, Mcrew, a budding F2 champ with his career cut tragicaly short.............NOT!
Badura_Racing258 Posted October 10, 2006 Report Posted October 10, 2006 Isn't the game all about making a set up, getting annoyed with it, sharing yoru experiences with everyone else, getting punted about some more, try harder, spend more time, get tips....try again, keep trying, laughing and getting annoyed some more, following in someone out of rage, staying out the road....learning, making mistakes and then learning from them again. I feel happier winning with my own know how than someone elses....or is it all about success these days? Everyone is different in their own right....practise is probably the best thing
kendo912 Posted October 10, 2006 Report Posted October 10, 2006 (edited) I'm sorry you have felt that way Mcrew. Perhaps see it from another way though - The actions of a few this season could be ruining it for alot of others. Naming no names (hey, i don't care - kane, dannyboy saskilla etc) some people are now subject to lengthy bans or f2 meeting refusals because of there actions. We have also, in our opinion, HAD to take action to not allow novice skins to race in a meeting, much to the annoyance of many drivers including someone like Radduz (purely as an example), whom although an expereienced driver in a different online league, we have not allowed to race until the next skin pack/patch. What u may have found is that when it "appears" you have been on oppo or you've hit some drivers (what they deem to be in an unfair way) then those actions throughout the season from some drivers, appears to have tarnished things for genuine, rule abiding novices such as yourself equating to some questions about your driving standards or maybe even a dose of the bumper. Edited October 10, 2006 by kendo912
Kruiz 136 Posted October 10, 2006 Report Posted October 10, 2006 I agrre with Mcrew that some drivers are a bit shal we say 'uninviting to newbies' such as myself, as i have taken a fair amount of abuse in practise sesions in f1 and f2, all of which were purely driving error (spinning out), but got slagged off, even though it was my first week in ukdirt. If you act like this you will only make individuals such as kane (not that i'm sticking up for him) rebel and hit you harder in the next race. I am meerly suggesting that veterans should be slightly more forgiving of simple driving errors in our first few weeks as online racing is a brand new experience, and ceertainly a lot more aggresive, competitive and fast-paced than i thought it would be so it does take while for us newbies to adjust. I have to say if i were a world champ there is no way i would want to let go of my settup, and would for sure release a duff one instead. Cheers Kruiz
psyko75 Posted October 11, 2006 Report Posted October 11, 2006 Dazza684 said: Knobby said: Why should people spend there own time making there own setups then send them out to some one who probably has never tried making one themselves..... Spot on comment Knobby. Setups are simply not a 1 minute thing ''Oh I will change that and I'll be on the pace''. It simply doesnt happen. You really need to think of the car as in real life e.g Is it going around the bend as I would like?? Can I control it ok coming out of the bend, is it oversteering/understeering?? Is it revving to much/not enough at the end of the straight?? I have been racing Uk Dirt Bangers pretty much since it started (3+ years) and I am by no means quick, so how would someone who has been racing 3 months expect to be a championship contender?? I used to race F2's quite regular, but being a banger person I left it for a while and when I came back the bar for setting quick laps had risen to a height in which I dont think I can compete in them anymore. It's not just about fast laps either. Yes it helps but its not the be-all and end-all of racing. Consistency is the key to any racing, no matter what formula you are in. I dont beleive racing the AI will improve your driving at all. Driving online is totally different as you have to expect the un-expected, the AI take the same line into the bend and up the straight nearly every lap. The only way you will improve is online in a server. If your time is limited to how much you can practise online, then im afraid thats life! Dazza ^ So if i´m a hard worker or maybe a father that just want to get some fun from time to time.. and i don´t got the time to spent hours, days and months for getting a setup done that allows me to drive like the best ....i´m should not be allowed to race anymore? So we don´t have to talk about unfair attacs some may do but why is their a grading system even in real live.... just to give the not so good drivers a possiblility to do a race and get experience in the league and even in real live there are some that make mistakes that cause higher grades a win maybe.
