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Everything posted by Johno3

  1. No problem Spike. You will definately have both your heat races done by then, and it then depends how many book in as to if you get any more.
  2. That really is some assume work there Maarten. Well done to Demonstone for the skin as well. Pleased to read that it was a succcess. Certainly from that video it was very well done indeed. Well done to everyone involved. Johno
  3. Here are the results from last nights meeting guys. Sorry they are late, had just really had enough last night. HEAT ONE 39, 272, 41, 137, 233, 20, 331, 53, 123, 315, 286, 221, 18, 47, 8 HEAT TWO 136, 112, 684, 331, 315, 39, 188, 123, 286, 18, 272, 159, 137 HEAT THREE 136, 188, 684, 47, 41, 159, 8, 233, 112, 212, 236, 221, 53 FINAL 136 331 123 236 233 188 41 112 286 39 315 47 221 159 272 18 GRAND NATIONAL 8 315 331 39 136 137 112 41 286 188 272 123 47 212 18 HELTER SKELTER RACE 136 272 331 8 137 20 212 41 286 18 236 159 39 112 188 315 Thanks to everyone that raced last night, and thanks to everyone who everyone that stayed and gave us a chance to sort it out. As I explained before the meeting, the meeting was aimed at trying out a real format (which we did 3 heats final and grand national in a hour and a half despite the problems) and also test out the new things that we have done with the server. Unfortuntely, as stated above, we got a small thing wrong that caused massive problems, and it took us a little time to work out what this was. I appreciate that you all turned up to race, and want to race in the best possible environment, but please please give us chance to get things sorted, without mouthing off at us all the time. We said we were trying new things, and thats what we were doing after each race. This isnt meant as a lecture, and I hope it isnt taken that way, but someties you have to work with us guys rather than against us. Having solved the problems, I do hope to hold one more meeting just to finalise everything. Who knows, perhaps on a new track, but all that depends. I will announce something in the week as too weather or not there wil be a second test meeting. Cheers Johno
  4. Will put the full results online tomorrow guys. We are sorting out the servers, and I am really tired.
  5. Good Evening Guys, Thanks to everyone that has booked in to race tonight. Should everyone turn up, we will have 24 cars racing which I think is magnificent. Please remember though that the main aim of this meeting is to try and similate the normal F1 meetings format, and thus, instead of consoaltions, we have pre-final face off races instead. I have split them down into two due to the fact that I want to test racing in 2 servers at the same time also. Anyway, here are the grades and the meeting info. GRADES FOR TONIGHT: S/S; 41, 331, 188 Red; 123, 137, 236, 212, 53, 684, 233 Blue; 136, 8, 39, 286 Yellow; 112, 300, 315, 20 White; 47, 272, 221, 18, 159, 531 HEAT GRIDS; HEAT ONE; 18, 47, 221, 272 // 20, 300, 315 // 8, 39, 286 // 53, 123, 137, 233 // 41, 331 // CARS: 16 (STEWARD; DANSKIN) SERVER ENDING .72 HEAT TWO; 18, 159, 272, 531 // 112, 315 // 39, 136, 286 // 123, 137, 212, 236, 684 // 188, 331 // CARS: 16 (STEWARD; DRUMSTICK) SERVER ENDING .72 HEAT THREE; 47, 159, 221, 531 // 20, 112, 300 // 8, 136 // 53, 212, 233, 236, 684 // 41, 188 // CARS: 16 (STEWARD; MOR) SERVER ENDING .72 NON POINTS SCORING PRE-FINAL WARM UP (TO REPLACE CONSOLATIONS) PRE RACE 1; 18, 47, 272 // 20, 112 // 8, 286 // 212, 684 // 311, 41 (STEWARD; MOR) SERVER ENDING .72 PRE RACE 2; 159, 221, 531 // 300, 315 // 39, 136 // 53, 123, 233 // 188 (STEWARD; DANSKIN) SERVER ENDING .180 FINAL; THIS WILL BE ALL IN DUE TO NUMBERS GRAND NATIONAL; THIS WILL BE ALL IN DUE TO NUMBERS Any problems with it, then please let me know in chat. Tonight will also be the first time that we will use stewards for a full meeting. You will no longer go when the whites exit turn four. You will go when the stewards call go. I have been told that with the new servers, rfactor does not come up in the main multiplayer menu when your are looking to connect ot he server. Therefore you need to go to the manual IP ADDRESS BUTTON, and insert the ip address of the server. Remember, UK Dirt rules apply, but please try and have fun. Cheers Johno
  6. Good too see plenty booked in. A few more would be perfect. I am aiming for a two thirds format to give the thursday night format a proper test. As it says in the title, we will be racing at Bradford Tarmac. I would like to thank UKSOM for trying to get a project finished for us, but unfortunately time was against them. Also, caught up with everyones skins for tomorrow. Cheers Johno
  7. It definately Bradford tarmac guys. I was waiting to see if something else came up but unfortunately its not quite ready yet. We have not had a meeting on Bradford yet, so should be a good one. Cheers Johno
  8. I think it is going to be Bradford Tarmac, but I will 100% confirm tonight. Cheers Johno
