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Posts posted by LeeK39

  1. There a points chart for the 2016/17 season ?

    and how many points is it to get up a grade (white to yellow).


    There will be points charts in due course. Usually we dont bother with a points chart after 1 meeting as its just the results from that single meeting. As for Grades all info can be found here

  2. This all sounds like you could be entering the correct server(s) but could be entering in Spectator mode which wouldnt give you any options to 'Race'. To check this click Connect > Settings > Spectate > There should be an On/Off thing there just set it to Off as you wont need it and should stop this happening.




  3. get in chat at 8.20 i tend to leave it open all meeting some meetings we will go back to chat and sometimes we get instructed to stay in server the race manager will clearly instruct on what you should do just make sure you have mirc chat open at about 20 past 8

    and in the practice server just b4 the meeting u will all be sent to chat at 8.20 its not too hard and you can download the mirc chat from the ukdirt website and just follow the instructions

    thanks i have already got mirc chat downloaded will try to give it a go as just do practice at mo is it the same in winter series as dont want to get in the waty as tonights meetings a big one thanks bud


    Your more than welcome to join MIRC chat tonight at 8.20 tonight to make sure you have that all working before you need it for a meeting.

  4. Thanks to James, Kane and Stumpy for the season. Good season of Saloons and lets hope more of the same for 2017.


    Well done to all of tonights winners and to Ryan Simpson for the National Points, had to at least try and make you work for it even if it wasnt a realistic for me to catch you that late on. :appl:

  5. Thanks for the meeting Kane, the last one is always a bit of a pain with the usual extra races but was all done in good time. Also thanks to Stumpy for he continued assistance in this and all mods throughout the season.


    Well Done to all tonights winners..and I spose Wardieee also pfft share the wins eh.


    Well Done to Hoggy on the Silver, I know as well as anyone how much work it takes to finally get there and as you say tonight was some good racing, tough but fair from what I saw between us. :thumbs_up:


    oh and finally Well Done to Ben for completing your first season as F2 Head Admin, onowards and upwards for next season.

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