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Everything posted by Wardieee

  1. Making the most whilst I'm in holland I see... Congrats 236
  2. Some pictures from the F1 final.... Find them here!
  3. Well done to all of this evenings winners and a massive thanks to the f1 admin team for running the meeting. Nights like tonight are always a pleasure to race, and with Tsjalle, Kane, Leek, TomD and DanSkin starting alongside me it was certainly a pleasure to hold that gold roof.
  4. last years please ** 180 added **
  5. last years please ** 180 added **
  6. The F2 World Final will now be held at Kings Lynn.
  7. The series will be similar to the real one, however the official running of it will only be announced nearer the time once we know what briefs have planned. For now we will confirm how people will qualify to be in the national series, however we can't specify how points will be scored yet... All I will confirm is that the silver roof will belong to the national points champion, and silver stripes will be issues to the national series champion similar to the UKDirt F1s
  8. I'll be in for half an hour or so soon....
  9. Last years please FT
  10. Wardieee 1 Superstar 278 Mike Ashcroft Cheers!
  11. Sounds like we've got a years worth of catching up to do It'll be nice to see you back on track!
  12. Wardieeee 96h
  13. gutted I couldn't make it tonight, really nice to see the NZs still pulling in new drivers though! Keep up the good work Grasser!
  14. Great nights racing from my end, I understand 1 or 2 people spat the dummies but overall I had a great evenings racing so a huge thanks!!! Some great racing with Tsjalle, both with and without the rest of his team. Loved it Would love to race these more often but work has to come first I guess.
  15. Results: Heat 1: 92 238 2 846 200 83 599 895 220 82 671 411 777 588 Heat 2: 79 200 846 329 895 233 238 455 747 503 2 379 882 411 777 Heat 3: 92 882 455 220 233 503 671 79 83 82 379 329 599 588 Final: 92 200 2 455 238 882 79 83 599 329 846 503 411 671 777 747 379 895 82 220 588 233 GN: 79 200 238 329 671 233 777 503 83 379 92 747 2 882 846 220 411 455 895 82 599 588 Points: 42 pts 200 Young 37 pts 79 Sharp 35 pts 238 Kane 30 pts 92 Hoggy 22 pts 329 TSJALLE 21 pts 233 Grasser 18 pts 455 Barker 16 pts 2 Erinn 16 pts 671 Ironside 15 pts 846 Crashley 14 pts 83 MrGearing 14 pts 882 ABH 12 pts 503 Dane 9 pts 220 Kyle Young 9 pts 895 Connor 8 pts 777 HGR 6 pts 599 Harold 2 pts 379 Kev 2 pts 747 Jouke 2 pts 82 Dbecks 0 pts 588 jdhaan2 0 pts 411 Reece 2017 Speedweek Points 238 Kane 53 35 - 88 329 TSJALLE 45 22 - 67 220 Kyle Young 49 9 - 58 200 Young 15 42 - 57 180 Wardieee 56 0 - 56 83 MrGearing 31 14 - 45 503 Dane 26 12 - 38 79 Sharp 0 37 - 37 882 ABH 22 14 - 36 233 Grasser 13 21 - 34 411 Reece 32 0 - 32 92 Hoggy 0 30 - 30 777 HGR 19 8 - 27 21 LouisH 27 0 - 27 924 Tosh 27 0 - 27 112 TomD 26 0 - 26 671 Ironside 7 16 - 23 184 FakeWardy 21 0 - 21 455 Barker 0 18 - 18 14 TomDavidson 18 0 - 18 895 Connor 8 9 - 17 599 Harold 11 6 - 17 2 Erinn 0 16 - 16 846 Crashley 0 15 - 15 555 Notlawjosh 15 0 - 15 82 Dbecks 8 2 - 10 588 jdhaan2 9 0 - 9 3 Tiller 5 0 - 5 379 Kev 0 2 - 2 747 Jouke 0 2 - 2 182 Nitro 0 0 - 0
