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RESULTS: Sexbierum Dutch Championship


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Hello All,


First of all thanks to everyone that raced tonight. I thought that the racing was simply sensational tonight once again which is a credit to each and every driver that raced.


Congratulations to TomD on winning the 2011 Dutch Championship. It was a scrap at the start for him, but in the end he broke away on about lap 7 and was never to be touched again. Congratulations to LeeK on being the top scorer.


Also, just before I get onto the results, it was great to see some fresh faces. Grasser, Daveyboy, Mav JNR and Lars all joined us tonight and helped to produce some superb racing. I do hope that we will see you all again in the near future.



Heat 1: 236 391 315 1 233 39 380 172 285 3

Heat 2: 391 3 315 515 233 236 285 550 380 413

Heat 3: 315 39 1 8 221 3 151 413 515 550

Heat 4: 8 1 221 236 233 39 151 391 380 164


A-Final: 1 315 233 39 8 3 151 391 413 380


GN 1: 39 233 1 380 221 391 8 199 413 151

* #1 awarded single points only due to excessive jump start




55 pts 1 Tom D

45 pts 39 LeeK

43 pts 233 Grasser

40 pts 315 Mike

35 pts 8 Tosh

33 pts 391 Corny

23 pts 3 Johno

20 pts 221 Spike

19 pts 380 davey boy

19 pts 151 dode

16 pts 236 DanSkin

14 pts 413 matthewb

7 pts 199 Waqar

6 pts 515 Big Al

3 pts 285 MavJNR

2 pts 550 Lars

1 pts 172 spikejnr

1 pts 164 Jarry




Thanks once again to everyone that raced tonight. Next week we are back on the quest for those all important World Championship Qualifying Points when we visit Buxton (dont forget to download the latest version from the UK Dirt website).


Finally, I don't post personal opinions on here often (on the results page I mean) but I would like to here after some of the discussions that took place this week (and in the main very positive discussions I may add). I really felt tonight that inbetween the races, there was far more talking tonight. I did take a little bit more time inbetween the races today in the hope that it generated a bit more talking time and I think it worked. There was a laugh and a joke had tonight in between some superb racing. Perhaps as race managers, this is soemthing that we should look to do more often. What do you guys think?





Edited by Johno3
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hated tonight, some stupid hits but just gave them back as never any point in complaining about them....


bit unfair on tom getting GN place taken away since reds etc were going quite slow which he cant help. Aswell as admin cutting the track but sure its allowed.


But was good to see banter but wouldnt say there was much more than usual?

Edited by wee dode
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I've never really liked Sexbierum but through out the meeting I just slowly got better and faster, happy to come out of the meeting with 20 points, had some good battles with the likes of Dode, Corny and SpikeJnr just to name a few. From where I was there werent any OTT hits from what I could see just good fast racing.


Good to be back and I will certainly be back next week, does anyone know a good lap time for buxton?

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That made me laugh Aub. :rofl:


hated tonight, some stupid hits but just gave them back as never any point in complaining about them....


bit unfair on tom getting GN place taken away since reds etc were going quite slow which he cant help. Aswell as admin cutting the track but sure its allowed.


But was good to see banter but wouldnt say there was much more than usual?


Dode, I believe you are referring to me. Your quite right that I did go across the infield and several occasions, all after being either spun or half spun. The difference is that I did not gain any positions and I rejoined the track safely. I am more than happy to have any incident reviewed by F1 Admin or General Admin. I have absolutely nothing to hide at all.


In terms of more chat, I noticed it between the final and Grand National. I dont think anyone was out on track practicing and there was quite a lot of text scrolling down the display. I maybe wrong but I just felt there was more chat tonight.


Davey, in terms of Buxton, I think it is a case of back to the drawing board. I believe the grip levels have been altered and a re-release was made recently. I have not had a play on the track yet so will let you know when I have.





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Having watched the replays this morning, Simon was quoted as saying "I was awesome, even though I am slow"!!

Being yellow didn't phase him at all, nor did racing on shale - he enjoyed it and no-one moaned at him and thats the main thing.


Watching the races "Live" myself, they seemed good close stuff, but lower graders do come under attack from the red top train quite quickly.

