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Everything posted by Wardieee

  1. Wardieee


    When it comes to lap times, they really don't mean much.. For example my fastest F2 time in practice is a 13.428 whereas my personal best for a race is a 13.510 (which was probs a lap where I had no traffic at all) If you can do anything between 13.4 to 14.0 consistently you will be perfectly fine in all honesty. The track is more about consistency than lap times. The server will be open all weekend so I would suggest popping in when you can to see who's about practising. Don't worry about being in the way! We all have to start from the bottom and work our way up. I would strongly suggest racing, and if your feeling like your in the way you can always pull wide and rejoin the back of the pack just to get some laps under your belt. Confidence will only come with experience. Setup wise, you will be needing a 4.12 diff, with around 8,500/8,600 rev limit. Otherwise I can only suggest reading the following stuff to build a setup around you! www.uksom.co.uk/setupguide This will give you a general idea as to what does what on your setup, however the default setup IS a setup and is designed as a base to work on, so as a novice 1 or 2 personal tweeks to that may help you get you going. Look forward to seeing you on track soon! If you need any help tarmac wise there are various posts on this forum, on the UKSOM site and of course the UKSOM facebook page www.uksom.co.uk >> UKSom facebook group <<
  2. Very enjoyable to watch yet again! Thanks to everyone who raced in .45 and put on a show! Well done to all of last nights winners, again it looks to be the new kid on the block Hunter! Well done, keep it up
  3. Wardieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 180 Red (somehow)
  4. Couldn't agree more Stumpy. Two great meetings to watch! Big thanks to TomTom and Simon for the meetings, and ofcourse super stewards Dode and Stumpy! From a personal point of view my racing was rubbish and I spent more time facing the wrong way than I did racing but hey, that's Stockcar racing! I'd like to take a leaf out of Mavs book and give a special shout out to PaulE who managed to get right up there in tonight's points off white grade. This was his 4th meeting, so for a complete novice that's a brilliant achievement. See you all next week for some proper racing! Bring on Mildo!!
  5. Tar ** Received ** UKD180_WardieeeSkins.zip
  6. Shale ** Received ** UKD180_WardieeeS.zip
  7. Wardieeeee 180 Red Cheers Daveoooo!
  8. Results: Whites and Yellows: 45 244 356 221 394 237 285 146 599 Heat 1: 52 276 342 151 846 180 238 641 380 221 599 285 8 187 Heat 2: 244 146 21 112 981 39 31 394 488 691 45 356 653 589 236 Heat 3: 180 146 488 342 380 246 276 112 589 151 356 221 244 237 52 Heat 4: 39 236 691 238 31 653 45 8 599 981 394 285 641 21 187 846 Consi: 45 589 8 221 356 599 641 394 285 187 A-Final: 52 488 112 691 39 8 45 238 146 236 981 180 342 846 31 653 380 244 246 221 589 151 21 271 GN 1: 151 39 691 180 342 112 246 45 380 21 52 394 641 285 187 244 GN 2: 146 276 488 981 356 599 238 8 31 653 846 589 236 221 Points: 36 pts 39 LeeK 36 pts 488 Dave 32 pts 146 Crashley England 31 pts 691 Jakeeey 31 pts 112 TomD 30 pts 52 Hhunter 22 pts 276 Tyzer 22 pts 180 Wardieee 21 pts 342 Heatrick 21 pts 238 Kane M 18 pts 151 Dode 16 pts 8 Pinken 15 pts 45 Andrew 14 pts 981 MartinB 12 pts 31 Simon 11 pts 236 DanSkin 10 pts 244 KrisH 10 pts 380 Liam Powell 9 pts 21 LouisH 9 pts 246 Stox 7 pts 599 Harold 6 pts 356 Mitch Wells 6 pts 653 Ryan Simpson 6 pts 846 Chevykiller 3 pts 394 PaulE 3 pts 641 Mav 2 pts 589 Stinjeman 1 pts 221 Spike 0 pts 187 Lanx 0 pts 184 Jack Ward 0 pts 237 Ricky 0 pts 285 Mav Jnr DONT FORGET WE ARE RACING TWICE NEXT MONDAY, STOKE AT HALF 7 AND BELLE VUE AT 9 YOU CAN BOOK IN FOR STOKE ON THE WEBSITE AS NORMAL AND A BELLE VUE BOOKING THREAD WILL BE POSTED ON HERE IN THE WEEK THE REPLAYS ARE HERE!
