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Everything posted by Wardieee

  1. Results now confirmed as official!
  2. As we all know this coming Monday will see the UKDirt F2s take to the shale of Coventry once again this season for our 2014 World of Shale Final! The main event itself will be a non-points scoring race at the start of the evening and as always a FULL meeting will follow! Throughout this week I will update this post with grids and reserves as always, however this meeting really isn't one to be missed! Packed grids of F2's all night at one of the most prestigious tracks in British Motorsport. Unmissable! Monday will also be the first round of this seasons Shale Mac series! So if your down to score points here don't miss out! world of shale grid 238 - 112 39 - 180 236 - 8 52 - 246 981 - 384 356 - 691 146 - 380 488 - 47 394 - 167 397 - 221 641 - 276 848 - 188 RED = Confirmed non attenders BLUE = Not booked in next 10 reserves: 474, 249, 443, 800, 589, 237, 329, 31, 93, 58
  3. I think its £100 to wardieee180@paypal.com
  4. 3 > is the magic number but that's to the higher admins to sort
  5. Changed... I know you raced, you did managed a few laps ahhah
  6. Results: Heat 1: 47 238 800 356 8 237 65 144 54 39 443 79 134 Heat 2: 47 397 886 800 691 117 653 79 39 394 54 443 Heat 3: 397 65 886 653 237 394 238 691 356 8 117 144 Final: 653 691 238 39 8 397 886 800 356 394 237 54 47 65 79 144 117 443 GN : 65 397 47 394 800 356 238 8 79 *653* 691 54 144 117 443 886 39 237 Points: 38 pts 397 HamsterJnr 33 pts 653 Ryan Simpson 33 pts 238 Kane_M 28 pts 47 Samson 27 pts 691 Jakeeey 27 pts 800 BenChambers 24 pts 886 scam 23 pts 65 dan heath 22 pts 8 pinken 18 pts 356 Mitch Wells 17 pts 39 LeeK 15 pts 394 PaulE 11 pts 237 rickyljames 5 pts 117 Dan W 5 pts 79 weeryan 3 pts 144 LarboJnr 2 pts 54 Luke Beeson 0 pts 134 Jakebond 0 pts 443 ritzoberst Messers 0 pts 374 SmithyK 0 pts 922 chris.mugford 0 pts 146 CrashleyEngland The replays are here!
  7. Heat 1: 65, 134, 144, 922, 79, 237, 374, 443, 47, 54, 356, 8, 800, 39, 238, , , (Server 48) Stewards Stumpy/Wardieee Heat 2: 117, 134, 886, 922, 79, 394, 443, 47, 54, 146, 653, 691, 800, 39, 397, , , (Server 48) Stewards Stumpy/Wardieee Heat 3: 65, 117, 144, 886, 237, 374, 394, 146, 356, 653, 8, 691, 238, 397, , , , (Server 48) Stewards Stumpy/Wardieee Final: All Drivers , , , (Server 48) Stewards Stumpy/Wardieee GN: All Drivers , , , (Server 48) Stewards Stumpy/Wardieee Please meet in chat @ 8:20 for a swift 8:30 Start!
  8. Ive got to admit, this thing has been sat on my desktop for a while now waiting for some commentary so a huge thanks to Jake Cameron for his efforts! Truly superb commentary.
  9. Ryan Mackies brain has the same values as a brick wall. The short and long is to leave him be and let him rack up the point. He's had a 3 month ban in the tooz and the way he is going in the ones he will get the same... Once he has annoyed us all for long enough he will simply be told to go away! Just laugh as he makes an even bigger fool of himself, that's all I do.
  11. Shale Mac Info!
  12. My car doesn't have "anywhere but mildo" for no reason lol... Well Done to tonight's winners, chuffed to take 5th in my semi on a badly set-up PS3 pad on default setup Congrats to Paul on his solid heat win and WF place, quite a special feeling to see the newbies move up the ranks... ALSO I need people who are yet to PM me shale mac info to do so.... I will post a post later this week. If you know you haven't voted for the shale mac PM me on here to make my life easier pleaseeeeeeeeee!
  13. Semi only please
  14. 233 semi only.... (for now)
  15. Come on Ricky cheer up! I mean it could be worse... Harrison could be put over the wall first bend! (Oh wait, he will)
  16. The aerodynamic features of the various cars have no difference... Each car has the same engine values, aerodynamic values and tyre values basically making them all perfectly identical other than looks.