  16. Hello and welcome to America!! Tonight we will run two thirds, so everyone will have 2 heats!! The heats will run back to back, and I will post the heats in the chat before the race... No talking during the racing.... No entering the track if your not in the race.... Heat 1: 3, 83, 200, 220, 588, 599, 671, 747, 777, 895, 82, 846, 411, 647, 92, 238, , (Server 48) Heat 2: 3, 200, 379, 882, 79, 503, 747, 777, 895, 233, 846, 329, 411, 455, 238, , , (Server 48) Heat 3: 83, 220, 379, 882, 79, 503, 588, 599, 671, 82, 233, 329, 455, 647, 92, , , (Server 48) Final: ALL CARS, , , (Server 48) GN: ALL CARS, , , (Server 48) ------------------------------------------------------ Tonight's password is: howdy
  17. H30 is taken pick a new car please
  18. updated
  19. This meeting is due to take place 11th January 2017, starting at 8:30PM. As you can imagine this meeting isn't going to be "gone in 60 seconds" however UKDirt provide two hi-tech racing servers each capable of holding more than enough cars to see the meeting pass swiftly and hassle free. Heats will be run in 'twos' with Heat 1 and Heat 2 racing at exactly the same time, in the two different servers. To book in for this meeting, please comment below with the following… Drivers Name/Chassis: Driver Number: Your Name/Nickname: Current league grade For Example… Drivers Name: Gordon Moodie RCE (2012) Your Number: 180 Your Name/Nickname: Wardieee Current league/grade: UKDirt - SUPERSTAR Please note, - All grades are subject to change at admins discretion - If a driver has 2 cars in the game, once one car is taken both cars will be taken (unless we start to run out of available cars in which case they will be opened up) - If a real life driver wishes to use their car e.g Mike Green, the real life driver will get preference - Bookings can be rejected at the race managers request Booking Key, - RED - Car taken - WHITE - Chassis frozen until further notice Bingley 143 - Mark Lammas 149 - Kev Smart 15 - Steve Green 218 - Rob Speak - Reece 302 - Dale Moon 339 - Stuart Kelly 350 - Gareth Taylor 426 - Mark Davenport 46 - Robert Henderson 470 - Hayden Barrington 603 - John Sleeman 694 - Jonathon Davison 725 - Paul Broatch 796 - Brian Wilson 943 - Robin Little DKB 435 - Steve Temple Higman 226 - Billy Webster 665 - Richard Clubley 797 - Dan Moss 886 - Chris Bradbury 935 - Nathan Maidment H29 - Cor Schutter IoM115 - Mike Booth Kitson 152 - Mick Sworder 152 - Mick Sworder - HGR 269 - Nigel Davies 324 - James Thackra - Grasser 657 - Neal Smith 677 - Chris Roots 732 - Daz Kitson 768 - Tom Adcroft 779 - Cameron Pugh 782 - Stuart Rolph NI271 - Gary Chambers NI317 - Denver Gratton NI917 - Gary Gratton NI998 - Graham Fegan Randall 08 522 - Chris Mikulla 606 - Andrew Palmer 641 - Dennis Middler 821 - Gary Walker 835 - Matt Westaway Randall 11 - Graham Mailings 17 - Paul Reid 186 - George Turikki 289 - John Collier 30 - Alec Hamilton 362 - Dave Harley 488 - Liam Bentham 504 - Matt Everard 571 - Darren Clarke 702 - Allen Cooper 744 - Tom Smart 780 - Chris Utley 806 - Paul Hemming 871 - Mark Simpson 908 - Mike Reed D91 - Mario Behrens H71 - Milou Mets NI74 - Jonny Stirling RCE 101 - Kelvyn Whalley 115 - Michael Green (2012) 115 - Michael Green (2013) 154 - Steve Green Jnr 176 - Gary Coffey 287 - Jason Wilkinson 3 - Liam Rennie 312 - Chris Kincaid - ConnorPadgett 338 - Lee Livingston 383 - Jack Brown 391 - Gregor Turner 401 - Barry Goldin 41 - Dennis Middler 2015 - Samson 44 - Chris Cort 48 - Ryan Morgan 445 - Nigel Green - Kane 522 - Chris Mikulla 538 - Chevy Mills - Dane 546 - Barry Folan 647 - Chris Burgoyne 2014 647 - Chris Burgoyne 2015 - Ryan 7 - Gordon Moodie - Wardieee 7 - Gordon Moodie 700 - Adam Rubery 726 - Colin Thomson 733 - Staurt Mitchell 761 - Richard Bowyer 768 - Tom Adcroft 795 - Alan Kirkaldy - Hoggy 798 - Mark Sargent - Kev 846 - Ashley England 886 - Chris Bradbury- ABH 888 - Paul Ford 91 - Brett Constable 901 - Ian Thompson Jnr 909 - Andy Cattell 909 - William Murray (2015) 921 - Jack Aldridge (2012) 921 - Jack Aldridge (2013) - BryanLee 925 - Craig McConnell 964 - John Fortune 968 - Mickey Brennan 972 - William Hardie H30 - Toon Schut - jouke NI75 - Ross Houston NI925 - Craig McConnell 2014 NI925 - Craig McConnell 2015 - TSJALLE Drivers Booked - Whites 379 Kev 882 ABH Yellows 79 Ryan 503 Dane 671 Ironside 747 Jouke 777 HGR 895 ConnorPadgett Blues 233 Grasser Reds 329 Tsjalle 411 Reece 647 Samson Superstars 92 Hoggy 180 Wardieee 238 Kane >>> FURTHER INFOMATION <<< Bookings will close at 6pm SHARP on the day of the meeting. Admin will then post a 'Meeting Infomation' thread above this thread on the forum. This will state the heats each driver will participate in, as well as which server those heats will be in. ALL Server IP addresses will be posted on that topic however those IP's are as follows... If you wish to practice during the build up to this event keep and eye on those servers as they maybe open throughout the week. Each driver will need to have the V5.1 mod, Bowman Gray Speedway and of course UKDirt chat. The BriSCA F2 Mod, V5.1 can be found HERE Bowman Gray Speedway can also be found HERE! UKDirt chat can be accessed via a few simple steps: UKDirt Chat 1) Click the link to UKDirt Chat 2) In the Nickname box put your nickname. 3) In the Channels box put ukdirtsecurechat 4) Click Connect.
  20. UKDirt Speedweek 2017! The week commencing 09/01/15 will see UKDirt head over to the United States for a week of unmissable racing! Anyone not currently serving a UKDirt ban will be able to race in ALL 3 EVENTS with each mod carrying normal points towards the National Points Series'. Each meeting will carry two lots of points. The first lot of points will be the normal 'National Points' which count towards the normal 'National' series HOWEVER each meeting will also carry 'Speedweek Points' which will only count towards the Speedweeks grand total itself with the overall winner and the highest scoring non-member winning some UKDirt goodies!! Mod specific information will be posted on the Meeting Info and UKDirt Speedweek Points will be announced each night! There are plenty of goodies up for grabs, and with a totally FREE week of racing, it should be the perfect way to kick off the 2017 season in style! Bowman Gray DOWNLOAD HERE Get liking, and sharing folks! Lets make this week massive!
  21. UKDirt Speedweek 2017! The week commencing 09/01/17 will see UKDirt head over to the United States for a week of unmissable racing! Anyone not currently serving a UKDirt ban will be able to race in ALL 3 EVENTS with each mod carrying normal points towards the National Points Series'. Each meeting will carry two lots of points. The first lot of points will be the normal 'National Points' which count towards the normal 'National' series HOWEVER each meeting will also carry 'Speedweek Points' which will only count towards the Speedweeks grand total itself with the overall winner and the highest scoring non-member winning some UKDirt goodies!! Mod specific information will be posted on the Meeting Info and UKDirt Speedweek Points will be announced each night! There are plenty of goodies up for grabs, and with a totally FREE week of racing, it should be the perfect way to kick off the 2017 season in style! Bowman Gray DOWNLOAD HERE Get liking, and sharing folks! Lets make this week massive!
  22. This happening? any takers
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