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UKDirt 2nd Tier Admin
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Everything posted by drumbstick

  1. I have been thinking of doing a guide to go about doing a setup from scratch. Would probably be a weekly post for a few weeks as it would take some serious time. I will have a think and see what I can come up with.
  2. And for those who need more practice, we are still running a series on Tuesday nights that is a bit more relaxed than here at UKDirt. PM me if you want any more details
  3. I use the 3 pedel version of the speed 7s with the tuning kit. They are a lot of money, but I use them so much it was the cheaper option in the long run & I do think they are a bit of an advantage on shale. https://shop.interactiveracing.com/e-commer...sp?ProductID=22
  4. I use a MOMO wheel but third party pedals as they are known for braking quite often. The wheel is fine and the feedback although not as good as a G25 is fine when using real feel.
  5. Sounds like you dont have version F of the patch
  6. The right hand light is the Force Feedback so if you have that off in Heat it will not come on
  7. Drumbstick 41
  8. Ok try this link, is the whole thing including the wet addon GRC Raceway Park
  9. It seems to have dissapered from my page. I will put a full version up including the wet addon.
  10. Looks awesome so far
  11. You need to set you force feedback to negative numbers, i srFactor -100 not sure about heat
  12. I am especially looking forward to this weeks video Is there any chance the server replays can be made available.
  13. Thanks for the meeting last night guys really enjoyed it. I think the patch has made a big difference to contact and although there were still a couple of people using flat out hits early on it even handled this much better. The meeting was going really quickly till I called a race oh well I will know next time.
  14. 9 points covering 5 cars
  15. PIPEX are well known for using connection shaping. I would put good money thats where your connection problem is
  16. I would think all your connection problems are more ISP related. What ISP you on
  17. No you will need to be on 1255
  18. Thx, and yes the cars line up in groups of 4
  19. The lonley has done a wet version of KR3W raceway. The screenshots below do not do the job justice you will need to download it and try it. It has a wet surface complete with spray among other features. You can download it HERE The original GRC Raceway park can be found HERE Once you have the update just exctract it to your GRC Raceway park folder. I will have a server up for a few hours if you want a break from birmingham testing. A big thanks to the Lonley and SLN for the use of his textures
  20. I have done a lap of birmingham with TV Overlays and pointers for people struggling. It can be viewed on . However to get the full benefit I suggest you download a higher res version from HERE
  21. Server is still avaliable but is now running the 1255F patch. Is Jolt 3 avaliable as the Super Server page says it is but I cannot see it even on an IP search
  22. drumbstick


    Looks like your video card is only 64mb? Id also suggest upgrading to at least 1gb of ram. A cleron is not the greatest for gaming. Before I would dump money into parts, I would suggest a new CPU. This could be part of the issue. You can get a p4 3.0 dirt cheap right now, or even the older duel core chips (intel or amd). Just my suggestion. I would say a new video card would solve the problem, the chip should be ok for now but as freew says its not ideal and could do with replacing.
  23. drumbstick


    Could you post a pic of the new error, your HDD size and your VM setings
  24. Can they not be worked in to the detail groups on the cars as they have detail settings the same as tracks.
  25. drumbstick


    Make it bigger I guess. Without knowing your PC specs i can't realy help any further
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