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Everything posted by Wardieee

  1. It's no problem Murray, it's always nice to see novices like yourself and Mitch work their way up through the community.... I've also got to say, Stumpy you finally won Steward of the season, absolutely dominated the points beating me by at least 4 bans and 6 kicks haha. Hopefully I will beat you in the f1 steward of the year award now I'm in the bad books again, I must be winning the f1s surely! Thanks for the season though stumps, if it wasn't from the help of you and Dan every week life would be very different. We appreciate it
  2. Not 100% sure Mav, I shall have a quick look and if you were I will alter the results Apologies in advance
  3. Thanks to everyone for the great evening! Ive got to say, when I put the Gala Night stuff together I didn't know if there was too much..... However I think it was just right! Had a few great races with the likes of Aub, Dave, Jake, CB ect... Managed to finally win a race after missing most of the season, then to wrap it all up I was gifted a Championship (I dont think i won it). This year was a very ambitious year from an Admins point of view with so many fixtures and such big races including 26 car finals at the tiny tracks like Bristol, but I think all the hard work paid off! As always there have been many ups and downs but tonight just felt right, for once 99% of people managed to get on with it and we managed to get some truly awesome racing with both bumper action and hotrod action! We have had a season full of surprises with DanSkin once again dominating, however with the likes of lloydy stepping up to the mark and taking the mark and winning the world of shale it really makes me wonder how many more times the gold and sliver can remain on that mans wing! Well Done to Dan and the rest of the seasons champions, race winners and participators.... Thanks to everyone who voted for me!! Roll on 2015
  4. Results: Shale Mac Final: 41 236 180 238 800 39 503 188 246 641 8 380 356 384 443 244 474 981 82 451 117 Heat 1: 981 184 394 41 356 238 167 246 380 58 384 363 451 244 8 982 599 Heat 2: 503 103 249 800 236 329 691 180 188 237 488 39 443 474 117 82 641 W&Y Final: 981 443 237 474 244 184 356 599 58 451 103 641 82 394 982 503 117 Heat 3: 184 599 384 356 394 981 236 41 641 329 380 246 488 8 82 238 443 117 Heat 4: 180 249 691 167 39 363 244 188 237* 58 474 800 451 103 982 503 *docked 2 places for every place gained Consi: 641 244 451 188 58 82* 380 246 443 488 982 474 *docked 2 places for every place gained B-Final: 380 443 246 8 474 82 488 982 Final: 249 41 236 329 800 180 599 237 981 184 188 394 103 363 356 691 167 384 503 451 641 244 238 39 *docked for wallride GN 1: 329 41 599 356 380 246 8 184 443 981 238 394 82 236 237 641 GN 2: 503 167 103 800 244 363 180 488 39 188 691 451 474 58 384 249 Shootout Finale: 238 236 691 800 249 363 41 443 503 39 981 246 474 58 244 451 180 356 8 394 380 329 167 Champion of Champions: 180 238 41 39 8 443 58 167 356 Points: 37 pts 249 stoxjack 37 pts 41 Drumbstick 30 pts 329 Tsjalle 27 pts 180 wardieee 26 pts 800 BenChambers 26 pts 236 DanSkin 25 pts 599 Harold 24 pts 184 Jack Ward 20 pts 503 Dane Bell 20 pts 167 CB 20 pts 356 Mitch Wells 20 pts 981 MartinB 17 pts 103 MurrayAdams 14 pts 394 PaulE 12 pts 380 Liam Powell 12 pts 691 Jakeeey 10 pts 244 Toff 10 pts 246 Stox 10 pts 363 walker 9 pts 237 rickyljames 8 pts 384 thebagoo 8 pts 39 LeeK 6 pts 188 Aub 5 pts 443 ritzoberst 5 pts 8 pinken 5 pts 238 Kane_M 3 pts 488 Dave 2 pts 641 Mav 2 pts 58 minitom 1 pts 82 Dbecks 1 pts 474 BeesFanDanny 0 pts 982 shukey 0 pts 117 Dan W 0 pts 451 Stox Signs The replays are here!
