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Everything posted by thebagoo

  1. Please ignore my previous post/skins and include these if they are OK. If not, I'll stick with my existing ones. Bagoo PS: These are just shale skins. thebagoo384_USE_THESE.zip
  2. Hi all, Thanks Al - much appreciated! Sorry that you didn't make it last night. First wins for me which pleased me cos I didn't think I'd ever manage it and certainly not on this polo mint sized shale Mildo. Only been there once, too - probably around 1990, and didn't remember it being that small. I'm sure my missus will have something to say about remembering the size of things but that's another matter! Typical meeting for me - if I got slightly clear where I could settle and not think about driving then I managed to do alright. Otherwise, poor finishes. I now know I much prefer shale over tar and I'm starting to get the hang of what to tweak for the loose stuff although on some tracks it's still a head-scratcher. Still, can't expect to be that consistent in my first season. Well done to Kris on his win and Ricky who I think is very pleased with his improving shale form! Also to all those who won and scored highly! Commiserations to Lloydy but I'm sure you'll get the hang of starting a bit further back in no time. Thanks for a great meeting last night, too - stewarding was excellent and the standard of driving very good! Not sure if I'm looking forward to Buxton - seems a bit tricky to me! Bagoo
  3. Sorry - didn't get home from work until late. thebagoo, 384 - please
  4. Excellent stuff - and thanks. This is my local track (went to see the Twos on Sat) so looking forward to trying it out. I had a look at the F2 fixture list and saw Stoke listed but couldn't find a track anywhere - now I know why! Bagoo
  5. ^ this is true. sometimes you get an error about the pacecar (.mas file?) depending on what mods you have.
  6. Sad news but good luck with everything.
  7. There should be two coventry choices (one with an r on the end, the other not). Presumably for clockwise/anticlockwise choices What does your error say? Also, this is a long shot but have you tried running the rfactor exe in admin mode? (right click on rfactor exe -> properties -> tick the run as administrator) That might not be right as doing it from memory only.
  8. What operating system are you running? Windows 7 or 8? 32 or 64 bit? I use Win XP myself so I can't remember the details but there may be two "program files" folder in c:\ - one is "program files" and the other is something like "program files x86" - have the tracks installed to a different location that rfactor has? For example, if you install Coventry, it should be here: C:\Program Files\rFactor\GameData\Locations\Coventry or, it could be here: C:\Program Files x86\rFactor\GameData\Locations\Coventry Obviously, the tracks need to be where the game is. If it is within your rfactor folder, are you just having trouble locating it in the game?
  9. think I my have sorted it. just out of interest, what lap time would be considered to be on the pace?
  10. Hi, Some grumble about a .tdf file mismatching... ? Is there a different version of Mildenhall floating about? Dan
  11. Hi, Just interested in seeing what view people use. Thanks for any replies Dan
  12. WD to the winners, commiserations to the losers and thanks to the stewards. Not a good meeting for me - but not unexpected given the track - and not helped by some last benders where the only intention appeared to be taking the car in front out. Still, I suppose that's something you get used to. See you next week! Bagoo
  13. Thanks for the info!
  14. I'm not sure but I can hazard a guess. I can lap at 13.70 at the very fastest. On recent experience, a fast lap will therefore be about 13.30 to 13.50 ;-) Bagoo
  15. Thanks for the video link. I might be missing something but on the video there is one track bar (although it does look like it's sleeved) whereas on the F1 setting screen there appears to be two. I think this is where I'm confused. From what I understand the track bar in the video is a sort of panhard rod that locates the rear axle laterally and adjusting the bar adjusts where on the chassis (vertically) the lateral force of the rear axle is transferred to during cornering. In the UKSOM guide, the wording implies the track bars do something different (or at least that's what I think). If the track bar does what you say, it makes sense of my adjustments which don't have the effect I think they should have! Bagoo
  16. Hi, Hope someone can answer this. The rear track bars in the F1 setup...are these the lengths of the trailing arms to the rear axle? If so, on tarmac, am I right in thinking that the rear outside should be shorter than the rear inside bar to give the rear axle some offset? In other words, I'm thinking that the rear axle should be pointing "around the corner" (as Stu Smith once told Glyn Pursey just as he made his car work on tar) Cheers for any advice Bagoo
  17. Got bored, thought I'd go retro. Can you add these if they are "legal" If not, I'll stick with my current ones. Bagoo thebagoo384_SHALE.zip
  18. Hi all, After seeing some of the Cov lap times posted earlier this week, I expected to get nothing tonight but was probably helped by low expectations and some people having bad pings! It's a shame if anyone's meeting was spoiled by server problems. Apologies in the GN for going past you, Evnos - I didn't realise I'd been relegated to last place after my picturesque excursion across the centre green - I'll keep an eye on the running order a bit more in future. Thanks for a great meeting, stewards, and also to those people who always indulge in some nice, clean racing. Bagoo
  19. just in case.... bagoo 384 yellow thanks
  20. hi, sorry - don't seem to be able to book in normally again. can I have a booking for tonight please? bagoo 384 yellow thanks!
  21. bagoo 384 yellow can't log into UK dirt website for some reason .... sorry
  22. Mixed meeting for me - bad lot in heats but came together when I changed setup for final and GN. Sorry if it was me that put you on the tyre in the final, Southy - it wasn't deliberate. Thanks to all for running the meeting so well. Very enjoyable!
  23. For some reason, can't book in normally. Can I have a booking please?
  24. Excellent meeting - well organised again! Didn't have a lot of luck last night but had some good battles which more than made up for the lack of points... Looking forward to next week for another panelling! Bagoo
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