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Everything posted by theboss

  1. theboss

    Skin Uploading

    For Heat you need .tex files only. For rFactor you need .veh and .dds for shale and tarmac cars with each of the different grades (white, yellow, blue and red) versions in the 1 zip. ahhh, didnt specify heat or poofactor lol
  2. theboss

    Skin Uploading

  3. theboss

    new skins

  4. Oh yh its definately a good idea, was just thinking keep it here as you already have a large user database in place thats all
  5. cant we just do it here? get admin to adjust the skin painting section a bit?
  6. Patience my boy, patience
  7. A&S Speedway is close as you will get to it. Its not a free font though and comes in an expensive signwriters package.
  8. theboss

    new skins

    Nice skin headbanger, get chills down my spine with all these old skool smallfield cars lol
  9. thanks haadee
  10. does anyone have a decent tsb decal or the font used? I mean the old style one as used by the ashley bros etcx
  11. ta whats next?
  12. Can I lie and say yes?? lol cheers dode
  13. Running Nascar Heat Essentials on Vista: Right here goes.... I have created a setups folder in the main ukdirtbangers folder with the seperate track folders within that, thats all fine. I can paste in setups to these folders, then go in game and load them and they work perfectly. The problem is when i modify these settings and click save. They always appear in game (i can shut game down load it up again and modified settings are there) but if i save them in game they dont appear in the setups folder, if you get me?? Any ideas???
  14. Most of the national banger meets are were on Saturdays this year apart from A60 Amble though weren't they? Think it was only the November gala night that was held on saturday?
  15. Yes, the track WAS being restored, well cleared at least and meetings were planned but the development ran in to problems I believe, and is on hold. Was hoping to be run by a guy called Mick I believe, used to race at the old Fleet track in the Stock Cars. And the garage is still there? Has just had a refit.
  16. Moving to Saturdays is a good thing, for racers and spectators alike. The midweek racing was well known to put off long distance visitors and by moving to Saturdays gives these guys the opportunity to pay the track a visit.
  17. Try PM'ng Tads, he may still have them
  18. Don't worry too much Scott, it happens to us all. Morning glory I believe is the term used
  19. very good, keep em coming, can we have names of these wheels also please
  20. ta
  21. may well have a use for them
  22. google is very useful http://www.corel.com/servlet/Satellite/gb/...mp;tabview=tab6
  23. Anyone got any pics of 57 stu cummings they can post up, please?
  24. must be summit in the water ooop there
  25. Same goes for nothing of any FACT, don't bother at all, why comment on a situation that you, and many others, actually know sweet FA about?
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