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Everything posted by theboss

  1. Can somebody please post the car filesa for the following as the download from UK dirt didnt include them? XJ40, Lada Estate and Anglia. Many thanks
  2. Hi, I use psp 7, not photoshop. I needed to open up the layers tool, which reveals all of the layers (rather than the default 9 layers in the layer tab at the top!!). Have started painting my Granada and have a few problems. 1) How do i get rid of the layer names cos they appear on the final version of the car? 2) I am using the hue/saturation tool. Is this right? Cos i seem to have a slight purple tint in the black? cheers
  3. Cheers for that Will give these a go
  4. Just downloaded again bit no joy! Also noticed there isn't a template for the mk2 granny saloon?
  5. Hi, i am having a few probs painting some cars. When in psp and I look at layers some appear missing. MK3cortina for instance, I cannot find the layers to paint the sides? Also, how do i paint the 'bits' seperately. cheers
  6. Cheers, found it! Had to click on options in the 'save as' box.
  7. i am deffo saving as tga, how do i make sure its 24-bit uncompressed?
  8. I can now convert tga to tex New problem though!!! The skins i created in psp7 and saved as tga wont convert to tex. I get this error message unsupported image type 10
  9. Yeah, 1300's would be cool, I'd race em if we had a league! Would really like the Superstox as well
  10. Hi, just wondering if anybody here can convert a tga to a tex for me as my MKTEX thingy wont work thanks in advance
  11. Bought control pad 2day, much easier. How do you adjust gear ratios then?
  12. Yeah, using keyboard at the moment (never really bothered with games on the pc) so need to get a controller.
  13. Just been looking at the race rules for the F1's and it says you must do the rolling lap at 30mph. How? I cannot seem to get a steady 30mph. How do u guys do it?
  14. How about Arlington, a nice little track. Plus it's my local
  15. Hi guys, have just signed up to uk dirt league for F1, F2, Stock car and bangers. I would be grateful if somebody could do me some skins as I am useless at this sort of thing!! My number for all formulas is #295, with a nickname the_boss (the boss on skins). I haven't really got any spec as far as colours go (just as long as it's pretty ). I have a few ideas buzzing around that I think would look good. Please PM me if you would like to have a go. Thanks Simon
  16. cool, thanks
  17. Let's say I have 2 mods (banger heat and f1 heat). Is there any way of seperating the tracks so I know which ones are for the F1's etc?
  18. Yeah, I got the car manager but in all the drivers.txt files it is just thje novice cars.
  19. OK, wondered why I only had novice cars, lol!
  20. Anybody?
  21. Why is it that once installed, all I can use is the preset novice cars in each formula? I can see all the tex files etc there, but when I go to the drivers file there is only a handful of novice cars entered. Surely I dont have to manually enter each car/driver, do I?
  22. I've got the same problem. I downloaded the heat essentials then the banger heat and stock car heat add ons (as per guidelines) but all I have is the novice cars? When I look in the drivers files there are just a handful of drivers in there, altrhough all the car skins have been installed. Does anybody have any clues? Thanks Simon
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