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Everything posted by Johno3

  1. hello Tinman, We all have had to lear at some point, and I think this is a perfect way for you to learn. We have had people drop out of the smei final already due to holidays, work etc, and I think it would be a shame for you to drop out as well. Just take your time and I am sure you will get on fine. you can always decide you have had enough in the race if you feel uncomfortable. What I am saying, is you never know until you give it ago, and I think you should give it a go!!! Cheers Johno Maybe Tinman isnt confident on the shale but would suit the tarmac better> Good to admit he is struggling. I remember when we were all spinning out last year. My point is that everyone has to start from somewhere. He made a very impressive start from what I have been told, and I think we all know that Tinman would not diliberately take anyone out. As strange as it sounds, the semi final maybe a perfect way to test shale in a race format, due to the fact that there could only be as little as 12 drivers on the grid. Will give him the space to have ago. If I gave up everytime I spun out in front of someone, I would not be racing, because even after a year, I still aint in control 100%, infact in some cases less than 50%!! I personally think that all you need to do Tinman is take your time. If you see a leader, just stay to the outside. It would not surprise me in the slightest if you were to qualify if I am honest. But its your call, and if you only want to race the meeting, then that is fair enough. My point is you may as well give it a go, and then if after a few laps you think your out of place, then pull off. But we can all only offer you advice lol Cheers Johno
  2. hello Tinman, We all have had to lear at some point, and I think this is a perfect way for you to learn. We have had people drop out of the smei final already due to holidays, work etc, and I think it would be a shame for you to drop out as well. Just take your time and I am sure you will get on fine. you can always decide you have had enough in the race if you feel uncomfortable. What I am saying, is you never know until you give it ago, and I think you should give it a go!!! Cheers Johno
  3. Hello Guys, As the topic says, here are the semi final grids for 2008. I do apologise for not doing anything graphically pleasing on the eye, but my power point wont work so had to use paint and word. * I have lee #531 down as red on the graphic, but I know that is in fact in correct. I have already deleted the file though. DONT FORGET THAT THE FIRST WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SEMI FINAL WILL TAKE PLACE THIS THURSDAY. I can guarantee that the top 9 will qualify, but it is possible that more will get through from this race. There are enough cars on the grid to make sure that we run a Consolation Semi Final as well. The Admin Team are currently in discussions about how many cars we want to grid for the World final, and thus how many we take through from the semi final. I can guarantee that if we make any changes to the rules in regards number of drivers that qualify from the semi finals, it will only be to INCREASE the number of drivers that qualify. Kings Lynn preview will appear on Tuesday on the forum. Skegness nearer to the date. Cheers Johno
  4. Thanks must first of all go to DanSkin for running the meeting and to Kev for stewarding all the races. Congratulatins to Jimmy on taking the final, and Allstar for top scoring. Definately an upgrade for you allstar, but we need to discuss by how much (I will pm you later in the week). Apologies for not racing this week. I dont actually have the game at the minute, but will be sorted for next week, and I was also offered the chance to some money, which I couldnt turn down. Anyway, semi final next week, and the grids will be announced by the end of the weekend. Everything turns around so quick there is just no rest for the wicked!! Cheers Johno
  5. Thanks very much to Jarry for the cracking poster. BOOKINGS Wednesday F1: Book in using the UK DIRT WEBSITE Wednesday HotRods: Click the link below in Jarry's post and book in on the HOTROD FORUM. Thursday F1: Book in using THIS THREAD. More details will be avaiable in the near future.
  6. I am pleased to annoucne that the rfactor F1 admin team will have two new faces, but unfortunately, lose another face. First of all, the departing member is Fourwinds. Fourwinds will be best remebered for the cracking results viewer that he created us. Without it, we would be back to the dinosaur times of pen and paper!! Anyway, it is sad to see him go, and I hope he wont be a stranger, and hopefully, one day he will have the time to race with us. So thank you very much Fourwinds!!! Joining us on the team is Mav and Jimmy. Mav is not new to admin teams (and may even be able to teach me a thing or too), which will be a great asset to the admin team. Jimmy is new blood shall we say, but he is really keen, like Mav, to make a difference in the rfactor league. Look out for hem race managaing a meeting near you soon!! Anyway, its a goodbye and thank you to Fourwinds, and a hello and welcome to Mav and Jimmy. I hope you both enjoy your time of the rfactor F1 admin team.
