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Everything posted by Wardieee

  1. **updated** Slight typo, 112 won the heat not the earlier advertised 122! However im sure Craig would gladly take that win
  2. Well Done Dave488 and Aub making it a family 1st and 2nd in tonights final.... Also a huge congrats to Ricky for being at the top of the meeting points. Any complaints must be PM'd directly to me via the forum! Results: Heat 1: 653 79 167 488 443 39 394 112 221 246 981 134 Heat 2: 237 380 238 31 342 52 180 146 8 589 922 188 Heat 3: 122 31 188 380 39 653 981 443 488 221 992 Heat 4: 167 180 237 52 79 238 589 8 246 394 146 A-Final: 488 188 238 342 237 112 167 981 31 52 443 246 221 180 8 653 146 589 394 134 79 39 922 380 GN 1: 653 39 981 188 443 380 221 488 31 112 342 922 GN 2: 79 167 52 238 237 180 146 589 8 246 394 Points: 36 pts 237 rickyljames 36 pts 238 Kane_M 35 167 CB 35 pts 488 Dave 33 pts 188 Aub 25 pts 79 weeryan 25 pts 653 Ryan Simpson 24 pts 112 TomD 22 pts 31 Si 22 pts 52 HHUNTER 21 pts 380 Liam Powell 20 pts 342 Matt Heatrick 20 pts 39 LeeK 18 pts 981 MartinB 18 pts 180 wardieee 15 pts 443 ritzoberst 8 pts 589 Stijneman 7 pts 146 Crashley 7 pts 8 pinken 7 pts 221 Spike 5 pts 394 PaulE 4 pts 246 Stox 0 pts 134 Jakebond 0 pts 922 chris.mugford MESSERS 0 pts 429 SammyT 0 pts 474 BeesFanDanny The replays are here!
  3. Post late bookings below using the format provided! Name: Number: Grade: Late bookings close at 7:45
  4. Heat 1: 21, 79, 134, 443, 394, 167, 246, 488, 653, 52, 221, 981, 39, 112, , , , (Server 48) Steward 255 Heat 2: 429, 474, 922, 237, 342, 31, 146, 188, 356, 380, 589, 8, 180, 238, , , , , (Server 45) Steward 180 Heat 3: 134, 429, 443, 922, 342, 31, 188, 380, 488, 653, 221, 981, 39, 112, , , (Server 48) Steward 255 Heat 4: 21, 79, 474, 237, 394, 146, 167, 246, 356, 589, 8, 52, 180, 238 , , , , , (Server 45) Steward 180 Final: Top 20 points scorers and the top 4 from the consi (Server 48) Steward 255/180 [no B finals, however there will be GNs for everyone] GN1: (Server 48) Steward 255 GN2: (Server 45) Steward 180 -------------------------------------------
  5. A direct link to the Buxton album is available HERE for you facebookers! Its only a small one this week
  6. Lynn's got more grip than Buxton lmao.
  7. WD to all the winners, and of course a huge well done to Dave for giving us F2 admins a good reputation.... Replays are on their way....
  8. uksom.co.uk/controller
  9. Congrats to everyone who won, and commiserations to everyone that found the marker tyres! I would like to remind everyone that it is now time for group 3 to vote for the Shale Mac Series!!!!! I will be expecting PMs before the deadline folks!