Dazza290 Posted October 11, 2006 Report Posted October 11, 2006 First off, where have I said that you shouldnt be allowed to race or that your not a hard worker? I dont beleive those comments come into this conversation. As far as im concerned my last post is stating the fact that if you dont get the time, then thats tough (thats life!)I dont get the time to spend ''hours'', ''days'' and ''months'' on a setup. As stated before, the fact that you have ''grades'' in stock cars should be an advantage to start with. And even if you spent time tinkering with 1 setup a night for say 15 minutes, im sure after a week your car will be quicker then when you started. It just seems to me there are plenty of people out there that really cant be assed on making a setup and expect the quicker drivers to just to hand theres out so that they can keep up. Im not accusing you of being one of them but there are plenty out there.
kendo912 Posted October 11, 2006 Report Posted October 11, 2006 (edited) Totally agree Dazza. As i've said b4 in similar threads, (speaking from an f2's perspective as that's all i do) the reds and superstars are at that grade generally because of the amount of time they've spent in practise. If you look at the top 12 in the f2's national points series: Number NickName Meetings Average Total 268 korizin 24 32.62 783 24 bigmaus 26 28.34 737 218 derek_fozz 20 36.54 731 380 davey boy 23 30.08 692 39 LeeK 27 23.44 633 912 kendo 25 22.32 558 9 prydie 21 25.95 545 81 bathyboy 26 19.19 499 552 The Counter 24 20.62 495 212 pedro 19 24.63 468 414 welly 25 17.6 440 IMO, the majority (with exception to fozz & LeeK who just seem to get quicker anyway!) of these 12 have probably done the most practise and as such are battling for most of the top positions in there races. There are others whom aren't on that list who are some of the quickest guys aswell such as Corny, Micheal etc but quite frankly i think they've been doing ukdirt for long enough they seem to have the setups down to a fine art and can spend just a few minutes tinkering and they'll be superfast. Once again, IMO, Korizin/allan268 has come on leaps and bounds in the past couple of months in the meetings, probably due to he has been seen in jolt a little more in that time on a friday and sunday nights and as such, is a good bet to wear the silver roof next year. Edited October 11, 2006 by kendo912
Simon31 Posted October 11, 2006 Report Posted October 11, 2006 Cant agree more with Dazza, most people are happy just to sit back talk to somone on msn and say can i have your setup and some people give it to them,( and i must admit i was one of them), and even tho i am quite a way of the pace in F2s and dont race it that much i quite often just go and have a play with seeting up the car and im slowly getting quicker and quicker, ive nerly got the bangers on pace as im lapping about .2 off the top ones. I just think some people (not saying you are one of them) are happy to sit back take peoples setups which people spend time on as most have full time jobs or just thinking lerning is gonna happen over night which it isnt as im sure people like Fozz, allen Etc are still learning more and more every time. well had my say Cheers Simon
jamesy Posted October 12, 2006 Report Posted October 12, 2006 Si_231 said: Cant agree more with Dazza, most people are happy just to sit back talk to somone on msn and say can i have your setup and some people give it to them,( and i must admit i was one of them), and even tho i am quite a way of the pace in F2s and dont race it that much i quite often just go and have a play with seeting up the car and im slowly getting quicker and quicker, ive nerly got the bangers on pace as im lapping about .2 off the top ones. I just think some people (not saying you are one of them) are happy to sit back take peoples setups which people spend time on as most have full time jobs or just thinking lerning is gonna happen over night which it isnt as im sure people like Fozz, allen Etc are still learning more and more every time. well had my say Cheers Simon lmao of si your only quicker inthe bangers cause u keep nicking my setups lol,(going to bite me in the ass one day lol)but thats cause your a m8,as far as setups go it took me a long time to get anywhere near the big guys due to not asking for them but spending lots of time on them! now though if there with in .2/3 of a sec i dont bother to do out more cause it dont matter how quick you are, it does'nt mean you'll win
thumper Posted October 12, 2006 Report Posted October 12, 2006 hi lads well as most of u know in f2 racing that im not the quickest guy around as i have only been racing these for a short while ,i have had a few tips and set ups from other drivers which i must thank them for they tips etc are making me realise that u dont have to be the quickest guy on the track to have fun ,sure i have been in the fence more times than on the track,but the amazing thing is you still come back for more because its the only way to learn is by practising and i have had my off days too to which i have been warned about my driving conduct all of which is making me out to be a better driver so time and practise is the key to sucess.just thought i would get ma piece in
S-C337 Posted October 13, 2006 Report Posted October 13, 2006 Pretty much the reason I don't race f2 I only have a go in praccy sometimes. I have set ups but nowhere near as good as most and basically just get in the way. As for F1 the same but I don't even bother with praccy.
