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Everything posted by Wardieee

  1. Its fairly impossible for it to not be working. The track has been raced on for over 12 months and nobody has ever had any issues... UKDirt simply didn't use the up to date version until now as we hardly ever race Bristol. Make sure you didn't install it in 7 different places.. remove every single version of Bristol you have! (from the recycle bin and everything) Download it again from the UKD site Install it to your rFactor folder making sure your antivirus doesn't block it! Then make sure your PC is running on DX9 in the rFactor config (if you are running on DX7 it wont work, simple) Load it up and it will work, if it still doesn't work it must be one of the following reasons... - You're trying to install the track on a Compucolor 8001 - Your graphics card needs updating
  2. You will need the NVIDIA DDS Plugin FIND IT HERE Then you will need the templates which can be found at www.ukdirt.co.uk > rFactor > Templates There is also a handy skin painting thread on the UKSom website... READ IT HERE F1s F2s and Saloons need to be exported in the DXT 1 format where as the Grasstrack stuff uses the DXT 5 format.
  3. you can actually get Cs2 for free as of Jan this year :S Go to the adobe website, sign up and download! Sign-up here!
  4. run it on DX9 and try it again?
  5. Assuming you know nothing about bristol... and knowing you dont have facebook (to see the regular pictures I post on the UKDirt page) let me give you a little education.. here's what most people think... Bristol is a massive track where nobody EVER crashes. All the fast people always win the races and if your slow theres no point in racing because all the fast people lap you... here's my reply to those people... LETS GO CRASHING!! ---------------------------------------------------------- On another note, there's a newer version of Bristol now available off the website! Alternatively download it HERE
  6. Up to SS N/A Down to Red N/A Up to Red 276 544 Down to Blue 52 249 92 Up to Blue 42 356 474 589 Down to Yellow 47 394 981 Up to Yellow N/A Down to White 93
  7. Sounds like fighting talk Ritzo... I look forward to jumping into this wreckfest! You know I cant resist a good jackup!
  8. You did really well last night! keep it up!
  9. Wardieee


    FT if you are thinking of doing another pack I may be interested in submitting a skin as for you Larbo... In future you can upload skins via the website... You can upload them at any time and that will guarantee them making the next pack where as posting on here wont as FT/DanSkin could quite easily forget about this thread by the time the next skinpack comes in 2/3 meetings as there will be at least 9 posts on the forum between this post and the next skinpack.. www.ukdirt.co.uk > log in > member options > skin upload facility > Click F1 and attach your file
  10. 180 out please
  11. Wardieee


    Id agree with Danny on that.. I tend to use Drumbs setup as a base. Personally before the season started I did a tonne of laps on Drumbs setup and changed the rear suspension and the brake bias. If you are after making it more arsey get the bias moved and get the rear end a lot stiffer and that should see you end up with a car that miles to oversteery There was a setup tips bit posted on here and on the UKSom facebook, but thanks to a few w*****s who spoilt it all of that info isn't available now so you can send your kindest regards to them.
  12. Results: Heat 1: 397 653 41 39 800 503 481 146 52 112 82 629 981 117 Heat 2: 691 41 238 356 236 380 246 112 481 52 42 589 58 82 503 Heat 3: 42 589 691 397 356 653 238 39 800 981 58 236 146 246 380 117 629 Irish Championship: 397 238 236 112 39 691 246 653 356 800 58 589 52 503 82 41 146 380 117 981 42 GN: 42 653 41 236 356 246 691 238 58 589 117 397 981 112 800 82 380 52 39 503 Points: 37 pts 397 HamsterJnr 33 pts 238 Kane_M 32 pts 691 Jakeeey 29 pts 653 Ryan Simpson 29 pts 236 DanSkin 25 pts 41 Drumbstick 23 pts 356 Mitch Wells 22 pts 39 LeeK 20 pts 42 poloscar 18 pts 112 TomD 17 pts 246 Stox 10 pts 589 Stijneman 10 pts 800 BenChambers 6 pts 481 Mackie D 5 pts 503 Dane Bell 5 pts 380 Liam Powell 3 pts 146 CrashleyEngland 3 pts 52 HHUNTER 2 pts 58 minitom 1 pts 981 MartinB 0 pts 82 Dbecks 0 pts 117 Dan W 0 pts 629 EuanM MESSERS 0 pts 544 MickyFinn The replays are here!
  13. Heat 1: 82, 117, 481, 146, 503, 544, 629, 981, 52, 246, 653, 800, 39, 41, 112, 397, , (Server 48) Stewards Stumpy/Wardieee Heat 2: 42, 82, 481, 356, 503, 544, 589, 52, 58, 246, 380, 691, 41, 112, 236, 238, , (Server 48) Stewards Stumpy/Wardieee Heat 3: 42, 117, 146, 356, 589, 629, 981, 58, 380, 653, 691, 800, 39, 236, 238, 397, , (Server 48) Stewards Stumpy/Wardieee Final: All Drivers , , , (Server 48) Stewards Stumpy/Wardieee GN: All Drivers , , , (Server 48) Stewards Stumpy/Wardieee Please meet in server 48 @ 8:20 for a swift 8:30 Start!
  14. The full live stream can be found (I think it starts at 9 mins)
  15. www.uksom.co.uk/tarmactracks
  16. Is there a link or site address? When it's all uploaded I can send you a link if you wish mav. I think it takes a few hours to process Yes Grasser and Jake did a brilliant job commentary wise. Glad to know you enjoyed it Mav as we all put a lot of effort into making it happen
  17. Awesome meeting to watch, great world final to have a run out in Well Done to all of tonight's winners, even the really butthurt one Big thanks to Jake and Grass for the stream and everyone else for the help with promo ect! A really special night!
  18. i did knock a little stuff up the this meeting in aid of promotion.... Enjoy
  19. Post any late bookings below Late bookings close at 7:30 (Once bookings close they will remain closed! Simple as!) Name Number Grade
  20. Very nice Dan, always nice to see a preview for the big meetings and what a meetings its going to be! For me, who knows what Thursday will bring however no matter what im doing (Stewarding or Racing) I can guarantee this is a meeting not to be missed! Roll on Thursday!
  21. Nowhere on that list does it say cry like a baby on the forum. READ THE RULES!
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