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Everything posted by theboss

  1. Really? I just thought the name 'Chris' on the car was just there for the hell of it?
  2. I believe you are correct Nem, and yes a Monach has already been made. Still, gd pics
  3. i get you! Not heard that tbh, he did make a cry for help though, with all the texts sent to wwe employees. Why wern't these followed up straight away?
  4. Lol Calum, what else would you expect from Zarky
  5. Just to clarify, the show that was in memory was sposed to be the live raw on monday evening, wwe had only found out he was dead that day, they knew nothing about the situation of his family at the time of putting the tribute on. As soon as the realised they apologised and pulled the show from airing in any other country.
  6. Fake isn't a word I would use to describe wrestling in it's entirety. We all know that the matches (most) are scripted with the outcome already decided (although a lot of matches these days the guys are told who is to win but just to go out and do what they want), but there is still a high level of skill and athleticalism in what these guys do. To stand there and make it look like you are being punched by 300lb man (whilst actually not getting hit) isn't something most normal people could do, it would end up very messy . The whole point of televised wrestling these days is to make it entertaining and bring in the $$$$, so much more entertainment is added to the wrestling factor to keep the casual fan interested just as much as the hardcore fan. I mean anyone that says a man jumping off the Hammerstein Ballroom balcony through a table is fake is seriously mistaken. Ok the table isn't solid oak, but the guy has just jumped off a balcony onto another guy, there will be contact, it will hurt! When guys like Sabu, Terry Funk and Mick Foley blade themselves, they really are blading with a real blade and the blood that it creates is actually real (hence the real scars lol). Tbh if all people watch is wwe then thats where things go wrong, as the wwe as lost the plot over the last 6 or 7 years. Anybody will tell you, go watch the Indy promotions or live shows down the road and you will see a much more believable product. On the note of Benoit, absolute horrific tradgedy. The man was clearly not in a stable state of mind, and although not an excuse for his action in hos own mind probably done what he thought was right at the time. I have follwed Benoits career from ECW, through WCW and in to WWE and have always admired his commitment to the business. As with Eddie Guerrero, Benoit was one of the best allround wrestlers in the business and imo still had a lot left in him. It does concern me though that WWE seems to be pushing the smaller guys to 'bulk up' more, just look at Benoit, Guerrero, Mysterio etc before coming to the WWE. I mean you can only train for so many hours a day and it is inevitable that Steroids would come in to play to enhance the process. It was stated that excessive use of certain Steroids could trigger symptoms of paranoia, delusion and mood swings among other things and, whilst I am not going to speculate, it would seem this may have been the case. My final words on the matter. Benoit the wrestler, always will be a legend in my eyes, always gave his all and deserves no less. Benoit the man, I cannot comment on the mans personal life away from the ring, all I will say is that whatever the problems innocent people don't deserve to die.
  7. theboss

    SOD V4

    Is there not an SOD websiet? If so, SOD odd there and ask
  8. Now say what you really think Reg Fin plate is awesome BUT do we really want a whole field of cars with the axe fin plate Other than that, great model Swindy
  9. Hi, this is mainly for attention of the free league moddelers as I know they all come here to read/play lol. I havent really been keeping up to date with new car releases lately and, although I have all the .car files, I know I am missing a few templates. If anybody has any of the following that they wouldnt mind sharing with uncle boss (I can send used panties in return? ) then I would be grateful. Either pm me, msn or on here, cheers lads. 57 Mercury Lesabresw ???? Riviera Fiat Tempra
  10. I am on 8mb wireless with pipex and normally when racing my daughter is on her pc (with net on, on same connection) as well and I get no problems
  11. Yes Crewie, the physics could be edited to create a slower FWD version
  12. I may be wrong, and no doubt I will be corrected if I am, BUT the Wolesely was 1800 and 2200 (not 3ltr) and, erm, it was FWD
  13. Yeh, a link to the download wud be cool
  14. C'mon Rodney u lazy so and so, get them models sorted!!!! Only kidding mate, you do a great job and shame that, like a lot of us, u are losing interest
  15. Anyone know where to dpwnload the superstox one from ? cheers
  16. http://wns.easyphpbb.com/index.php?sid=b95...11a1af2a08bf4e2
  17. yep, worked fine for me
  18. I believe the show on 5 regarding F1's is once a month(ish), following the World Qualifying rounds
  19. Here it is Bozz_Numbers.zip
  20. All car files that are not part of ukdirt can be found in the updates at www.tnbangers.co.uk
  21. It isnt actually a font, the closest you will get is compacta blk, with a bit of cut and shut work. There is a decal sheet called Bozz numbers, I will post it up later if nobody else has.
  22. I did post about this under the Bangers section, 2007 update, it seems that the domain (ukdirt3.co.uk) where the files are hosted expired on the 26th April this year which would indicate why the files are inaccesible. There was an update placed on the whois register on May 10th, but doesnt say what that update was, quite likely the domain was renewed.
  23. Those 4 bits are on the fin plate layer for some reason, so when painting fin, justpaint these bits as well. You may be able to duplicate the fin plate layer and then remove the fin plate and merge the rest on to the body layer, tho havent tried this yet.
  24. boss i do the same but is there any easier way of erasing the grey from around the signs other than by freehand using the eraser tool. cheers, damo. I dont get grey round my signs. add me msn i go through it with ya, theboss295@hotmail.com
  25. http://www.bossinternet.co.uk http://www.cecilsrentarookie.co.uk
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