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UKDirt Admin
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Everything posted by Wardieee

  1. Wardieee-96h
  2. This Wednesday the 14th of December we will be running a test meeting on Dirt Rally for Rallycross, if there is enough interest then we will be running a winter series at a later date. We will be using the supercars at Lydden Hill for this meeting with everyone using the rental cars to avoid anyone having an unfair advantage. To book in PM CB or Wardieee on the forum with your steam name You will need Dirt Rally!
  3. ^^^ [b][color=red]FILTERED[/color][/b]
  4. We plan on updating the mod for the 2019 season..... Lots of new chassis and stuff coming to F2s with thanks to Dane Bell, Grasser and the rest of us at UKSom.
  5. Well done Kaneooo!! Cant wait for my next F1 meeting....
  6. You need to buy the cars before disabling/enabling upgrades
  7. Soooo you went there Most of the F2 stuff, engines and tyres are or include work of mine w/ Drumbstick and Grasser. I'm one of the main UKSom members, with huge links to mod and track updates including Belle Vue, Birmingham V2, 100% of the Arena Essex update.... I play a huge role within UKSom directing/managing the various updates worked on and have done for about 3 years now. I fill the the gap between something being made and it being delivered to people like you.... Also, im a head admin on here Also, something pretty funny... I use to do my best and try help with the classic hotrods when I first got into racing hence my huge respect towards the move to Corsa... I was an admin Also, this made up info will be backed up by 100% of this forum as its no secret that the following people had such a big part in rF2 and other games Mor - Codemasters FreeW - rFactor, rF2 and other rF stuff Drumb - rFactor, rF2 and iRacing (I will stand corrected on the iRacing stuff) Grasser - rFactor and rF2 DanSkin, TomD, Hooty, bla bla bla bla bla Check the rFactor and rF2 credits for there names So we're 4 posts in and all you've shown is that you have played Assetto Corsa, and shown nothing but bulls*** towards the league/rFactor and anyone who still does anything for rFactor. The lack of knowledge towards anything oval on rFactor is brilliant I love it, and as you have seen me (a complete nobody who lies and knows nothing) discuss with Barker, modding for leagues like this has the issue of catering for people with all kinds of abilities and all kinda of budgets. Its unfortunate but its true. That's the reason you will find all of the big boys off all of the leagues including the Assetto Corsa classis hotrod lot playing iRacing.... Now as I originally said, rF2 is USELESS to anyone wanting to do this type of racing. When something worthy of a move comes out im sure UKSom, ELR, Sim-Stox and all of the others with modding groups will jump on it and get moving pretty sharpish. Lack of inboard suspension is useless to anyone wanting to make F2s, Hotrods or anything of that kind. Its useless to other modders as yet again it isnt made for contact racing and things such as bangers would be useless, thats why they are looking into next car game (which we all play). Anyone wanting to make tracks in rF2 will come to the same problem with dirt/shale tracks. rF1 has better capability for dirt with multi-grip functions as the dynamic line stuff in rF2 would do nothing but make the racing worse But please just take this one thing in... UKSom are not interested in doing anything with rF2. We ARE looking into other things ALL of the time, however rF2 and Assetto Corsa would not be a viable move for UKSOM Mods (F1, F2 & Minis). Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible c***... Demonstone.
  8. Rather than me giving you the information, lets play the game of you finding out which of the UKSom lads were on the dev teams, which one works for rFactor and whilst you at it work out which of our lads works for codemasters The complete utter reality is that this is the same argument as the Heat > rFactor debate, and if it was up to me and most of the other UKSom lads we would be moving onto a better sim, and the time will come where we do move however it is completely pointless moving onto rF2 as I already touched upon. The tyre model is great, completely agree. Dynamic track bull**** would only make the racing worse on short ovals as people don't like being tapped wide as it is. Chassis flex, yeah great!! Whoopdy fukin doo!! Lets have chassis flex on a sim that doesn't simulate inboard suspension. Thats any new F2 chassis out the window! Better weather, yet again a cool idea but if people struggle to drive around a dry shale track god help them in the snow! Ive raced leagues with weather plugins and its brilliant, I loved it, again the reality is that people dont like it because not everyone is to the same skill level/knowledge level. So again thats out of the window. As I said, and as all of the people with anything to do with modding will say.... Credit to the all the lads who moved the classics onto corsa... Theres no way any of the UKSom stuff will be moving onto anything else until a sim worthy of the huge man hours comes out.... whether its RF2 in the future or even if its something still in the pipelines
