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Everything posted by Johno3

  1. Hello Guys, Final post of the night from me, is just a case of me saying a few thanks yous for the season. First of all a huge thank you to the Admin Team, I think they have done a fantastic job, considering the circumstances of the season. Nobody has ever tried to run two leagues in one night on UK Dirt, so it was always going to be a trying time, but I think you will all agree that they have done really well, s I would like to thank each and everyone of them. Thanks especially to Kev and Dan. Kev has sorted all of the website out, and stpped in when I disappeared during the time of the hacking. He has also started sorting out the servers as well relieving Dan so he doesnt have to be with us every Thursday. I would like to thank Dan for sorting out the servers during the season, even on days where he had decided he did not want to race. He also helped me in the early days to settle into this role, so thanks very much Dan. I would like to thank those people from outside the Admin team that helped with the previews. Jarry and Dazza are the two that spring to mind (sorry if I missed anyone off). I am sure you will all agree that the previews have been of the highest quality this season, and without the help of these guys it would not be possible. The final thanks must go to each and everyone of you guys that have supported RFactor F1 throughout the season. Without the support of you guy, the league would not of been a success, as I think it is fair to say that despite the trials and tribulations, this season has been a success, and that is in no small part thanks to you. So I am sure I can speak for the rest of the Admin Team when I thnak you all for racing. So how has you season been? Personally, I feel as though I have had a superb Rfactor season. I started the year very lose, nd struggling, an I ended the year at the last meeting challenging for race wins regularly, all be it from blue. Won 2 finals this season, and was just outside the top 10 in the national points, so all in all not too bad. I would consider my season a success Feel free to add your thoughts to that - I am sure Hutch thinks he has room or improvement - after all - he didn't quite win everything Thanks once again guys, and I look forward to seeing you back in 2009. Cheers Johno
  2. As is a UK Dirt tradition, at the end of the season, we always like to have a suggestion thread, where you put forward your thoughts and opinions on the season that has just past, and more importantly, suggest ways that you think would help the Mod to improve. So basically, it is over to you. Please remember not to go slagging people off, and also try not to put down anybodies suggestions. Please feel free to critisize if you feel something has been done, or handle wrongly, but please do so in a constuctive manor, and perhaps suggest a way that your proble could be improved. Also, this thread is for suggestions for the Rfactor league - the Heat league will have their own thread after their final meeting for the season next week. All suggestions will be iscussed at the Admin meeting at the end of the month. Cheers Johno
  3. Here is a summary of the champions for 2008: World Champion: Hutch #331 - Wins a copy of the real life World Final on DVD, plus a trophy from Johno. British Champion: Aub #188 - Wins a copy of the real life British Championship on DVD. European Champion: Hutch #331 - Has recieved a copy of the real life European Championship on DVD. UK Open Champion: Dazza #290 - Has recieved a copy of the real life UK Open Championship on DVD thanks to Grasser Scottish Champion: The Green Genie #298 Dutch Champion: DanSkin #236 Grand National Champion: Hutch #331 Champions of Champions: Sybe #315 Trust Fund Champion: Sybe #315 National Points Champion: Hutch #331 - Wins a copy of DVD, real life F1 2008 Season Review. Whites and Yellows Champion: Johno #3 - Wins a copy of DVD, real life F1 2008 Season Review.
  4. No problem - I just didnt want anyone to get confused thats all. Well done to Davey anyway - always good to get tht first win, and nice to see some white graders winning races too.
