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UKDirt 2nd Tier Admin
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Everything posted by drumbstick

  1. Was good to see the blimp at work to
  2. Car 41 41shale.zip 41Tarmac.zip
  3. I have over 5000 laps logged at the two ippy versions alone, its practice, practice, practice I am afraid
  4. Having tried this I can confirm it is great fun Great work as always mate
  5. Yea thanks guys good job
  6. i still see his old one too lol Its because you need to get you ISP's server to refresh. You do this by pressing ctrl F5
  7. I will probably be on in an hour or so for a bit
  8. Drumbstick#321 Car in skinpack
  9. Danskin has asked and now I am please just leave it guys
  10. rFactor F1s is a stand alone mod, and not really in association with UK Dirt.. luckily the development team recognise that "we" are the most likely end user (or at least prime audience for now) - so it makes sense to look here and at other similar leagues, for feedback, etc. I hope, it is the future of UK Dirt, but that is a discussion for another day Advertising other leagues has never been permitted (which is what GRC and SOR are - rules, formats, fixtures, titles, own servers, etc is certainly beyond just "test evenings") BWS was only here by special arrangement and as long standing friends of UK Dirt - this arragenment has now ceased. UK Dirt (namely myself and MoR so far confirmed...) will be running series/mini series shortly and over the winter - in view of testing towards helping the mod development, and organising the 2008 season here at UK Dirt (all being well...). Dan informed me of the thread being removed and I have no problem with this. If anyone wants more information they can contact me, and I have offered to also help here in whatever way I can.
  11. Looks good to me
  12. If you post your questions in THIS thread you will get answers from the guy developing it
  13. As far as I know my Tuesday league is the only one so far
  14. If you grab real feel you can tune it to feel as heavy as you want on the front
  15. 13.9s or 14s in a race I would think
  16. I thingk it would be a shame to see this happen, as with UK Dirt being so big it attracts all the top drivers. However if Rfactor is not adopted I think you can guarantee that will happen. I dont think anyone knows what the answer is at the moment, I don't envy admin having to make that decision and I guess we all have to trust that they will do what is best for the organisation as a whole as I am 100% sure they will.
  17. Hopefully, MOR and Dan will be running the meetings from next week under UK Dirt rules so all the normal rules will apply.
  18. First off, sorry about the delay between qualifying and race 1 last night guys, with MM down and a few no shows I was having to juggle the grids about and decide who should start where but we got there in the end. Thought the racing was really good in general, I did see some over the top hits but really enjoyed last night and glad the track provided some good racing.
  19. Ok i don't really want to get involved with this but since I was running the server I guess I should chip in. Matty, I am sorry if you were offended last night. TBH I had my head so buried in my laptop when I was not driving doing the meeting stuff I did not read 99% of the chat going on. The only thing I will say is a number number of people asked you last night what car you were using as all we could see was a temp car. When I finally asked you you did reply and then when you were asked to change cars the response you gave was yea latter. Now I am sorry this is not acceptable, if somebody running a meeting asks you to do something you do it. This is what prompted Hutch to say boot him now Hutch is not the most eloquent with words to say the least however if he had not put it like that I would have told you to change or I would boot you. Now I have offered this before and will do so again, if anyone wants to get together on a server I am happy to give people pointers and help them with setups. I dont claim to be the fastest of best driver especially on tarmac however I do think it is important for people to be incontrol and able to do a lap without spinning before they join a meeting and will help in anyway I can.
  20. I will post more on here tomorrow, but paul asked me to do the points from tonight, I can see why now Points were were scored from 16 - 1 in each race.
  21. Server is up rfgrc.co.uk:34299
  22. For anyone that still missed it rfgrc.co.uk:34297
  23. rfgrc.co.uk:34297 You need to click on the little blue box at the top of the screen the servers are normally displayed on and type the above
  24. I have had to rs the server and the IP has reset to rfgrc.co.uk:34297
  25. Server is up called F1 Test meeting. If you are having matchmaker problems, click on the littly blue box with a black cross at the top of the server list and type rfgrc.co.uk:34299 that is the server IP address
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