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Everything posted by theboss

  1. I do a smiliar thing, merge all body parts, make that layer grey, then duplicate and set to overlay and paint/sign the overlay.
  2. theboss


    You may not be aware, but this is just a game, it isnt the be all and end all of life. There are more important things than sitting behind a keyboard slaving away FOR FREE for other peoples enjoyment. The creator of this track (and ALL moddellers) do an excellent job and without them people like you would still be pushing toy cars around a makeshift racetrack made from cereal boxes, nails and string!! I too would like to see Taunton (and Arlington) in the game, BUT these guys have a life, they have work, school, family, other projects and sorry to say, the game comes last. I am sure we will all know about it when the time comes so kindly refrain from asking questions in that abrupt manner and you may well get a much better response.
  3. Pazza's right...the wheels aren't part of the cars, they're packed in the part.res file, so you'd end up with different car models for a fin change I'm not nit picking but ..... isnt it possible by altering the part.res i mean i know how hard it is to code a game etc by brother does it for a living though surely you can make a few shapes for the fins and enter the projections onto diffrent options just like the wheels.... i mean you get cars which are longer than other though they car wheels remain in the 'correct' possitions Though by saying all of this i think ive confused myself You can alter the part.res all you like, still wont change the fin plate as it is part of the actual template and .car file. As said above only way would be to re do the models with different fins which would be very time consuming. Gd idea tho
  4. I too use pipex (max, with phone bundle etc) and am getting regular speeds of between 5 and6, which is a vast improvement from 2mb on tesco.net. A few early teething probs but touchj wood sweet ever since.
  5. Oooh, i thought it was, ?
  6. Also, it helps to know your numbers
  7. Here you go, practice with the basic signwriter font, to be a good signwriter this basic font shud be mastered as it is the most commonly used.
  8. I actually did a signwriting work experience thing at school (gave up cos i was useless lol) but the way I was taught was that the bloke took out a slate and painted on the alphabet and numbers 0-9, all in the signwriter style (u know what i mean). He then gave it to me and said Go and practice, and practice, and practice, and ......you get the idea!! You need to master a certain style of writing before even thinking of tryin g anything flash. Print off some fonts from ur pc and try copying them. Why not source local signwriters and ask to tag along once a week etc to learn the trade?
  9. Tbh I find PSP sooooooo much easier to use, currently use versions XI. I spose having used psp for years u get used to it, I just find photoshop arse about face lol
  10. Yep another greeat model mate, well done
  11. In kanes defence, msn can auto send messages, especially if a virus has been built especially to be distributed via msn. There was one going about a week or so ago, that actually had your msn id in a link. Simple solution, dont click on links u dont know!!
  12. Hmm, thats what I said Adam Yh I reckon once a month or summit a new part.res file shud be released with new wheels, just releasing a wheel here or there is gonna cause so many problems. Not everybody races ukdirt, or even uses the forum for the matter, and the noobs especially wont know what they are doing with a part.res file.
  13. Someone gonna have to supervise this lol, all these diff part.res files, surely will get cheat messages??
  14. theboss


    Great track, excellent work mate Damn invisible barrier lol
  15. Bit before my time unfortunately but Have been there and had a look around, was a cracking track by alla ccounts
  16. Didnt know there was a Mazda 323 made for the game?
  17. mk2reds should read mk2red, all working now
  18. wont work on mine
  19. Maybe try the ukdirt site? You will find the ssc, f1, f2, hot rod and banger ones there
  20. Why steal someone elses work? Just makes you look even more stupid? Those cars are epic (as always) Rodder Like the man said, all you have to do is ask.
  21. Dag Nammit, that makes more sense!!!
  22. Hmm, I wanna say Layhams as I raced there a few times in early nineties but not sure, lol
  23. Just being trying to paint my new ssc and seems the templates are both merged as backgrounds, is this right? If not can some kind soul please post up the "non-merged" ones, cheers
  24. Currently working on a #700 Marco one, will upload it when I am done
  25. Ooooh, whats this new template sitting on my desktop Lol In my opinion by not releasing certain templates it makes the game more realistic. I mean look what happened with the Silver Cloud, EVERYONE used one when it was released and it became very boring very quick. When was the last time one was used??? In real life not everyone has the material and if that can be reflected in the game that can only be a good thing, surely?? Yh fine let everybody have the primeras, cavaliers, bluebirds etc, but when someone spends hours and hours researching for the old tin at least let them decide whether or not to release it and stop buggin g them. Remembers how many times I asked Rodder for the A60 Estate template
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