  5. Semifinal 2 won the toss.... 41 236 39 503 800 474 8 380 238 92 246 180 188 244 641 443 117 356 711 82 451 981 384 GAP
  6. Good evening all and welcome to the UKDirt F2 Season Finale!!!! Tonight we have some special treats lined up, however we will start the Night with the Shale Mac Finals! Meeting Information Shale Mac Final: Grid yet to be decided! Server 48 / Steward 255 Heat 1: 599, 982 // 184, 244, 384, 394 // 167, 356, 451 // 8, 58, 246, 363, 380, 981 // 41, 238, , Server 48 / Steward 255 Heat 2: 82, 103 // 237, 503 // 117, 249, 443, 474, 488, 641 // 188, 329, 691, 800 // 39, 180, 236, , Server 45 / Steward 180 Whites and Yellows Final: __________Top 24 cars available__________ Server 48 / Steward 180 & 255 Heat 3: 82, 599 // 184, 237, 394 // 117, 356, 443, 641, 488 // 8, 246, 329, 380, 981 // 41, 236, 238, , Server 48 / Steward 255 Heat 4: 103, 982 // 244, 384, 503 //167, 249, 451, 474 //58, 188, 363, 691, 800 // 39, 180, , Server 45 / Steward 180 Consolation: __________top 4 to the final__________ Server 48 / Steward 255 B-Final: __________remaining cars__________ Server 45 / Steward 180 Final: __________Top 20 Qualifiers + Top 4 from the Consolation__________ Server 48 / Steward 255 GN1: 82, 599 // 184, 237, 394 // 117, 356, 443, 641 // 8, 246, 329, 380, 981 // 41, 236, 238, , Server 48 / Steward 255 GN2: 103, 982 // 244, 384, 503 //167, 249, 451, 474 //58, 188, 363, 691, 800 // 39, 180, , Server 45 / Steward 180 ----- 5 Minute Break ----- Shootout Finale: Grid TBC , , Server 48 / Steward 255 Champion of Champions/Peoples Choice Champion (10 Laps Clutch Start) Server 48 / Steward 255 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Please be in UKDirt chat by 7:50 to ensure a swift 8PM Start!!!! Grids will be confirmed in chat as the night goes on!!
  7. Shale Mac Final Grid (if Semi 1 win the toss) 236 41 503 39 474 800 380 8 92 238 180 246 244 188 641 443 117 356 711 82 451 981 384 GAP Shale Mac Final Grid (if Semi 2 win the toss) 41 236 39 503 800 474 8 380 238 92 246 180 188 244 641 443 117 356 711 82 451 981 384 GAP
  8. Whites and Yellows Grid - as of 3PM 93 394 237 443 474 244 356 101 82 117 503 45 544 374 90 848 103 954 21 711 122 556 470 981 Reserves: 470, 981, 65, 285, 641, 146, 147, 922, 599, 58, 451, 143, 515
  9. Don't forget to PM Mitch356 on the forum stating your 2 Peoples Choice Champions!!!! Vote for people who you think deserve one last shot at a 2014 championship, vote for someone that's helped you a lot over the season, or just vote for someone that you think might make it tasty! A full list of people eligible to be voted for is attached in my preview!
  10. You did well tbh Mark, you seemed to be on the money all night The last bend was never on the cards, if anything I was chuffed to do a full race without being taken out by some noob a lap down lol. I haven't won a single final all year in 1s, 2s or Saloons so I was looking for something, I thought a second would do! Went around 1&2 and saw ChrisA just welcome lloydy past whilst the back markers in front of me were on the brakes if anything. As a squeezed past the back markers halfway down the back straight I could see ChrisA throw the car in sideways which of course instantly told me he was trying to defend something.... But what was he defending? Mwhahaaa evil laugh aside I took a leaf out of Ricky Bobbys book and went in with a nice big hit, similar the the ones I would usually receive... Now I told lloydy myself that I had intended to nail him wide (not spin us both). After watching the replay a million times (as this was the 2nd time I had been in the wall backwards after a failed last bend) I noticed it was yet another lapped car which ruined what was of course going to be 'the perfect last bend'. As I nailed lloydy he just caught the back of a white top sending him sideways and well, leaving me for dead! Was a good race though, tbh the race 'should' of been Ritzos before the lap down issues he came across but I suppose its all part of the racing. Well Done to all of last nights winners