  17. Name: Number: Grade: Drivers Booked In... 27 Whites 117 Dan W 451 stoxsigns Yellows 58 tom 101 Bristolstokie 237 rickyjames 244 toff 443 Ritzo 474 Danny King 503 dane 544 Micky Finn 589 stijneman 954 Samwit Blues 47 Samson 249 Jack 653 Simpson 783 Tebbz 846 Crashley Reds 31 Simon 90 LaimB 246 Stox 380 LiamPowell 488 Dave 800 Ben Superstars 39 LeeK 112 TomD 151 Dode 236 DanSkin 238 Kane
  18. Results: Heat 1: 363 39 488 249 443 691 112 380 629 451 54 474 246 52 589 Heat 2: 711 236 394 329 167 238 101 800 151 237 47 82 117 180 503 146 Heat 3: 329 238 151 167 489 246 380 236 503 691 474 711 488 394 54 237 Heat 4: 47 629 443 180 112 101 800 451 363 249 589 52 39 146 117 82 Consi: 489 800 691 246 451 52 503 474 380 589 82 237 146 117 B-Final: 380 589 237 503 117 82 451 A-Final: 236 629 180 39 488 238 329 47 489 151 101 394 363 800 112 246 711 249 443 691 167 GN 1: 503 451 329 443 112 800 246 238 474 167 394 363 151 589 GN 2: 711 489 180 237 47 39 380 488 236 101 82 691 117 249 629 Points: 36 pts 236 DanSkin 33 pts 329 Tsjalle 31 pts 180 wardieee 29 pts 629 EuanM 28 pts 39 LeeK 27 pts 238 Kane_M 23 pts 488 Dave 22 pts 47 Samson 21 pts 443 ritzoberst 20 pts 711 JoshW 19 pts 489 Montangoo 16 pts 112 TomD 14 pts 167 CB 13 pts 451 Stox Signs 12 pts 503 Dane Bell 12 pts 363 walker 12 pts 800 BenChambers 12 pts 151 Dode 11 pts 380 Liam Powell 10 pts 101 bristolstokie 9 pts 246 Stox 8 pts 237 rickyljames 8 pts 394 PaulE 8 pts 249 stoxjack 6 pts 691 Jakeeey 2 pts 474 BeesFanDanny 0 pts 117 Dan W 0 pts 82 Dbecks 0 pts 589 Stijneman 0 pts 54 Luke Beeson 0 pts 146 Crashley 0 pts 52 HHUNTER The replays are here!
  19. Heat 1: 259, 451, 729, 783, 443, 474, 544, 589, 54, 249, 52, 246, 363, 380, 488, 691, 39, 112, , 18 Cars, Server .48 (Steward 255) Heat 2: 117, 711, 922, 82, 101, 237, 394, 503, 47, 146, 167, 329, 489, 800, 151, 180, 236, 238, , 18 Cars, Server .45 (Steward 180) Heat 3: 259, 711, 783, 922, 237, 394, 474, 503, 544, 54, 167, 329, 380, 488, 691, 151, 236, 238, , 18 Cars, Server .48 (Steward 255) Heat 4: 117, 451, 729, 82, 101, 443, 589, 47, 146, 249, 52, 246, 363, 489, 800, 39, 112, 180, , 18 Cars, Server .45 (Steward 180) Consi: __________________________________________________, , Server .48 (Steward 255) Final: ____________________F2 Challenge____________________, , 18 Cars, Server .48 (Steward 255) B Final: ________________________F2 Challenge________________________, , 18 Cars, Server .45 (Steward 180) GN 1: TBC, , 18 Cars, Server .48 (Steward 255) GN 2: TBC, , 18 Cars, Server .45 (Steward 180) Please meet in chat at 8:20 for a swift 8:30 start!!
  20. See you all TOMORROW at Taunton for an absolutely epic night if UKDirt F2 action! No doubt we shall once again see a grid of 40+ cars take to one of the smallest tracks in the fixture list! Bring on Toytown!! Results: Whites and Yellows: 93 394 101 237 443 474 117 244 82 451 515 Heat 1: 397 151 237 101 180 363 443 394 474 488 244 117 93 800 82 Heat 2: 397 443 488 363 180 151 474 237 800 394 244 101 451 93 117 515 Final: 397 101 237 151 363 394 93 800 474 488 117 82 451 515 244 180 443 GN : 151 237 180 363 101 394 397 474 488 117 451 82 800 93 515 443 Points: 48 pts 397 Hamster 38 pts 151 Dode 36 pts 237 Ricky 31 pts 101 BristolStokie 31 pts 363 Walker 20 pts 180 Wardieee 19 pts 394 PaulE 13 pts 443 Ritzo 13 pts 474 Danny King 13 pts 488 Dave 8 pts 93 Twisty 8 pts 800 Ben 1 pts 117 Dan W 0 pts 451 Stoxsigns 0 pts 82 D Becks 0 pts 244 Toff 0 pts 515 Big Al NO SHOWS 259 CharlieG 954 Samwit 146 Crashley 329 tsjalle The replays are here!
  21. 443 RCE uploaded via website tool Dave
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