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wee dode

UKDirt Admin
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Everything posted by wee dode

  1. okay, thank you sir, appreciate it.
  2. throw in my skins from last year please dave.
  3. Cancel me please, still in at work and won't be back in time.
  4. Well....that was an interesting meeting to say the least. Had some good racing but some of the driving was just shocking and I totally agree with Stumpy the super steward who said after the dutch championship...."the only points in that race were DP". I managed to escape some of the carnage in a few of the races and got a decent points haul compared so some of my more recent meetings. Thanks for the meeting Dan and stewards!
  5. wee dode


    here you go. henshaws.zip
  6. Double headers can work but usually are just not that good, as aub said they used to work better back on heat when you picked one meeting and raced it but then means you might only have one meeting with ten cars and one with fifteen cars.
  7. Horrible meeting for me as spent most of it getting followed in as did a few other people it seems. After either getting followed in flat out or spun out and then taken out the racing was good fighting up the traffic to try get points. Best dig out the new car for skegvegas semi final.
  8. I won't be there but good luck pal! need to get some ukdirt and uksom logos on the car though
  9. Was a couple of tough meetings tonight, both tight tracks we rarely race at but was good racing none the less. Well done to all winners tonight and huge well done to the lad who's luck may run out at some point this season....DanSkin. Fantastic drive to win both final and grand national from handicap.
  10. Name - Dode Number - 151 Grade - Red
  11. Well Done Dan on the british and top scoring! Was a great race between myself, Dan and Tom while all battling for the lead, thought I may have put Dan away at one point just leaving Tom to try and catch but Dan caught up and left me for dust! Pretty good but hard racing as always round Barford. Thanks Dave and stewards for the meeting
  12. if the skin is designed and painted to accommodate running the shale wing yes.
  13. its cool man I just kinda got annoyed after you going slow on inside and car infront didn't know what to do in terms of hit you or go round outside which put me in tyres in final, sorry for being a dick about it! Cheers for meeting stewards and Wardie, helps if I didn't sleep in for cowdie!
  14. Danny can drive a bit bumper happy but still lots to learn and you can only drive with respect towards others which also race you with respect as you are known for that..... Yeah that was proper hard racing! threw it in flat out sideways and ended up second, great stuff! Overall was hard going racing but think the final was slightly warpy for a few drivers.
  15. Cannot believe I am saying this but an enjoyable meeting for me at Skegness! Some hard but good racing! Twisty I have seen the start of the final for yourself and it was a joke you being spun before go was even called! You seem to have the right attitude and common sense as you left myself plenty of room anyway! Unfortunately there is some drivers who seem to have this mindset of, if there is a car in front of them, then they must hit it as hard as they can.
  16. Name Kris Number 244 Grade Blue since he can't get on the forum!
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