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Everything posted by Wardieee

  1. If anyone is wondering, I believe 7:30PM for them is 8:30AM (Friday Morning) for us. Depending on my shifts at work I may well speak to Bex and do a few meetings.
  2. Hahaha Kris I thought Stumpy was the ukdirt god? Stumpy sees everything! I'm quite happy with my semifinal, I've found my self on a row full of experience so I'm hoping something will pay off in the early stages of the race. I'm happy with the shale car and I've been flying around Stoke in both the 1s and 2s so hopefully I should squeeze on the grid in a rather chaotic place.
  3. If you are looking for experience in saloons don't include me in the same sentence. I race loons to the same respect that the pillocks do in real life, wallriding, oppoing and constantly following people in. If your upset im sorry, however everyone will tell you that I race everybody the exact same in both loons and bangers.
  4. Its ok Ritzo, we all know Dan was paying you Wouldn't of made any difference the damage was done! Was an awesome meeting at and awesome track you just need to get into the short track zone!
  5. Yes its a rather tricky track, and with it making an appearance once every couple of years its one of the tracks the tooz don't see a lot. Decent track and the racing was fairly decent!
  6. Never i don't think, and tbh he was lucky because I was going to leather him!
  7. Awesome awesome awesome meeting!!! Loved every single second! WD
  8. Results: Heat 1: 691 397 151 8 254 238 39 380 246 237 82 93 Heat 2: 31 236 229 47 180 488 474 443 356 167 65 394 Heat 3: 397 229 151 394 167 380 246 39 691 356 488 93 Heat 4: 180 236 31 443 238 954 474 82 47 237 8 Final: 397 236 151 488 238 394 356 82 246 47 8 167 237 474 93 691 954 180 443 39 329 380 GN 1: 691 39 329 488 167 246 380 397 356 394 93 151 GN 2: 236 180 954 47 31 82 443 237 474 238 8 Points: 46 pts 236 DanSkin 45 pts 397 HamsterJnr 32 pts 151 Dode 26 pts 488 Dave 25 pts 180 wardieee 24 pts 31 Si 24 pts 238 Kane_M 22 pts 691 Jakeeey 18 pts 394 PaulE 18 pts 47 Samson 16 pts 39 LeeK 15 pts 246 Stox 14 pts 82 Dbecks 14 pts 443 ritzoberst 13 pts 954 Samwit 13 pts 356 Mitch Wells 13 pts 167 CB 12 pts 380 Liam Powell 10 pts 474 BeesFanDanny 8 pts 329 Tsjalle 7 pts 8 pinken 5 pts 237 rickyljames 0 pts 65 dan heath 0 pts 93 Twisty MESSERS 0 pts 146 CrashleyEngland 0 pts 188 Aub The replays are here!
  9. Bookings close at 7:30 Name Number Grade
  10. Heat 1: 82, 93, 954, 8, 237, 276, 691, 188, 246, 380, 39, 151, 238, 397, , , , 14 Cars (Server 45) Steward Stumpy Heat 2: 65, 394, 474, 31, 356, 443, 47, 146, 167, 329, 488, 180, 236, , , , , 13 Cars (Server 48) Steward Wardieee Heat 3: 65, 93, 394, 276, 356, 691, 167, 246, 329, 380, 488, 39, 151, 397, , , , 14 Cars (Server 45) Steward Stumpy Heat 4: 82, 474, 954, 8, 31, 237, 443, 47, 146, 188, 180, 236, 238, , , , , 13 Cars (Server 48) Steward Wardieee Consi: (Server 45) Steward Stumpy Final: Top 20 cars + top 4 from consi , , , (Server 45) Steward Stumpy GN1: 65, 93, 394, 276, 356, 691, 167, 246, 329, 380, 488, 39, 151, 397, , , , 14 Cars (Server 45) Steward Stumpy GN2: 82, 474, 954, 8, 31, 237, 443, 47, 146, 188, 180, 236, 238, , , , , 13 Cars (Server 48) Steward Wardieee ^^Meet in chat at 7:20^^
  11. Post Westworld late bookings below Name Number Grade bookings close @ 6:20
  12. Wardieee


    The server is up on a rotation. It should go Westworld, Taunton, Skegness (for today) then tomorrow it will rotate between Westworld and Taunton. It's only on a short rotation so once someone has practiced on Westworld for 20/30 mins it'll flick over. At about 1:30 I'll be in doing some practice so once I finish I'll leave it on toytown.
  13. Danny17 just keep going and it will all fall into place. Ritzo joined us not to long back and look at him now! Brilliant effort last night ritzo you really made me work to catch you in most races. Well Done to all the winners and LeeK for top scoring! Also thanks to all the stewards and Mr Skin for running the meeting.
  15. So its that time of the year boys! The final tarmac WCQR's are upon us and with some cheeky visits to the Westcountry in this beautiful weather what more could we ask for. 7:30 will see the tooz take to St Columb aka Westworld for some Old Skool Cornish racing before a quick trip north to one of its sister tracks Taunton aka Smeatharpe Stadium for some more awesome WCQR action. DOWNLOAD THE TRACK HERE!! Name: Number: Grade: Drivers Booked In... Whites 65 Dan Heath 82 Dbecks 93 Twisty 117 DanW Yellows 394 PaulE 474 Danny King 954 Samwit Blues 8 lloyd 31 Simon 237 Ricky 276 Tyzer 356 Mitch 443 Ritzo 691 Jakeeey Reds 47 Samson 146 Crashley 167 CB 188 Aub 246 Stox H229 tsjalle Superstars 39 LeeK 151 Dode 180 Wardieee 236 DanSkin 238 Kane 397 Hamster
  16. let me guess, you cant load the track? Run on DXT9
  17. WD Dan, well deserved win It was my pleasure to line up alongside you. Hopefully your performance tonight will be an inspiration to many and a lesson in racecraft to others.
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