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UKDirt Admin
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Everything posted by Wardieee

  1. So anyway Dan, these last few maximums are you trying to prove a point? Am I going to have to book a few more Thursdays off work Congrats!
  2. Congrats to FT for successfully running the meeting... I should hope it was the smoothest meeting in UKDirt history after the banter he gives out everyweek! Congrats to all the winners too, nice to see Ben won something!
  3. Anyone interested in providing commentary for the official video? Jake, anyone? Let me know via PM, slow replies this week due to holiday... Replies needed ASAP! Its a huge opportunity, we reach over 1,500 different people per day on facebook!
  4. I certainly can't believe this has happened, becoming a superstar in F1s is something all of the other admin members know is super special to me. Superstar in every mod, World 240s Champion, Superstox Points Champion, Ministox World Champion, F2 World Champion and now F1 World Champion!! 2016, a year to remember!! A huge thanks to Dan, Stumps and team. Also a huge well done to TommyD, a true friend and gentleman off the track. You've been a brilliant champion, and I look forward to wearing the gold with the same level of pride as you did. Finally a huge thanks to everyone who's given me the support over the years, Dan, Tom, Drumb, Grasser, LeeK, Stumpy, CB, Ben, Mat, Hoggy, Simmo, BigDave and everyone else! You know who you are!
  5. Epic meeting! WD LeeK Thanks James, Stumps and Co for the meeting! Also a big thanks to Simpson for being such a good World Champ racing most meetings with the Gold Roof! ^^^ Takes some effort!
  6. This honestly is a bit of a dream come true... For many years I've chased gold on here and after last years efforts I honestly thoughts that's as close as I would get to a lick of gold paint. Many thanks to Dan, Tom, Lee, Hoggy and everyone else for the competition over the years throughout the formulas. Massive thanks to Stumpy for standing by me this season cheering me on, and a massive thanks to the F2 admin team for a brilliant nights racing. Looks like I need to start swapping Monday nights for holidays haha!
  7. Congratulations to Kane, Aubery and hoggy on the successes of last night. Semi 2 certainly looked interesting from where I was, cars and wheels flying everywhere. Think it's fair to say the dummies were flying the rest of the meeting especially with the lower graders lol.... Just one more congratulations, and of course it goes to Ricky 'big dawg' James for managing to go back to his old ways and be a massive bell on all 3 roll to grids in GN2. After putting Harry into me giving me damage, he then took it upon himself to destroy my car rolling around to grid in RS2, and ok the third attempt he just went all out. Somethings will never change, and I guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks... But to get good hard clean racing, some people's attitudes are certainly going to need to change, I completely back simmo up on that...
  8. Results: Semi Final 1: 238 39 800 653 981 112 82 777 84 246 79 454 718 135 555 306 320 Semi Final 2: 180 92 455 188 117 329 233 589 237 647 671 21 394 511 801 184 627 Heat 1: 246 329 394 238 92 316 671 184 454 21 39 188 627 79 511 84 981 Heat 2: 180 647 117 653 236 112 82 589 363 55 555 718 135 237 801 Heat 3: 718 555 329 92 238 981 589 188 394 246 930 117 21 237 777 306 627 801 Heat 4: 135 39 647 112 800 653 180 236 79 84 455 454 671 363 80 82 184 Consi: 777 188 82 79 454 627 84 363 237 455 801 B-Final: 84 454 363 237 455 930 801 627 320 A-Final: 188 92 981 236 329 79 800 647 671 135 39 589 394 653 117 246 555 718 112 777 238 82 180 GN 1: 394 246 981 238 92 112 39 84 454 21 671 627 79 329 184 930 GN 2: 117 718 800 777 589 363 135 236 180 455 647 237 320 653 Points: 37 pts 92 hoggy 29 pts 329 Tsjalle 29 pts 981 MartinB 26 pts 236 DanSkin 23 pts 188 Aub 23 pts 647 Samson 22 pts 800 BenChambers 20 pts 246 Stox 20 pts 394 PaulE 20 pts 238 Kane_M 19 pts 718 MartynR 18 pts 117 Dan W 17 pts 112 TomD 16 pts 135 KieronLuckySmith 16 pts 180 Wardieee 13 pts 589 Stijneman 13 pts 39 LeeK 12 pts 79 weeryan 12 pts 653 Ryan Simpson 9 pts 555 Notlawjosh 8 pts 671 ironside 7 pts 777 HGR 7 pts 363 Walker 5 pts 316 BigDan 4 pts 454 Frans 4 pts 82 dbecks 4 pts 84 Timm 3 pts 184 Jack Ward 2 pts 21 LouisH 1 pts 455 Barker 0 pts 306 PIERCEYB 0 pts 320 DaveLane 0 pts 627 PeteC 0 pts 801 GingerAzaa 0 pts 930 kennyboi 0 pts 511 MarkPuxty 0 pts 237 rickyljames Messers 263 Skillmcgill 164 Tosh World Final Grid 180 - 238 92 - 39 455 - 800 188 - 653 117 - 981 329 - 112 233 - 82 589 - 777 237 - 84 647 - 246 Subject to discipline action! The replays are here! (server .48) And also here! (server .45)
