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Everything posted by ryan79

  1. where is the shale points table as there is none on the website....... ?
  2. 12
  3. is there any chance you got my old skin's FT
  4. weeryan 79 white or yellow ?
  5. 210 said he was booked in but its not showing on the website now kane
  6. 20UKD79_WeeryanT.zip20UKD79_weeryanS.zip weeryan79 skin's
  7. 79 yellow booking in pls
  8. my both cars from 2017 if u have them pls ** Included **
  9. let me know if you still have my card from 2017 pls
  10. Nickname: weeryan Number: 79 Grade: yellow Real Life Driver: 318 - Rob Speak
  11. hi ft i am wondering if you will still have both off my f1s from 2017 if so can i use them pls thanks
  12. Good evening I have been talking to a few over the last few days about the membership there not willing to pay it till we all know what is getting raced this year
  13. 79 blue
  14. If I had put this down I couldn't have put it better. Did I hear a whisper that my m8 had no1 to pick on so he started with another driver thats more than likely aimed at me if so just name me instead off hideing it and i would love for you to pm me if its about and i would like to hear what you heard much love ryan You must be daft or dumb. You Know it was pointing right at ya Angel eyes love ya lots RyanXXXXXXX like i said i rally dont care just put in my name in it next instead tyring to act smart but thats where u really fail and take it hit with out the dummys going out the pram thats why i do it
  15. If I had put this down I couldn't have put it better. Did I hear a whisper that my m8 had no1 to pick on so he started with another driver thats more than likely aimed at me if so just name me instead off hideing it and i would love for you to pm me if its about and i would like to hear what you heard much love ryan
  16. cheers for a good meeting but i think the fence needs a few repair jobs after the night
  17. 92 booking out
  18. As I said don't moan when the followins start like what he did to you're boyfriend last night. go and tell me who i followed in ???
  19. Have you put it to the DP team? If not don't complain when he finds the post offensive an he puts his full effort into getting you a ban. Bash on put one in all u like as I done a fair spin nothing ott and if I get a ban for it I will be glad to take it on the chin and keep my toys in the pram And for ur case as it referring to the one that I got for u was u were swearing at me I don't think I was needing to put up here but u asked for it
  20. cheers for a good meeting lads
  21. Yeah its great racing with a warper. All meeting you were in an out of the fence for me an it seems to be all to often you warp a meeting an its always a good 1. Heat 1 - Sharp pushed me into the tyres, maybe was a little tight but a bit harsh I think. I'm no Sharp fan but may be you were probably nearer the bar than the track. what am i meant to do with someone dive bobming up on my inside halfway around the bend i am not just going to start going wide as i was all ready on my line before u were even up on my inside and ur warp was not the best the night aswell
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