  5. Hello Guys, Thanks to everyone who raced tonight. A total of 27 cars took to the track, and the meeting was fraught with action, with the bumpers flying in. In fact you could probably say that the meeting was one of those end of season metings with nothign left to play for. Anyway, onto the results, and its a case of where to start!!! Well done to Daveyboy for taking the whites and yellows race, and Sybe who took the Blues reds and surperstars race. Infact this was the first of 3 races that Sybe was to win on the evening, as he went on to take the Trust Final and the Champions of Champions race, so well done to him. As for the meeting, it was Jimmy that took the meeting final. Jimmy is the only driver to win an F1 final at Northampton, having won the final at all 3 meetings that have been raced there this season. Thats some feat so well done Jimmy. Here are the rest of the results for the evening. Results: W+Y: 380 74 11 248 500 561 221 525 149 192 B+R+S/S: 315 8 137 259 413 136 18 112 288 188 *Heat 1: 3 39 500 331 233 112 525 188 74 259 *Heat 2: 531 136 8 18 413 137 188 318 112 500 *Heat 3: 8 18 331 11 74 137 233 259 288 525 *A-Final: 259 137 288 39 3 315 188 18 318 331 *GN 1: 8 531 331 3 11 137 112 188 259 315 Trust Fund Final: 315 136 259 531 18 188 112 318 3 137 Champions of Champions: 315 331 136 259 233 3 137 318 188 11 *Points: 33 pts 259 jimmymuk 32 pts 137 MoR 30 pts 3 Johno 26 pts 8 tosh874 24 pts 331 HUTCH 23 pts 39 LeeK 20 pts 18 marky 19 pts 288 Ironmac 18 pts 531 Lee 17 pts 188 Aub 14 pts 315 Sybe Racing 12 pts 11 chevy 9 pts 112 Tom D 7 pts 136 Kruiz 7 pts 318 db 7 pts 500 Allstar 6 pts 233 Grasser 5 pts 74 razza 4 pts 413 matthewb 3 pts 525 Maverick 0 pts 149 Kev 0 pts 177 tbentley 0 pts 192 Kendo 0 pts 221 Spike 0 pts 248 Tinman 0 pts 380 davey boy 0 pts 561 Murf Can I just say it was great to see so many new faces. I would be interested to hear what they thought of the racing. And what about the idea of running the meeting from the server, rather than keep coming and going from chat. Did we like this idea? Should we be looking to do this more next year, if not all the time? And finally, was 27 cars all in too much? One of the things that I have discussed with one of the Amind team, which I will discuss at the admin meeting with the rest of the team is to do similar to real life, and have a cap on the car numbers depending on the size of the track. For example, Sexberium would hold 27 cars comforatbly, but I am not sure we would dream of putting that amount on say Belle Vue. Somethng to be thinking about and discussing perhaps? Anyway, thats it from me in terms of results, there are more posts to come you way dont worry!! Cheers Johno
  6. Sorry to burst the bubble, but Daveyboy did not win the whites and yellows title. I am afraid it was just a whites and yellows race, as the whites and yellows title was raced over 14 rounds, and done as a points paying championship. Full details can be found on Kev's site, but I will put it in my championships round up later tonight. HOWEVER A big well done to Daevyboy on his first race win - shame he had to leave the meeting! Cheers Johno
  7. No problem tBentley - thanks very much for letting us know, and we look forward to seeing you race in the new season. Cheers Johno
  8. Hello, Welcome to the final meeting on the UK Dirt calendar which tonight will take place at NIR - with a superb attendance of 27!!! Tonight we are going to try and un the meeting from the server. Of course this is something a little new, and if it dont work, we will just return to MiRC and go from there, but it seemed to work last night when i was testing. In order for this to be a success, the grids will be announced once in the practice before the race, and then as soon as we get into that race mode, then I will announce them again. If you are not down to race, please do not come out on track, but feel free to watch the races - thats why we are trying this out after all. With all that over and done with, here are the grids for tonights meeting: W+Y: 149, 177, 248, 380, 11, 74, 192, 221, 500, 525, 531, 561 (NORMAL GRADE PLACES) B+R+SS: 3, 8, 18, 39, 112, 315, 137, 188, 233, 259, 288, 318, 413, 136, 331 (NORMAL GRADE PLACES) Heat 1: 149, 177, 380, 74, 221, 500, 525, 561, 3, 39, 112, 315, 188, 233, 259, 318, 136, 331 Heat 2: 149, 248, 11, 192, 221, 500, 531, 561 3, 8, 18, 112, 137, 188, 288, 318, 413, 136 Heat 3: 177, 248, 380, 11, 74, 192, 525, 531, 8, 18, 39, 315, 137, 233, 259, 288, 413, 331 FINAL: This means the grid for the final is as follows: WHITES: 177 - 149 248 - 380 YELLOWS 192 - 561 221 - 525 11 - 531 74 - 500 BLUES 18 - 39 3 - 315 112 - 8 REDS 188 - 233 288 - 318 137 - 259 413 S/S 136 - 331 GN: ALL IN TRUST FUND FINAL: Depends on results of the Trust Fund Heats CoC: 11, 8, 3, 315, 39, 188, 233, 318, 137, 259, 413, 136, 331 SO THE GRID LOOKS AS FOLLOWS: ROW 1: 11 - 8 ROW 2: 3 - 315 ROW 3: 39 - 188 ROW 4: 233 - 318 ROW 5: 137 - 259 ROW 6: 413 - 136 ROW 7: 331 Well thats everything for now. All that is left for me to say is that I hope you enjoy the final meeting of the season, and thank you very much for supporting us throughout the season. Cheers Johno