  9. Wardieee

    NIR MI

    8:15 Whites and Yellows meet in server (Server .48) Steward 255 Heat 1: 8, 52, 187, 342, 599, 184, 221, 285, 276, 380, 641, 151, 180, 238, 246, 846, , (Server. 45) Steward 180 Heat 2: 45, 146, 244, 356, 394, 21, 237, 39, 488, 589, 981, 31, 653, 691, 112, 236, , (Server. 48) Steward 255 Heat 3: 52, 146, 244, 342, 356, 184, 221, 237, 276, 380, 488, 589, 180, 151, 246, 112, , (Server. 45) Steward 180 Heat 4: 8, 45, 187, 394, 599, 21, 285, 31, 39, 641, 981, 238, 653, 691, 846, 236, , (Server .48) Steward 255 Consolation: *** (Server .48) Steward 255 Final (Server .48) Steward 255 **top 20 points scorers go directly to the final joined by the top 4 from the consi** GN1: (Server. 45) Steward 180 GN2: (Server .48) Steward 255 PLEASE BE IN CHAT FOR 8.20
  10. if you wish to book in or cancel for tonights meeting please post below with your name number and grade bookings close at 7.30
  11. Well Done to all the winners and of course another huge round of applause for all of the hero's who go all out to ruin peoples nights! You must be like the biggest hardest most phenomenal drivers ever to be seen behind the wheel of an automobile, and obviously that's why you have the time to do this because driving a real life car is just so totally over rated.... Shame on you! Thanks for the meeting F1 admins! See you on the muddy stuff
  12. 146 Ashley England's cars and my cars all sent via the website FT Cheers
  13. 954 Tar 954 Shale 246 Tar 31 Tar 146 Tar 146 Shale 180 Tar 180 Shale 167 Shale All to be sent your way Dave
  14. Heat 1: 236 846 380 244 180 330 616 167 226 641 394 264 10 Heat 2: 238 599 39 954 246 80 271 881 152 65 Heat 3: 236 52 488 589 46 237 329 539 151 23 100 515 84 Heat 4: 8 691 156 291 112 800 276 54 414 315 183 Heat 5: 589 31 342 616 329 80 405 394 152 539 100 252 23 Heat 6: 226 167 414 488 271 276 180 515 10 187 54 355 Heat 7: 238 397 380 264 244 599 330 846 653 246 31 641 954 Heat 8: 183 236 315 39 112 8 151 291 52 156 691 46 881 84 Heat 9: 589 329 380 291 397 54 276 80 599 226 Heat 10: 315 800 691 394 237 539 881 167 100 515 10 180 Heat 11: 84 156 846 264 653 488 31 246 342 39 244 Heat 12: 397 616 151 238 46 112 800 52 237 8 641 405 414 252 187 954 Consolation Semi: 84 276 653 394 881 246 58 539 180 54 641 46 954 80 342 414 515 Semi Final #1: 236 315 238 112 616 180 380 151 691 653 156 167 641 58 226 599 84 244 881 Semi Final #2: 589 291 397 276 329 52 46 39 246 264 237 31 394 539 8 488 54 800 4th Annual UKDirt Open: 291 112 397 238 46 616 691 180 329 156 167 246 39 52 31 151 380 236 589 653 264 276 Points: 41 pts 238 Kane 41 pts 397 JH 37 pts 291 Marten 35 pts 112 TomD 30 pts 616 Jeyder 29 pts 236 DanSkin 27 pts 589 Stinjeman 25 pts 691 Jake 24 pts 380 Liam 24 pts 46 Nezza 23 pts 329 tsjalle 20 pts 846 Ashley England 20 pts 156 Mike Dann 20 pts 488 Dave 19 pts 315 Mike 18 pts 800 Ben Chambers 16 pts 8 Lloyd 16 pts 599 Harold 16 pts 39 LeeK 16 pts 180 Wardieee 15 pts 167 CB 14 pts 52 HHunter 14 pts 264 Imberj 14 pts 151 Dode 13 pts 226 Karl Smith 13 pts 244 Toff 13 pts 237 Ricky Lee James 13 pts 31 Simon 13 pts 80 Lars 13 pts 276 Tyzer 10 pts 183 Guinch 10 pts 394 PaulE 10 pts 342 MattH 10 pts 246 Stox 9 pts 539 Harry Newman 9 pts 330 Wilkin 8 pts 54 Luke Beeson 8 pts 653 