Allan268 Posted October 13, 2006 Report Posted October 13, 2006 Just to let you see this from my perspective. Last year i would make a setup, it would go half decent and i would do a decent time. I would practice a bit, leave it and do quite well in meetings, keeping up with everyone. This year, i have spent a little more time offline on my own, making adjustments to setups to see what differences changing things makes. This is how i learnt to set the car up a bit better. I have in no means mastered setting a car up but i am a lot better now than i was last year. Practicing offline is the best thing you can do, i wouldnt suggest making a setup online as its totally different, get a setup goin offline on your own and try and be as consistent as possible with it. I was a white roof when i joined last season, just takes perseverence and practice to get the car handling right. Another tip, make friends not enemies. Too many people in the F2's make themself far too many enemies. Its better to get to know the top guys and learn from them. If you ever have a question about a setup in chat most will give you straight answer because if you go better then you have less chance of taking us out while your on a tank slapper down the straight. Bottom line though, just stick in, keep practicing offline and it will work for you. Races are only lost on the first corner, not won.
The London Allstar Posted October 14, 2006 Report Posted October 14, 2006 imo the bumper in F1's and F2's is there for 1 reason, to push the person infront... if they end up ni the fence, then thats where they go... This is another reason why i will probably never race UKDirt, if your going to limit contact to the extend ya cant give someone a big punt, then its just stupid...
Dazza290 Posted October 14, 2006 Report Posted October 14, 2006 The London Allstar said: imo the bumper in F1's and F2's is there for 1 reason, to push the person infront... if they end up ni the fence, then thats where they go... This is another reason why i will probably never race UKDirt, if your going to limit contact to the extend ya cant give someone a big punt, then its just stupid... No, I think the F2 boys refer to the hitting as being ''over the top''. There is a difference between nudging some wide in the corner and being jacked full chat ending the person in front's race. Just a question, have you ever raced Uk Dirt?
jamesy Posted October 14, 2006 Report Posted October 14, 2006 Dazza684 said: The London Allstar said: imo the bumper in F1's and F2's is there for 1 reason, to push the person infront... if they end up ni the fence, then thats where they go... This is another reason why i will probably never race UKDirt, if your going to limit contact to the extend ya cant give someone a big punt, then its just stupid... No, I think the F2 boys refer to the hitting as being ''over the top''. There is a difference between nudging some wide in the corner and being jacked full chat ending the person in front's race. Just a question, have you ever raced Uk Dirt? i must admit i dont think i would race f2's properly mainly due to not wanting to ruin some ones meeting with me being to heavy handed with the front bumper as i have been told in a few praccy sesions i have done in jolt,pity cause i would like to do them but feel its best not too,one thing i would say is though plenty of peeps were kind enough to help setting the car up though so thanks for that
Allan268 Posted October 14, 2006 Report Posted October 14, 2006 jamesy said: Dazza684 said: The London Allstar said: imo the bumper in F1's and F2's is there for 1 reason, to push the person infront... if they end up ni the fence, then thats where they go... This is another reason why i will probably never race UKDirt, if your going to limit contact to the extend ya cant give someone a big punt, then its just stupid... No, I think the F2 boys refer to the hitting as being ''over the top''. There is a difference between nudging some wide in the corner and being jacked full chat ending the person in front's race. Just a question, have you ever raced Uk Dirt? i must admit i dont think i would race f2's properly mainly due to not wanting to ruin some ones meeting with me being to heavy handed with the front bumper as i have been told in a few praccy sesions i have done in jolt,pity cause i would like to do them but feel its best not too,one thing i would say is though plenty of peeps were kind enough to help setting the car up though so thanks for that Everyone does people in F2's, no one is asking you not to use the bumper, dont be stupid with comments like that. You used the bumper plenty LSF.
