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Everything posted by Wardieee

  1. Results: Heat 1: 236 188 488 238 167 79 653 47 52 356 474 82 143 Heat 2: 503 443 151 237 39 380 31 146 848 246 981 180 Heat 3: 238 167 653 39 443 488 58 848 146 79 82 52 981 246 Heat 4: 151 236 31 188 237 180 356 47 380 474 503 A-Final: 236 188 146 238 246 151 380 237 653 47 31 180 474 79 82 58 443 503 39 167 488 981 356 488 GN: 503 47 167 238 151 39 31 236 188 82 180 246 653 488 58 848 380 356 237 79 443 146 474 981 Points: 45 pts 236 DanSkin 38 pts 238 Kane_M 36 pts 188 Aub 34 pts 151 Dode 23 pts 167 CB 21 pts 146 CrashleyEngland 20 pts 503 Dane Bell 19 pts 237 rickyljames 18 pts 39 LeeK 17 pts 47 Samson 16 pts 31 Si 16 pts 653 Ryan Simpson 15 pts 443 ritzoberst 15 pts 380 Liam Powell 13 pts 246 Stox 13 pts 488 Dave 6 pts 79 weeryan 5 pts 356 Mitch Wells 5 pts 848 BullyJnr 5 pts 180 wardieee 4 pts 58 minitom 2 pts 52 HHUNTER 1 pts 82 Dbecks 1 pts 474 BeesFanDanny 0 pts 103 MurrayAdams 0 143 DannyH 0 pts 981 MartinB 0 pts 8 pinken The replays are here!
  2. Heat 1: 82, 103, 143, 79, 474, 47, 167, 356, 653, 52, 188, 488, 238, 236, , , 14 Cars (Server 45) Steward Stumpy Heat 2: 443, 503, 58, 146, 237, 31, 848, 981, 8, 151, 246, 380, 39, 180, , , , 14 Cars (Server 48) Steward Wardieee Heat 3: 82, 443, 58, 79, 146, 167, 653, 848, 981, 52, 246, 488, 39, 238, , , 14 Cars (Server 45) Steward Stumpy Heat 4: 103, 143, 503, 237, 474, 31, 47, 356, 8, 151, 188, 380, 180, 236, , , , 14 Cars (Server 48) Steward Wardieee Consi: (Server 45) Steward Stumpy English Open: (Top 24 cars) Groups of 6, gridded in grades by average , , , (Server 45) Steward Stumpy GN1: TBC , , , (Server 45) Steward Stumpy GN2: TBC , , , (Server 48) Steward Wardieee ^^Meet in chat at 8:20^^
  3. Any late bookings should be posted below I will not be accepting anybody after 7:45. Name Number Grade
  4. Photos from both meetings are HERE
  5. Yes I might of done well at Cov but it really is one of those tracks where its impossible to miss someone like in the 3 wide battle between me mav and danny. All is well being 3 wide in the massive sweeping bends but when 3 go into 2 on the straight it really is game over and it caught me out twice
  6. couldn't agree more, Cov was an awesome meeting! Cheers Tom, Dan & Dode
  7. Name: Number: Grade: Drivers Booked In... 31 Whites 93 Twisty 103 Murray Adams 134 Jake Bond 143 DannyH 147 Gazlush 374 Smithy 443 Ritzo 474 Danny King 556 George Yellows 79 WeeRyan 146 Crashley 237 Ricky Lee James 394 PaulE 641 Mav Blues 47 Samson 167 CB 356 Mitch 589 Stijneman 848 BullyJnr 981 MartinB Reds 8 Lloydy 52 HHunter 151 Dode 188 Aub 246 Stox 380 Liam 384 thebagoo 488 Dave Superstars 39 LeeK 180 Wardieee 238 Kane
  8. Pics from last night can be found >>HERE<<
  9. Pics from last night can be found >>HERE<<
  10. This is how I see it.. Tonight went crap for me, everything that could go wrong did. Even the grids! haha. Time to look to next week, and with a trip to Cov as well as a trip to Sheffield I think its time to dig the trusty shale shifter out to make up for all the points I lost.
  11. just think, thats one more point that I got at Cowdie
  12. Results: Heat 1: 236 151 238 237 246 356 691 981 167 82 474 443 Heat 2: 47 488 180 188 52 380 39 589 147 52 848 Heat 3: 167 238 691 236 47 380 981 589 848 147 443 103 Heat 4: 151 52 488 39 246 356 180 474 237 544 82 188 Final: 236 238 188 691 180 488 246 47 167 151 52 981 589 380 848 356 82 474 237 443 147 39 GN : 151 237 47 167 180 52 39 236 246 188 238 474 82 356 380 147 443 589 981 488 691 Points: 43 pts 236 DanSkin 35 pts 238 Kane 31 pts 151 Dode 30 pts 47 Samson 30 pts 180 Wardieee 27 pts 488 Dave 26 pts 691 Jakeeey 24 pts 188 Aub 23 pts 167 CB 22 pts 246 Stox 20 pts 52 Hhunter 18 pts 237 Rickly 15 pts 39 LeeK 10 pts 356 Mitch 10 pts 380 Liam Powell 7 pts 981 MartinB 6 pts 589 Stijneman 3 pts 147 GazLush 3 pts 474 Danny King 2 pts 848 Bully jnr 1 pts 82 Dbecks 1 pts 544 MickyFinn 0 pts 65 Dan Heath 0 pts 103 Murray Adams 0 pts 134 Bondy 0 pts 443 Ritzo 0 pts 276 Tyzer 0 pts 8 Lloydy The replays are here!
