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INFO: World Championship Qualification


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World Championship Semi-Finals:


DanSkin #236 top scored in the World Championship Qualifying Points and has chosen the Birmingham World Championship Semi-Final.


Final winners from the qualifying rounds include TomD #112 (x2), Ryan Simpson #653, DanSkin #236 (x2), Tinman #48, ritzoberst #444, Montangoo #89, Jack Ward #484, Tsjalle #229 and DanW #17.


The two Semi-Finals grid up as follows...




Semi Final #1:

238 39 691 43 527 484 48 204 82 525 229 84 444 518 411 589 363 90 454 93

Did not start: 82 229 84 518 93

Reserves used: 79

Result: 691 238 527 43 39 484 411 454 363 444 / 79 204 48 525 589 90


Semi Final #2:

236 262 246 800 89 297 380 237 17 221 653 112 167 599 180 249 474 47 233 71

Did not start: 262 17 653 474 47 71

Reserves used: 442

Result: 236 89 246 380 112 800 167 180 297 221 / 249 233 599 237 442


Reserves (in order):

588 109 (79 used in Semi Final #1) 283 244 296 385 394 241 146 182 189 55 515 443 142 566 356 291 62 155 510 275 103 (442 used in Semi Final #2)


Consolation Semi Final:

First priority, non qualifiers from Semi Finals (will start closed grades + points order) group: 79 204 48 525 589 90 249 233 599 237 442

( W 79 589 599 442 / Y 525 / B 204 249 233 237 / R 48 90 )

Second priority group, did not start a Semi Final (will start at back in points order): 262 17 82 653 229 84 518 474 47 93 71 588 109 283 244 296 385 394 241 146 182 189 55 515 443 142 566 356 291 62 155 510 275 103

Result: 90 262 48 518 / 237 82 84 566 599 589 17

World Championship reserves (in order): 237 82 84 566 599 589 17 79 204 525 249 233 442 653 229 474 47 93 71 588 109 283 244 296 385 394 241 146 182 189 55 515 443 142 356 291 62 155 510 275 103


World Championship Final:


At the Saloon Stock Car World Final the coin toss was conducted. Jake #691 called heads, the coin fell heads and Jake selected to start in the inside position. The grid is as follows...





Semi Finals:

  • Where a driver cannot race, a gap will be left on the grid and a reserve added at the back.
  • Semi Finals are 20 car races, 20 laps, run before the meeting, with the top 10 qualifying for the World Final.
  • Semi Final points: 50, 45, 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5.
Consolation Semi Final:
  • First priority to all members who did not qualify through the Semi Final.
  • Second priority to the remaining members in qualifying points order.
  • Not open to defending World Champion.
  • Consolation Semi Final is 20 car race, 16 laps, run before the meeting, with the top 4 qualifying for the World Final.
  • Consolation Semi Final is not point scoring.
World Final:
  • Grid order is Semi Finalists, followed by Consolation Semi Finalists and then defending champion (if seeded onto rear).
  • Pole is decided by a coin toss between the Semi-Final winners (and then the grid alternatives inside/outside behind them).
  • World Final is 24 (or 25) car race, 25 laps, run before the meeting.
  • World Final points: 200, 45, 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5.
  • The winner will retire from the meeting.
  • The 2015 World Champion is entitled to the gold roof until the 2015 World Final.
Good luck to all, please let us know if you will be unable to race your semi final.
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At the Saloon Stock Car World Final the coin toss was conducted. Jake #691 called heads, the coin fell heads and Jake selected to start in the inside position. The grid is as follows...




The first post in this thread is updated with Semi-Final results, and eligibility information for the Consolation Semi-Final.


Preview to follow...





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Consolation Semi Final tomorrow at Belle Vue!


Top 4 qualify!


Consolation Semi Final:

First priority, non qualifiers from Semi Finals (will start closed grades + points order) group: W 79 589 599 442 / Y 525 / B 204 249 233 237 / R 48 90

Second priority group, did not start a Semi Final (will start at back in points order): 262 17 82 653 229 84 518 474 47 93 71 588 109 283 244 296 385 394 241 146 182 189 55 515 443 142 566 356 291 62 155 510 275 103



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