  9. Some high quality pictures of last night can be found here..... F2 Gala Night Pics
  10. You will have to wait and see....
  11. Huge congratulations to Hoggy on the Silver roof, took some dedication through thick and thin. Thanks to everyone for the great season, huge well done to all of the people that have made it happen. WD LouisH, Franz, Jalle, BrianH, Kaneoo, Fake Wardy, Beckett and Ben on the huge improvements this season! Me and Hoggy will be dinosaurs come next years championship races if you lot keep on improving over winter. The pace tonight was brilliant! Thanks to Stumps, Kane and Ben for the meeting! See you all next year with some new cars too
  12. Nice to see you know so much about RF2... Unfortunately 99% of the features you speak of are useless, hence the classics going to corsa. Being from that kind of background knowing the team behind the classics I know for a fact they would of gone rF2 if it was worthy of the cause, also 3 of the UKSom lads were on the rF2 dev team and one of them works for them so reality is that if the move was worthy enough we would all do it, reality is.... it isn't. To put things into perspective for everyone, a huge percentage of people on here can hardly run rFactor and wish we still run heat! Until the user base gets big enough to move onto another platform we would have to stick with rFactor another few years anyway! In the meantime, iRacing brings those of us with a graphics card 'Dirt' at some point this month
  13. If none of the above works PM me on here and I will get Drumbstick or Grasser to give some advice. They both use the thrustmaster stuff.
  14. 112 TomD Superstar IN
  15. Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade: Bookings will close at 7:00PM, thank you.
  16. Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls…. Here is one of the biggest F2 announcements of the year so far!! Due to the huge success of 2016, the F2 admin team have decided to once again do the F2 awards! As always this can only be a good thing, however it will need YOUR co-operation (votes) to make the awards a very meaningful process. Now there are two ways in which the can be done. 1) Everyone can take a few minutes of their time to complete the questionnaire properly, and in return Wardieee will create a cool publication on the forum giving the winners the justice they deserve! 2) People can take this as a joke, make stupid jokes and have their right to vote taken off them and the people who actually deserve some credit won’t get any…. A COUPLE OF RULES - TO WIN AN AWARD YOU HAVE TO VOTE! - *STUPID* or *SILLY* VOTING WILL SEE YOU DISQUALIFIED - ALL ANSWERS MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH A SHORT EXPLANATION (REASON) - YOU MUST ANSWER ALL OF THE QUESTIONS - YOU CANNOT VOTE FOR YOUSELF What was the best tarmac track of 2016? What was the best shale track of 2016? Who do you think was the best overall driver of 2016? Who do you think was the best lower graded driver of 2016? Who was your favourite driver of 2016? Who do you think was the fairest driver of 2016? Who do you think was the hardest hitter of 2016? Who do you think was the hardest trier of 2016? Who do you think the most improved driver of 2016 is? Who do you think the best newcomer of 2016 was? Who had the best paint job in 2016? (Specify SHALE or TARMAC) Meeting of the Year? What was your most memorable moment of 2016? What are your aims for 2017? How was 2016 For You? Who do you think will be the person to beat in 2017? Please submit all of your votes by the 28th November via a PM to Kane238 on this forum!!
  17. Huge congrats to BrianB!! You deserve it mate!
  18. Mental meeting, carnage all night just how I like it! WD John on the first heat, I quite literally swear to god I've never had a car on rails like that before and lost... A true talent. WD to all of the winners, especially Barker on heats and final! Bet the GN meant more than the whites and yellows too haha! Nice to see people support Cov, never the best track for F2s but none the less a belting meeting. Nice to see some pics from tosh too. Top work pal
  19. Witt wat Witt wat Witt
  20. Just wait till I get a Thursday off work Dan! Well done to all of the nights winners!
  21. Was nice to defend the GNC, especially considering its a championship I have chased for many years. Congrats to Dan on the victories and the lap down, shame the Final and GN turned out the way they did... Could of been interesting! Back to Cov next week, feels like we only raced it last week
  22. I'm using the same plugin as I did with CS3 mate and it works fine
  23. 3rd stage and the cars dead, don't know how you manage to do it so fast grasser!!
  24. Congrats on the domination tonight Jr. Never once doubted that one day you'd beat me, just remember you'll never be better than me
  25. no skin no points LOL!
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