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Everything posted by theboss

  1. Does anybody have the 262coupe template please
  2. theboss

    A60 Estate

    ok m8. It looks good btw
  3. theboss

    A60 Estate

    And me pleasssssssssssssssssssssssse
  4. theboss


    hmm, dunno! lol
  5. theboss


    Excellent job Rikard, he will love that!! Here's a few pics of Cecil's Roller, I didn't take the camera to cracker so these are just from the yard.
  6. WOW! They are the tits mate, thanks very much!!!!
  7. Here's the skins, thanks mate 295_725.zip
  8. Monday evenings fine m8, will post em in morning as they are on the desktop and I am on the laptop at mo. cheers mate
  9. You couldn't do a render for us could you? Using the cargo?
  10. theboss


    Is it possible that somebody here could do me a render please? I have just finished two cars for the world final support races and would like them rendered on a ford cargo. I hope somebody can do this for me, let me know and I will email the cars.
  11. Is there a .car file anywhere for a ford cargo? I looked via search but couldn't find anything?
  12. cheers rodder but i'm not that clever, lol
  13. cheers lee
  14. The chassis name for the mk3 cedric is , as it says, Mk3Cedric, yes? But when u want to paint a skin, it is known as the 280c, is this correct?
  15. Can u not just view one layer at a time and zoom in a little? I know its not as clear when you zoom in, but its a temporary way round it?
  16. Not entirely sure tbh.
  17. does anybody have a image of a pink heart, pref with a transparent background please. Kind of urgent, lol!!!
  18. I have been advising people against AOL for as long as I can remember, lol!! There service sucks (I'm sure you're an exception allan) and once installed, AOL just takes over your computer! I have been with tesco.net for almost a year and have never had any downtime. I usually have both the laptop and the desktop on all day and the internet gets some serious abuse. Any problems? Apart from the poor billing system, no not really. Although I have never had a problem with tesco.net I will be looking to get a much faster package when my contract is up (december), so anyone that can recommend a great service provider for stupidly fast broadband with no download limits then let me know.
  19. I believe all files must be uploaded in a .zip folder.
  20. theboss


    Nah, I tried them
  21. After watching Roy Fuller writing Cecil's Firecracke car this afternoon it got me wondering how you guys manage to get the airbrush effects on the skins? Is there a 'foolproof' way of doing this?
  22. ta wrighty, got it working
  23. When racing online, you shouldnt have anything else running, unfortunately that means other pc's running on the same internet connection, wireless or otherwise. Or so I'm told
  24. theboss


    Here u go Stars.zip
  25. There is no 'foolproof' way of stopping junk/spam email I'm afraid, all you can do is take precautions. To start with, what anti-virus are you running? Personally I use Norton Internet Suite (not just the anti-virus) which has a built in spam filter. Ok it wont stop all junk email, but my tweaking the filter and reporting email as spam you will help stop more coming in. Also, if you run a website and you have your email address totally visible (i.e click on it and it takes you straight to your email client) then any robot/computer is able to do the same. To safeguard against this, dont make email links clickable, make people have to type the address in manually. Yes I know it's much easier to just click a link and by disabling this option may be offputting to some people, but doing this really does help against automated junk mail.
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