  7. First things first, thank you very much to Kev for running the meeting, and also stewarding the races. You did a great job sir. As for the racing, it was simply spectacular. I would be lying if I said I was looking forward to this meeting, as I wasnt sure on the track, but I think it produced some great racing. We were talking in chat and saying that the driving has improved so much, and thus the racing has become even better. I honestly believe that when people lose places because of other drivers, it is through accidents rather than stupid driving, which is always good to see. As for the final, well first of all sorry to Mav. I seemed to move and you never, I clipped the edge of your bumper and round you went. It is the first time I have done a clutch start in rfactor and wasnt sure what to expect. It certainly was a good race though, as were the other races. The title race itself appeared to have Dazza's name already being engraved into the trophy so to speak, but this is rfactor F1, and nothing seems to go to the book, and sure enough it didnt. Dan drove a cracking race, and took the title in fine style. Well done to you sir. Anyway, next week is the final world championship qualifying round at Hednesford. Starts at 7:30 and is your final chance to get on the semi final grid. It would be great to see 20 cars once again. Cheers johno
  8. This has confused me a little bit If your meaning with it being the Dutch Championship, then of course you can race. It just this title is run on a Dutch track thats all.
  9. As promised - huge Thank You to DanSkin, as without him, there may not of been a preview at all.
  10. Hello Guys, Please be aware, the Dutch Championship will be run on Thursday at 9pm at Sexbrium. I preview will be here tomorrow night. I do apolgise but I am rather busy and need to find two minutes to put it together. Was hoping t do it now but I feel too tired. Apologies again, but I can assure you, school finishes soon, and the previews will be coming thick and fast after that (Euro's, semi finals, world finals)!! Cheers Johno
  11. When its ready Seriously, I do know the track maker is working his socks off at the minute, and with him being very busy with his new job, it is finiding the time to do it. Please be patient, as these things take time. Cheers Johno
  12. Forgot it was your birthday you old git. Hope you had a good day!!!
  13. I dont mind accepting late booking, especially if its all in, but if Kev has not had time to update the site, then it needs calculating before the meeting starts. Like I said, as it happens, you average would have seen you at the back of your grade anyway, therefore, I had inadvertatly put you in the right place
  14. wd matthew on the win, good hit on myself in the GN, hard but fair. johno can you explain a bit more why i had to start back of grade last night please. i take it it was just for that 1 meeting? No problem for asking Tosh, its what I am here for after all!! Kev did not have the time to update the site last week, so what I did about 7pm was see who was racing, and then add last weeks scores onto the drivers armac scores in order to work out their average (due to running the meeting in points scoring average). Due to you booking in effectively after the meeting had started, I had not worked out your average, nor really had the time to go and calculate it, so just stuck you at the back of the grade. It was just for this week, and you will slot into your normal place, well as long as you book in on time, next time. It was just the time you asked for the booking, and the stuff I needed to do in order to slot you into the grid. Having just checked Kev's site, you actually would have had to start at the back of your grade anyway, as you have 34 point average on tarmac, which is second in the reds to the Greengenie 298. Hope that clears that up for you sir Again, same with Tosh, no problem with you asking at all Matthew. With Heat having a championship meeting on that night, I was keen to get the meeting over as soon as possible. (I actually had the results thread 99% written before the start of the meeting - hence why the esults were up so quickly). The other reason was that I was controlling the server for the first time (well in the server) and I didnt want anything to go wrong. As you know, DanSkin didnt race last night, but I was i constant phone contact wih him, and he changed the lap files over for me from a Hotel room!! It would just be my luck that we start the meeting later, then have problems, or I have problems, and then we end up cancelling races as we have ran out of time. I am a fan of getting as many people as possible to race, hence Tosh's booking, but at the same time, I have to think about he Heat league as well. Whenever there is two leagues, I always have to treat each of them fairly, and that why when there is a rFactor meeting, I always try to have the Heat meeting over with ASAP. It also gives a lot of people time to practice. I do apologise if it does not suit some people, but I am afraid there is not a awful lot I can do about it, especially when as a team, we are trying to run both leagues. Anyway, I hope that helps to answer your query as well Matthew Can I just say, feel free to ask me anything. I will always try and answer ASAP, although I am at Skegness this weekend!! Cheers Johno
