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UKDirt Admin
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Everything posted by Wardieee

  1. It could mean quite a few things... You have ether entered the game with a novice car that you have been tampering with, you have entered the game without downloading the skinpacks... or it could mean you have installed the skinpacks, just not in the correct order. If it is the third of those simple solutions, may i remind you the skinpacks are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 You should know this Ryan!
  2. Wardieee


    extremely late book out! Sorry
  3. Thanks 180UKDskins.zip
  4. Thanks for the meetings admin
  5. Thanks for the meeting Admin
  6. Name: Wardieee Number: 180 Grade:
  7. Thanks Admins
  8. Cheers for the meeting Was a cracker
  9. 935 - Nathan Maidment Callum Barron - yellow please 338 - Lee Livingston Ben Chambers (Crasharama) - Blue Please
  10. Obviously with 3 different people running 3 different sets of rules, aswell as trying to keep up with these real life rules.. Im sure you can appreciate its a nightmare hahah All it was, when i looked at Rich's car all I could think of was the ex955. White/yellow/blue roof throughout his F2 career. - One place would fail it for having white numbers on the back head plate - another fails it for cap panels - and the other one will fail it for having both white and yellow visible on the roof wing I just wanted to make sure I wasn't leaving the people im painting skins for in novice cars. Thanks for your time, its much appreciated.
  11. Thanks for clearing that up
  12. Rich Cab panels cannot be any grade color, including gold Hi, I read this and i just wanted to clear something up to assure my skins will be correct. If i paint a red car that all red including cab panels, then would the skin not be added? As far as real life is concerned the cab panels match the colour of the car, the colour of the rood grade or must be a neutral colour. Using Rich's car as an example, the car is all the same colour so surely the cab panels wouldn't need to be black? The car panels could remain that mucky yellow colour aslong as the shade was the exact same as the rest of the body panels. Brennans car last year was all silver same as the real life 180. Would this not pass as it is conflicting the national points champions title? Or even better, AJ's car with silver panels yet a white roof. I hope this isnt taken in a rude way, I just want to make sure the skins are correct to meet your rules. Last thing i need is to paint a car for someone who then cant use it as im not fully aware of your rule system. Thanks, Jamie
  13. Wardy #180 - Blue - 779 - Cameron Pugh car plz
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