  9. Added - you and Murf will start from yellow Kendo, and then we see how you do tonight and adjust it from there
  10. No problems - added
  11. All added And welcome Murf - the more the merrier!!!!
  12. Post below until about 7:30pm.
  13. Hello Guys, As it is the final meeting of the season, and all of the championships in Rfactor F1 are now resolved (well except the Champions of Champions race which comes at the end of the night), the Admin team and I have decided that we would like to try something a little different, both with the format, and the way that the meeting is run. THE FORMAT - Race 1: Whites and Yellows Race - Race 2: Blues, Reds and Superstars Race - Heat 1* - Heat 2* - Heat 3* - Final* - GN* - Trust Fund final - Champions of Champions Race As you can see, the main difference is the first 2 races, which is somethign slightly different, and the Trust Fund Final. - Races 1 and 2 will be used to come up with the grid for the Trust Fund Final. - The Trust Fund will be closed grid. - The whites and yellows will be at the front of the grid, with the winner of the race taking pole poition, 2nd in the race front row outside, third in the race 2nd row inside, 4th in the race, 2nd row outside etc etc - The blues, Reds and Superstars will line up behind the whites and yellows, again with the winner of their race being the front of their particular pack. 2nd will line up next, followed by 3rd, and 4th etc etc. - All races marked with a * count towards the National Points THE WAY THE MEETING IS RUN Normally, we all meeting in chat at 8:25pm, and then at about 8:30pm, the meeting starts, with us then using MiRC chat as the base for us to keep coming back too. Well the times WILL stay the same, but the meeting base will not be in MiRC Chat. Instead it will be run inside the server. I will run the meeting inside the server, and we will not leave the server fr the evening. If you are not called to race, then obviously when we switch to race mode, you do not go out to race, HOWEVER, this does mean that you are now able to become a spectator for the races that you are not a part of. With the camera options available in RFactor, you really can take the position of a spectator, and by moving yor mouse, even get the feeling of moving your head. This is what Kev does week in week out when he stewards, and he thinks it is fantastic, and I must admit, when I have the chance, I do it too, and I must say I enjoy it. This meeting will give you the chance to enjoy these spectating options. THE CHAMPIONS OF CHAMPIONS QUALIFERS This is open to any driver that has won a final this season. This means that 18 drivers are elligible to race. Those drivers are the following (plus the winner of tomorrows final, if they have not already won one): Jimmy #259 Hutch #331 Dazza #290 LeeK #39 Kruiz #136 Sybe #315 Johno #3 MatthewB #413 MoR #137 Marten #291 DanSkin #236 DB #318 Tosh #8 TheGreenGenie #298 Aub #188 Chevy #11 Jarry #164 Grasser #233 The race will be the last race of the season, and will be run over 20laps, Grades within grades, according to the National Points chart. Well that is the plan for the last meeting of the season. We do hope that you will support us, as you have done, throughout the season. We have been very pleased with the way the season has gone, and it would be the icing on the cake so to speak with we was to have a good attendance for the final meeting of the season - so do yoursel a favour, and get yourself booked in. Cheers Johno
  14. Hello Guys, Just a quick query for you...... Wednesday 12th November........ would anyone be interested in having a final blast for the season in an F1 around Skegness, in the mean time supporting the Hot Rods in their second championship on the season - THE UK DIRT HOT ROD EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP. Again this would be one of our meetings where we double up, and no points will be awarded (being looked into for 2009), but Skegness has produced some epic racing this season, and I for one would like to have one more outing before having a month or so off!!!! Anyway, if there are enough takers, then we will run an F1 meeting...... if not, we will give it a miss. And of course...... whilst you are racing your F1.... give the Hot Rods a try. With practice before each race, it is not hard to race the two - believe me. Anyway, worth a shot perhaps..... Cheers Johno EDIT - HERE IS THE BOOKING LIST SO FAR FOR WEDNESDAY NIGHT - Johno #3 - Walker #74 - Allstar #500 - Aub #188 - Daveyboy #380 - Kruiz #136 - Chevy #11 - FatDave #488 - Tosh #8 - Spike #221 - Tinman #248 - Wrighty #496 - Earache #492 - Ironmac #288 - TomD #112 - Lee #531 Total cars: 16
