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UKDirt 2nd Tier Admin
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Everything posted by drumbstick

  1. Closed
  2. If you do not have a skin in the pack, and do NOT submit a skin for this pack you wil not be able to race in the Semi-Finals
  3. Well Done Nezza thought it must be a typo when Dave text me Big thanks to Dave for stepping in at the last minute to RM what is generally a pain in the backside meeting
  4. You said it not me
  5. This Monday we take our annual pilgrimage to Northampton for the European championship. The top 20 in the national points qualify automatically, with 4 more qualifying from the last chance qualifier. Meeting format LCQ Heats 1 & 2 European Heats 3 &4 Final GNs THE EURO GRID IS: 262 - 480 LCQ? - 589 249 - 338 305 - 84 LCQ? - 39 46 - 691 315 - 17 246 - 291 380 - LCQ? 87 - 31 236 - 116 41 - LCQ? Reserves 488, 43, 981, 74, 112, 237, 274, 21, 6, 330, 221, 489, 329, 624 drivers in bold booked, drivers in red cant or will not be racing i have left the LCQ places blank so we get no race fixing to get the best spots, if people dont book in out of the top 20 the next reserves will take the places for example as it stands at the minute 338 and 84 are not booked so 488 would go outside row 3 and 43 would be outside row 4 and so on, IF YOU ARE IN THE TOP 20 CAN YOU BOOK ASAP TO MAKE IT EASIER FOR US OR ATLEAST POST TO SAY YOU WILL NOT BE RACING PLEASE, BOOKINGS WILL CLOSE EARLY FOR THE TOP 20 TOMORROW NIGHT YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!
  6. In tooz there is always a new skinpack for the first meeting of the month, and we have a skinpack thread up the week proceeding this. You can upload them to the skin upload tool on the website at any time
  7. Results: Heat 1: 589 262 236 115 480 43 116 305 315 58 291 599 454 354 31 Heat 2: 112 246 17 87 488 691 380 41 46 981 393 338 Heat 3: 236 981 480 246 58 21 17 305 46 315 393 599 116 115 691 Heat 4: 589 43 262 112 338 41 291 87 31 454 488 354 Heat 5: 981 17 41 315 338 291 236 46 488 380 21 589 354 454 31 Heat 6: 691 87 115 480 116 305 246 43 58 112 262 599 B-Final: A-Final: 87 236 116 41 246 31 480 981 112 291 43 589 488 46 338 315 691 17 21 380 58 115 262 Points: 40 pts 236 DanSkin 39 pts 87 Robin H25 32 pts 246 Stox 30 pts 41 Drumbstick 29 pts 480 leightonh 26 pts 981 MartinB 26 pts 116 JK 22 pts 112 Tom D 21 pts 17 Aza 20 pts 589 Stijneman 17 pts 43 Sije 17 pts 262 Harmen 15 pts 115 michael green 15 pts 691 Jakeeey 12 pts 338 Evnos 12 pts 31 Si 11 pts 291 Marten 11 pts 305 jakiejnr 10 pts 315 Mike 9 pts 58 minitom 8 pts 488 Dave 7 pts 46 Nezza 5 pts 21 LouisH 5 pts 380 Liam Powell 1 pts 454 Frans 0 pts 354 Suicide 0 pts 393 MatthewL
  8. Welcome to tonight's UK Open meeting. Each driver will get 3 heats with the top 24 drivers qualifying for the final. There will be no GNs after the final Heat 1: 58, 354, 454, 589, 599, 43, 262, 31, 39, 115, 116, 291, 480, 236, 305, 315, server .48 ( steward - Grasser/Dode ) Heat 2: 21, 393, 473, 981, 17, 246, 338, 46, 380, 488, 624, 691, 41, 87, 112, ,server .45 ( steward - Stumpy) Heat 3: 21, 58, 393, 599, 981, 17, 246, 39, 46, 115, 116, 480, 691, 236, 305, 315, server .48 ( steward - Grasser/Dode) Heat 4: 354, 454, 473, 589, 43, 262, 338, 31, 291, 380, 488, 624, 41, 87, 112, server .45 ( steward - Stumpy) Heat 5: 21, 354, 454, 589, 981, 17, 338, 31, 39, 46, 291, 380, 488, 41, 236, 315,server .48 ( steward - Grasser/Dode) Heat 6: 58, 393, 473, 599, 43, 246, 262, 115, 116, 480, 624, 691, 87, 112, 305, server .45 ( steward - Stumpy)
  9. Please post your name/number and grade
  10. You need to install THIS
  11. CS2 for me