Simmo 7 pts 881 Nathan 7 pts 954 Samwit 4 pts 152 Charlie Sworder 4 pts 515 Big Al 2 pts 10 jelle 2 pts 100 Joey Slooff 1 pts 23 Colemann 1 pts 65 Dan Heath 1 pts 187 Lanx 1 pts 641 Mav 0 pts 45 AndrewP45EM 0 pts 61 Andy Paxton 0 pts 79 Ryan 0 pts 184 Jack Ward **no points due to incorrect number when racing** 0 pts 198 Aaron_J 0 pts 252 Bruce 0 pts 277 Lee Banwell 0 pts 360 Jacques West 0 pts 385 Boostman 0 pts 486 Lukey 0 pts 58 minitom 0 pts 217 Keiron Collins 0 pts 355 Micky Finnikin 0 pts 454 Frans **no points due to incorrect number when racing**
  15. Bookings are closed. I am sorry but there are currently no slots for this driver to fill. If someone books out we could swap them about.
  16. Welcome to the 4th annual running of the F2 UK Dirt open. 2012 & 2013 champion DanSkin went on to have a fantastic season, can anyone take the crown from him this season? >>> Race Infomation <<< - Bookings will close at 6PM - Heats 1+2 will run at 8PM - Each driver will get 3 heats (16 laps). - After the heats, the top 36 drivers will qualify for the semi finals. - The remaining 18 drivers will go in to a consolation with the top 12 qualifying for the semi finals. - The semi finals grid will be decided on points scored in the heats (20 laps). - The top 12 from each semi final will qualify for the Championship Final! - The final grid will be decided by finishing positions in the semi final. - The ins and outs of the grid will be decided by a coin toss which will take place before the championship final. >>> UKDirt Chat <<< Have you installed it. If not you can get it HERE. Please check that it works before the meeting, if anyone is having any chat issues PM Simon31, Toff244, wee dode, tommyd or Dave488 on the forum and they will be happy to help you with any issues. MEET IN CHAT AT 7:45PM >>> Rules <<< Have you read them? If not do so on www.ukdirt.co.uk > League Information > League Rules > UKDirt F2 Rules >>> Meeting Format <<< Heat 1: 10, 25, 79, 226, 244, 252, 394, 264, 954, 380, 641, 167, 180, 330, 616, 236, (Steward - TomD/Grasser233) (Server IP: (Live on UKDirt TV) Heat 2: 65, 152, 198, 360, 480, H599, 217, 342, 881, 39, 355, 238, 246, 653, H80, (Steward - Stumpy) (Server IP: Heat 3: 23, 52, 184, 187, 385, H100, 237, 515, 539, 589, 46, 151, 329, 488, 236, (Steward - Wardieee/Grasser233) (Server IP: (Live on UKDirt TV) Heat 4: 8, 45, 61, 183, 277, 486, 54, 58, 156, 454, 31, 276, 315, 691, 112, 291, 800, (Steward - Stumpy) (Server IP: Heat 5: 23, 45, 152, 252, 394, 480, H100, 342, 539, 355, 589, 31, 329, 616, H80, (Steward - Dode/Grasser233) (Server IP: (Live on UKDirt TV) Heat 6: 10, 187, 198, 226, 360, 486, 54, 217, 515, 454, 167, 180, 276, 488, (Steward - Stumpy) (Server IP: Heat 7: 25, 79, 244, 277, 385, H599, 58, 264, 954, 380, 641, 238, 246, 330, 653, 397, (Steward - Wardieee/Grasser233) (Server IP: (Live on UKDirt TV) Heat 8: 8, 52, 61, 65, 183, 184, 237, 881, 39, 156, 46, 151, 315, 691, 112, 236, 291, (Steward - Stumpy) (Server IP: Heat 9: 61, 79, 183, 226, 277, 360, H599, 54, 217, 380, 589, 31, 276, 329, H80, 291, 397, (Steward - Dode/Grasser233) (Server IP: (Live on UKDirt TV) Heat 10: 10, 23, 198, 385, 394, H100, 515, 539, 881, 355, 167, 180, 315, 691, 800, (Steward - Stumpy) (Server IP: Heat 11: 25, 