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Everything posted by Wardieee

  1. So after a few months off, the official UKDirt onboard camera is back!! As always expect retro tv show intros and alternative sounds!! - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! - Enjoy!!
  2. I can do you a very simple car with roof colours, but nothing more. If you contact me via PM giving me some kind of indication of colours or cars you have liked in the past I can knock something up..
  4. Im not sure if anyone is up for a bit of a challenge, however im currently looking for an F1 shale skin as my car is now 4 years old. If anyone has some time or interest please let me know
  5. No problem, thanks for letting me know
  6. ◦B-final: 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1 (minimum 10 participants). ^^^^ This is the correct amount of points and has just been updated on the website. Drivers are lucky to score anything in the B Final, and should appreciate the points they do score considering they have already failed to make the feature final.
  7. Results: Heat 1: 236 397 79 103 39 184 94 315 356 511 981 167 711 249 758 Heat 2: 800 212 653 488 274 641 237 41 221 429 180 Heat 3: 397 236 691 718 249 488 711 274 411 394 758 246 146 599 Heat 4: 167 184 41 315 238 79 363 380 117 237 82 221 641 Heat 5: 800 122 356 94 238 411 39 246 380 981 103 474 Heat 6: 180 691 653 363 212 394 82 599 221 718 511 429 117 Consi : 718 249 246 380 103 411 394 474 981 221 511 711 641 599 758 82 237 429 117 B-Final: 103 411 82 599 394 474 117 511 711 221 237 758 981 Final: 236 122 397 315 180 691 800 356 246 653 167 363 41 488 274 718 212 249 79 380 184 94 238 39 GN 1: 653 79 238 246 397 363 122 117 212 41 237 718 411 380 691 981 167 249 GN 2: 800 315 356 488 94 236 39 474 599 180 274 82 511 394 221 184 758 641 711 Points: 49 pts 236 DanSkin 41 pts 397 HamsterJnr 38 pts 800 BenChambers 33 pts 315 Mike 31 pts 122 Craig 28 pts 653 Ryan Simpson 27 pts 691 Jakeeey 24 pts 356 Mitch Wells 23 pts 180 wardieee 22 pts 79 weeryan 20 pts 238 Kane_M 19 pts 488 Dave 17 pts 94 marriott 17 pts 212 Pedz 16 pts 363 Walker 14 pts 184 Jack Ward 14 pts 246 Stox 14 pts 39 LeeK 12 pts 41 Drumbstick 11 pts 103 Murray 10 pts 411 ReeceWinch 10 pts 167 CB 9 pts 274 bigdaveUK 8 pts 718 MartynR 7 pts 394 PaulE 6 pts 82 Dbecks 6 pts 599 Harold 6 pts 249 stoxjack 5 pts 117 Dan W 5 pts 237 rickyljames 5 pts 641 Mav 5 pts 380 Liam Powell 4 pts 474 Danny King 4 pts 711 JoshW 4 pts 221 Spike 1 pts 429 SammyT 1 pts 511 MarkPuxty 1 pts 981 MartinB 0 pts 517 radiogaga 0 pts 758 Don witherall 0 pts 146 CrashleyEngland NO SHOWS 0 pts 372 Double_R The replays are here!
  8. Heat 1: 94, 103, 758, 79, 184, 356, 511, 711, 167, 249, 981, 315, 39, 236, 397 , , , Server 48 / Steward 255 Heat 2: 372, 429, 517, 122, 212, 237, 641, 274, 488, 653, 800, 41, 180, , , , , Server 45 / Steward 180 Heat 3: 411, 718, 758, 146, 394, 599, 711, 246, 249, 274, 488, 691, 236, 397 , , , , Server 48 / Steward 255 Heat 4: 82, 372, 79, 117, 184, 237, 474, 641, 167, 221, 380, 315, 363, 41, 238, , , , Server 45 / Steward 180 Heat 5: 94, 103, 411, 517, 122, 146, 356, 474, 246, 380, 981, 800, 39, 238, , , , , Server 48 / Steward 255 Heat 6: 82, 429, 718, 117, 212, 394, 511, 599, 221, 653, 363, 691, 180, , , , , Server 45 / Steward 180 Consolation: __________top 4 to the final__________ Server 48 / Steward 255 B-Final: __________remaining cars__________ Server 45 / Steward 180 Final: __________Top 20 Qualifiers + Top 4 from the Consolation__________ Server 48 / Steward 255 Grand Nationals for everyone!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Please be in UKDirt chat by 8:20 to ensure a swift 8:30 Start!!!!
  9. Ill get welding another front bumper then Very nice to see your opinion though Stumps, and you really do see the full season from up there!
  10. Tonight's meeting will go ahead as planned, however we shall delay the start by 10 minutes..... Whites & Yellows = Please meet in chat at 8:25 for an 8:30 start All other drivers = Please meet in chat at 8:35 for an 8:40 start MEETING INFO IS BELOW!
  11. Post any late bookings below... Name: Number: Grade: Late Bookings close at 7:30PM
  12. My 2015 F2 skin thanks to BigDaveUK!!
  13. Black numbers white background same as always!
  14. Bookings will close at 6PM GMT
  15. UKSOM are proud to announce the release of F2 Stockcars version 5, the link to the mod can be found HERE Thank you to everyone who helped with this release especially Grasser; Dane; Wardieee; Jake691; Ben Chambers; CB; CrashleyEngland; Fast Track, DanSkin, LeeK, Toff244 Change Log Chassis RCE: •Updated cage now available as an upgrade. •Updated Nerf rail now available •Bradbury Nerf rail no available Tarmac Physics Weight/track •Weight adjusted to allow for a heavier car and driver •Longer rear axle added as is run in most modern Ftooz •Inertia updated to take the above in to account Brakes •Overall Brake pressure reduced •Optimum brake temperatures adjusted •Internal brake bias adjusted •Brake inertia reduced •Bias adjustment reduced 10% Tires •Longitudinal grip reduced 3% •Traction curve adjusted for less drop off Suspension •Suspension bug removed that caused the car to fall on the bump stops at unexpected times. Engine •Added the Zetec engine Contact Box •Each car now has its own .HDV file, this has allowed us to adjust the contact feelers for each individual car. Skins 48 - Ryan Morgan (RCE) 391 - Gregor Turner (RCE) 761 - Richard Bowyer (RCE) 846 - Ashley England (RCE) 925 - Craig McConnell (RCE) Shale Physics Track •Longer rear axle added as is run in most modern Ftooz •Inertia updated to take the above in to account Tires •Longitudinal grip reduced 1.5% Suspension •Suspension bug removed that caused the car to fall on the bump stops at unexpected times. Engine •Pinto now upgraded to match the tarmac spec •Added the Zetec engine Contact Box •Each car now has its own .HDV file, this has allowed us to adjust the contact feelers for each individual car. Skins 647 - Chris Burgoyne (Randall Shale Car)
  16. Delete your f2 CCH files your F2 RFM files for league and non league then install the new mod again...
  17. Top job Grasser. WD to all the winners, Mike Grass Lloydy ect. very enjoyable meeting!
  18. BIRMINGHAM V2 Birmingham V2 can be found here, however this is a beta test version of track and is only authorized to be run on the UKDirt servers. The full release is expected over the next week or 2, so please respect UKSom and hold on for the full release!
  19. Choose another car, 48 is taken
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