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UKDirt 2nd Tier Admin
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Everything posted by Toff244

  1. Nice one cheers mate
  2. have you got a night decided of is that still up for discussion?
  3. that saves some hassle cheers grasser
  4. getting this message whe trying to download the stck car version of sexberium: Not Found The requested URL /tracks/RF/sexbierum.exe was not found on this server. any ideas?
  5. all done and sorted many thanks dan
  6. thank you mate
  7. sorry me again.... will i need 8 separate veh files across both surfaces with roof colours. i have 8 painted up skins. just not sure if im doing it right
  8. thank you dan im just trying to get everything in order just so its all there ready to upload when we get a go on a skinpack
  9. could someone please give me an example of a .veh file for the league mod as it would be needed for the skin pack... also could someone when and where the best place to submit them and should it all be zipped up?
  10. it doubled my post up for some unknown reason
  11. yes ive seen this a few times today
  12. If you open the config file in your rFactor directory you can turn it on, and then it opens in a seperate DOS windown when you open rFactor. Cheers drumb many thanks
  13. where is this console view the guy who made the plug in was talking about?
  14. Toff244


    Well that was my intention until I remembered I didn't just need a white top. Cheers for the heads up on the 2's ill probably just stick to f1 superstox and grasstrack. I think the misses might leave me if I do any more!!!
  15. Toff244


    brilliant save me a job. also what roof colours do i need for it to go in the next available skin pack? ive done white, yellow, blue and red do i need any others?
  16. Toff244


    can some one please tell me if my numbers are legal? before i go back and change them all?
  17. Thanks guy I got it sorted in the end!!!!
  18. ive made 2 skins for f1 and would like to look at them on cars josh tickle helped me get around the fact i dont have a dds creator by making me a couple of files a file called 244_tar.psd.veh and then told me to place my psd file named 244 tar psd.psd all into the tarmac OL folder and that worked great, however ive now updated my psd file and replaced the one in the tarmac OL folder with the updated version. problem being that its only showing the old version of the skin not the updated version can anyone help?
  19. Toff244

    set up

    brilliant thank you
  20. Toff244

    set up

    cheers, that would be very hlepful!!!!
  21. Toff244

    set up

    cheers guys i was told default wasnt that good but that was just one persons opinion, ill carry on with it for now. i can get quite a few laps together without a spin but im not much quicker than my superstock at the moment
  22. Toff244

    set up

    does anyone have a basic setup i could use to learn to drive one of these with thats a bit more forgiving than the default?
  23. i had no pace car issues just the crashes to desktop, must of done it 10 times it was only in the server i went back to racing with the AI and had no trouble.
  24. I think we are something to do with the post office. Not sure who they deal with
  25. I have no idea on spec I will try and find out I'm having no graphics problems as yet it just seems to randomly close its self down
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