  9. THE RFACTOR F1 2008 SEASON IS UPON US.............STARTS THURSDAY 20TH MARCH @ BELLE VUE 8:30PM *** Please note – although some parts are the same, there are some different things on this thread than there is on the Heat Thread, so please take 5 minutes to read it.*** I can’t begin to tell you what a long hard winter it has been for the Admin Team, and all the hard work that has gone into it, but finally, after many discussions, I am able to release details of the coming season. SUGGESTION THREADS - Cars to stay on the track should they retire rather than leaving. This is something that we don’t think is right to make a rule, however we do want people to use their head. Part of real life racing is having to avoid people that have spun on the corner, and there is no reason why this should not be part of rfactor racing too. What we would like to stress however is to think about where you park up. In the middle of the straight is not the best place to park up for 10 laps of a race say. We feel that generally, if you feel where you are parked would bring out a yellow flag in real life, then you need to move, but if it would not bring out a yellow flag then stay there. - Drivers to undergo 10 minutes practice or 5 practice laps before being allowed to race. We feel this does not encourage people to want to race rfactor, and thus will put people off. However, we feel that new drivers need to realise this is a hard mod, and therefore encourage you to attend practice sessions beforehand. No one will be allowed to race novice cars during meeting, and generally 95% of the time, if they have their own skin then they have partaken in some practice. DISCIPLINARY There are going to be a few changes in disciplinary this year. First of all, the F1 Admin Team has appointed a Head of Discipline for each league. For the rfactor league, this is Michael. All complaints will be sent to him, with the team then making a decision, and Michael will then reply to this. Also new for this year is the time period that your disciplinary points stay on your ‘licence’. In previous years, this has been 16 weeks, but this year it will be changed to 13 months. This is so that we can monitor a driver over a season, not just a small period of it. Perhaps the biggest decision however, is the decision that should you receive a ban in rfactor, you will also be banned in Heat as well. We feel that with both leagues racing under the UK Dirt F1 banner, this is the best thing to do to maintain driving standards. The last thing we want is for something to happen in an rfactor meeting, and it to be dragged over into Heat meeting and vice versa. Should you receive a ban, you will be banned for a certain number of weeks, rather than meetings, as of course 90% of the time there will be both an rfactor and Heat meetings running. In weeks were there is only one formula running, we may choose to extend the ban by an extra week to make sure that all bans are fair throughout the season. RULE CHANGES Many of the rules from the Heat league have been copied over to the rfactor pages, but please take a look at the rules, and familiarise yourself with them by clicking here. Changes or additions for this year are as follows: With us running the meetings at 7:30pm, 8:30pm and 9pm, there is going to be a change to the booking procedure. For all meetings you will need to book in via the UK Dirt website. Website booking close at 6pm, and this will be the cut off point for anyone wanting to race in the 7:30pm meeting. This means NO late booking will be accepted on the forum for meetings starting at 7:30pm. For meetings that start at 8:30pm and 9pm, late bookings will be accepted on the forum up until 7pm. Also in the rules, it is suggested that you arrive for a meeting, in Mirc Chat 10 minutes before the start of your meeting, eg if the meeting starts at 7:30pm, then it’s suggested that you be there at 7:20pm. Meetings WILL start promptly at the start time, and where before we may wait an extra 5 minutes to see if you are going turn up, this year we will not. Should you miss your first Heat, then this is your problem, not ours. As many of you know there is the option to use superstar lights in rfactor. The admin team have decided that these should only be made available to the superstars as with real life. It is your responsibility to make sure these are not on your car. If you are found with them on your car, you will first of all receive a warning, and then for every race after that which you race with them on, you will then lose your points for that race and every race you continue to use them after this. One of the biggest new rules is the removal of gridding drivers for the final. This will be replaced however with a rule that should a driver win a race during the meeting (eg a heat or consolation), they will then have to start their remaining races from the back of their respective grades. Failure to do so will result in you being docked 2 places. B-Finals will be non-points scoring races if they have less than 12 cars taking part. As is the case with real life, a driver will now get the option to take the one lap handicap for his GN. Should the driver take the handicap, they will then score double points if they make it into the points paying positions. Should they not take the handicap, they will score single points and start from their normal grade. However, they will have to start at the back of their grade as they are classed as a race winner. See above. SKIN COLLECTION CONTACT DANSKIN, OR SEE FORUM FOR SKIN COLLECTION INFORMATION! FIXTURE LIST Please see here. CHAMPIONSHIP