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Everything posted by theboss

  1. roughly translated as........... Excuse me, but would any kind soul please inform me if there are currently any free leagues for the banger mod that UKDirt created? I only ask as I am tight and do not wish to pay the equivalent of £1.25 per month to race!!
  2. well facebook is rather gay!
  3. ahh rite i see
  4. am i being thick here.................wtf are paper bangers???
  5. excellent idea tbh bobbert
  6. bloody hell JB, you got 7 years on me!! That makes me feel warm and cuddly inside now knowing there are more old farts out there myself, jb, lakey, fred, biffo.......before long ukdirt will have its own oap discount section!
  7. It goes down from time to time Toby, it's a mystery as to why
  8. www.ukdirt.co.uk downlaods
  9. tbh you dont need a code, just wait a few seconds for the "continue" button to become highlighted and hey presto, you can connect
  10. theboss

    new skins

    my ukdirt motor....
  11. http://www.ovalbangerchat.co.uk/topic/7783...dous-crashes-8/
  12. yh freejohn sent me the link, handy site
  13. I know it's a big ask (ask, not arse Crewie you perv!) but does anybody have ALL the banger templates (ukdirt and free league) currently being used in leagues that they could zip up and mail over to me? It is such a nightmare trying to find them all as they are all spread out over so many different sites. Theres a big sloppy kiss in it for the kind person that bends over, i mean steps up to the ask
  14. got a few a&s fonts here if you want em?
  15. cool, when you making it????
  16. theboss


    http://www.1001freefonts.com/ http://www.fontpark.net/ http://www.urbanfonts.com/ http://www.fontspace.com/
  17. yes there is/was a coach chassis made, lp plaxton i think????? wouldnt have a clue where to get the car file tho mate, maybe just try searching the forum ??
  18. frenchy too anyone sort ths??
  19. help!! cant access servers, am using correct ip etc and never had prob b4. have deleted anti virus and even turned firewall off but ust says waitng any ideas??
  20. well that told me didn't it. naughty boss, in your bed boss!!!
  21. I know I am moaning about the whole tuesday thing but i would rather have 2 meetings a week, makes for a whole "seperate" promotion thing with dirt and simstox, still have the joint national/world points but keep the meetings seperate. would create a better rivalry when the dirt boys do simstoc and vice versa. Just my opinion
  22. Could do with seeing the whole error message really...
  23. pm me mate and let me knowwhat you're after
  24. man its soooo tempting, just not ready to give up the bangers lol how does the world ranking system work and how is it different to the normal points system?
  25. yh would rather it didnt clash with the bangers on tuesday as i may have been tempted to get me rfactor otherwise lol Seriously, can ukdirt not choose another day? TNB is dead so thursdays is coool !!!
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