  15. Juts thought I would add some thoughts onto the meeting. I think this is a superb track for F1. The racing tonight was superb in my opinion, even the heat races. The key is still staying out of trouble. For me, the heats didnt go too well. A combination of being a little too slow and catching up with trouble. The final was a great race. I think with 3 laps to go, anyone from a possible 6 drivers could win it. In the end, through all the trouble, Matthew had the lead. I tried for a last bend dive, but was just a little too far back, and matthew held it well!! Then after I had crossed the lie, I realised Dazza was right next too me. I had to check I had eactually come second, and I had by the smallest of margains!! Was a great race, and great to be battling with the stars of rfactor. The grand national was actually probably the most boring race, although still good if you see what I mean. Had a good little battle with Spike in which he so nearly got me, but I managed to hold on for the win. On another note, it is great to see Mav and Spike picking up results You can clearly see that the two are really starting to get to grips with the Mod, and I think thats great news. Perhaps its your turn soon BigAl? Anyway, lets hope for a good turnout next week for the Dutch Open. I will try to have some sort of preview online on Tuesday, vbut I am afraid it may not be as good due to limited time. The school holidays maybe looming, but that appears to bring more work!!! Cheers Johno
  16. Hello Guys, Thanks to everyone that raced tonight, and most importantly to Kev for stewarding all the races. Congratulations to Matthew on taking the grand final win. Top points scorer and on the night was .......... Heat wins on the night went the way of Jimmy and Ironmac The final race of the night, the grand national, went the way of myself Results: Heat 1: 259 525 315 286 221 288 300 233 39 3 291 164 515 Heat 2: 288 259 286 291 300 233 164 290 413 221 3 8 525 515 315 dnf 39 A-Final: 413 3 290 315 8 221 233 259 164 286 291 288 515 525 39 dnf 300 GN 1: 3 291 259 39 525 290 413 8 300 233 315 286 288 164 515 221 Points: 36 pts 413 matthewb 33 pts 3 Johno 32 pts 259 jimmymuk 25 pts 290 Dazza 22 pts 315 Sybe Racing 18 pts 8 Tosh 17 pts 221 Spike 16 pts 233 Grasser 15 pts 291 Marten 15 pts 286 MrBeef 14 pts 525 Maverick 11 pts 288 Ironmac 9 pts 300 Mattyaspin 9 pts 39 LeeK 8 pts 164 Jarry 0 pts 515 Big Al Next week sees the first title to be decided on the shale, as we visit the Dutch track of Sexbrium and do battle for the Dutch Championship. If you unsure about shale racing, this may be the place to try as there is plenty of room. It should produce some classic racing due to its sweeping nature. The meeting will start at 9pm, so make sure you get youselves booked in. Once again, thanks to everyone that raced tonight. Kevs site will be updated at the weekend, so you can see what you have to do to try and climb the world qualifying points chart in the final round wqhich takes place in two weeks time at Hednesford. Cheers Johno
  17. Added mr Beef
  18. Hello Guys, Tonight sees the 8th round of the world championship qualifying series at Skegness. With only 15 cars booked in, we will run an all in meeting. I have the final grid ready and it will be given out from the final. Can everyone please be in chat for 7:25 for a 7:30 start. Cheers Johno
  19. Accepted until 7pm, and then I will see on the format. Cheers Johno
  20. Thanks for leeting me know Matthew. It maybe all in so we may be in the server. If you come into chat when you arrive, I will be in there and will let you know where we are and the race we are on. Give me a bit of time to reply in case I am racing though Cheers Johno
  21. Hello Guys, Sorry this is not very long, but it is more of a reminder this week due to the time I have and the time it has took me to do the Dutch Preview for Heat F1. This week sees the 8th round of the world championship qualifying series for the rfactor F1 semi finals, which will take place, at this very venue, and Kings Lynn. So far we have had one meeting at Skegness and this was the UK Open Championship which was won by Dazza #290. Dazza currently leads the world championship qualifying standings, and will no doubt have a good balst around Skegness to see which semi final he will pick. This is the last but one chance to score tose all important world championship qualifying points, so if you fancy a rumble, and a chance to get a semi final grid slot, then Thursday, 7:30pm, at Skegness is the place to be. Cheers Johno
  22. Well done to Jarry for being the one to spot my deliberate mistake The date that says 06/07/2008 should read 06/08/2008.