  12. Results: Heat 1: 305 236 31 691 46 380 454 262 848 246 116 264 211 393 480 237 491 Heat 2: 41 981 43 315 488 238 249 87 589 338 217 58 39 180 21 599 329 Heat 3: 41 87 338 305 246 31 480 380 46 981 58 180 21 211 393 43 237 599 Heat 4: 329 238 691 262 116 249 217 454 488 848 315 491 236 624 39 589 Consi 1: 39 589 21 180 454 624 116 848 58 393 217 211 480 237 491 599 A-Final: 236 238 87 180 249 329 315 41 691 380 39 21 246 488 589 43 338 305 262 981 31 46 GN 1: 239 981 41 691 31 21 246 848 39 46 116 338 237 GN 2: 589 180 87 236 488 58 380 43 329 454 305 624 211 249 599 Points: 43 pts 236 Danskin 36 pts 87 Robin H25 34 pts 41 Drumbstick 32 pts 238 Kane_M 26 pts 691 Jakeeey 23 pts 180 wardieee 22 pts 329 Tsjalle 21 pts 249 stoxjack 19 pts 981 MartinB 19 pts 31 Si 17 pts 305 jakiejnr 15 pts 315 Mike 14 pts 380 Liam Powell 14 pts 488 Dave 12 pts 589 Stijneman 11 pts 43 Sije 11 pts 246 Stox 10 pts 262 Harmen 9 pts 338 Evnos 9 pts 46 Nezza 8 pts 454 Frans 6 pts 848 Bully Jnr 6 pts 116 JK 5 pts 21 LouisH 5 pts 58 minitom 4 pts 217 Neke 4 pts 480 leightonh 2 pts 39 LeeK 0 pts 65 dan heath 0 pts 354 Suicide 0 pts 393 MatthewL 0 pts 491 crewesader 0 pts 954 Samwit 0 pts 210 Tomo 0 pts 237 rickyljames 0 pts 599 Harold 0 pts 624 RayDick
  13. Results: Heat 1: 329 43 21 981 41 315 116 691 31 180 624 454 354 237 46 488 599 Heat 2: 589 87 249 262 246 217 480 238 848 39 380 305 491 338 65 Heat 3: 41 21 46 624 691 237 305 380 39 354 491 338 848 31 599 238 Heat 4: 329 43 589 87 249 488 315 262 480 116 981 545 217 246 180 Consi 1: 238 180 116 305 31 454 380 491 39 338 848 354 599 B-Final: 31 354 380 454 338 491 A-Final: 329 262 87 691 981 305 589 217 41 315 624 21 180 246 116 237 249 480 43 238 46 488 GN 1: 981 480 305 249 354 262 87 246 338 393 237 624 329 380 39 491 GN 2: 691 180 217 589 41 238 315 31 21 43 848 454 211 488 116 46 599 Points: 40 pts 329 Tsjalle 36 pts 87 Robin H25 33 pts 589 Stijneman 33 pts 262 Harmen 33 pts 691 Jakeeey 29 pts 981 MartinB 26 pts 41 Drumbstick 22 pts 305 jakiejnr 21 pts 249 stoxjack 19 pts 21 LouisH 19 pts 217 N.Burhenne 19 pts 43 Sije 15 pts 480 leightonh 15 pts 315 Mike 10 pts 354 Suicide 10 pts 180 wardieee 9 pts 246 Stox 9 pts 31 Si 8 pts 238 Kane_M 8 pts 46 Nezza 7 pts 624 RayDick 5 pts 237 rickyljames 5 pts 116 JK 5 pts 380 Liam Powell 5 pts 488 Dave 3 pts 338 Evnos 3 pts 39 LeeK 2 pts 848 Bully Jnr 1 pts 393 MatthewL 1 pts 454 Frans 1 pts 491 crewesader 0 pts 65 dan heath 0 pts 954 Samwit 0 pts 210 skegTomp 0 pts 599 Harold
  14. Welcome to the second of tonight's to meetings. Each driver will get two heats, with the top 18 qualifying for the final. A further 4 will qualify from the consi Heat 1: 65, 393, 454, 491, 954, 237, 848, 246, 262, 31, 46, 116, 380, 480, 624, 691, 305, (Server .48) Heat 2: 21, 58, 354, 329, 589, 599, 981, 43, 238, 338, 39, 180, 249, 488, 41, 87, 315, (Server .45) Heat 3: 21, 58, 65, 393, 237, 599, 981, 43, 246, 338, 31, 46, 180, 380, 480, 41, 87, 305 (Server .48) Heat 4: 354, 454, 491, 954, 329, 589, 848, 238, 262, 39, 116, 249, 488, 624, 691, 315, , (Server .45)
  15. Should be sorted Dave
  16. Welcome to the first of tonight's to meetings. Each driver will get two heats, with the top 18 qualifying for the final. A further 4 will qualify from the consi Heat 1: 21, 354, 393, 454, 237, 329, 599, 981, 43, 31, 46, 116, 180, 488, 624, 691, 41, 315 (Server .48) Heat 2: 65, 491, 954, 210, 217, 589, 848, 238, 246, 262, 338, 39, 249, 380, 480, 87, 305, (Server .45) Heat 3: 21, 354, 491, 954, 210, 237, 599, 848, 238, 338, 31, 39, 46, 380, 624, 691, 41, 305 (Server .48) Heat 4: 65, 393, 454, 217, 329, 589, 981, 43, 246, 262, 116, 180, 249, 480, 488, 87, 315, (Server .45)
  17. Closed
  18. Closed
  19. drumbstick


    Please state your name number and grade
  20. Bookings will stay open until 7:00
  21. Name: Drumbstick Number: 41 Grade: SS
  22. Following the WQR at Buxton on monday we will visit Barford for the penultimate World qualifying round. Please book in below folowint the template below. Name: Number: Grade:
  23. What operating system are you running? Do other games/mods run OK?
  24. When it has been decided what they will be
  25. Nope that's all
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