152, 184, 244, 480, 486, 58, 264, 342, 39, 156, 246, 330, 488, 653, (Steward - Wardieee/Grasser233) (Server IP: (Live on UKDirt TV) Heat 12: 8, 45, 52, 65, 187, 252, 237, 954, 454, 641, 46, 151, 238, 616, 112, 397, 800, (Steward - Stumpy) (Server IP: Consolation Semi: Drivers yet to directly qualify for a Semi Final (Steward - Wardieee/Grasser233) (Server IP: (Live on UKDirt TV) Semi Final #1: All drivers directly qualifying for Semi#1 + 6 from the consolation semi (Steward - Stumpy) (Server IP: Semi Final #2: All drivers directly qualifying for Semi#2 + 6 from the consolation semi (Steward - Grasser233) (Server IP: (Live on UKDirt TV) 4th Annual UKDirt Open Championship: THE GRAND FINALE (Steward - Stumpy/Grasser233) (Server IP: (Live on UKDirt TV) >>> ALL HEATS, GIRDS AND OTHER INFORMATION WILL BE POSTED IN UKDIRT CHAT BEFORE THE RACE IS DUE TO GO <<< Finally, I would personally like to wish you ALL the very best of luck in tonight's meeting and of course your personal 2014 season campaigns no matter who you are or where you race. Good luck, have fun, and I look forward to seeing you all back on track again soon! - Wardieee
  17. Nickname: Wardieee Number: 180 Grade: Blue (UKDirt F1) Real Life Driver: Fairhurst #217 Added
  18. All above added... I would also like to confirm that this event will be live streamed by UKDirt admin Grasser. This will be the first event to be streamed via the new UKDirt streaming channel and will of course be live from 8pm that night. Every driver will get the chance to be live on camera at some point throughout the heats. Keep the bookings coming
  19. Reply with the correct information
  20. Here is the booking thread for the annual UKDirt F2 OPEN. Here is where drivers should register for this free (open to all) event. The meeting will take place on Thursday the 27th February and will drivers from all areas of online and offline stock car racing meet up and compete for this first title of the season! (F2s will remain to run on Mondays for paid members) To book in for the annual UKDirt F2 OPEN, please comment below with the following… Drivers Name/Chassis: Driver Number: Your Name/Nickname: Current league grade For Example… Drivers Name: Gordon Moodie RCE (2012) Your Number: 180 Your Name/Nickname: Wardieee Current league/grade: UKDirt - RED Please note, - All grades are subject to change at admins discretion - If a real life driver wishes to use their car e.g Mike Green, the real life driver will get preference Bingley 143 - Mark Lammas(AndrewP45EM) 149 - Kev Smart 15 - Steve Green(LeeK) 218 - Rob Speak(TomD) 302 - Dale Moon 339 - Stuart Kelly(Lanx) 350 - Gareth Taylor(Nezza) 426 - Mark Davenport 46 - Robert Henderson 470 - Hayden Barrington 603 - John Sleeman 694 - Jonathon Davison 725 - Paul Broatch(DanSkin) 796 - Brian Wilson(Dode) 943 - Robin Little DKB 435 - Steve Temple(Mav) Higman 226 - Billy Webster(Big Al) 665 - Richard Clubley 797 - Dan Moss 886 - Chris Bradbury 935 - Nathan Maidment(CB) H29 - Cor Schutter(Frans) IoM115 - Mike Booth Kitson 152 - Mick Sworder(boostman) 269 - Nigel Davies 324 - James Thackra(Jeyder) 657 - Neal Smith(Guinch) 677 - Chris Roots(Luke Beeson) 732 - Daz Kitson(Jacques West) 768 - Tom Adcroft 779 - Cameron Pugh(Kaneooo) 782 - Stuart Rolph(Charlie