CHANGES People suggested when the plan for 2008 was first announced that they were not happy about the split times for meetings, especially in regards to the National Points Championship. While it was decided that the National Points Championship will not be replaced by another, Kev will however host two tables on his site, one for all the 7:30pm start times, and one for all the 9pm start times. This will not carry any prize, but it is there so you can test yourself against the main players, and even perhaps have bragging rights for that time slot. It has been decided that with the new mod we will not be running the Grand Prix Series. However, there is the possibility of running 2009 World Championship Qualifying Rounds at the end of the season. A final decision will be made on these after the 2008 World Final, but you can see that they are marked as provisional on the fixture list. Grand National points will once again count towards your World Championship Qualifying point’s total. This means that every point you score at a World Championship Qualifying Round will now be included in your total. Cheers F1 Admin Team
  10. Hello Guys, Here is the fixture list for the 2008 Rfactor UK Dirt F1 season. I would like to thank MoR for coming up with the cracking artwork. Also attached to this thread is the fixture list created by Kev, which gives you an indication of both rfactor and Heat Fixtures together, plus a statistical break down and also a clear break down of the grade boundaries. Thanks very much to Kev for doing that. As stated only a few weeks ago, the meetings will be split between a 7:30pm start time and 9:00pm start time, with the occasional 8:30pm start time. Looking at the fixture list, there are 14 7:30pm start times, 15 9:00pm start times, and four 8:30pm start times. This gives us a total of 33 meetings. All of the championship meetings, except the Scottish and the Champion of Champions either start at 8:30pm or 9:00pm. This is to make sure that the championships are as close, or indeed at the normal championship time. There are to be four solus meetings, which means that only rfactor run on that night. These are the first meeting of the season, the Wednesday night European Qualification meeting, the World Final and the British Championship. This does however mean that there are three weeks where there is no rfactor racing, and these are the opening Heat Meeting, the Heat World Final and the Heat British Championship. Finally, the World Championship Qualifying Rounds have also been split fairly, with 4 being at 7:30pm, 4 being at 9:00pm and 1 being at 8:30pm, which is the Wednesday night European Qualification meeting. Anyway, here is the fixture list thanks to MoR, with Kev’s fixture list attached underneath 9removed due to not beign 100% correct due to changes): As you can see, we have decided to follow BriSCA F1 and pick the same venues for the championships. This means that the biggest date of the season takes place at Ipswich on Thursday 18th of September. Having already raced at the track in the autumn series, there is no doubt that it has the potential to be a cracking race. This will be a solus meeting and kick start at 8:30pm. Looking at the other major titles, you will see that the British is scheduled to take place at Coventry on Thursday 2nd October. This will be depending on if the track is available for release on time, but going by the quality of work UKSOM have come up with so far, I can see Coventry being an awesome place to hold such a meeting, and really will be a date not to be missed. This once again will be a solus meeting with the type of format being run meaning it will take more time. The European championship will take place at ‘its home’, Northampton. As with the Heat leagues in previous years, it will have a European Qualifying meeting on the Wednesday night to really give us that double header experience. Finally, the UK Open championship will be held at ‘its home’ also of Skegness. This will be the first time since 2001 in UK Dirt when the UK Open Championship has been held at Skegness. It is important that you realise that a lot of fixtures on the fixture list are at tracks that have not yet been released. Discussions have taken place between different parties, and the UKSOM team think they can get them done for the tracks respective first meeting. However, should they not be able to complete the track in time, and this may happen, then the UK Dirt F1 Admin Team will find a suitable replacement. We would like to thank the UKSOM team for their part in the fixture list, and thank them for the tracks we already have, and any tracks that we may have in the future, but also expect you as members to remember that none of these guys get paid to do this, and should a track not be available for whatever reason, we should be grateful for them trying. I think this has the makings to be a cracking season. We have already seen, through both the Autumn series and SNT that the racing can be fast and furious, and I would expect nothing else from this cracking league. Cheers F1 Admin Team
