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Everything posted by Wardieee

  1. UKSOM are proud to announce the release of V5.6 of the F2 Stockcar mod! This includes the latest Polley Shale Car model as well as new upgrades for the TLF Shale car. All of this work has once again been completed by Dane Bell. Many thanks once again to Dane for all his hard work on the F2 mod. It really is appreciated! There are also new real life skins from Dane Bell, Raymond Henderson, Jamie Ward-Scott, Matthew Hutchison and Gordon McDougall. Many thanks to all the skin painters, these really are game quality skins so check them out! uksom.co.uk/F2Stockcars
  2. Please note *Polley Cars will not be accepted into this skinpack to allow ample time for painters to paint them*
  3. Great nights racing, thanks for the meeting LeeK & team
  4. Wardieee (The Cheat) 180 S/S (Yellow?)
  5. Comes free with my playseat and T500RS
  6. Still open to offers folks!
  7. Gutted not to be a part of it... My favourite track, I even spent a fortune going down myself at the weekend Imagine how gutted I am..... All the hours I've spent waiting for people who we're late and I get shot down for 10 minutes Just goes to show the level of respect I've gained ay! The end.
  8. Wardieee 180 Superstar
  10. Wardieee 180 Superstar
  11. Excellent nights racing all round! Also nice to see some of the lower grades running away and scoring good points! Hopefully everyone else enjoyed and appreciated a mostly clean fair evening of racing! 3 British titles in a row, to think 3 years ago I had only ever held 1 title (Irish) and even that isn’t a major! Completely overwhelmed.
  12. Please post below for any late bookings/cancellations State Name Grade Number Bookings close at 7.30 any bookings after this may be refused
  13. Thanks for the meeting folks! WD Dan
  14. Congratulations on your welcome back to battlefield round Dan, I will have to make sure I’m around this week to try and give you some competition hahah! Massive well done to fake wardy, I know it’s not a proper major title but I won that thing about 3 times in F2s and look at me now 🤣 Also it’ll be nice or see you at Superstar with us HGR, no doubt still give us a run for our money from the back
  15. Nice start to the season, lots of good clean racing apart from the final where I was very much on the receiving end Ill let it slip this once though Dont forget to Bookin for Ringwood folks! Not the kind of track the F2s usually visit so it should defiantly give us a nice level playing field and some more excellent racing!
  16. Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks! Please state: Name: Number: Grade: Anyone booking in after 7:30pm MAY have their booking refused
  17. After the release of my current RCE, this is something I never thought id say.... But hes only gone and done it! Big Dave is my hero Here it is, the 2018 #180 machine!
  18. Results: Heat 1: 482 479 599 221 454 180 184 229 503 233 167 671 39 552 100 647 Heat 2: 229 454 184 599 221 777 503 39 647 233 479 671 482 552 100 167 490 180 Heat 3: 180 229 482 100 39 167 454 184 777 503 479 671 647 223 599 221 490 552 Final: 229 167 180 454 39 482 92 100 647 233 671 599 777 472 221 552 490 184 503 479 GN: 454 100 599 92 221 233 167 39 229 671 647 777 503 552 490 Points: 46 pts 229 Tsjalle 43 pts 454 Frans 31 pts 180 Wardieee 28 pts 482 Ginger 27 pts 167 CB 24 pts 39 LeeK 23 pts 599 Harold 22 pts 100 Fake TomD 19 pts 221 Spike 15 pts 92 Hoggy 15 pts 184 Fake Wardy 9 pts 233 Grasser 9 pts 479 Kev 7 pts 503 Dane Bell 7 pts 777 HGR 6 pts 647 Samson 1 pts 671 Bruce lee 0 pts 472 Mark Foster 0 pts 490 Jake Sanson 0 pts 552 Counter Replays Are Here!
  19. Hello and welcome to the 7th Almost Annual UKDirt Open meeting!! As advertised, tonight's meeting will still start at 8PM sharp! - So please ensure you are around in discord for 7:50PM! Discord details can be found here... UKDirt Discord Channel Please then keep an eye on the race meeting chat The rest of tonight's info will follow in there!
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