  11. 552 Confirmed.... Also I should be able to knock something up
  12. Nice to see people enjoying the track! Awesome night
  13. Get voting for the peoples choice champion slots folks!!!
  14. Well it seems sad to say it folks, but the season is finally coming to a close! After a long hard season of UKDirt Stock car action, Meeting #52 will host the season finale and of course we head to Birmingham Wheels Raceway for the annual Gala Night action! Birmingham Wheels is one of the most prestigious tracks for the formula twos proving to be the home of the formula hosting regular Saturday night meetings from March to November every year! Gala Night is one of the most eagerly anticipated nights of Stock Car racing action so of course its only right the Tooz head to Birmingham! The Gala Night has been a fixture for many years and has hosted many championships over the years including the Whites and Yellows Finale, Central Series Finals, Shootout Finale, Peoples Choice Championships and of course the Champion of Champions race. Gala Night 2014 will of course be kicked off with the all new Shale Mac Grand Finale with #236 DanSkin and #41 Drumbstick dominating their way to the front row after some hectic Semi Finals! DanSkin dominated the tarmac points comfortably beating second place rival Hamster, however it was the surprise return of #249 Jack Morgan that managed to catch everyone out. Jack managed to sneak his way to the top of the shale points absolutely dominating rivals 800, 246, 8 and 238. The Shale Mac grid is still to be confirmed with a coin toss for the favored inside position taking place at the Real Gala Meeting (15/11/14) where admin Wardieee will once again oversee the procedure. The Whites and Yellows Championship will follow heats 1 & 2 and what a race this is going to be! 2014 has been a phenomenal year for the UKDirt F2 Stockcars seeing almost 80 different drivers participating over the 51 meetings so far this season. An astonishing 30 of those 80 drivers were 2014 Novices however more on that is yet to come. Back onto the Whites and Yellows and its #93 Twisty who manages to take the pole position in the big race! Twisty managed to score in one more round that second place #394 PaulE however with a front row made of novices the first bend should prove to be an interesting one. Row 2 inside will see UKDirt Legend Ricky Lee James return from his ban and line up behind Twisty. Will Ricky finally use some of his online experience to his own advantage and win this Whites and Yellows Championship? There are plenty of other big names starting in this championship including Toff244, Mitch356 and Ritzo443! This race is going to be awesome! 22 racing laps and as every there can only be one winner! The Novice of the Year is a small championship run on UKDirt where all points scored by novice are kept in a separate table. This year has been a good competitive seasons racing as far as our 30 novices are concerned however HHunter#52 and Mitch#356 have both shot off into the lead with Mitch taking advantage in this late part of the season. With the points confirmed after last weeks Belle Vue Worn meeting, #356 Mitch Wells was confirmed as your 2014 Novice of the Year! The Third Championship of the night will be the Shootout Finale and will take place after the meeting Grand Nationals as all points scored during the normal meeting carry DOUBLE Shootout points therefore meaning the grid will quite literally not be decided until the Grand National Chequered Flags have dropped! The Shootout has been run for quite a few years now, however to my knowledge the only holders of the Orange and Silver roof are Leek39 and DanSkin236 who is the current Shootout Champion. Will 2014 see a new Victor? Or will DanSkin yet again retain this piece of silverware? The final race of the night will of course be the Champion of Champions/People’s Choice Championship which is the one I have personally been looking forward to the most! This year these two awesome championships will be tied in with each other therefore meaning you, YES YOU can vote for your favorite driver to go and participate in this final race of 2014! The grid itself will be made up of the 2014 Champions with the rest of the grid being filled with the People’s choice slots. All championship winners on the night will be placed into the CoC/PCC however due to the implications of someone who has already qualified ‘winning another championship’ there will also be a minimum of 2 People’s Choice grid slots available. This race will of course be gridded in the usual People’s Choice fashion…. 3 Wide, Clutch Start, 10 lap Dash! DanSkin236 was the first man to ensure his place on the Grid and to be honest I don’t know where to start! 