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UKDirt 2nd Tier Admin
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Everything posted by drumbstick

  1. Sorry Nick, if it is any consolation they are the only goals I have scored so far
  2. Yea great work splinter, the first time I watched it was without sound and it was a bit odd. Second time was with sound and then it all made sense
  3. Thanks Dan, Enjoyed tonights meeting, some good racing despite my connection problems and loosing my connection in HEAT 3.
  4. Drumbstick 41 pls
  5. I think your right, and rfactor cars are a bit light imo. Just observations Im not critising anybody, I couldnt do it lol. Which is the crux of the problem. When the mod was first released everyone was moaning about a lack of front end grip and the cars pushing on which was caused because the cars are much heavier then HEAT. You will never get it so everyone is happy
  6. As you guys say it could be down to a number of reason. My best guess would be that it is caused by A.) Track grip levels in RF. B.) The way the tyres work in RF, especially drop-off calculations and tables. C.) The fact we can spend hours and hours at one track tweaking and shaving those tenths off. Also we do not have the fear factor of getting hurt. This is not to criticise anyone it's just my opinion. And everyone knows I am addicted to the mod
  7. Yea these were posted before the latest patch, revised table below added KR3W as it seems popular and still just a rough average race lap time. Belle Vue: 13.8 Birmingham: 13.7 Ips Shale: 15.4 Ips Tarmac: 14.7 Sexberium: 13.9 KR3W 12.8
  8. By the time the meeting starts I should be a tad tipsy as I am planning to be in the pub most of the day. Have fun and crash Hutch for me guys
  9. Aded steps 3(Springs) and 4(Dampers). I have also revised step two although I am still not happy with it.
  10. I will make sure I leave a server up with a short practice session for people who want to be on
  11. Yea I think that was probably the best meeting so far. Plenty of good fair hits and some really close racing with some good banter
  12. Drumbstick 41 booking in
  13. From what I understand VHR was developed to be released as a stand alone game. It was not supposed to be released as a mod and ISI are not very happy about it.
  14. Great work again mate, love the way you keep experimenting and its paying off
  15. I do agree that pactice is they key to this, looking at it from the other point of view to most people I cannot get on with heat at all. However with practice and choosing my hits carefully I am so much better at RF you would not believe it was the same person driving.
  16. will have to try and put a stop to that! "If you can't beat em...take em out" LOL yea I am sure a couple of people did yesterday
  17. haha, well I cant ever remember seeing you spin out, you just seem to drive a steady race from the back.. Ironically I did get spun out early in that race, but yea I do just try and plod round from the back
  18. Good work Splinter, Gues I have a new nickname to live up to now
  19. Great meeting again last night, not sure what it is about ipswich but I just don't seem to get the luck there both meetings times we have been there I have had my lowest scores by far. Not sure what I did to Ironmac before the meeting but I seemed to get in a bumper battle with him in every race except the GN
  20. Thanks guys. I have added links for suggested reading for step 3 and 4 guess I bette write them now
  21. OK guys I have the first drafts of steps 1 and 2 of my setup guide up for people to have a look at and comment on. It can be found HERE
  22. There is a server up but I cannot remember the IP of the top of my head it is either RFGRC.CO.UK:34297 RFGRC.CO.UK:34298 RFGRC.CO.UK:34299 RFGRC.CO.UK:34300
  23. Actually make that Drumbstick 41, Should probably book in when I am sober
  24. Drumbstick 321
  25. I am working on the guide and just did a 14.64 at ipp with all the suspension and ride height on minimum except the RR. Intresting lesson I can tell you. Will be on for a bit if anyone fancies joining me
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