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Everything posted by theboss

  1. Hmm obviousley artists are, otherwise they wouldnt keep remixing classic rock tunes Stick to what sells eh!
  2. What program opens the ui.res file?
  3. well u obviousley havent installed the banger mod and all the skinpacks
  4. You know on the banger game you get mouldy old dough, and on the hot rod game you get the hot rod theme, is there any way to change what music is played?
  5. what error message do you get?
  6. Failing that do a google search for nascar heat essentials, try second one down. Its not very 'obvious' where the downloads are so take your time and look.
  7. 'Proper' Rock myself Motley Crue, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Kiss, Helloween, Poison, Cinderella, AC/DC, Aerosmith, The Who, Springsteen, Saxon, Metallica...the list goes on
  8. No, lol BUT I can offer very reasonably priced hosting, with a FREE .co.uk domain name
  9. Run the test, keep getting different results. Here is a set of 4 results. First: Ping - 81 Down - 390 Up - 230 Second: Ping - 127 Down - 454 Up - 230 Third: Ping - 124 Down - 442 Up: 235 Fourth: Ping - 120 Down - 435 Up - 232
  10. Why people insist on these free 'ad funded' domain extensions is beyond me. I mean domains are so cheap these days and hosting can be found at around £13 per annum, with a whole range of features.
  11. How can I stop warp? The last two meetings I have experienced a level of warp that is rather off-putting! All opponents cars jump and flip about like they are on some kind of trampoline!! I have recently had wireless installed, but re-installed normal broadband for tuesdays banger meeting but it made no difference. Anyone with any ideas?
  12. I'll be there Haven't been to a Wimbo world final since '96! Certainly won't be going this year, God only knows why it's being held at a Spedeworth track, it's not as if Spedeworth have any 'real' banger drivers left anyway
  13. Cheers mate, some cool renders
  14. Please can somebody do me a render of one of my cars?
  15. Can anybody explain why most of the text on my cars appears a little blurred? I have included an example of my new national skin, you will notice that the writing on the boot is all blurred table Driver number 295 name theboss295 chassis granIIe rank 1 race_image 100 body_style ccar wheel_basename 5spoke end Also, is there any chance that somebody could do me a render as I can't find the 3d models I need and don't really understand the program! car295.zip
  16. theboss


    Cheers dude Got me bubbles now
  17. Similar problem here. Just bought a new laptop and installed Windows Live Messenger and was working fine for few days then it started freezing everytime I signed in, so I went back to MSN Messenger V7.5...and still the same problem Only seems to be happening since the wireless router has been installed though
  18. theboss


    Anyone have a bubble decal I could 'borrow'? You know what I mean, the kind og bubble effect done on the Dan Klyn cars etc.
  19. erm, where do i get the 3d models?
  20. Ok, so not really a lot I can do about it then ahh well!
  21. See, the sides are al;l patchy
  22. Sorry Cedric (estate) and I am making it orange. I can use the Hue/Saturation a couple of times but it never looks as good as other peoples
  23. I am trying to paint a skin for the WOS next week and when I use the Hue/Saturation tool to change the colour of the skin it goes all patchy! Is there a way round this but keeping the detail of the car? BTW I am using Paint Shop Pro 7
  24. That looks really good erik.
  25. Try these. stars.zip
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