2014 will certainly be one to remember for Dan with all 4 majors currently sitting on his roof. Will Dan manage to prove himself to be the Champion of Champions, or will he fall victim to one of the People’s Choice votes? The next person to lock his position was Kane238. Kane has had an awesome season winning the Euromaster and the Grand National Championship. Kane is also in currently in contention for the National Points Championship with #236 DanSkin however im sure Kane will walk away from this season with a smile on his face no matter what! Dode151 won the F2 Nationals all those months ago however due to other dedications we haven’t seen him around for a while. Whilst Dode’s attendance is unknown the #151 machine has qualified for this big race and no matter where his grid slot is I’m sure Dode’s banger racing background will prove to have a massive impact on this race! #TeamScotland World Cup winner and Irish Champion HamsterJnr397 is the next man to take to the grid. This year has seen quite a few ups and downs for Hamster however I’m sure they’re all forgotten after the recent birth of his first child… After a few weeks off Gala Night could see a swift trip Wheels Park for some more F2 action before the seasons out! Surprise World of Shale Champion Lloydy will also make his way to Birmingham for this rather special night of F2 Stock Car action. Lloydy has certainly taken us all by surprise with the WoS victory however it’s safe to say he is doing it proud by attending most meetings. Hopefully Lloydy will manage to find some tarmac pace for the evenings events, however im sure ether way he will be happy to participate with his two gold stripes! As always we wish him the best of luck! Isle of Man TT Champion Tom58 will be the next to make the grid with a rather surprising victory over at Onchan. We don’t see Tom much however it would be nice to see him back out and racing more often next season. Hopefully Tom will be in attendance for the Gala Night and who knows, he could take another title! Finally we have F1 World Champion TomD making the grid to defend his 2013 Champion of Champions victory. Tom will take Row 4 outside for the big race but im sure with a few big hits a battle between F1 and F2 World Champions could well commence! TomD will certainly be one to watch! People’s Choice – As I have already said there will be a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 people’s choice places available. To keep things fair a list of drivers has been conducted, so people may only vote for drivers on that list. To qualify for the People’s Choice Championship you must have participated in over 50% of this year’s meetings and MUST not be serving a ban. For Example: You could vote for some one purely as they would happily go onto the grid and entertain, or on the other hand you could vote for someone as you think they deserve to be on the grid after their efforts this year. Please vote for 2 DRIVERS Qualification list can be found here! All Votes must be sent to Mitch356 via PM - Deadline 6PM 17/11/14 Finally, the F2 admin team would like to thank everyone who has participated this season! There have been many ups and downs as always however looking back at this seasons highlights really does show us what an amazing season 2014 has been! Thank You! 2014 Season Videos! 2014 Action Shots!
  15. Shame I wasn't about to watch tonight, from what I've heard it was an absolute cracker! My evening has been spent catching up with a few of the other things people usually seem to take for granted however you can expect 1 or 2 big things to come over the next 24 hours. I have just finished uploading the 2014 World Final video to our UKDirt youtube channel however it will be tomorrow dinner before I make it viral. Id just like to thank #691 Jake Cameron for once again offering his excellent commentary efforts... Its an absolute belter! I have also spent some time organizing the F2 Gala night stuff, hopefully Dan wont mind me cheekily slipping that in Keep your eye on the F2 forum next week for a peak of what the UKDirt F2s have to offer on this years Gala Night! Well Done to all of tonight's winners and iv got to admit the WoS result really didn't surprise me! Also a huge well done to Mr H249 who managed to destroy his G27 and still score 42 points? See you all next week for some more Shootout action in the form of NIR!
  16. The new Belle Vue track can be found at www.uksom.co.uk
  17. Best of luck Hunter! I had planned to make the journey to watch Ashley write-off the 212 car... Suppose he will need to write his F2 off now
  18. Well Done DanSkin/Ben for the results and Mitch for the meeting!! See you all next week for the trip to Brand New Belle Vue
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