  11. Hello Guys, As the topic suggests, we will be running one more UK Dirt Rfactor F1 test meeting before the start of the new season, which I can tell you for Rfactor will start on the 20th March (more details at the weekend). The main aim of this particular test meeting is to try and test the UK Dirt F1 format that has been used for many years, as well as a couple of new things we will be doing during the season with the server. Baring this is mind, this is why we will be looking to try and attract a minimum of 25 cars. The meeting will take place on the THURSDAY 21st FEBRUARY @ 20:30 To book in for this meeting, all you need to do is add you name to this thread. We will be using real life skins (saves on releasing extra skin packs). Once you book in, I will edit your post and give you a real life skin that you are to use on the Thursday night. I will try and get it as close to what you used in SNT as possible. As for the track, all I can tell you is that it will be on tarmac. Further details are unknown at this time. So please come join us on what will be the final warm-up meeting for Rfactor before the season gets into full swing. Cheers Johno
  12. Very nice Skin Dave. Looks sensational. I must say there are some really great skins out there. Kepp them coming guys!!!
  13. I didnt think the program was too bad, but if I had one complaint it was the way that the saloons race was filmed. Why did we have to watch half of the race with white top that was winning out in front by a mile. We had two sets of yellows flags and to be fair, it was hard to tell what they were for, let alone actually see what they were for. I never understand why these productions can't speak to people that film them week after week.
  14. Don't forget guys, we are closing this thread tomorrow as we have a admin meeting coming up and thus need to try and get things in place. Do you have any ideas what ou would like to see in the rfactor season? Any ideas for points championships? Any idea for different formats? Perhaps a rule that you would like adding? All suggestions will be discussed and will be replied to based on our discussions.
  15. First of all, a very big Thank you to MoR for running the mini series. I t may have had a few teething problems early on, but there is no doubt in my mind that it has been a success, so well done MoR Secondly, Well done to Drumbstick on taking the series points championship. Hutch certainly ran you close though and it really looks like we have our very own version of Wainman vs Smith, which can only be a great thing for online F1. Not of course forgetting other drivers that are not that far behind either. Thirdly, a big well done to Kruiz on taking the final victory. It certainly was a hectic race, and it made a change for me not to be the one doing the spinning. Speaking of my night, the heats were a disaster. I couldnt keep the car straight to save my life, but in the final I got a couple of laps to myself and managed to settle into the race which made all the difference. I certainly enjoyed the meeting, and I think the improvement in the side by side contact as made for much better racing as it gives you a lot more confidence. Overall, things are definately looking brigt for this Mod imo. Lets just hope we see as many of you as possible for the new season. Cheers Johno
  16. I would happily work another shift on the eighth day. I have a shiny new computer here and not sure how I am going to pay for it!! I am pleased you feel that the information I have given you has helped you understand the decision we made more. Can I just say, feel free to PM and ask any questions you wish, and I will always try to give you an honest and frank answer. I would like to think I am quite approachable, and I will always reply to any PM that someone sends me. Cheers Johno
  17. AliP, If I honestly thought it was a good idea then I would suggest it too the admin team. But you are seriously going to have to take my word for it (although I am sure a lot of admin members will say the same as me), but a chat meeting would not work. On my time on Admin, we have had 3 meetings, and everytime a major issue came up (for example we had a huge debate about a possible national series last year), we could not decide. Everyone had a different take on it and the meeting went on forever without giving a conclusion. In the end we came up with the conclusion not too run one on our admin forum. That was with 7/8 members, could you imagine if 60 odd (which was roughly the nuber that voted by the way) turned up and each wanted to chat and debate an issue, we would never get anything sorted. On here everyones opinion can be seen and read in their own time. Part of the reason I have not replied to this thread often is that the team, both the f1 admin team and the Head Admin members have done a great job of explaining how we came to this decision. It was not an easy decision, and believe you me we discussed the pros and cons of every option that people have suggested on here. So with this is mind, I urge people to start thinking how you think we can make this work and make this a good season. Yes I know the people that have answered on here don't particularly want it running the way we have come up with, but how about trying to make suggestions or iniatives that may help you to get a least a little something out of f1 rather than just packing it in all together. We are already making sure that the world qualifying rounds are split evenly between start times. We are going to make the World Final and the British Championships solus meetings starting at the normal 8:30 start time that we are acustomed too. There has been a suggestion of the national series being run on the Heat suggestion thread. I have an idea of something like a target 20 series (not quite sure on the full details yet to post to the admin team) that was proposed in real life a couple of seasons ago. So does anyone else have any iniciatives that could help? Please post in the suggestion thread. Finally, in an ideal world, both mods would have there own day, but that is just not possible. Believe me, if I could make it a 8 day week I would, purposely so that we can have a day for 1 of the two mods. Johno