garyellis Posted October 14, 2006 Report Posted October 14, 2006 I wouldn't want anyone else's setup as I find my son's one is too unstable for me to be consistent. But what would be good is a brief explanation of what each change does - I'm talking about shock,springs etc . I know enough about weights and tyre pressures to make a difference to my lap times , but the rest is a mystery to me
jamesy Posted October 14, 2006 Report Posted October 14, 2006 (edited) Allan268 said: jamesy said: Dazza684 said: The London Allstar said: imo the bumper in F1's and F2's is there for 1 reason, to push the person infront... if they end up ni the fence, then thats where they go... This is another reason why i will probably never race UKDirt, if your going to limit contact to the extend ya cant give someone a big punt, then its just stupid... No, I think the F2 boys refer to the hitting as being ''over the top''. There is a difference between nudging some wide in the corner and being jacked full chat ending the person in front's race. Just a question, have you ever raced Uk Dirt? i must admit i dont think i would race f2's properly mainly due to not wanting to ruin some ones meeting with me being to heavy handed with the front bumper as i have been told in a few praccy sesions i have done in jolt,pity cause i would like to do them but feel its best not too,one thing i would say is though plenty of peeps were kind enough to help setting the car up though so thanks for that Everyone does people in F2's, no one is asking you not to use the bumper, dont be stupid with comments like that. You used the bumper plenty LSF. who was that too me or lsf? if that was to me how was i being stupid?? comments like that defo make me not want to race f2's Edited October 14, 2006 by jamesy
Ranny Posted October 14, 2006 Report Posted October 14, 2006 The London Allstar said: imo the bumper in F1's and F2's is there for 1 reason, to push the person infront... if they end up ni the fence, then thats where they go... This is another reason why i will probably never race UKDirt, if your going to limit contact to the extend ya cant give someone a big punt, then its just stupid... I mainly race bangers but the above is the reason people have a misconception about ukdirt. In real life stockcars, are not and have never been full contact like bangers. So don't think I'm slower and a lap down so i might as well follow that blue/red/ss in. The bumpers are for nudging not full contact. Ranny
kendo912 Posted October 14, 2006 Report Posted October 14, 2006 garyellis said: But what would be good is a brief explanation of what each change does There is a setup gudie available on the ukdirt website in the "guides" section
garyellis Posted October 14, 2006 Report Posted October 14, 2006 kendo912 said: garyellis said: But what would be good is a brief explanation of what each change does There is a setup gudie available on the ukdirt website in the "guides" section cheers , I'll check that
Allan268 Posted October 15, 2006 Report Posted October 15, 2006 (edited) jamesy said: Allan268 said: jamesy said: Dazza684 said: The London Allstar said: imo the bumper in F1's and F2's is there for 1 reason, to push the person infront... if they end up ni the fence, then thats where they go... This is another reason why i will probably never race UKDirt, if your going to limit contact to the extend ya cant give someone a big punt, then its just stupid... No, I think the F2 boys refer to the hitting as being ''over the top''. There is a difference between nudging some wide in the corner and being jacked full chat ending the person in front's race. Just a question, have you ever raced Uk Dirt? i must admit i dont think i would race f2's properly mainly due to not wanting to ruin some ones meeting with me being to heavy handed with the front bumper as i have been told in a few praccy sesions i have done in jolt,pity cause i would like to do them but feel its best not too,one thing i would say is though plenty of peeps were kind enough to help setting the car up though so thanks for that Everyone does people in F2's, no one is asking you not to use the bumper, dont be stupid with comments like that. You used the bumper plenty LSF. who was that too me or lsf? if that was to me how was i being stupid?? comments like that defo make me not want to race f2's Sigh, considering LSF's name was mentioned, do you think it was for you? Getting a bit frustrating, were not asking everyone to act like little girls and pussy foot around each other, were asking them to be sensible when it comes to putting the bumper in, rather than a steam train follow in first corner when a tap wide would suffice. Theres times when the harder hit is needed, last laps and other times. What were saying is most people should know when it should be a hard hit or a tap wide. As previously stated by Ranny, its the lap down follow ins that are getting to people more than anything. I was followed in from 2 lap down in this years world final by the only yellow who made the world final grid, costing me a place in the process. Edited October 15, 2006 by Allan268
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