  9. Tonight's meeting will see over 40 of UKDirts drivers challenge for a place in the World Finals later this year at Mildenhall Stadium, however to ensure the smooth running of the meeting the Semi finals will run in between heats 2 and 3. Both semis will run one after another Heat 1: 306, 316, 627, 671, 930, 21, 246, 454, 511, 79, 164, 188, 394, 84, 112, 329, 981, 39, 92, 184, 238 (Server 48) Steward 255 Heat 2: 135, 320, 555, 801, 221, 263, 718, 777, 82, 117, 363, 647, 237, 455, 589, 653, 180, 236, 800 (Server 45) Steward 180 Semi Final 1: ____________TBC_IN_CHAT____________ (Server 48) Steward 255 Semi Final 2: ____________TBC_IN_CHAT____________ (Server 45) Steward 236 Heat 3: 306, 555, 627, 801, 21, 246, 263, 718, 777, 117, 164, 188, 394, 237, 329, 589, 981, 92, 236, 238 (Server 48) Steward 255 Heat 4: 135, 316, 320, 671, 930, 221, 454, 511, 79, 82, 363, 647, 84, 112, 455, 653, 39, 180,184, 800 (Server 45) Steward 180 Consi: ____________TBC_IN_CHAT____________ (Server 48) Steward 255 A-Final: ____________TBC_IN_CHAT____________ (Server 48) Steward 255 B-Final: ____________TBC_IN_CHAT____________ (Server 45) Steward TBC GN1: ____________TBC_IN_CHAT____________ (Server 48) Steward 255 GN2: ____________TBC_IN_CHAT____________ (Server 45) Steward 180 Tonight I WARDIEE will be running the meeting (with assistance from Ben Chambers)....
  10. These semis are going to be hard to say the least. Being on shale I honestly have no idea who will get what, its always going to be a lottery! Best of luck to everyone in each semi! Lets home for some good clean fast racing
  11. who predicted that then?
  12. #teamsteamboated #TomDrabbleMotorsport Thanks for the meeting folks! Great evening
  13. Very hard semis. Fingers crossed some epic racing will come from them! Good luck to everyone in the Buxton semi, myself, lloydy and CB will be watching from Venray! Somehow I think LiamB made the right choice!
  14. After last weeks European I will be taking no prisoners Mav. Simple as! I just want to make it very clear on here exactly what happened just to embarrass you.... Upon watching the replay (twice) you'll notice Stox forgets where the brake pedal is and puts me into you rather sharpish. I slammed ok and saved you from the fence and from spinning which is something I wouldn't do for many people on track. After that, I made sure I didn't touch you and you randomly put me in the fence the next bend, some kind of revenge hit that stox should of taken. You then went wide with me and spun me straight across the front of you which could or couldn't of been avoided as I nearly spun around. You saved me (fair play) however you might just want to think on before posting. I give people the respect the respect they give me, and since last years coming together I give you a fair bit of respect. If you don't want it just say, and I can give you what I give everyone else. After last week, and Cowdenbeath I have some scores to settle. Don't go putting yourself on that list. Pipe down and watch the replays. I don't even want an apology, I just want good clean racing which is too much to ask with certain people. As for a certain blue top, Cowdenbeath is certainly noted... As is the European. You'll soon learn who you've picked a fight with. My name isn't respected amongst every league for no reason... Quit whilst your ahead. The only advice I can give...
  15. The convo me and you had on Friday hoggy..... Now you understand....
  16. Con grad jew latio ns rik ki u did rea lly well m9 tu win it Ju st seyz a lot bout peo ples men tal ities wen cant race pro pper. You de serve it, turn up eve ry week nev er ask fur set ups cau se u make you r own. Rea lli gud drive. You beat the 'BEST' 21 other drivers on ukdirt.... Well done! You really do deserve it!
  17. Well done jalle
  18. Well, I've certainly missed you Paul! Hope to see you around again soon.
  19. Why would I make a video of junior winning! You know how it works, I leave my little doggy on a leash and I don't feed it! So when I'm not around I let him off and he's hungry for a piece of the action! WD to all of the winners and to the fake one for the final win! I might get round to making a video in a few weeks time so remind me! However it'll be onboard with you so we can all watch you [b][color=red]FILTERED[/color][/b] it up!
  20. Aubery, im not too sure what it is.... but I like it!
  21. 180 out please
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