  18. Pedz, I am afraid to say there will not an 'open house meeting' or an 'agm' that is run by admin members. Big Al is absolutely spot on. You get forty people all in chat, that all have a opinion, all typing away at the same time and we are going to get no where. Its bad enough when we have an admin meeting, and that has generally no more than 10 people. I always encourage people to voice their opinions, and have no problem with them voicing their opinions as long as it is in a constructive manner. But the place for memebrs to do this is the forum, and not a chat 'open houese meeting' or 'agm'. I would appreciate if you would stop posting about the topic of some sort of chat meeting now and leave it purely down to talking about the statement. Cheers Johno
  19. Johno 3 booking in
  20. I am going to try and answer a few of the comments above. I am sorry to hear this. We did however fully expect that there may well be a few more people in your boat, this is why we decided to rotate the start time, so that people like yourself get the chance to do at least half of the meetings should you wish to do so. We are working on the finer details and the fixtures as we speak, but it is highly likely that most championships where possible will be nearer to the traditional 8:30pm start time, although I cant confirm this at this point. The average meeting last season finished between 10pm and 10:15pm. That means that the second meeting will finish between 10:30pm and 10:45pm on average. This is like it used to be in the old days. We have become a little spoilt in how quick race managers run the meetings, partly due to the amount of servers we have aquired, but I dont think an extra half an hour is too much tbh. Should it be too much of a problem, then on the late meetings you could always not race the grand nationals, which will save you another 10/15 mins. I can assure you that the second meeting will start prompt on 9pm, which is part of the reason why the 7:30pm start time is under discussion, as we may have to move this forward 10 minutes. Yes your right, we do have enough servers, but the idea is to enourage people to race both. This means trying to tempt people to try rFactor and getting people to continue with Heat. As the vote outcome suggests, this dabte has split F1 in half, therefore running heat F1's against rFactor F1's will only split F1 in half, and then you will find people are not willing to try rFactor, or stick with Heat. This was one of the possibilites that we talked about, but we dont feel it is fair and beneficial to ther formulas, and UK Dirt on the whole, if one formual goes up against the other. The other thing to bare in mind is that you would only get 16 meetings, and by the time you have the championship meetings and world qualifiers in there, there isn't enough room. I would like to say that this decision was not made because I woke up this morning and thought this is what we will do. It has been discussed throughout the F1 Admin Team, and well as the General Admin Teams as well. This discussion has gone on since Septemeber of last year when we knew that this could well be a possible option with the members rather than picking one mod or the other. I hope this helps explain how we came to certain decisions. I can't help but think everyone tries to look for the negatives in everything rather than some of the positives. This way we can have a full season using both mods, and then see where we go from there. Cheers Johno
  21. Good Evening Guys, This topic is designed to give you a little incite into the coming season for the UK Dirt F1’s and although all the details are not yet available, as the finer details have yet to be decided, I can confirm the main details. The 2008 Season As many of you will have noticed, sections on the UK Dirt website and the UK Dirt forum have appeared for both Heat and rFactor. This is because we will be running both mods under the UK Dirt F1 banner. After much deliberation, it was decided that both formulas will run on the usual F1 night of Thursday night, with one meeting starting at 7:30pm (although this is subject to change) and the other starting at 9:00pm. Each league will alternate the start time each week eg week one, rFactor 7:30pm / Heat 9pm then week two Heat 7:30pm / rFactor 9pm.This will mean that both F1 mods get a full season of fixtures, and not the half a season that alternate weeks would have given us. We decided against running one league on a different night due to the fact it would be going against another formula, and