Sworder) NI271 - Gary Chambers NI317 - Denver Gratton(Harold) NI917 - Gary Gratton(MattH) NI998 - Graham Fegan Randall 08 522 - Chris Mikulla 606 - Andrew Palmer(Ricky Lee James) 641 - Dennis Middler(Samwit) 821 - Gary Walker(Joey Slooff) 835 - Matt Westaway Randall 11 - Graham Mailings 17 - Paul Reid 186 - George Turikki(Mike) 289 - John Collier(Toff) 30 - Alec Hamilton 362 - Dave Harley 488 - Liam Bentham 504 - Matt Everard 571 - Darren Clarke(Stox) 702 - Allen Cooper(Liam) 744 - Tom Smart 780 - Chris Utley 806 - Paul Hemming 871 - Mark Simpson(Jake) 908 - Mike Reed D91 - Mario Behrens H71 - Milou Mets(Marten) NI74 - Jonny Stirling RCE 101 - Kelvyn Whalley(HHunter) 115 - Michael Green (2012) 115 - Michael Green (2013)(tsjalle) 154 - Steve Green Jnr(Micky Finnikin) 176 - Gary Coffey(Keiron Collins) 287 - Jason Wilkinson(lars) 3 - Liam Rennie(Lee Banwell) 312 - Chris Kincaid(PaulE) 338 - Lee Livingston(Jack Ward) 383 - Jack Brown(Karl Smith) 401 - Barry Goldin(Simon) 44 - Chris Cort(Colemann) 445 - Nigel Green(lloyd) 522 - Chris Mikulla(Tyzer) 538 - Chevy Mills(minitom) 546 - Barry Folan(Harry Newman) 647 - Chris Burgoyne (imberj) 7 - Gordon Moodie(Wardieee) 700 - Adam Rubery(Andy Paxton) 733 - Staurt Mitchell(DanHeath) 768 - Tom Adcroft(Ryan Mackie) 795 - Alan Kirkaldy(Ryan) 798 - Mark Sargent(bruce) 886 - Chris Bradbury(Wilkin) 888 - Paul Ford(Ben Chambers) 91 - Brett Constable(Dave) 901 - Ian Thompson Jnr 909 - Andy Cattell(Nathan) 921 - Jack Aldridge (2012)(Ashley England) 921 - Jack Aldridge (2013) 964 - John Fortune(Simmo) 968 - Mickey Brennan(Stinjeman) 972 - William Hardie(JoshH) H30 - Toon Schut(Mike Dann) NI75 - Ross Houston(jelle) Drivers Booked - 64 White Grade 8 Lloyd 10 jelle 23 Colemann 25 Ashley England 45 AndrewP45EM 52 HHunter 61 Andy Paxton 65 Dan Heath 79 Ryan 152 Charlie Sworder 183 Guinch 184 Jack Ward 187 Lanx 198 Aaron_J 226 Karl Smith 244 Toff 252 Bruce 360 Jacques West 277 Lee Banwell 385 Boostman 394 PaulE 480 Ryan Mackie 486 Lukey H100 Joey Slooff H599 Harold Yellow Grade 54 Luke Beeson 58 minitom 217 Keiron Collins 237 Ricky Lee James 264 Imberj 342 MattH 515 Big Al 539 Harry Newman 881 Nathan 954 Samwit Blue Grade 39 LeeK 156 Mike Dann 355 Micky Finnikin 380 Liam 454 Frans 589 Stinjeman 641 Mav Red Grade 31 Simon 46 Nezza 167 CB 151 Dode 180 Wardieee 188 Aub 238 Kane 246 Stox 276 Tyzer 315 Mike 329 tsjalle 488 Dave 616 Jeyder 653 Simmo 691 Jake H80 Lars Superstars 112 TomD 236 DanSkin 291 Marten 397 JH 800 Ben Chambers 910 McFarren >>> FURTHER INFOMATION <<< Bookings will close at 6pm SHARP on the day of the meeting. Admin will then post a 'Meeting Infomation' thread above this thread on the forum. This will state the heats each driver will participate in, as well as which server those heats will be in. ALL Server IP addresses will be posted on that topic however those IP's are as follows... If you wish to practice during the build up to this event keep and eye on those servers as they may be open throughout the week. Each driver will need to have the V4.1 mod, Birmingham Wheels Raceway and of course UKDirt chat. Find UKDirt Chat HERE The BriSCA F2 Mod, V4.1 can be found HERE Birmingham Wheels Raceway can also be found HERE
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