  13. Results: Heat 1: 236 47 167 691 52 188 237 39 380 443 180 981 848 65 Heat 2: 589 167 237 691 238 981 488 39 246 356 443 82 474 180 8 Heat 3: 47 236 188 356 238 246 8 589 380 52 47 103 82 488 848 Final: 236 488 238 589 237 188 39 8 52 47 167 691 356 474 380 82 180 246 103 443 848 65 GN : 237 691 246 488 238 103 188 981 356 380 47 474 82 589 167 65 236 52 180 39 848 443 Points: 39 pts 236 DanSkin 34 pts 237 rickyljames 34 pts 238 Kane_M 29 pts 488 Dave 27 pts 589 Stijneman 27 pts 188 Aub 23 pts 691 Jakeeey 21 pts 47 Samson 17 pts 167 CB 15 pts 246 Stox 14 pts 39 LeeK 11 pts 52 HHUNTER 10 pts 356 Mitch Wells 10 pts 8 pinken 8 pts 981 MartinB 5 pts 103 MurrayAdams 5 pts 380 Liam Powell 1 pts 443 ritzoberst 0 pts 65 DanHeath 0 pts 82 Dbecks 0 pts 134 Jakebond 0 pts 474 BeesFanDanny 0 pts 848 bully jnr 0 pts 180 wardieee The replays are here!
  14. Read THIS thread and you will find this quote...
  15. Post below name number grade Close @ 6:40
  16. Good Evening and welcome to sunny Scotland for a night of Irn Bru and fried Mars bars! This evening is of course the one and only Scottish Championship, and with big grids planned all night who couldn't resist a trip North? 7:30 will see us take to Cowdenbeath AKA Cowdie for a normal WCQR/SCQR meeting. Meeting format below: Heat 1: 65, 103, 134, 443, 47, 237, 167, 848, 981, 39, 52, 188, 246, 380, 691, 180, 236, (Server .45) Steward 180 -Scottish Qualifier- Heat 2: 82, 103, 443, 474, 237, 167, 356, 589, 981, 8, 39, 151, 246, 488, 691, 180, 238, (Server .45) Steward 180 -Scottish Qualifier- Heat 3: 65, 82, 134, 474, 47, 356, 589, 848, 8, 52, 151, 188, 380, 488, 236, 238, , (Server .45) Steward 180 -Scottish Qualifier- Final: All In (Server .45) Steward 180 -Scottish Qualifier- GN: All In (Server .45) Steward 180 -Scottish Qualifier- ---MEET IN THE SERVER AT 7:20--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9PM will see us take to Crimond for yet another WCQR/SCQR meeting, with the meeting final being the extra special Scottish Championship where cars will line up 2 by 2 on a closed grid in points order for what will be an epic meeting final. Meeting format will be posted below: Heat 1: 82, 134, 443, 474, 237, 167, 356, 981, 8, 151, 246, 691, 236, 238, , , , (Server .48) Steward 255 -Scottish Qualifier- Heat 2: 65, 103, 147, 47, 276, 544, 589, 848, 52, 188, 380, 488, 39, 180, , , , (Server .45) Steward 112 -Scottish Qualifier- Heat 3: 65, 134, 147, 443, 47, 167, 589, 848, 981, 8, 380, 691, 236, 238, , , , (Server .48) Steward 255 -Scottish Qualifier- Heat 4: 82, 103, 474, 237, 276, 356, 544, 52, 151, 188, 246, 488, 39, 180, , , , (Server .45) Steward 112 -Scottish Qualifier- Final (top 20 cars + top 4 from consi) (Server .48) Steward 255 -Scottish Championship- GN1: GN2: I am planning to get the second meeting done as soon as possible, so please ensure you know which heats are in each server. I will also be leaving a 5 minute gap between the end of Heat 6 and the start of the meeting Final to give everyone a chance to grab a drink whilst I frantically work out the grids. Best of luck! Wardieee
  17. Nice to see you enjoyed it! That's what it's all about
  18. BOOKINGS CLOSE AT 7:30PM (02/06/14) There will be no late bookings for this meeting. Bookin here for the second instalment of this weeks Scottish Championship. This meeting will follow on from Cowdenbeath with an expected start time of 9PM. Name: Number: Grade: Drivers Booked In... 28 Whites 65 Dan Heath 82 Dbecks 103 Murray Adams 134 Bondy 147 GazLush 433 Ritzo 474 Danny King Yellows 47 Samson 237 Rickly 544 Mickyfinn Blues 47 Samson 167 CB 356 Mitch 589 Stijneman 848 Bully jnr 981 MartinB Reds 8 Lloydy 52 HHunter 151 Dode 188 Aub 246 Stox 380 Liam Powell 488 Dave 691 Jakeeey Superstars 39 LeeK 180 Wardieee 236 DanSkin 238 Kane
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