we decided this was not fair to that formula to effectively be competing against it. Winter Admin Changes There have been quite a few changes over the winter months in the F1 Admin Team. First of all as announced at the end of last season, DanSkin has decided to step down from his role as Head of F1 Admin Team. He will however be staying in the team in an advisory role, and may even race manage the odd meeting. I will take over this role, and become Head Admin for both the Heat and rFactor F1 Leagues. With F1 now running two leagues, we felt that we would need to expand the F1 Admin team, and have a small reformation. It was decided that we would split into two Admin teams; one which will run the rFactor League, and one which will run the Heat League. All of the same faces still remain (Big Al, Crewesader, Grasser, Kev, Michael and MoR), but they will now be joined by Aub, Drumbstick, Fourwinds, Kruiz, Radduz and Sybe. We would like to welcome to them the F1 Admin team. Therefore the formation of the F1 Admin Team is as follows: Head of F1: Johno Heat Team: Aub, Big Al, Crewesader, Radduz, Sybe rFactor Team: Drumbstick, Fourwinds, Grasser, Kruiz, Michael, MoR Points Manager for both leagues: Kev Advisory Role: DanSkin Heat vs rFactor As you all know, at the end of last year, we had a vote to see which mod the members wanted. The vote came out a tie, and we could clearly see that choosing one mod over the other would split UK Dirt F1 in half. This is why the conclusion of running both leagues was decided. With you the members now having both leagues running, the time has come to put to bed the debate over which is better. We fully accept that members will have their preference, and although we wish to encourage members to give both leagues a fair crack, we fully accept that members may well race one or the other, but what we wish to put an end to is the constant arguing or debating over which is best and which should be run. Both mods are being run, therefore this should please everyone, and constant arguing and debating does not benefit either of the leagues. Suggestion Threads You should now see at the top of both the Heat and rFactor forums 2008 Suggestion Threads. The Heat one is available here, and the rFactor one available here. These are for you to make your suggestions for the 2008 season. Please try and put your suggestion for each formula on the appropriate thread, but should you have a suggestion that you think will affect both formulas, then please send it to me and I will post it on our Admin Forum for discussion. The deadline for the suggestion threads is Wednesday 6th February, as we have an admin meeting planned for the beginning of February and wish to discuss your suggestions then. Finally….. This could possibly be the best season that UK Dirt F1’s have ever seen. We just hope that you will support the team and all their efforts to make this a season to remember. Cheers Johno
  22. This thread is for you to post your suggestions for the up coming RFACTOR season. Please make sure that all your suggestions are linked to the rFactor season. Should you want to make a suggestion for the Heat league, then click here. If you have a suggestion that you think affects both leagues, then please PM the details to myself and I will put it on the Admin Forum. Should you have a suggestion that you do not wish to make public on this thread, but would like to make the suggestion anyway, then please feel free to PM with the details of that suggestion as well, and I will again put it on the admin thread. Remember, this is your league, and your suggestions are more than welcome, no matter how big or small. Johno
  23. No more applications will be accepted now. Thanks to everyone that has applied. I will be in touch with you over the next few days hopefully. For everyone else, expect an official announcement on the 2008 season by the end of next week. Cheers Johno
  24. Johno3

    New Laptop

    Just to add to this, its not impossible to run a laptop. I have two lap tops at home, one that I use and one that my brother uses. the one that my brother uses only runs heat, as its five years old now, and I wouldnt even consider trying rfactor on it. Only problem is the battery on it is well and truely shot now, and as with Scrapmans, will only run with the power pack more or less. Be lucky to get half an hour out of it with out the powerpack. My laptop, which is just over a year old now, runs both heat and rfactor absolutely fine. It did however cost me £300 more that the one that your suggesting though. Only thing is one of the hinges on the back has broke and thus doesnt hold the monitor up properly anymore and has to be hld up by a wall That is another thing with the laptops, the cost of repair if anything went wrong. I went to PC world to ask about how much it would cost to replace a hinge, and they said they would charge £230 before anything was done on it. Then it was not a case of just replacing the hinge, but neither a whole new hinge unit on it. It just depends on your situation. I live in different places, and race online in different places, thus a laptop is best for me. Once I settle down in one place though, I would go back to a desktop straight away I think.
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