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Everything posted by theboss

  1. If it helps, I know of at least seven people who have moved away from aol in the last week!! Aol is a great idea, BUT it takes over your computer and can make all kinds of weird things happen! I have Sky+ (what a load of bs, it never works as it should!) and that doesn't effect my broadband connection.
  2. Ok, so how do I do it?
  3. Cheers, will do
  4. Thats cool All working now
  5. Just downloading now
  6. Yeah did that before, all it does is copy the ui res from the nascar heat folder (which is the nascar one) I can get the hot rod one to work if i install the hot rods mod, but all the other mods have the nascar screen You can email me the ui.res file if u like?
  7. You obviousley have the correct ui.res file, I just have the one that came when i installed uk dirt? PLEASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSE can you send me your ui.res for the banger mod
  8. Cheers Rikard. How come your screen is different to mine? I have the nascar main screen, ?
  9. Why can i not get the garage option in offline mode? A few others say they can but I cant see it?
  10. So, why the need to get a registration code from uk dirt then? Does anyone know how and where i enter this code?
  11. ok, cheers. Who do I upload my banger skins too btw?
  12. Rules read thoroughly. I am referring to the $20 that mirc asks for (hence the topic title mirc chat ), I have been given a registration code but no instructions on how to install it. Following the link on uk dirt just points me to a page that asks for a $20 dollar fee.
  13. Just got my registration code from uk dirt for mirc, didnt mention anything about having to pay $£20 registration fee!!
  14. I have downloaded all the banger skins from uk dirt site. Is it correct that polo, bandit and woolford skins all go into the polo folder? As this is what it was set to default?
  15. Yeah, seems to have worked this time
  16. Ok, have downloaded the heat essentials files and am having great difficulty racing online. This is due to me having version 1.80 installed when I need 1.72e instead. I can't get it to install correctly as when I install the multipatch_nocd.exe patch to bring it up to v1.5a it asks me to insert disk 2, which, of course, I dont have as I have the essentials patch. Anybody have any ideas, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Can anybody help me with this number set? I have downloaded it and it opens fine but I am struggling to change the colour of the 3D set whilst keeping the 3D effect. What colour tool should I be using (PSP7)? Thanks
  18. Are these used in the online league?
  19. Dont suppose you can recommend a nice number font could you?
  20. darn it Really liked that font too!
  21. Hello, anybody know if the 141 is a font? If so, anyone have a download/buy link. Thanks.
  22. Got the sscw working
  23. Cheers, but the saphire is just a background layer again I can edit the layer but when it comes to racing, the car just appears red.
  24. They are included in the UKDirt downloads. I guess you haven't installed all the files. Certainly have But no XJ40 or Lada estate
  25. Whats wrong with my ssc files? The saphire tga that i downloaded from uk dirt is just a background layer? The ssc tga file wont allow me to alter the coloure either? please help.
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