  23. Fixture List Changes The table below shows that we are making some changes to the fixture list. Basically, we are swapping the European Double Headers around in order to give us time to try something different (more details we be given later). Please note that none of the start times have changed. For those eagle eyed people amongst us, I have already made the relevant changes on the site. The fixture lists on the relevant threads have also been edited. Here is the table of the changes; It does mean that the grading period in rfactor will change, but this change will be reflected on Kev’s site more clearly the weekend after Thursday night’s meeting. I can assure you this change will benefit UK Dirt F1, and bring something new and different to proceedings. Cheers Johno
  24. RULE CHANGE As it stands at the minute in rfactor, you are only allowed to change one chassis per season in rfactor. It has however been noted that some drivers just submitted their autumn series skins, or have tried other chassis and found they are more comfortable in a different chassis to the one they have. With this in mind, a couple have asked for the rule to be changed. With this in mind, the rFactor F1 Admin Team will adjust this rule slightly to allow any drivers to make ONE chassis change on Tarmac and ONE chassis change on Shale. This gives a total of TWO chassis changes per season, but DOES NOT give you the right to change your chassis twice on one surface. Drivers are still permitted to use the novice skins when first trying rfactor F1. With this in mind, there will be a skinpack before the Dutch Championship meeting, which is due to take place a week on Thursday. You will still need to submit all grades, so that if your grade changes, you will not need to worry about it. Further details will appear online very shortly.
  25. Hello Guys, Unfortunately the past week, MoR has decided that he wish to step down from his role on the rfactor F1 Admin Team. MoR has been a super servant for nearly 3 years now, helping out with the race managing, dealing with the skin packs, and played a pivotal role in the successful start of rfactor F1. Unfortunately, as with all good things, it had to come to an end, and with him completing college and starting a new job, he has decided to call it a day. One plus point though, is that he will have more time for modelling and designing for the rfactor game, and he still plans on racing when his job allows. On behalf of all the members of the F1 admin team, I would like to thank him for everything that he has done. He has played such a major role in the success of the admin team over the last 3 years that it will be sad to see him go. He is a top guy, and a great friend (especially t me personally).However, that said, we wish him every success for the future, and remind him that he is not to forget us and race with us whenever he can!!! BUT THIS NOW MEANS........ That we have a space vacant in the admin team, and we are specifically looking for someone that would be willing to help out with race managing. Although we don’t work on a set rota, it is roughly once every 3 or 4 weeks. We are also looking for someone who is keen and enthusiastic to take rfactor to the next level, especially with the introduction of the Hotrods. There are some big plans to come, and we would like someone who is willing to help to be a part of it. It is important to remember that you become part of a team, and we are all here to help each other and try and make UK Dirt a great place to race online, so don’t feel that you will be on your own. I'd like to encourage anyone who wants to help to apply, irrespective of whether you think you'll be picked or not as it's always nice to see who would be willing to help us now or in the future. Anyway, if you feel like you are that person that we are looking for, and looking to make UK Dirt rfactor F1 bigger and better, then send your PM’S to me by next Sunday night (13th July). If you do have any queries, then please feel free to either PM me, catch me in chat, or catch me on MSN (johno_no_3@hotmail.co.uk). I think I am considered quite an approachable guy!! I look forward to perhaps hearing from you!! Cheers Johno
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