  10. Results: Heat 1: 4 384 238 112 39 188 474 329 246 167 70 848 589 981 Heat 2: 221 380 488 276 180 356 146 394 52 8 443 93 342 236 79 Heat 3: 236 384 112 276 146 39 4 329 394 93 981 488 167 79 Heat 4: 221 8 180 188 356 380 474 52 589 848 443 70 238 342 Consi: 848 443 246 342 79 93 167 981 70 A-Final: 112 384 221 276 236 238 188 4 8 180 380 356 329 246 52 474 848 443 394 39 488 146 342 589 GN 1: 384 39 276 4 246 112 8 93 394 238 52 79 342 488 GN 2: 221 329 236 380 180 981 167 356 589 443 474 848 188 146 Points: 46 pts 221 Spike 46 pts 384 The Bagoo 45 pts 112 TomD 36 pts 276 Tyzer 30 pts 236 DanSkin 27 pts 4 Kezza Griff 22 pts 180 Wardiee 21 pts 380 Liam Powell 20 pts 188 Aub 20 pts 39 LeeK 19 pts 238 Kane_M 18 pts 8 Lloydy 15 pts 329 Tsjalle 14 pts 356 Mitch Wells 10 pts 146 Crashley 8 pts 474 BeesFanDanny 8 pts 246 Stox 8 pts 488 Dave 7 pts 394 PaulE 5 pts 167 CB 5 pts 52 Hhunter 5 pts 981 MartinB 4 pts 93 Twisty 4 pts 589 Stijneman 1 pts 443 Ritzo 1 pts 848 BullyJnr 0 pts 70 Fishcake 0 pts 79 WeeRyan 0 pts 342 Matt The replays are here.
  11. Heat 1: 4, 45, 70, 474, 848, 384, 589, 167, 246, 188, 329, 981, 39, 112, 238, , , (Server .48) Steward 112 Heat 2: 79, 93, 221, 443, 356, 394, 146, 276, 342, 8, 52, 380, 488, 180, 236, , , , (Server .45) Steward 180 Heat 3: 4, 45, 79, 93, 384, 394, 146, 167, 276, 329, 488, 981, 39, 112, 236, , , (Server .48) Steward 112 Heat 4: 70, 221, 443, 474, 848, 356, 589, 246, 342, 8, 52, 188, 380, 180, 238, , , , (Server .45) Steward 180 Consi: numbers will be called in chat (Server .48) Steward 180 Final: <top 20 from the heats, top four from the consi> (Server .48) Steward 180 GN's for everyone! PLEASE BE IN CHAT AT 8:50!
  12. You seem to be missing half of the information I asked for....
  13. Post any late bookings below.... Name: Number: Grade: Meeting: Stoke late bookings close @ 6:30PM Scunthorpe late bookings close @ 8PM
  14. Booked out
  15. Booked out
  16. Wardieee


    Download the replays.... Open the ZIP folder and copy the content.... Paste it to this location.... C:\Program Files (x86)\rFactor\ReplayFridge\Replays (Then rename them 'Skegness_Heat_1.VCR' or whatever you wish)
  17. Please read the rules guys! Makes everyone's life easier!
  18. Sorry I had to check the subtitle of this thread, I thought you had taken that gold roof off Tom LOL WD Ash, did very well Cheers FT, Stumpy and co
  19. Bookings now open, please make sure you book-in here as the website is under maintenance over the next few days. This will help to stop any confusion. Name: Number: Grade: Drivers Booked In... 26 Whites 45 AndrewP 79 WeeRyan 93 Twisty 171 KezzaGriff 221 Spike 443 Ritzo 474 Danny King 848 Bully Jnr Yellows 356 Mitch Wells 384 The Bagoo 394 PaulE 589 Stijneman Blues 146 Crashley 167 CB 246 Stox 276 Tyzer Reds 8 lloydy 52 HHunter 188 Aub 329 Tsjalle 488 Dave 981 MartinB Superstars 39 LeeK 180 Wardieee 236 DanSkin 238 Kane
  20. Bookings now open, please make sure you book-in here as the website will be down for maintenance over the next few days. Name: Number: Grade: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>>> FIND THE SCUNTHORPE TRACK HERE <<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drivers Booked In... 26 Whites 45 AndrewP 79 WeeRyan 93 Twisty 221 Spike 443 Ritzo 474 Danny King 848 Bully Jnr Yellows 356 Mitch 384 Bagoo 394 PaulE 589 Stijneman Blues 146 Crashley 167 CB 246 Stox 276 Tyzer 342 Matthew Heatrick Reds 8 lloydy 52 HHunter 188 Aub 329 tsjalle 488 Dave 981 MartinB Superstars 39 LeeK 180 Wardieee 236 DanSkin 238 Kane
  21. Name: Wardieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Number: 180 Grade: BLUE but would like to be yellow?
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