Appreciate this is due to numbers as per the other thread, but if the racing going forward is as good and fair on lower graders as last night, I see no reason why new people shouldn't give it a try. Hell, I might even give it a go again :rofl:


Well Done to Waqar - good points scored - but you really need to get a wheel, it does make a difference!


Congrats to Tom (why oh why didn't you have a go DanSkin!! lol)


Davey - Buxton lap for Simon is 15.8 best, 16.0 mostly. No true setup time yet, so hope to improve this in the week especially if Tom says he can do a 13.5 or something silly like that!!!



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Dode, I believe you are referring to me. Your quite right that I did go across the infield and several occasions, all after being either spun or half spun. The difference is that I did not gain any positions and I rejoined the track safely. I am more than happy to have any incident reviewed by F1 Admin or General Admin. I have absolutely nothing to hide at all.


Pretty sure you did at one point, you either lost it on your own or got spun and while being on the infeild i got spun by lars on the bend at the same point you were on the infeild. But dont want any admin wasting there time for nothing to get done.


no point in me complaining....when i complain sweet fa gets done :rofl:

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i like big Al, the big guy can take the jokes. :thumbup:


Great to see that the meeting produced plenty of positives, particularly for the new guys, long may it continue. As for the legend that is Big Al, well what's left to say that hasn't already been said?

A great example for the right way to go about racing in this mod, lets keep things going in the right direction.


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Great meeting, really enjoyed it and it was great to be back racing. Thursdays are awkward for me these days but I will take the opportunity to race when I can.


Well done to Tom for the final, I had a shot at the final I think after a good start but I went very hard on the tyres early on and they were finished half way through which meant I lost a lot of pace for the second half and lost a lot of ground. Luckily I managed to keep it straight for the last couple of laps and get back to third.


Going OT a sec... A lot's been said on various threads about getting drivers back and upping the numbers with new members. Last nights meeting did seem a bit more relaxed with the pacing of it between races etc and I do think this helps. A decent break in-between races is a good thing imo, it does get a bit of banter going and it also doesn't make the meeting feel like it's being rushed through. It also gives your arms a rest!


My view is, along with obvious pricing issue and trying more open meetings that were such a success with F2, is that people have just got to get out there, get racing again and remember why we race in the first place...




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Really enjoyed the meeting - good to see Daveyboy, Grasser, Mav Jnr, Lars making their first 2011 appearances - and well done to Tom on becoming the first back-to-back Final winner of the year in F1. It is great to really be able to open the throttle up around this the biggest shale track on the calendar and I'm already looking forward to the second meeting there at the end of August.


After just running out've laps in pursuit of DanSkin in Heat 1, I managed to get my first win from red top in the rFactor F1 mod in Heat 2, and from the back of the reds at that so a bit of a personal milestone there. Things did not go as smoothly in my next 3 races but still had some enjoyable dices in those, such as with Tosh towards the end of the GN as we closely contested what was at that point 8th place.



Cheers Johno and all,





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Really enojoyed last night. Got better as the night went on. Thanks to the setup from Leek. Cant believe i got 8 points(haha). Got a week off now as busy both monday( at belle vue) and thursday( gala dinner). Good job really as i cant seem to get the new version of buxton to load. So will see all u peeps the following week.


take care Waq

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Have been scouring the points charts following SpikeJnr thinking I had won a race in rFactor since he started, and am sad to say the points charts seem to prove I haven't! I was hoping my fading memory was playing tricks on me and I had managed a glorious win at some stage :thumbup:

I agree with Johno that the chat and banter was plentiful yesterday and added considerably to enjoyment of the meeting. It seems like a little extra time between races for this purpose could be useful.

Thanks for the kind comments Tosh & Matty, I do my best :thumbup:

I didn't notice at the end of the meeting that Waqar had got a 7th in GN - awesome m8, some well deserved reward. :appl:

I got away well in my first heat and it took a while for a couple of fast guys to join me, but 4th was brilliant. The next heat went pretty well too, with another top 10, but it was downhill from there, I was in some kind of incident in all my other races, but the racing was excellent, and as has been mentioned by others, it was terrific to see some new/returning faces. Another great meeting.

Buxton could be difficult for me, but I'll see how it goes. Any World Championship points there will be a bonus. ;)

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