  15. I know that I announced it the other day, but I can now confirm that Hutch has definately won the ational Points championship as he has a 70 points lead, with only 65 points available at NIR on Thursday. Congratulations once again to Hutch. Apart from the middle of the season, he has raced most meetings, and scored very heavily, averaging a superb 38 plus for the season. I am not 100% sure, but I think this is only better by 1 man in F1 history, and tht was Corny #391. So well done to Hutch once again. Comisserations to Dazza. He certainly gave it his all and pushed Hutch for all of the season except the final meeting, which is a superb effort in itself. So, well done once again Hutch: 2008 UK DIRT RFACTOR F1 NATIONAL POINTS CHAMPION
  16. Superb Video Kruiz. Really good to see videos coming out, especially ones looking right from a drivers perspective. Cheers Johno
  17. We normally start in the middle of March. At the moment we are discussing dates for next season, not only for rfactor, but for Heat also. Should we start in the middle of march, then as a team, or if anyone else would like to organise something, we will try to come up with a mini winter series, similar to last years SNT to try and wet the appetite a little bit. Dont forget, the server will also be open on a Thursday night also Cheers Johno
  18. First of all letme apologise for not being around last night. I have not been well at all and stuck in bed for the last few days. I was gutted to give up on pole position believe me. Congratualtions to Hucth on taking the Grand National title. With a solid performance in the meeting too, I think that Hutch has won the National points, as he has a 70 point lead with 65 being the maximum a driver can score. I will get Kev to confirm this, but if it is true well doen to Hutch on taking the title, and to Dazza for pushig him so hard. I bet next year will be even closer! Well done to Kruiz on taking the meeting final. I know yo really wanted that win. Who knos, with more time next year, wecould be looking at a 3 way points chase? Anyway, thanks to everyone that took part in the meeting, Mav for running it, and Kev of taking care of the servers. Cheers Johno
  19. Top preview once again Mav - great work. Fingers crossed, Kev will whisper to me to go so I can set off early - and then maybe, just maybe I wil stand a chance Anyway, get yourselves booked in for the pernultimate meetinfg of the rfactor season. Cheers Johno
  21. It's only 24 hours away!!
  22. Superb write up Drumbstick. Thanks very much for that sir Cheers Johno
  23. Well done Hutch. Drove a good race.
  24. Hello Guys, I think the 9 drivers that raced tonight will be known as the Hednesford 9!! Despite the low numbers, there was still some good racing, which was good to see. The final was good, but I didnt realise it was the last lap, or I would have had a ludge at you MrBeef. Results Heat 1, 8, 290, 11, 112, 286,599, 3, 300, 248 Heat 2, 300, 3, 290, 112, 286, 8, 248, 599 Final, 8, 290, 286, 3, 112, 248, 300, 599 Well done to tosh for taking the final. I think in the future, meaning next season, we will look to make some wednesday meetings for points. We will also look to make sure we have a server available for practice too, at all times. Easily done, just things we need to think about. Small matter of the world final tomorrow........... World final race is first on, so if you fancy trying out the hot rods, under no pressure, than tomorrow is the chance to do so. Rfactor is getting stronger on UK Dirt, and in order to make it better, we need you guys to support and enjoy the events!! So come join in the fun!!! Thanks agin to everyne for tonight, and for Jarry and the Hot Rod team for haivng us. Cheers Johno
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