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UKDirt Admin
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Everything posted by MC388

  1. UK-Dirt SecureChat 1 is working again......................thanks to Evil So its back chat 1 again.
  2. Happy birthday m8......................have a good un
  3. True, but it costs me a bundle to get the PC back together again..................LOL
  4. Its known that only chat 2 works at the moment. Evil & me are working on it.
  5. I came across you at WF F1 (cant remember the year tho...........lol) and I didnt recognise ya at first By the time I did you were gone................ouch We had some brilliant races in the past few years and discussions when u were on admin.......lol....... Anyway.........All the very best to u & ur family m8 Now dont be a stranger m8 and keep in touch.............. Good luck m8
  6. Bit confused here.......... I tried all of them and the only one working at this moment is uk-dirt secure chat 2. Tried it also on uk-dirt website (java) and chat 2 is working. No idea why u cant connect. Re-install and try again Dont forget to register it.
  7. MC388

    UK Dirt Chat

    Having same prob guys.................. Will contact Evil about it. In the meantime better use UK-Dirt Secure chat 2 Thats still working. When u open up mIRC goto file, recent servers and choose ukdirt securechat 2 THats it.
  8. Oops...............sorry James, a bit too late..................but never the less happy birthday m8
  9. My mistake............after this weeks disaster with the website I forgot to upload the correct file. Fixed now............. Sorry
  10. UK-Dirt website is up & running again...................altho a few details are still missing, but thats more in the are of pics and renders. I will do those in next few days. Pointstable arent correct yet............will also sort that out in the next few days. Database is fully working again also with all details still available. Regsitrations, bookings and anything else directly related to the database is operationel. Many thanks to Jamie for the help
  11. Under no circumstances will the password for JOLT be given out on the forum. As said on the temporary page..........password will be given out in chat.
  12. UK-Dirt site is down and we have major problems. So I have created a small page with just the essentials. Click here The best I coul do for now.
  13. The website is for unknown reasons down. We are working as quick as we can to get everything restored.
  14. Ur account has been set to paid member. Ur old account has been deleted and the 2 registrations in F1 & F2 have also been deleted.
  15. Now thats a oldie............ Thats Reb's car in the days when the game DTRSC was still being used (2001). The stockcar was created by Bozz, I believe..............just the one model back then.
  16. I need ur full adress & postcode m8...............U havent filled it out back then. PM or email ur adress & postcode to me and ur account will be completed and activated. I will let u know the payment-details then. Maverick..............postman fell asleep ???..............LOL
  17. We discussed raising the amount of cars on track. However we felt that warp could become a factor again. Therefor we decided to stick to "thick" servers with max. 24 cars allowed. You are right in saying that internet has improved. We are still thinking about, but we started the season this way and we are gonna finish it like this, so a new poll or whatever wont be started until the season is over. Thanks for the input
  18. ..........Have a good one m8...........
  19. sorry m8................. No idea anymore
  20. Try this m8. http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?download=1983
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