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Everything posted by MC388

  1. Yes...................thats my next step. Im just finding out who created what, so bare with me............LOL
  2. same problem here............ I know Kev is working hard to get this fixed tho.
  3. Get in touch with Maverick Tilly................hes the finance-guy.
  4. Now back to the important questions... 1. When you coming back out in BriSCA Legends?? 2. Is ShitFard a made up name ?? If it isn't it has to be one of the funniest place names I've seen. (Cue a host of rude towns) My guess is he aint racing anymore.............. which some peeps will and others It should be Sittard, but since they merged with Geleen..........hes been calling it Shitfard. Which is fine by me, cause I live in Sittard and the winddirection is most of the time towards Geleen...........so he can smell my !#"%#%&. Well, u get the idea...........
  5. All the leagues are covered now................thnx for the help guys btw....wasnt happy with the skinpainting guide, so changed it............again..LOL
  6. SSC for the skinpainting guide I assume ?? If u are...............  yes m8 Thnx m8.
  7. SSC for the skinpainting guide I assume ?? If u are...............
  8. Those were renders of my car from last season. Got a new one for next year. I think the renders you are talking about were in a stadium setting which i dont think MC wants anyway. Doesnt matter Leek if they are set in a stadium. btw I had a crack at the skinpainting guide again..............have a look at the hotrods (done by Aussie )...............click on the pic to see what happens.
  9. UPDATE: Skinpainting guide: F1 being done by Grasser. Bangers being done by NickM F2 being done by Mickeymoo Hotrods already done by Aussie Any takers on SSC ?????? World Champions: Already received a few, but still missing also a few. So any help would be great. Leek has the tga-file of his world championship winning SSC car. Any takers ???
  10. Lookes great m8............would look even better without the description on the sides.....LOL
  11. No worries m8..............I will wait........no problemo. NickM is doing the plain ones btw................thnx for the offer tho.
  12. Update: NickM has kindly offered to do the bangers for the skinpainting guide and I have taken him up on that offer Mickeymoo has kindly offered to do the F2's for the skinpainting guide.... FAO Aussie: Could u do a hotrod please and let me see, so I can say if its in the style that Im looking for ?? Thnx guys.
  13. Looking for all the world champions Pedz...............so yes.......... LOL
  14. F1 is covered...................Grasser has kindly offered to do them. Have a look at the skinpainting guide..........to give u a idea what Im planning for that page. btw....In the future u will get full-blown versions when u click the \"little\" pic.
  15. Can I keep u on that offer, cause that would look great on the skinpainting-guide.
  16. Thnx Scrappy............thats 2 champions. Grasser was so kind to sent his renders over, so missing at least 3..............not counting the 2-litre championship and so on.
  17. Ur a mindreader also ???? Was planning to use small versions which will placed on the skinpainting page
  18. Thanks for all the help guys. One idea that I have is to use the renders in the skinpainting guide as a example, so peeps can see how a certain model looks like. Another idea is to all the world-champions on one page or several.........LOL. Anyway plenty of ideas, but no renders......................so post them here and I will pick them out, but hang in there cause Im still doing the tech side website first before I start with this. p.s Renders of the cars only please...........no stadium or whatever.
  19. Due to a error on the ukdirt(3) server downloads will be unavailable. We are trying to fix this as soon as possible.
  20. world final winning 280c would be great. thnx m8
  21. Hi guys, Im altering the website and I want to add pics of the world-champions. Now im looking for renders of them (all the leagues) Anyone who can give me hand with that ??
  22. U have received a PM. Cheers MC
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